Thursday, September 30, 2021

Now, THIS Guy Had The Right Idea!


Testa: 'No Tax' Murphy Is Nothing But TAXES!

During Tuesday's debate, Governor Phil Murphy said he won’t raise taxes any further. Senator Michael Testa isn’t buying it.

Sen. Michael Testa said there is no excuse for the Governor’s insistence on the series of economy-crushing increases that will materialize over the next few years. (

“I don’t know how he can say that with a straight face,” said Testa (R-1). “Murphy’s middle name is ‘Tax Increase.’ He’s poised to implement no less than five unnecessary and preventable tax hikes on New Jersey residents over the next few years totaling approximately $2 billion annually.”

Testa, a Republican member of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, said there is no excuse for Murphy’s insistence on the series of economy-crushing increases that will materialize over the next few years, including one on employers and one on employees in just three months’ time.

On October 30, struggling employers across New Jersey will be hammered by the first of three different tax increases of more than $1.3 billion. Indirectly, the increases will be passed on to consumers, and will cost jobs.

“He says he won’t raise taxes, but that is exactly what he is doing,” Testa said. “The Senate Republican Caucus proposed a plan to stop the massive unemployment fund tax. Governor Murphy has more than $6 billion in American Relief Plan funds sitting in the bank collecting dust. We’re calling for him to use a small portion of the billions in funds he has available to replenish the UI fund, stop an unnecessary tax increase, and save jobs, something almost 40 other states have already done.”

$600 million tax increase on the state’s largest health insurer is set for June 30. The massive assessment on Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey will impact families with health coverage.

“He is ignoring obvious solutions, preferring instead to pile tax after tax on the backs of New Jersey families at a time when the economy cannot withstand the additional pressures,” said Testa.

In addition, a regressive increase will hit low-income workers in the state with up to a 10% higher payroll tax deduction from their paychecks next year to cover the cost of a 10% increase in unemployment benefits on January 1, 2022. The boost will cost employees hundreds of millions of dollars.

“Imagine that. No-tax-increase-Murphy is raising taxes on people who work to give a sizable raise to people who don’t,” Testa noted.

“Governor Murphy will be responsible for $2 billion in avoidable tax increases. He refuses to take the easy steps to prevent them. Whether he admits it or not, Murphy owns every dollar of these tax hikes.”

OMG! His Record Is Appalling, Dump Him!


Government Funding 'CR' Is Dirty Trick!

-September 30, 2021 - 

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President 

of the United States of America

Snuck into the government funding bill, or CR, the Democrats are trying to pass, and just found, is unlimited money to random, unscreened, unvetted Afghan nationals. Republicans can't let this happen. This is a further insult after Biden's humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan, that needlessly killed 13 Americans. 


This is not a “clean” government funding bill. It’s a major immigration rewrite that allows Biden to bring anyone he wants from Afghanistan for the next year—no vetting, no screening, no security—and fly them to your community with free welfare and government-issued IDs.  We’ve already seen some of the horrible assaults and sex crimes that have taken place. But these terrible assaults will just be the tip of the iceberg of what’s coming if this isn’t shut down.


The CR even covers people who don’t live in Afghanistan and haven’t in many years, as long as they used to live there. So Biden and Blinken can load up planes of former Afghans from Pakistan or elsewhere without any limits, checks or even a lawful visa or refugee status. The only “rule” is that Mayorkas—an incompetent radical—give them a green light. This bill must be opposed!

With Apologies To The Peanuts Gang . . .


How Murphy Lied About 'Help' For This District

New Jersey's 10th Legislative District lawmakers expressed shock over Governor Phil Murphy’s comments during the recent gubernatorial debate that he “already worked with Toms River” on school funding to address the school district’s concerns about massive cuts to State aid.

The 10th Legislative District lawmakers expressed shock over Governor Phil Murphy’s comments during the recent gubernatorial debate that he ‘already worked with Toms River’ on school funding to address the school district’s concerns about massive cuts to State aid. (

“If ‘working with them’ means gutting Toms River’s State school aid like a fish, then I guess Governor Murphy is telling the truth,” said Senator Jim Holzapfel. “The Murphy administration slashed aid for Toms River schools by more than 14 percent this year alone. The Governor ripped away more than $8 million in funding, an especially devastating loss for a district that has already seen its annual educational support from Trenton reduced by more than $17 million – 25 percent – under Murphy.

“Schools have had no choice but to make draconian cuts, and property taxpayers are forced to dig deeper every single year to make up for the shortfall.  It’s an insult to every parent and property owner in the district for the Governor to hold Toms River up as a school aid victory,” Holzapfel continued. “It is a disaster.”

Since the beginning of the Murphy administration, annual State aid to Toms River Schools has been cut from $66,975,394 to $49,724,966.

Funding for another school district in LD 10, Brick Township, has also been eviscerated with a loss of almost 20 percent in state aid this year, and a 37.9 percent cut during Murphy’s term.

“These fiscal assaults on our schools and taxpayers are happening while Murphy is wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on hand-picked pet projects in his election year budget,” said Assemblyman Greg McGuckin. “The Governor stripped away money from Ocean County school children to build a new museum in Jersey City for $24 million and to dredge a marina in Woodbridge. What he has done to our schools is appalling.”

The 10th District lawmakers have fought for school funding transparency for years, and introduced legislation in 2019 that would require the State Department of Education to reveal to school districts the data and software algorithms used to calculate school aid.

“There is no accountability, no transparency in the process. Murphy’s school funding has been anything but fair, and the Administration refuses to tell us how they come up with the numbers,” said Assemblyman John Catalano. “New Jersey taxpayers deserve to know what’s behind the calculations and how the data is being manipulated. Something this important cannot be a State secret.”

Legislation sponsored by the 10th District team, S-2438 and A-452, would force Governor Murphy to detail exactly why he is cutting aid to Ocean County schools and others across New Jersey.

Oh, Yeah - This Guy's Got PLENTY To Smile About!


How Murphy's Snubbing New Jersey's Veterans

From our friends at Save Jersey, reprinted with permission:

The Veterans of Foreign Wars planned a gubernatorial candidate town hall, Save Jerseyans, but only Republican nominee Jack Ciattarelli has confirmed his attendance.

That’s according to the VFW which announced on Thursday morning that the incumbent – Governor Phil Murphy – had yet to confirm… or even respond.

“Invited candidates are Phil Murphy and Jack Ciatterelli,” the organization announced in a press release. “As of this date Ciatterelli’s campaign has confirmed his attendance and participation, Murphy’s campaign has not responded to the invitation.”

The event – hosted by the Kelley-Oliveira-Stanton Police Memorial VFW Post – is scheduled for Saturday October 2nd at 6:30 PM at the Clarion Hotel & Conference Center in Toms River.

Some of the topics on the agenda – notably state budgeting priorities and nursing home deaths – likely scared Murphy away. At least 205 veterans died in New Jersey facilities over the past 18 months.

The U.S. Department of Justice subsequently launched a probe into shocking numbers of COVID-19 deaths at New Jersey’s state-operated Paramus and Menlo Park veterans homes back in October 2020.

“On October 27, 2020, we notified New Jersey state officials that we had opened an investigation into conditions of care at the New Jersey Memorial Veterans Homes at Menlo Park and Paramus,” the DOJ explained in March. “Our investigation under the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) will look at whether there are systemic violations of the Constitution or Federal law at these two long-term care facilities.  Our focus will be on the adequacy of medical care for residents generally, and during the coronavirus pandemic in particular.”

What’s telling? As of today, DOJ officials have concluded similar probes into Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New York but the New Jersey case is still open.

The VFW’s leadership has vocally criticized the Murphy Administration for its role in veterans home deaths.

“The VFW has repeatedly expressed concerns that Governor Murphy’s budget cuts, along with his failure to fill the New Jersey Veterans’ Memorial Home Advisory Council vacancies, would impact the health and wellbeing of veterans,” complained Barbara Kim-Hagemann, VFW State Commander in an April 22nd press release. “We will be conducting an independent review of the investigation findings to determine if any deficiency or Governor Murphy’s budget cut of one million dollars from a veteran transportation program, which enabled these residents to obtain medical care from providers outside of the homes, had any impact in this crisis.“

It's Really Not Very Complicated . . .


We're Not Quite This Confident, But . . .

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

And It Really Wasn't So Long Ago


Now THIS Is How You Give 'Em Hell!


The Contrast Couldn't Be More Clear . . .


An Extraordinary Life; An Inspiration For All!

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia announces the Closing Session in the Archdiocesan phase of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God, William E. Atkinson (1946-2006), a professed priest of the Order of Saint Augustine, to take place on Tuesday, October 19, at 6:30 p.m., in the Church of Saint Thomas of Villanova, on the campus of Villanova University.

Tuesday, October 19th
 6:30 p.m.
 Villanova University
 Church of Saint Thomas of Villanova
 800 East Lancaster Avenue
 Villanova, PA 19085

The ceremony, to be presided over by Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, Archbishop of Philadelphia, is open to the public, subject to seating capacity and prevailing COVID-19 protocols at Villanova University.

Born in Philadelphia, Father Atkinson is the first quadriplegic ordained as a priest in the history of the Roman Catholic Church.  He was stationed at Monsignor Bonner High School for almost thirty years (1975-2004). There, he served on the faculty and as assistant school chaplain, moderator of the football team, and director of the afterschool and Saturday detention program affectionately known as “JUG” (“Justice Under God”). 

The Closing Session brings to completion the juridical inquiry into his life, virtues, and reputation of holiness and of intercessory power that began in 2015. Since then, the Archdiocese has examined historical documents, heard witness testimonies, and conducted related investigations – all for the purpose of gathering proofs in order to attain moral certitude about his life of heroic virtue.

The diocesan inquiry represents the initial phase in a lengthy process which also includes a Roman inquiry into Father Atkinson’s virtuous life and reputation for sanctity, separate diocesan and Roman investigations of possible miracles attributed to the intercession of Father Atkinson, the considered judgment of the members of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of Saints, and, ultimately, the decision of the Holy Father regarding the outcome of the Cause.

During the Closing Session, at which will be present local and international leaders of the Augustinian religious order, Archdiocesan officials will provide information summarizing the six-year long inquiry, and the Archbishop will decree that the documentation be authenticated, sealed, and delivered to the Congregation at the Vatican.

Anyone seeking further information about Father Atkinson and his Cause, or wishing to support it through the Father Bill Atkinson Guild, is invited to visit the official Augustinian website at . Visitors to the site can also access there the 2020 PBS documentary entitled “Extraordinary: The Bill Atkinson Story.”

This Fall's Biggest Entertainment Spectacular!


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Matt & Dan: NJ Gubernatorial Debate Analysis

Watch The NJ Gubernatorial Debate LIVE Here!


Murphy Got Billions, Hasn't Done A Damn Thing!

Six months after the federal government appropriated $6.2 billion to New Jersey to help suffering residents and small employers, and with the bulk of that money sitting idle in State accounts, Governor Phil Murphy last night announced another hastily arranged virtual hearing to discuss plans for the relief money.

Sen. Sam Thompson criticized the Governor for dragging his feet spending billions in federal relief money to help New Jersey residents and small employers struggling with the effects of the pandemic. (Pixabay)

“It’s a charade, a sham, just like the last hearing,” said State Senator Sam Thompson (R-12), a member of the Senate Budget Committee. “This is little more than an election year stunt where only favored invited guests will be permitted to comment. How can anybody take it seriously when the Administration only gave a few select few little more than 24-hour notice that a meeting even existed?”

With more than 99 percent of the federal money sitting idle in State accounts, according to a recent nonpartisan analysis, Thompson said Wednesday’s panel “masks a breathtaking lack of competence in getting the aid to suffering people and small businesses in a timely manner.

“Murphy was given more than $6 billion a half a year ago, and astoundingly, almost none of it has reached those it is intended to help,” said Thompson.

“He hasn’t spent one dime of this money to help renters catch up on payments to small landlords who are unable to make mortgage payments or needed repairs on properties.  He hasn’t used a dime to stabilize New Jersey’s insolvent unemployment benefits fund and head off a massive $252 million tax increase on employers due in October,” the Senator continued.

“The Governor wasted the entire summer doing God-knows-what while real people were working, and now he’s holding a pre-election dog and pony show which is little more than a campaign prop.  He should be ashamed.”

Thompson said he expects Wednesday afternoon’s “hearing” to be a well-orchestrated attempt to help Murphy secure a second term.

“We will hear a parade of invited guests praise Murphy a month before the election and lay the groundwork for a spending plan that is no doubt already prepared and ready to be released just prior to election day,” Thompson said.

“The Governor has already approved $1.5 million of this money to pay for the dredging of a Woodbridge marina that serves fewer than 30 large boats while people and businesses drowning financially from COVID closures wait endlessly for even a small life preserver. Maybe during the hearing someone will try to explain how it makes sense to spend money to protect expensive yachts during low tide while hard-working real people are ignored and left to suffer.

“The only thing transparent about how this money is being spent is that incompetence and politics are on full display,” concluded Thompson.

Poll: Trust In Biden Plummets; New Lows!

Monday, September 27, 2021

Two Great Performers, One Great Moment!


Up And Up And Up They Go! Thanks, Joe

How prices have jumped (so far) under Biden: Inflation is a TAX!

⛽ Upwards arrow 42.7% Bacon Upwards arrow 17.0% Television Upwards arrow 13.3% Red apple Upwards arrow 5.6%

'Or We Won't Have A Country Left . . .'


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President 

of the United States of America

Just eight months ago, the whole world knew that if you illegally violated America’s borders, no matter where you came from, you’d be immediately caught, promptly detained, and swiftly removed—perfect precision clockwork. Our border was the envy of nations. Now, our border is the laughingstock of the globe. Anyone, from anywhere, can just illegally walk across our border, turn themselves in, and then be on to the city of their choice. No testing, no masking, no mandates. Free healthcare, deliveries, and medical services in our emergency rooms, all paid for by taxpayers. Drugs pour through like water. Our border agents are disrespected, denigrated, and demoralized. 


Now, news reports indicate another 20,000 Haitians are staged in Columbia preparing to make the trek to our Southern Border. But that’s just the beginning. Wave after wave are heading our way, INVITED here to break our laws by Biden, Mayorkas, and the Marxist Democrats. Indeed, at this very moment, House Democrats are preparing to pass a Reconciliation Bill that includes total amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, and removes all limits on green cards and chain migration. Democrats are playing for keeps—Republicans better fight hard, fight strong, and stay united for America, or we won’t have a Country left.

Complete List Of Tony Winners!

Best Play 

Grand Horizons 
WINNER: The Inheritance 
Sea Wall/A Life 
Slave Play 
The Sound Inside 

Best Musical 
Jagged Little Pill
WINNER: Moulin Rouge! The Musical 
Tina - The Tina Turner Musical 

Best Revival of a Play 
Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune 
WINNER: A Soldier's Play 

Best Book of a Musical 
WINNER: Diablo Cody, Jagged Little Pill 
John Logan, Moulin Rouge! The Musical 
Katori Hall, Frank Ketelaar and Kees Prins, Tina - The Tina Turner Musical 

Best Original Score (Music and/or Lyrics) Written for the Theatre 
WINNER: A Christmas Carol, Music: Christopher Nightingale  
The Inheritance, Music: Paul Englishby  
The Rose Tattoo, Music: Fitz Patton and Jason Michael Webb  
Slave Play, Music: Lindsay Jones  
The Sound Inside, Music: Daniel Kluger  

Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Play 
Ian Barford, Linda Vista
WINNER: Andrew Burnap, The Inheritance
Jake Gyllenhaal, Sea Wall/A Life
Tom Hiddleston, Betrayal
Tom Sturridge, Sea Wall/A Life
Blair Underwood, A Soldier's Play 

Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Play 
Joaquina Kalukango, Slave Play
Laura Linney, My Name is Lucy Barton
Audra McDonald, Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune
WINNER: Mary-Louise Parker, The Sound Inside

Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical 
WINNER: Aaron Tveit, Moulin Rouge! The Musical 

**From The Tony Awards Rules: If the Tony Awards Nominating Committee has determined that if there is only one nominee in a category listed, such category shall be submitted to the Tony Voters which may, by the affirmative vote of sixty (60%) percent of the total ballots cast, grant an Award in that category. 

Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical 
Karen Olivo, Moulin Rouge! The Musical
Elizabeth Stanley, Jagged Little Pill
WINNER: Adrienne Warren, Tina - The Tina Turner Musical 

Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Play 
Ato Blankson-Wood, Slave Play
James Cusati-Moyer, Slave Play
WINNER: David Alan Grier, A Soldier's Play
John Benjamin Hickey, The Inheritance
Paul Hilton, The Inheritance 

Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Play 
Jane Alexander, Grand Horizons
Chalia La Tour, Slave Play
Annie McNamara, Slave Play
WINNER: Lois Smith, The Inheritance
Cora Vander Broek, Linda Vista 

Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical 
WINNER: Danny Burstein, Moulin Rouge! The Musical
Derek Klena, Jagged Little Pill
Sean Allan Krill, Jagged Little Pill
Sahr Ngaujah, Moulin Rouge! The Musical
Daniel J. Watts, Tina - The Tina Turner Musical 

Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Musical 
Kathryn Gallagher, Jagged Little Pill
Celia Rose Gooding, Jagged Little Pill
Robyn Hurder, Moulin Rouge! The Musical
WINNER: Lauren Patten, Jagged Little Pill
Myra Lucretia Taylor, Tina - The Tina Turner Musical 

Best Scenic Design of a Play 
Bob Crowley, The Inheritance
Soutra Gilmour, Betrayal
WINNER: Rob Howell, A Christmas Carol
Derek McLane, A Soldier's Play
Clint Ramos, Slave Play 

Best Scenic Design of a Musical 
Riccardo Hernández and Lucy Mackinnon, Jagged Little Pill
WINNER: Derek McLane, Moulin Rouge! The Musical
Mark Thompson and Jeff Sugg, Tina - The Tina Turner Musical 

Best Costume Design of a Play 
Dede Ayite, Slave Play
Dede Ayite, A Soldier's Play
Bob Crowley, The Inheritance
WINNER: Rob Howell, A Christmas Carol
Clint Ramos, The Rose Tattoo 

Best Costume Design of a Musical 
Emily Rebholz, Jagged Little Pill
Mark Thompson, Tina - The Tina Turner Musical
WINNER: Catherine Zuber, Moulin Rouge! The Musical 

Best Lighting Design of a Play 
Jiyoun Chang, Slave Play
Jon Clark, The Inheritance
Heather Gilbert, The Sound Inside
Allen Lee Hughes, A Soldier's Play
WINNER: Hugh Vanstone, A Christmas Carol 

Best Lighting Design of a Musical 
Bruno Poet, Tina - The Tina Turner Musical
Justin Townsend, Jagged Little Pill
WINNER: Justin Townsend, Moulin Rouge! The Musical 

Best Sound Design of a Play 
Paul Arditti & Christopher Reid, The Inheritance
WINNER: Simon Baker, A Christmas Carol
Lindsay Jones, Slave Play
Daniel Kluger, Sea Wall/A Life
Daniel Kluger, The Sound Inside 

Best Sound Design of a Musical 
Jonathan Deans, Jagged Little Pill
WINNER: Peter Hylenski, Moulin Rouge! The Musical
Nevin Steinberg, Tina - The Tina Turner Musical 

Best Direction of a Play 
David Cromer, The Sound Inside
WINNER: Stephen Daldry, The Inheritance
Kenny Leon, A Soldier's Play
Jamie Lloyd, Betrayal
Robert O'Hara, Slave Play 

Best Direction of a Musical 
Phyllida Lloyd, Tina - The Tina Turner Musical
Diane Paulus, Jagged Little Pill
WINNER: Alex Timbers, Moulin Rouge! The Musical 

Best Choreography 
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Jagged Little Pill
WINNER: Sonya Tayeh, Moulin Rouge! The Musical
Anthony Van Laast, Tina - The Tina Turner Musical 

Best Orchestrations 
Tom Kitt, Jagged Little Pill
WINNER: Katie Kresek, Charlie Rosen, Matt Stine and Justin Levine, Moulin Rouge! The Musical 
Ethan Popp, Tina - The Tina Turner Musical

Recipients of Awards and Honors in Non-Competitive Categories

Special Tony Awards for Lifetime Achievement in the Theatre
Graciela Daniele

Isabelle Stevenson Tony Award
Julie Halston

Special Tony Awards
Broadway Advocacy Coalition
David Byrne's American Utopia
Freestyle Love Supreme

Tony Honors for Excellence in the Theatre
Fred Gallo
Irene Gandy
Beverly Jenkins
New Federal Theatre (Woody King Jr., founder)

CRASH! Joe's Numbers Hit New Low In Poll!

The Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll for today, Monday 9/27 shows that 40% of likely voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-eight percent (58%) disapprove. This is a new low in this poll -- a poll that has proved to be remarkably accurate over the years.

But there's more! The latest figures include 21% who strongly approve of the job Biden is doing and fully half (50%) who strongly disapprove. When fully HALF of all likely voters strongly disapprove of thew job you're doing,, you're in Big Trouble! BTW: This gives Biden a dismal presidential approval index rating of minus 29. 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Isn't This What She's ALWAYS Wanted?


Hillary went to England and received some kind of honorary degree. In the process, she got to act like a queen. Obviously, her dream has finally come true!

Right Now? Trump Easily Beats Biden Or Harris!

 A new poll shows that if the election were held today, Trump easily wins as follows:

Trump 51%
Biden 41%

Trump 52%
Harris 39%

These results are according to the latest Rasmussen poll. This is such a turnaround that one in every five Democrats now say they would vote for Trump.

And there's more bad news for Biden from the McLaughlin poll as shown below:

Just In Case You Were Wondering . . .


Immigration Index Dive: Tighter Controls Wanted!

The Rasmussen Reports Immigration Index for the week of September 12-16, 2021, decreased to 89.6, down from 90.0 two weeks earlier. The Immigration Index has been under the baseline in every survey since Election Day last year, and reached a record low of 82.3 in late March. The index is now about 16 points below where it was the week of October 22, indicating voters are looking for tighter immigration control from Joe Biden’s administration.

The Index is based on a series of questions designed to determine whether voters are moving toward an immigration system that encourages more immigration to the United States or one that reduces the level of immigration here. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

All surveys are compared to a baseline – set the week of December 2-6, 2019 - which has been given an Index of 100. A weekly finding moving up over 100 indicates growing support for a more expansive immigration system. A weekly index number falling below 100 indicates increased support for a more restrictive immigration system.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Election Day 2020 vs Right Now: Thanks, Joe!


Watch President Trump Rally LIVE Tonight Here!

President Trump's remarks are scheduled to begin at 7 PM!

Friday, September 24, 2021

Just Ponder This For A Moment, OK?


Now, THIS Is The Real Deal . . .

 One of the most impressive spots we've seen in ages! Breathtaking!

Stephen Sondheim's Working On A NEW Musical!


Care About Freedom? THIS Should Alarm You!

The Message She Should Have Displayed . . .