Friday, July 31, 2015

Exorcism Performed In Public Park - Video!

While Kerry Ponders, America's Fate Teeters!

'Lone Wolf' Now America's MOST Liberal Governor!

Republican Party of Pennsylvania Communications Director Megan Sweeney released the following statement regarding news that Governor Tom Wolf has been named the most liberal governor in America by research website FindTheBest with research from OnTheIssues. The findings were published on The Huffington Post website.
“Governor Tom Wolf’s extreme liberal agenda is now turning heads on a national level,” Sweeney said. “Since being sworn into office, Governor Tom Wolf’s answer to almost every issue in government is higher taxes, bigger government, and more spending. In just six months, Governor Tom Wolf has proposed higher sales, energy and income taxes, and pushed for new taxes everything from diapers and day care to nursing home care and even caskets. No wonder he scored a 9 out of 10 on the liberal scale when it comes to economic issues.
“This study confirmed what Pennsylvanians have quickly learned over the past six months: Tom Wolf is more concerned about furthering his extreme liberal agenda than practical solutions for our Commonwealth. Thankfully, our record Republican majorities in the state Senate and state House will continue to stand up for Pennsylvania families and against extreme liberals such as Governor Tom Wolf.”

Tom Wolf’s First Six Months: A Far-Left Failure

Fewer Jobs…
Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate has jumped from 5.1% in January 2015 to 5.4% in May 2015.
  • 24,400 new Pennsylvanians are out of work under Governor Tom Wolf. (“Economy at a Glance,” United States Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics) 
Proposed Higher Taxes…
Governor Tom Wolf’s budget proposal called for a 21% increase in the personal income tax and a 10% increase in the sales tax.  (“Proposed Budget: Governor Wolf's Proposed FY 2015-16 General Fund Budget,” PA House Republicans, Accessed 7/23/2015)
The budget proposal expanded the sales tax to include the following items:
Massive New Spending…
Governor Tom Wolf proposed increasing the state budget by an unsustainable $4.8 billion.  This proposed change is greater than all of the budget increases over the past 10 years COMBINED. (“Proposed Budget: Governor Wolf's Proposed FY 2015-16 General Fund Budget,” PA House Republicans, Accessed 7/23/2015)
A Unanimously Rejected Budget…
On June 1, 2015, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives – both Republicans and Democrats -  unanimously rejected Governor Tom Wolf’s budget proposal by a vote of 0-193. (House Bill 283 PN 0282, 6/1/2015)
Meaningful Pension Reform Blocked…
On June 30, 2015, the Pennsylvania General Assembly sent Governor Wolf pension reform legislation to address a combined $53 billion deficit.  The legislation would require new state workers to participate in a 401(k) style pension while preserving the defined-benefit program for existing employees.
Public pensions costs consume 60 cents of every new dollar of state revenues." (Brad Bumsted and Melissa Daniels, "Pa. Legislature approves $29.1B budget; Corbett withholds signature," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 6/30/2014)

Keeping PA Liquor Laws in the Twentieth Century…

On June 30, 2015 - for the first time in over 80 years - the Pennsylvania General Assembly approved legislation to privatize liquor sales in the Commonwealth.   The legislation would have provided all Pennsylvanians with the same choice and convenience that 48 other states currently enjoy. (HB 466, 6/30/3015)
  • In his message vetoing the liquor privatization legislation, Governor Wolf stated: “It makes bad business sense for the Commonwealth and consumers to sell off an asset, especially before maximizing its value.  During consideration of this legislation, it became abundantly clear that this plan would result in higher prices for consumers.” (Jan Murphy, “Wolf vetoes liquor privatization plan,” Harrisburg Patriot News, 7/2/2015)
13 days after vetoing the liquor proposal, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board increased bottle handling fees by 40% on spirits and 633% on wine; costs that will certainly be passed on to the consumer. (Kari Andren and Brad Bumsted, “Pa. LCB approves bottle fee for new items; will consumers pay more?,” Pittsburgh Tribune Review, 7/15/2015)
Funding For Critical Services Single-Handedly Stopped…
As a result of working for special interests and an extreme liberal ideology, Governor Wolf completely vetoed the following line-items so they have been effectively defunded:

  • Pennsylvania Public Schools
  • Rape Crisis Centers
  • Breast Cancer Screenings
  • Domestic Violence Prevention
  • Veterans Homes
  • Disability Services (“2015-2016 Budget Proposal,” PA House Republicans, Accessed 7/23/2015)

Seven Senators To Decide Planned P'hood Fate!

Here is a special, urgent message from

Public pressure is mounting to defund Planned Parenthood. 

A vote to cut off taxpayer funding is now scheduled for the Senate this coming Monday

We need you to call your two Senators today! 

Tell them: “I urge you to halt all funding of Planned Parenthood while Congress conducts an investigation. No organization that trafficks in the sale of human body parts from abortion should receive any support from the United States government!” 

Four undercover videos have shown high-ranking officials from Planned Parenthood engaged in the negotiating, sales, and trafficking of baby body parts. The evidence suggests that Planned Parenthood is violating existing federal laws! 

That’s why we need public hearings. The funding must stop so Congress can get to the bottom of this now. 

You don’t have to be a pro-life activist to realize that it’s wrong for American taxpayers to give over $500 million in taxpayer money to an organization accused of such heinous acts against children. 

Democratic Senators are expected to mount a vicious fight to prevent the Senate from getting to a final vote. That’s why if you live in Alaska, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia your call is especially important. 

Here are the seven Senators who need pressure right now


Sen. Lisa Murkowski, (R-AK) 202-224-6665 
Sen. Mark Kirk, (R-IL) 202-224-2854 
Sen. Susan Collins, (R-ME) 202-224-2523 


Sen. Joe Donnelly, (D-IN) 202-224-4814 
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, (D-ND) 202-224-2043 
Sen. Bob Casey, (D-PA) 202-224-6324 
Sen. Joe Manchin III, (D-WV) 202-224-3954 

Don’t see your Senators on this list? Find the phone numbers of your two Senators right here: 

How strongly is public sentiment against Planned Parenthood? So much so that even Hillary Clinton felt compelled to call what was revealed in the videos “disgusting.” But Hillary’s line was totally phony. Within 24 hours, she publicly announced: “I stand with Planned Parenthood.” 

Planned Parenthood has received billions of taxpayer dollars over the decades, and has many friends in the media, and on Capitol Hill. 

But these videos have awakened the American people to what’s going on behind the closed doors of Planned Parenthood. 

We have to seize this moment and defund this abortion giant. 

Please make the call. 

'Tolerance,' You Say? Well, How Tolerant Are YOU?

Don't Be Fooled By That Boy Scout 'Evolution'

The great Christine Flowers has written a wonderful column in today's Philadelphia Daily News and it's been picked up by the Dallas Morning News and other papers. It concerns the Boy Scouts of America's recent decision to allow gay scoutmasters.
Here's an excerpt:
Scouts will now be taught that gender and sexual orientation are fungible things. In other words, their scoutmasters and den mothers no longer have to keep their sexuality in the closet, and can publicize their intimate lives.
Because really, that's what BSA national head Robert Gates meant when he said that gay, and to a lesser extent lesbian, adults will no longer be barred from positions of authority in the organization.
Up until now, gay and lesbian employees of the Scouts were welcome to participate in all activities and at all levels, just so long as they didn't talk about who they were sleeping with. Sexual preference, which had no relevance to the good work of the organization, was an inappropriate topic regardless of orientation. My mother was a Cub Scout den leader for a few years in the 1970s and not once did she start a meeting by handing out juice and cookies while saying, "You know, boys, Mr. Flowers and I have a fulfilling sex life."
Eight-year-olds don't care, 10-year-olds might care, 12-year-olds do care and 14-year-olds are 14-year-olds, but none of them should have to confront the issue of their adult leaders' sexual orientation at the Pinewood Derby.
That's why this whole same-sex crusade to drag the Scouts into the tolerant light of the 21st century is so hypocritical, as are the pious pronouncements from advocates about how "it's for the kids."
No, it's not. As I've been saying for years, ever since the City of, ahem, Brotherly Love bullied the local Cradle of Liberty chapter into either accepting gay Scout leaders (and, as an afterthought, gay children) or vacating the building they'd erected, paid for and maintained for almost a century. The Scouts won that battle, but it was ultimately a Pyrrhic victory once Anthony Kennedy started writing his Harlequin Romance novels, disguised as legitimate legal precedent.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Is The Past Really Prologue? Is It? Really?

Looking at this picture we may in fact be gazing upon the past and the future.

After all, it has happened at least once before!

Judicial Watch: Kerry Stalling On Clinton Emails

Judicial Watch announced today that Secretary of State John Kerry asked a court to delay by nearly 40 days his obligation to answer a Judicial Watch lawsuit that seeks to force Kerry to take steps to “recover emails of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton” and other U.S. Department of State employees (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. John F. Kerry (No. 1:15-cv-00785)). 

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit on May 28, and the State Department is obligated to answer the complaint on August 7, but the State Department is seeking an extraordinary 38 more days to answer the complaint.

Judicial Watch notes in its opposition to the delay that Kerry has already had 60 days to respond to the Judicial Watch lawsuit. Judicial Watch notes that the concerns about unsecured classified information on Clinton’s email system increases the urgency of the issue:

This case involves the removal and ongoing failure to recover agency records. Nearly every day brings new, startling revelations of possible destruction of these records and Defendant’s continuing failure to recover them. See Exh. B (Michael S. Schmidt, No Copies of Clinton Emails, Lawyer Says, N.Y. Times, July 24, 2015). Even more disturbing, many of which apparently contain classified information. See Exh. C (Michael S. Schmidt and Matt Apuzzo, Hillary Clinton Emails Said to Contain Classified Data, N.Y. Times, July 24, 2015). While Defendant would like 98 days to fashion a response to the Complaint, time is of the essence in taking action to recover these records.

Kerry argues to delay the lawsuit by consolidating it with a case brought by Cause of Action Institute. The Cause of Action lawsuit argues the same legal theory as Judicial Watch’s lawsuit, was filed nearly six weeks after Judicial Watch filed its complaint, and raises no new legal issues that require 38 days of legal work.

Judicial Watch attorneys note to the Court that if the two lawsuits against Kerry are so similar that they require consolidation, then Secretary should be able to respond to both complaints next week. Consolidating two or more lawsuits is supposed to be used “avoid unnecessary cost or delay” under federal court rules.

While at the State Department, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton conducted official government business using unsecured email server and email accounts. Her top aides and advisors also used non-“” email accounts to conduct official business. Clinton left office February 1, 2013.

Judicial Watch sued Kerry after the State Department failed to take action on a letter to Kerry “notifying him of the unlawful removal of the Clinton emails and requesting that he initiate enforcement action pursuant to the FRA,” including working through the Attorney General to recover the emails.

“Secretary of State Kerry and the Obama administration are obstructing the courts at every turn on the Clinton email scandal,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Secretary Kerry doesn’t want to answer to the public or to the court about why he hasn’t taken steps required by law to secure Hillary Clinton’s emails, which he knows includes unsecured classified material. The law requires quick action and our lawsuit may be the best vehicle for finally forcing action to recover and preserve all the government documents and classified information Mrs. Clinton is unlawfully keeping.”

Hume On The 'Brutal Business' Of Baby Body Parts

Three More Dems Eyeing Presidential Race

Yes, it's true.
With Hillary Clinton's campaign faltering amidst a shaky start, plunging poll numbers, a possible criminal investigation, evasive tactics and renewed allegations of marital infidelity surrounding Bill, Democrats are worried. Very worried.
The inevitability of Hillary doesn't seem quite so inevitable anymore.
And the Donald Trump candidacy has made Hillary seem more secretive, calculating and inauthentic than ever. Trump is a sharp contrast the the smug, established power the Clintons represent. His brash "realness" makes Hillary seem like plasticwoman.
So, it shouldn't surprise you that three major Democrat heavyweights are eyeing a presidential run.
In alphabetical order, here they are:
Joe Biden. Biden's top guy has reportedly already met with big time donors and is feeling out the money sources while the Biden people are said to be putting an initial campaign structure in place. After the death of his son, people say that Biden is contemplative but nonetheless passionate. He has a real sense of the value of time and a chance that he will probably never have again.
Al Gore. Gore has never gotten over his 2000 loss. Never. Let's face it, the guy easily won the popular vote. Ouch! And, since he's been out of the public eye for quite awhile, Gore is said to feel he can present himself to the American people anew. We hear he's tanned, rested and ready.
John Kerry. Kerry wants to wrap up this Iran deal and win the Nobel Prize. But he also reportedly has another run in mind. Few public figures (save perhaps for President Obama himself) are more vain and self-absorbed than Kerry. Like Obama, Kerry always thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. He feels he was cheated out of the Big Job once. So, in Kerry's eyes, we owe him.
Any one of these three (or even all of them) could jump in at any time now.
They may be older (nearly all the leaders of the national Democrat Party are). They may be beat up (nearly all the "new"ideas of the Democrat Party are). But their appetite for power has yet to be sated.
It's gonna be interesting!

Christie VS Clinton: Who's More Accessible?

The record in New Hampshire thus far speaks for itself.

New Planned Parenthood Video: How To 'Spin' Sale Of Baby Body Parts!

The fourth video in a shocking, disturbing and macabre series!

Sweeney's Classic Dem 'Solution' - Borrow More!

From our friends at the Save Jersey Blog:
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
This one shouldn’t require much explanation, Save Jerseyans.

Not content to rule only New Jersey’s future, gubernatorial aspirant and incumbent Senate President Steve Sweeney is in the news today after floating a “plan” for a trillion dollar, multi-state bailout of our country’s many under-capitalized state-based public pension systems. “We are glad that Senate President Sweeney continues to explore every possible option for helping New Jersey responsibly meet its pension obligations,” chimed in NJEA President Wendell Steinhauer.

Every “option” except for those that would fix the root problems, of course.

Which is convenient for Trenton’s elites. Sweeney’s plan doesn’t require them to do a damn thing other than what they already do best… shift blame and put their hands out!

No hard choices need to be made. No adult discussions or real reform.

Until the next crisis?

Keep in mind that this crisis is one of their own making. “In 2001, government employees and teachers benefits were increased by 9%, creating an additional $4.2 billion in liabilities,” Save Jersey contributor Joe Sinagra explained earlier this year. “In 1999, the state approved a ’20 and out’ measure that allowed firefighters and local police to collect pensions equal to 50% of their pay after 20 years of service . . . a perk formerly reserved only to the state police. Benefits added since 1999 have increased liabilities into the billions.” They kicked the can down the road. Repeatedly, all while buying votes with pension promises.

The end result: a fatally-flawed system where an NJEA member, retiring in 2018, contributes a relatively meager $126,000 to his or her pension and health benefit costs over the course of 30 years! Despite withdrawing approximately $2.4 million in benefits in that time. I know mathematics isn’t in vogue these days but holy shit…

And by the way, who is going to end up paying for this new federal debt load? New Jersey, folks, since our state gets the worst return on its federal tax dollars of any state in the union.

Again, I get why this plan is cool for the guy who thinks he’s our next governor. Anyone else who votes for it needs to be institutionalized. Real leaders don’t ask other people to solve their problems.

Time For Bi-State, Bipartisan DRPA Reform!

New Jersey Assistant Senate Republican Leader Joe Pennacchio stated the following about a troubling unilateral appointment by Pennsylvania’s governor to the Delaware River Port Authority board, which was exposed by the Philadelphia Daily News:

“Today’s Daily News exposé is yet another example of why the DRPA, with its continuing history of corruption, cronyism, waste, abuse and billions of dollars in debt, simply cannot operate unchecked. Our bi-state, bipartisan reform legislation would prevent unilateral DRPA appointments by Pennsylvania’s governor, just as any DRPA commissioner nominees by New Jersey’s governor must be approved in public by New Jersey’s Senate before being allowed on the board.

“Instead of appointing members who can have a positive effect for the commuters and taxpayers the current system continues to prove once again it's not what you know but who you know that gets you appointed to the DRPA. Expressions that the DRPA can police itself are once again proven specious. Legislative oversight must be applied.

“Elected officials in both states need no more motivation to protect commuters, taxpayers and economic interests in New Jersey and Pennsylvania by enacting this legislation,” said Pennacchio, a veteran Senate Transportation committeeman. “Pennsylvania’s legislature is doing its part, and in New Jersey, we have 15 bipartisan New Jersey Senate sponsors. The Assembly Speaker publicly stated his confidence for passing this bill, which his fellow Assembly Democrat publicly vowed to introduce.”

In April 2014, Senator Pennacchio and legislative leaders from Pennsylvania introduced bipartisan crafted and supported bi-state legislation to reform the DRPA. For the second consecutive legislative session, the bill, S-2013, has been unanimously passed by Republicans and Democrats in Pennsylvania’s Senate. The Pennsylvania House is poised to act on the bill.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Revealed: The Absurdity Of Our Current Situation!

Don't Miss Art Splash At Phila. Museum Of Art!

  • Art Splash is a summer-long festival that celebrates art, imagination, and creative play for all ages.
Explore the ways artists present the natural world in the Splash Gallery, make art in the Splash Studio, and tour the Museum with the new mobile app inspired by the book "A is for Art Museum".
Return throughout the summer to experience it all. Art Splash is presented by PNC Arts Alive.

  • July 28–August 9: T is for Trees
  • August 11–23: S is for Shadows
  • August 25–September 7: A is for Animals

Booker, Menendez Slammed For ExM Bank Vote

Americans for Prosperity, New Jersey's leading grassroots, free-market group, is slamming New Jersey Senators Cory Booker and Bob Menendez for voting  to revive the Export-Import Bank. 
“Senators Booker and Menendez had an opportunity yesterday to stand with American taxpayers, but instead chose to side with the forces of corporate welfare cronyism with their vote to bring back Ex-Im,” charged Americans for Prosperity State Director Erica Klemens.
“The American people should not be forced to give one more cent to this corrupt institution which costs our economy jobs, puts the American taxpayer at risk of massive bailouts, and unfairly benefits politically-connected big corporations – including many foreign corporations –  at the expense of smaller firms here in the U.S.”
“Over the past two decades, Ex-Im has dished out more than $75 billion to interests in countries like China, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia,” continued Klemens. “Those are dollars which could have provided tax relief to our citizens and small businesses here at home and would have done far more to grow our economy.”
“The Export-Import Bank is big government cronyism at its worst and Sen. Booker and Menendez’ vote was wrong. The American people deserve an economy rooted in fairness and free markets, not the kind of cronyism fueled by institutions like Ex-Im.”

Americans for Prosperity has led the fight against re-authorizing the Export-Impact Bank. AFP’s Key Vote alert on yesterday’s Senate measure can be found here. The pro-taxpayer group is also urging members of the House of Representatives to oppose any legislation which would resurrect Ex-Im.

'Sylvia' Producers Seek Canine To Be 'Face' Of Show

Producers of the Broadway revival of SYLVIA, the modern romantic comedy about a midlife crisis, empty nesters, commitment, therapists, and a dog who is life-changing, announced today that there will be an open call for a K-9 model to be the real-life face of the dog played by Annaleigh Ashford. The selected dog will have its picture built into the set, and the photo will be revealed at the end of every performance during a scene where Sylvia’s owner looks at a photo of her.

Auditions for “the face” of SYLVIA will be held on Monday, August 3, 2015, at the Daryl Roth Theatre (101 East 15th Street). Dog owners wishing to have their dog seen for consideration can email with a the name, breed, age and gender of their dog, along with a photo. Check-in will begin at at 2:30pm, with auditions starting at 3:00pm.

Owners are asked to prepare a 60-second bio for their dog, as well as one special trick for their pet to do. In addition, all dogs will be asked to demonstrate their ability to “stay” and pose for a photo.

The owner of the chosen dog will receive a pair of tickets to the opening night performance of SYLVIA on Tuesday, October 27, 2015, at the Cort Theatre (138 W. 48th Street). 

From Tony Award-winning® director Daniel Sullivan (Proof, Glengarry Glen Ross) and two-time Pulitzer Prize nominee A. R. Gurney (The Dining Room, Love Letters), Sylvia stars a brilliant cast of acclaimed comedians: Tony Award winner Matthew Broderick, Tony winner Julie White, Robert Sella, and fresh from her Tony-winning performance in You Can't Take It with YouAnnaleigh Ashford as Broadway’s friskiest new heroine. This wonderful look into the complexities of love and commitment asks what it truly means to be devoted to your partner…and how do you choose between the love of your life and man’s best friend?

Tickets for SYLVIA are available for purchase online at or by calling (212) 239-6200. Previews begin Friday, October 2, 2015.

Sneak Peek: Broadway Come To Philadelphia!

Airs July 30, 2015 on NBC 10!
Join NBC's Brittney Shipp tomorrow and get a backstage pass to some of the hottest Broadway shows making a stop here in Philly!

Free Library's Favorite Videos Of Noted Authors!

Video Roundup!
Favorite Livestreams of Author Events from the Free Library of Philadelphia:

Let Me Be Frank With You

How to Build a Girl

The Book of Aron; The Last Flight of Poxl West

Hold Still: A Memoir with Photographs

Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt

Words Without Music

The Whites

The Buried Giant

Hush Hush; Canary 

Ordinary Light; The Light of the World 

Free Library Author Events

Andy Kahan, Ruth W. and A. Morris Williams Director, Author Events
Laura Kovacs, Associate Director
Jason Freeman, Program Associate

phone: 215-567-4341 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How Hillary Answers 'Yes Or No' Question; Video

After hearing Hillary's answer, tell us: Is she in favor of the Keystone Pipeline or against it? Huh?

Racism: Who Really IS A Racist?

Christie Announces Major Police Body Cam Effort

Important News!
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Acting Attorney General Hoffman Announce Statewide Body Camera Initiative For Law Enforcement
Christie Administration Body Camera Initiative Strengthens Policing & Community Relations

“That's why I've been an advocate for body cameras for law enforcement. I think law enforcement should want to have what they do recorded. For their own safety and protection and for the safety and protection of the people they serve. In Camden…we've really had a renaissance there not only in terms of reduction of crime…but also a new approach to policing. We're really doing community policing in Camden. We have more police officers on the street and on foot and on bicycle. They're interacting with the public in a much different way and we're seeing the police force and the community, predominantly minority community in Camden, really working together to reduce crime. I think Camden is a great example of what can be done across the country. But it's going to take work.”
 Governor Christie, May 12, 2015

Governor Christie announced today that the Attorney General’s Office will be fully equipping the New Jersey State Police force with body cameras and offering local police grant funding to purchase these devices to strengthen community policing.  In conjunction, the Acting Attorney General issued a statewide policy establishing guidance for proper use of the devices. Provisions of the new initiative include:    

  • Purchase by the New Jersey State Police of approximately 1,000 body cameras for State Troopers through $1.5 million in funding.
  • Allocation of $2.5 million in criminal forfeiture funds to help local police departments buy body cameras. 
  • Authorization of an offset of up to $500 for each body camera or camera “package,” including body camera and related equipment.
Acting Attorney General Hoffman also issued a new directive today to make commonsense changes that build on New Jersey’s widely respected use of force investigation practices.  These changes will continue to ensure independent and impartial investigations and bring greater transparency to all police-involved shootings and deadly force incidents in New Jersey. 

Throughout his Administration, Governor Christie has encouraged community policing across all New Jersey municipalities, most notably in Camden. Combating a public safety crisis, Governor Christie has taken aggressive action to bring about a sweeping reformation of their police services. With the support of the Christie Administration, the City and County of Camden implemented a ground-breaking reform by creating a county-wide force that is putting more officers on the streets of Camden, and more resources at their disposal. Governor Christie has been an advocate for continued discussion on positive engagement and outreach by law enforcement to the communities they serve.

·         More Officers On The Streets: Under the reorganization, the number of police officers patrolling Camden’s streets has already increased from 160 to 376. With another class of cadets already in training, the force will increase to over 400 officers.

·         Cutting Edge Crime-Fighting Technology: The new Camden County Police Force is utilizing state-of-the-art technology and techniques to combat the city’s crime epidemic. From its Real-Time Crime Center, the new force can monitor over 120 city-wide cameras and 35 microphones that can instantly pinpoint the exact location of a gunshot.

·         A Focus On Community Outreach: City and police officials are emphasizing outreach to community leaders and one-on-one interactions between officers and residents as a cornerstone to integrating the new police force within the neighborhoods they patrol and making the people partners in the effort to curb violence.

Early Signs Of Progress:

2012 was the most violent year in the City of Camden’s history, when it ranked as the most violent city in the nation.  While there is more work to be done, there have already been signs of progress in curbing crime in the city. As of July 2015, Camden experienced sharp reductions in crime compared with the same point in 2012:

·         57% Percent Reduction In Homicides
·         42% Percent Drop In Robberies
·         24% Percent Reduction In Aggravated Assaults
·         30% Percent Overall Drop In Violent Crime
·         30% Percent Reduction in Non-Violent Crime

“But mostly, the police have changed their culture. Officers have been moved from desk jobs and squad cars onto walking beats, in what Chief J. Scott Thomson likens to a political campaign to overcome years of mistrust. …

“And while the unrest in Ferguson, Mo., has drawn attention to long-simmering hostilities between police departments and minority communities, Camden is becoming an example of the opposite.

“‘We’re not going to do this by militarizing streets,’ Chief Thomson said. Instead, he sent officers to knock on doors and ask residents their concerns. He lets community leaders monitor surveillance cameras from their home computers to help watch for developing crime..

“The police have held meet-the-officer fairs at parks and churches, attended baseball games and sent Mister Softee trucks into neighborhoods. Officers stand at school crossings and on corners where drugs and violence flourished. Chief Thomson’s theory is that in a city of 77,000, there are thousands more well-intentioned people than bad, and that the police must enlist them to take back the streets.”

New Planned Parenthood Video: More Grisly Details!

 The above video is the third in a series of currently rocking Planned Parenthood to the core. Be forewarned: It is graphic and reportedly shows doctors discussing how to maximize revenue from baby body parts. Note: There could be more than a dozen videos exposing the dark side of the abortion aftermarket. This is far from over!

Exhibit Celebrates John Paul II Outreach

“A blessing to one another: Pope John Paul II and the Jewish People” is the title of an exhibition opening today in the Vatican (Charlemagne Wing, 29 July to 17 September), previously displayed in a number of state capitals in the U.S.A., where it received more than a million visitors.

The exhibition, presented as a gift to John Paul II for his 85th birthday, was inaugurated at the Xavier University of Cincinnati, Ohio, on 18 May 2005, just a month after the Pope's death. It then arrived in Rome, and while in Europe its organisers wanted it to visit Krakow, the Polish city where Karol Wojtyla was archbishop.

“A blessing to one another” describes the steps the Pontiff took to improve the relationship between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people, and reflects the continuing relevance of the conciliar declaration “Nostra Aetate”, issued fifty years ago, in which the Catholic Church expresses her appreciation for other religions and reaffirms the principals of universal fraternity, love and non-discrimination.

Funded by various universities and private individuals and bodies who see interreligious dialogue as a source of progress for humanity, the exhibition narrates John Paul II's relations with those whom he defined during his historic visit to the synagogue of Rome on 13 April 1986 as “our elder brothers”. It is divided into four sections and consists of photographs, videos, recordings and other interactive sources.

The first section illustrates Karol Wojtyla's early years in his birthplace Wadowice, what would become a lifelong friendship with the young Jew Jerzy Kluger, and the relations between Catholics and Jews in Poland during the decade 1920 to 1930. The second section is dedicated to the Pope's university years in Krakow, and his work not far from his friends in the Ghetto who knew the horrors of the Shoah. The third describes his priestly and episcopal life, Vatican Council II and the change of direction it represented in relations between Jews and Christians, and the close link between the cardinal archbishop of Krakow and the Jewish community in his archdiocese.

The final section considers the figure of Wojtyla as the Successor of Peter, his visit to the Synagogue of Rome, and his trip to Israel in the year 2000 when he left a prayer in the Western Wall asking for divine forgiveness for the treatment that Jews had received in the past and reaffirming the Church's commitment to a path of fraternal continuity with the People of the Covenant.

Visitors to “A blessing to one another” are invited to write a prayer to be placed in a reproduction of the Wall. They will be gathered and deposited in the Western Wall without being read.

Monday, July 27, 2015

A Captivating, Lush, Delicious Island -- Video!

Join the Food Network and Discover America on a culinary adventure on Hilton Head Island with Chef Chaun Bescos from Red Fish.
Red Fish is one of our favorite restaurants at one of our favorite destinations - Hilton head!

Philly Naked Bike #7 Ride Will Happen Soon!

Here's a special message from the Philly Naked Bike Ride:

Philly Naked Bike Ride (PNBR) 2015 will be held on Saturday, 29 August 2015! 
 Start time will be 3pm, with pre-ride festivities from 12:30-2:30pm! 
So reserve the date, make your work, travel, etc. plans, and spread the word to friends and family. Get ready to ride in the 7th version of the most fun you can have on a bike! 

Education? . . . Look How Far We've Fallen!

Five Good Things About The Trump Boomlet

Nothing seems to be able to stop Donald Trump's fledgling presidential campaign this summer. Nothing!
And, we've got to admit -- it's sort of fun to watch.
Here are five good things about the sudden Trump surge:

1) Trump is raising important issues that candidates in both parties have not addressed and don't seem to want to address or even talk about. For one thing, he's brought the immigration issue front and center. He's putting so-called "leaders" on the spot. That's good!

2) Trump makes entrenched, establishment figures very uncomfortable. He has a way of shaking up the whole inside-the-beltway crowd. We think that's healthy -- very healthy!

3) Trump can't be bought and can't be intimidated. The guy's got what's knows as FU Money. Get it? He simply doesn't care what Wall Street or any other Big Money sources think because he can fund himself and his campaign. And, he's likely to intimidate you before you get the chance to intimidate him.

4) Trump isn't afraid of Big Media. He's already mastered the media, and then some. He knows their game inside-out. So, not only is he not afraid of those in the media but he knows how to shame them, exploit then, expose them or simply use them if he has to.

5) Trump appears to be direct, spontaneous and unrehearsed. This is refreshing. There's an excitement about the guy. And, let's face it -- he really is a bigger-than-life character.

So, don't fret.
Sit back and take it all in.
We're living in interesting times and shaking the foundations of Washington fat cats, media blabbers, journalistic elites, Wall Street big shots and academic snobs -- well, all of that ain't such a bad thing.
It'll all sort itself out.
For now, enjoy!

Crush Free Thought; Invite Totalitarianism

Yo, Philly: No Cars In Center City During PopeMania!

Center city Philadelphia will be basically closed to auto traffic during the Pope's visit for the World Meeting of Families in September.
The map above reportedly shows the areas (in gray) that will be closed to autos and the security area (in red) that will be fenced in. Sources say the Benjamin Franklin Bridge will be closed as well.
Officials are saying you should think of it like this: There will be a snowstorm for two days (September 26 and 27) and the city will be inaccessible. You can use you feet or limited public transit to get around. That's it.
The gray, no-car area will probably fall as follows: From Girard to Ridge to Spring Garden to the north, South Street to the south, the Delaware River to the east and 38th Street to the west.
That's a very sizable chunk.
This is going to be massive, folks.
And it's going to inconvenience a lot of people over the weekend in question.
If you want to see the Pope, be prepared to walk. If not, your best bet is probably to get out of town.

What A Nuclear Iran Really Means . . . .

New Website Promises Hillary 'Scandal A Day'

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Bikini: How It Was Born; Why We Love It

Courtesy of the Free Library of Philadelphia blog (and Wikipedia) here's the story of how the bikini came to be: 
Two Frenchmen are known as the inventors of the bikini, Jacques Heimand Louis Réard. In 1946, Louis Réard, an engineer, named his design "Bikini" after a Pacific Ocean atoll and Jacques Heim named his design "atome", the French word for atom, which he said was the world's smallest bathing suit. In response, Réard created a bathing suit with only 30 inches of fabric – it was so small, he couldn't find a model to wear it in public (eventually he hired a nude dancer who was photographed wearing one).
The bikini was considered too controversial and was banned in many European beaches, but during the 1950s many movie actresses, such asDiana DorsMarilyn Monore and Jayne Mansfield were photographed wearing them and the bikini's popularity grew.
Click here for more.

OMG! Pope Paraphernalia Hits Philly Stores . . .

Yep, the Pope is coming to Philadelphia and so are the tacky tees and other paraphernalia.
Would you like the Pope as an Eagles player? You got it!
How about the Pope adapted to look like the famous Obama "Hope" poster? Call it Pope Hope! You can buy that, too.
And then there's the "Keep calm and carry on" phrase altered for the arrival of the Pope.
We saw all these items (and more) at our local Boscov's and they're all available on line as well just by clicking here.
Don't delay.
Get your Pope mementoes now!

Obama's REAL Aim? What If This Scholar Is Right?

Extremism? Just Whose Position IS Extreme? Video

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina lays out to CNN's Jake Tapper that Hillary Clinton's abortion positions are well outside the American mainstream.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

2015 Edition: 10 Summer Trends We Hate!

Summer seems to bring out the worst in some people -- the very worst.

Which is a shame because it's such a lovely season.

Well, anyway here's our 2015 edition of ten summer trends we hate:

1) Showing off your tattoos. Hey, if you want to deface your body, that's your business. But we'd rather not see it. So, keep it covered. OK?

2) Short-short-short shorts that show off your butt cheeks. You know what we mean, gals - especially pre-teens and/or those of you with ample booty. Cover it!

3) Guys' do-rags. These damned things seem to be making a comeback. If you're losing (or have lost) your hair, wear a cap.

4) Bikinis in plus sizes -- yes, ones that women actually dare to wear. Frightening! OMG! Equally bad: Women over a certain age who wear two-piece bathing suits.

5) Guys wearing gangsta-bloomers instead of bathing trunks. You know what we're talking about: NBA-style, shiny, to-the-calf, saggy shorts. Yeah, that's a gangsta-bloomer! BTW: All guys' shorts at knee-length or longer are passé. The new line is mid-thigh to just above the knee.

6) Back-to-School sales in July. Talk about rushing the season! What the hell's this all about?

7) Little girls in bikinis. And then you wonder why they're having sex at 12 or 13?

8) Multitudes of police and security vehicles on the beach. We feel like saying "Hey, guess what? Nothing's happened since you last whizzed by. The beach is still quiet. The ocean is still secure."

9) Beer bellies. Guys, we can't imagine why in hell you would be proud of such a thing nor why you would attempt to show it off. Cover it up! And, BTW: We don't wanna see your butt crack either.

10) Tank tops and other armless garb. Hey, they're not even in style anymore. Plus, more often than not both men and women who wear them really don't have much to show off. Ditch them!

And here's one more -- just for good measure: Body hair in the wrong places. Under arms or on legs for women. On the back, shoulders and upper arms for men. Ugh!

Planned Parenthood's Ultimate Contradiction!

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