Saturday, October 19, 2024

Tell Us: Do You See A Pattern Here?

You Don't Wanna Miss This Big Event!


Italian American Heritage Month: To Our Grandparents

Take a moment to reflect on this . . . . 

A heartfelt letter to all our Italian grandparents written by Rocco Petito on behalf of the Federation Of Italian American Organizations of the United States:

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

I’m writing to fill you in on how the family you started all those years ago is doing. When you arrived in America, Italian immigrants were looked down on, so you did your best to make Americans out of us. You would be amazed at how well you succeeded. In the family we now have doctors, lawyers, teachers, artists, writers, business leaders, even a champion snowboarder and a professional baseball player. We have an Emmy winning photojournalist, police officers, a fire department captain, a TV news anchor, a couple of expert carpenters…people in every field of endeavor.
We accomplished these things because each generation was taught your values and work ethic. We inherited your sense of pride in family, your trust in God and love of country, Life was hard for Italian-Americans when you were here. You had to change your names and do the dirty jobs nobody else wanted to do. But we are past that now thanks to the hardships you endured so your children might climb a little higher up the ladder. The doors that were closed to you are now open to us. There are still a few haters hiding behind the fake smiles but they no longer matter.
We are also rediscovering our Italian heritage, tracing our roots and visiting those places in Italy where it all began, The circle is closing. None of this would have been possible without you. Grandpa picking up pieces of coal on the train tracks to heat the house in the dead of winter. Grandma working long hours as a seamstress while raising four children and running a household. You couldn’t see where your sacrifice would lead…how the risks you took paid off and how the seeds you planted have flourished. I await the day we can all be together again at that big table for eternity.
For now, on behalf of our family, I thank you for your courage and the start you gave us. Your work is done, your burdens lifted. Go and dance with the angels.
Love your Grandchildren❤ 🙏🏻

Al Smith Dinner: Trump's Top Five Moments

Friday, October 18, 2024

You Don't Wanna Miss This Big Event!


Italian American heritage Month: Egidio's, NYC

Don Pasquale Egidio, a Southern Italian immigrant, came to the New World in 1909 and started his business where a community of Italian immigrants were putting down roots. He opened Egidio Pastry Shop in 1912, and the shop has sat on the same block of East 187th Street near Arthur Avenue in the Bronx ever since. Although the current owner, Maria Carmela Lucciola, is not a descendant of Egidio, she continues to use his original recipes and has phenomenal pride and respect for the business, and has owned it since 1983. 
The pastry shop is known for their cannoli, biscotti, cakes, cappuccino, and so much more. Carmela has added her own touches to meet the needs of the community, and introduces delectable new items during the holidays. She has also hosted workshops at the bakery so people can learn about baking at the oldest pastry shop in the neighborhood. 🍰♥️ #italianheritagemonth 🇮🇹

Watch President Trump's Al Smith Dinner Remarks

Curtis Bashaw Visits Ponzio's In Cherry Hill!

New Jersey's US Senate candidate Curtis Bashaw has been criss-crossing our state at a tireless rate, meeting with people and outlining his plan for our state and the nation. He's one of the hardest-working political aspirants we've ever seen. He's smart, affable, independent-minded and dedicated to common-sense solutions to the problems we face.  Learn more about him here!

Curtis Bashaw Makes Sense For NJ AND The USA!

Wow! Even Stelter Says Trump Triumphed Last Night

Here's how the Trump campaign (and others) viewed last night's gala Al Smith Dinner in New York. For the record, we tend to agree:

Last night, President Donald J. Trump delivered the traditional roast at the annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner — and it was a master class in humor, delivery, and tact.


Kamala — who isn't funny, despises Catholics, and was too afraid of being roasted by President Trump — became the first presidential nominee since 1984 to skip the event.



Here's what you missed:

  • Kamala was cooked for being the first presidential nominee since 1984 to skip the dinner: "She did find time to appear on The View, Howard Stern, Colbert — and the longtime staple of campaigning, the Call Her Daddy podcast..."

  • President Trump scorched Kamala for disrespecting Catholics: "If you really wanted Vice President Harris to accept your invitation, I guess you should have told her the funds were going to bail out the looters and rioters in Minneapolis and she would've been here — guaranteed."

  • President Trump skewered Tampon Tim Walz: "I used to think Democrats were crazy for saying that men have periods, but then I met Tim Walz."

  • President Trump roasted the small band of left-wing losers who call themselves "White Dudes for Harris": "There's a group called 'White Dudes for Harris' ... but I'm not worried about them at all because their wives and their wives' lovers are all voting for me."

  • President Trump praised God for His protection: "Having recently myself survived two assassination attempts, I have a very fresh appreciation for how blessed we are by God's Providence and His divine mercy. With God's help, I know there is nothing that cannot be achieved."

  • President Trump roasted Second Gentleperson "Doug" Emhoff: "A major issue in this race is childcare, and Kamala has put forward a concept of a plan ... The only piece of advice I would have for her — in the event she wins — would be not to let husband Doug anywhere near the nannies."

  • President Trump made light of the Democrat-led lawfare against him: "It's a true pleasure to be with you this evening ... and these days, it's really a pleasure [to be] anywhere in New York without a subpoena for my appearance."

  • President Trump highlighted the reality of two assassination attempts against him: "I just don't see the point of taking shots at myself when other people have been shooting at me."

Even Brian "Potato Head" Stelter had praise for President Trump: "I thought he was funny! I thought he actually got a few great jokes in ... and he took advantage of the fact that Kamala Harris wasn't there."


It was just the latest demonstration that only one candidate has the strength to stand up for Americans: President Donald J. Trump.


Thursday, October 17, 2024

Don't Imagine It, It's ACTUALLY HAPPENING Right Now!


In Barbershops It's All Trump All The Time!

Oh, Yeah -- These Five States Do It With BRIO!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

OMG! She BOMBED! Watch These Clips . . .

Italian American Heritage Month: Antonio Sabato Jr.

Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. was born in Rome, Italy on February 29, 1972. His father was an Italian-born film star.

His uncle, Paolo Sabato, owned Ristorante Romano, which was a popular restaurant in Rome. Sabato's mother is half Czech and half Jewish. In fact, her mother was a Holocaust survivor.

Sabato and his family moved to the United States from Italy in 1985, and he became a citizen of the United States in 1996. He grew up in L.A. and received his high school diploma from Palisades Charter High School.

Sabato first gained attention working as a model, which gave him popularity to move into acting. He appeared on the soap opera General Hospital and Melrose Place in the 1990s, and was recently in a patriotic film called God's Not Dead.

Cherry Hill Harvest Festival Set For Sunday 10/20

Mayor Dave Fleisher and members of the Township Council will be attending the township Harvest Festival on Sunday, October 20 at 12:00 PM at Croft Farm, 100 Bortons Mill Road.

“Harvest Fest is a family favorite around town, bringing a wide array of crafters to the historic Croft Farm, alongside food, games and entertainment,” said Mayor Fleisher. “It is a great day for the community to come together, enjoy the beautiful Fall weather and support local small businesses.”


Who:             Mayor Fleisher

                        Council Members

                        Cherry Hill Department of Recreation

                        Cherry Hill Police Department

                        Cherry Hill Fire Department

                        Cherry Hill Department of Public Works

What:           Cherry Hill’s largest event of the year, held in collaboration with the Police and Fire Departments. The event boasts over 90 participating artists, crafters, businesses and community organizations, as well as pony rides, a petting zoo and a free pumpkin patch.

Where:         Croft Farm, 100 Borton Mills Road

When:          Sunday, October 20 from 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Rain or Shine

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

OMG! Watch Bashaw Knock It Outta The Park!

At the New Jersey senatorial debate, GOP candidate Curtis Bashaw confronts Andy Kim and basically reads him the riot act. Bashaw is one of the hardest-working candidates we've ever seen and he's effectively making his case up and down the state every day. Passionate, articulate and ready to lead! Bravo!

Italian American Heritage Month: Anthony T. Rossi


TRUE! It's Simply A Matter Of Common Sense

Oh, Yeah . . . Halloween Is Fast Approaching!


Monday, October 14, 2024

Clinton Blames Harris For Innocent Woman's Death!

Former President Bill Clinton correctly blamed Kamala Harris' failed border policies for the tragic death of Laken Riley during an event in Georgia Monday.

Clinton said: "You got a case in Georgia not very long ago didn't you, they made an ad about it, a young woman who had been killed by an immigrant. Yeah, well if they'd all been properly vetted that probably wouldn't have happened."


[You can view Clinton's remarks here at the 6:56 mark]


Kamala Harris claimed the border was "secure" just days after Laken Riley's illegal immigrant killer Jose Ibarra crossed into the nation. Ibarra was caught at the border and then released into the country by Kamala Harris.


President Trump will secure the border and stop catch-and-release. This is why he was just endorsed by the Border Patrol Union.

LIVE VIDEO: Dan With NJ Senate Candidate Bashaw!

Proudly It Stands, Now And Forever!


The majestic Colubus  Monument in  Manhattan was officially unveiled at the center of Columbus Circle with a ceremony on October 13, 1892, as part of the 400th anniversary celebration of Columbus’ voyage. A 14-foot tall marble statue of explorer Christopher Columbus stands atop a 76-foot tall granite column which is decorated with bronze projections representing Columbus' ships: the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María; Its pedestal features an angel holding a globe. Happy Columbus Day!

And Now It's Time For A Chuckle!

It's Time To Know The TRUTH About Columbus

It's time to know the truth about Christopher Columbus:

Much of the following is from Columbus, Fact Or Fiction? a scholarly study commissioned by the OSIA Commission of Social Justice:
Most of the native tribes Columbus found [when he arrived in the Americas]were hunter-gatherers who engaged in bloody tribal wars and, in the case of the Arawaks, Caribs and Canibs, slavery, torture and cannibalism. To survive, the native populations depended on “slash-and-burn” cultivation of the land along with hunting, fishing and collecting edible wild plants, seeds and shellfish. They had no written language, history or literature. In their struggle for survival, these peoples were not the champions of the environment that they are often portrayed as today. . . . 
Columbus never owned any slaves or brought any to the Western Hemisphere from Africa. 
During his first voyage in 1492, Columbus landed on the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic). There, with the help of a tribe of friendly Taino Indians, he built a fort called Navidad and left 40 of his crew there when he returned to Spain in January 1493. On his return to Hispaniola in November 1493, he learned that all his men had been massacred by another Taino tribe. . . . 
No evidence indicates that Columbus thought the islanders he met were racially inferior in any way. In fact, in the journal of his first voyage, Columbus describes the Tainos and other tribes as “well-made with fine shapes and faces...their eyes were large and very beautiful...straight-limbed without exception and handsomely shaped....” He praises their generosity, innocence and intelligence, saying they could “readily become Christians as they have a good understanding.” Initially, Columbus had friendly relations with the five Taino tribes he met during his first voyage. These relations soured with four of the five tribes after he found the colony of men he had left behind in the fort Navidad had been slaughtered. He became good friends, however, with one tribe of Tainos led by Chief Guacanagari, who helped Columbus build his fort and fought alongside Columbus against the Taino tribes that wanted to kill the Europeans. Guacanagari paid heavily for his friendship with Columbus. His village was burned; he was wounded in battle and fled to the mountains where he died. . . . 
Columbus made four voyages to the Caribbean in a twelve-year period (1492-1504), spending from only seven months to two years and nine months (including the year he was shipwrecked on his fourth voyage.) It is inconceivable that he could have killed millions of people in so short a time. Responsibility for the deaths of many thousands of natives can justly be attributed to the Spanish conquistadors and other Europeans who followed Columbus here. But even in this case, since there were more natives than Europeans, the loss of millions of lives could not have been caused by the Spaniards’ warfare and forced labor alone. 4 In fact, most of the native populations perished because they lacked immunity to such diseases as small pox, typhoid and diphtheria as well as the non-fatal childhood diseases of measles and mumps that they caught from the Spanish explorers. These diseases were not transmitted deliberately and cannot be considered a tool of genocide. Scholars estimate that 80% of those who died were infected without ever seeing a white man. . . . 
Arthritis, periodontal disease and significant bone erosion also afflicted the native populations well before the voyages of Columbus and other Europeans. Most adults, only in their 20s and 30s, had terrible teeth or none at all. Very few lived past age 40. The native populations gave the early explorers syphilis, which they brought back to Europe. Clearly, blaming Columbus for the extermination of the native populations is as fair as blaming the native populations for killing people who die from using tobacco and cocaine, which the natives introduced to the Europeans. 
We strongly urge you to read the full report about Columbus, the history of his voyages, the native peoples and the opening of the new world. It's a real eye-opener!
Once you read it, you will begin to understand how Columbus' story and legacy has been grossly distorted by zealots who are at war with western civilization and America.

Columbus Day! Celebrate A Great Explorer!


Sunday, October 13, 2024

If You're In The Area, Be Sure To Stop By . . .


OMG! It's JD In Another Media SMACKDOWN!

This One Proves To Be VERY Convincing . . .


An Important Memo From The Trump Campaign

The following is directly from the Trump campaign:

No race is ever over until the last vote is counted, but all of the handwringing among smart Democrat operatives and politically astute media appears quite warranted when you look at where the race was immediately after Labor Day and where it is now. 

We predicted the Harris Honeymoon back in July, and did she get a free ride from her media allies. In fact, according to our internal data, virtually ALL the gains made by Harris in the Battleground States came during the month of July, immediately following the coup against Biden and the coronation of Harris—before she or her SuperPAC allies could embark on their no-holds-barred spending spree.


As the table below from our internal Battleground State data shows, Harris' image improved by a net of 15 points, and her ballot position a net of 6 points by the end of July. This is largely due to her earned media joy ride from her allies in the MSM.



According to our internal data, from the end of July through Labor Day, Harris largely treaded water. She made no real gains in her image or her ballot standing against President Trump.



But as most observers know, the campaign season begins in earnest after Labor Day. When you compare the state of the race on the Day after Labor Day to now, what you see will be eye-opening and likely the reason many smart operatives on the other side are wringing their hands over the current state of the race.


State of the Race – September 3, 2024:


  • The RCP national polling average was Harris +1.8 – on the same Day in 2020, Biden was +7.2 – Trump running 5.4 points better than 2020
  • Also, according to the RCP Battleground State polling averages, Harris was leading with 270 electoral votes to Trump's 262, with 6 EVs tied (No Lean or Toss-up States).


Since Labor Day, the Harris campaign has spent $241,407,417 on trackable media spend compared to only $104,774,939 paid by the Trump campaign – nearly a 2.5 to 1 spending advantage. And yet,


State of the Race – October 11, 2024:


  • The RCP national polling average is still Harris +1.8 – on the same Day in 2020, Biden was +10.3 – Trump now running 8.5 points better than 2020
  • Also, according to the RCP Battleground State polling averages, in a dramatic turn, Trump is now leading in 296 electoral votes to Harris's 242 EVs (with no Lean or Toss Up states included).

What happened to all of the supposed Harris "momentum?" Frankly, it never really existed beyond the confines of July. According to our internal Battleground State data, the table below illustrates that Harris actually slipped marginally post-Labor Day until now in her image and ballot position.



Given the vast amount of money her campaign has spent and the willingness of the MSM to give her a pass at every turn, how is it possible that she's gone backward in our internal and public polling?


Because she can't convince the voters that she is "the change agent" in the race, that she will be better on the economy, inflation, immigration, crime, or improving people's financial situation, the bottom line is that voters say President Trump will do a better job.



Voters in the Battleground States give President Trump clear advantages on the issues that matter to them most. But that is only part of the story. Harris and her campaign have embarked on an effort to try to sell a version of Harris that never existed:

  •  She tried to flip her position on Fracking
  • She tried to flip her position on the industry-killing EV mandate
  • She tried to sell that she really is tough on the border and illegal immigrants
  • She tried to flip her positions on cashless bail and early release for violent criminals

Frankly, she's tried to re-invent herself at every level. And despite once being dubbed the "worst Vice President in the modern era" by many in the media, they gave her a free pass (much like Harris did with hardened criminals on her watch) as she tried to pull a fast one on the voters. However, as has been reported by a few courageous members of the media, voters in focus group after focus group aren't buying it and are uncertain about who Kamala really is.


Then to put the proverbial cherry on top of the sundae, she finally says the first really honest thing in the campaign. When asked, "What would you do differently than Biden?" She said NOTHING. That's right…after months of trying to run away from Biden and his dismal record, she took ownership of it lock, stock and barrel.


While the Harris campaign is busy trying to clean up her monumental gaffe and trying to square it with the version of Kamala they are trying to sell, our campaign will remain laser-focused on drawing the contrast between President Trump's successes as President, Kamala's dismal record and her failures and how her plans will result in higher taxes, higher prices, more illegal immigration, more crime, and potentially America sucked into war.


So, when you examine the shifts in state-level public polling averages, we see evidence that our strategy is working. And when you take a deeper dive into the data and compare the 2020 Exit Polls to our current internal Battleground State data, you see why Kamala is having such a hard time gaining ground:

  • President Trump is currently running 13 points ahead of where he finished in 2020 among Independents (According to 2020 Exits in the Battleground States, we lost them by 8, now he is leading by 5).
  • President Trump is currently running 20 points ahead of where he finished in 2020 among Blacks (According to 2020 Exits in the Battleground States, we lost them by 81, and now he is trailing by 61).
  • President Trump is currently running 32 points ahead of where he finished in 2020 among Hispanics (According to 2020 Exits in the Battleground States, we lost them by 25, and now he is leading by 7).
  • President Trump is currently running 11 points ahead of where he finished in 2020 among Voters 18-44 years old (According to 2020 Exits in the Battleground States, we lost them by 15, and now he is trailing by 4).


President Donald Trump and our campaign never take anything for granted. We know what is arrayed against us between the MSM and Harris' cash machine. 


We plan to fight for every last vote. And we wonder if all of the "drape measuring" among Democrats and some in the MSM is perhaps a bit premature. And given the position the Harris team finds itself in, a valid question to ask may well be, "Is the Kamala Campaign Cracking?"


Read the full memo here.


Do YOU Know About This Great Italian American?

Today we celebrate Charles Joseph Bonaparte, born in Baltimore, Md., in 1851.

Bonaparte was not only a lawyer and political activist but also the U.S. Attorney General during Theodore Roosevelt’s administration, the first ever Italian American appointed to a cabinet position.

He built the Navy into one of the strongest in the world. And, in 1908, he established a special investigative force under the Department of Justice that, by 1935, had been renamed the Federal Bureau of Investigation.