Wednesday, July 31, 2024

OK, You Wanna Talk Crowds -- Let's Talk Crowds!

Trump today in Pennsylvania! 

Except That It's More Like TEN MILLION!


This Is The Best Analysis Of This So Far . . .

And Now, On The Eve Of The Big Convention . . .


OMG! This Is Positively CHILLING!

So Now, Let's Put The Argument To Rest!


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Weird? Did Anybody Say 'WEIRD'?

One Thing We Can All; Agree On . . .


Big Trump Ad Buy In Swing States . . .

Latest Poll Shows Trump Maintains Lead

2024 General Election: Harvard/Harris (with leans)

🟥 Trump: 48% 🟦 Harris: 45% With leans 🟥 Trump: 52% 🟦 Harris: 48% — 🟥 Trump: 47% 🟦 Harris: 43% 🟨 RFK Jr: 8% 🟪 Other: 2% 2,196 RV | July 26-28

No, It's Not A Movie: It's All Too REAL!


Speaking Of 'Weird,' This Is REALLY Weird!

Monday, July 29, 2024

This Is Powerful -- AND MUST Be Seen!

The House You Live In? Yeah, THAT'S Nationhood!

Lost somewhere in J. D. Vance's remarks at the Republican National Convention were some of the most important words uttered in this campaign so far.

Do you remember what J. D. said? 

He talked about the home and the town he lived in growing up, the neighbors he knew, the people he came to count as family and the values they taught him. And he reminded us that these things are precious -- so precious that people are willing to fight for them and even willing to give up everything, if need be, to preserve them. 

In essence, Vance was talking about our homeland and about nationhood. He explained it this way: 

America is not just an idea. It is a group of people with a shared history and a common future. It is, in short, a nation. Now, it is part of that tradition, of course, that we welcome newcomers, but when we allow newcomers into our American family, we allow them on our terms. That’s the way we preserve the continuity of this project from 250 years past to hopefully 250 years in the future. . . .Even though the ideas and the principles are great, that is a homeland. That is our homeland. People will not fight for abstractions, but they will fight for their home.

The power of home and homeland cannot be underestimated. And it brings to mind the words of a beautiful song called The House I Live In made famous by Frank Sinatra:

What is America to me?A name, a map, a flag I see . . . 

The house I live inA plot of earth, a streetThe grocer and the butcherAnd the people that I meet . . . 

A place I work inA worker by my sideA little town or cityWhere my people lived and died . . . 

The church, the school, the clubhouseThe millions lights I seeBut especially the peopleThat's America to me.

Note that the song mentions "a name, a map" and consider the importance of that because without a name that identifies boundaries and borders, there is no nation -- the whole notion of home, country and nationhood does not exist without clear, enforceable borders just as you have no home and no parcel of land without defined demarcation lines. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and the Democrats are intent on erasing the whole notion of borders and they are actively pursuing that goal.

National boundaries are crucial to America for several compelling reasons that extend beyond mere lines on a map. These boundaries define the extent of sovereignty and jurisdiction that the United States exercises over its territory, which is fundamental to the functioning of the nation as a whole. Borders are critical to our governance, our defense, our international relations, the protection of our environment, our legal framework and, most importantly, our own cultural and social identity. 

So what's at stake in this election is nothing less than that which we cherish most -- our homes, our neighborhoods, our beloved homeland itself. The very existence of our country as a sovereign, free and independent nation is on the line.

Remember this and vote like your home, your sanctuary and all that it represents hang in the balance. Because it does!

It's A Tough Job But Somebody's Gotta Do it


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Horrific, And Sadly He MUST Tell It Like It Is

Had He Not Turned To Look At This Chart . . .


He's A Fighter -- And He WILL Fight Back!

Please Let Us Know If You Can Figure This Out


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Yes, She Actually Rasied $$$$ For These Monsters!

The Election: Five Big Questions Now

It's been a breathless period, no question about it. And it ain't over. In fact, in many ways as we head into the 100 day campaign for the presidency, it's just beginning. Amidst the rearranged deck, here are five big question worth considering right now:

1) Is it a bump or a genuine shift? Nearly one week after Biden's exit from the race most polls show Harris performing better than Biden, so much so that in some she's running neck-n-neck with Trump or even leading him by a point of two. But is this a mini-honeymoon for Harris (who is apparently perceived by many low information voters as a refreshing newcomer) or is it a definitive shift? Will the initial boost that Harris received prove solid or will it fizzle?

2) Can she cover her tracks? Harris doesn't want people to know that she's actually a far-left California progressive. Her words and her record all point to that but, with the media's help, she's furtively busy trying to erase all evidence of prior polices and utterances. In the age of social media this can be quite a challenge but don't underestimate the power of the menacing juggernaut the Democrats have assembled.

3) Can the GOP define her? Why the Republican National Convention didn't continually refer to the Biden administration as the Biden-Harris administration remains a mystery. Surely they knew a switch was imminent if not already brokered. Now, it's catch up time and they must hammer home Kamala's cackles, her indecipherable word salads and her failed record. She must be vividly defined as the dangerous leftist she really is. And this must be done quickly, effectively and relentlessly.

4) Who will she run with? Who she picks as her running mate is critical for Harris as it can determine whether the Democrat party solidly unites behind her or begins to fracture. Even a small fissure at this point can make the difference between victory and defeat and progressives can be very finicky. Her best bet would be to pick a beige running mate -- a non-controversial white male who will do no harm.

5) What about the debates? Harris is a former prosecutor. She wants to debate and she will be prepared. Yes, she may stumble but this isn't Trump vs Biden. She's younger and she will have her wits about her. Plus, she's a woman, the media will be cheering her on and she (and they) will not hesitate to play the gender card. Translation: all she has to do is perform reasonably well to be declared the winner. 

One hundred days is a lifetime in politics and nobody really knows what will happen next.

But the answers to these five questions will go a long way toward determining the outcome of this election. Take a quick, deep breath America -- and expect the unexpected.

This Poll Should Tell You Quite A Bit . . .

Wall Street Journal POLL: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump did as President?

Approve: 51% (new high) Disapprove: 48% —— Do you approve or disapprove of the job Kamala Harris is doing as Vice President? Approve: 41% Disapprove: 50% 1,000 Registered Voters | 7/23-25 | ±3.1%

Delete, Rewrite; Delete, Rewrite: It Just Ain't Workin!

From the Trump/Vance team:

Kamala Harris and the mainstream media have spent the week trying to erase Harris’s disastrous record as border czar. They have failed.

This isn’t the first time Democrats have told the American people “don’t believe your lying eyes.” The problem for Kamala and the fake news? We have the receipts:

Not to mention Joe Biden himself, repeatedly, saying Kamala Harris is in charge and doing a “great job” at the border as Harris nodded along.

The question is: why does Harris want to rewrite her record as border czar out of the history books? If it was a success, wouldn’t she be bragging about it? Therein lies the answer. She has been a complete failure as border czar. Nearly 10 million illegal aliens have crossed the border on her watch, deadly fentanyl is poisoning more Americans than ever, illegal aliens are murdering and assaulting Americans, cartels have de facto control over much of the border, and the terror threat to the U.S. homeland is rising.

There is an ongoing bloodbath from the lethal drugs and crime in American communities as a result of Kamala Harris’s failure as border czar. Now, she is running to abolish ICE, decriminalize illegal border crossings, and support sanctuary cities.

Border Czar Kamala Harris is complicit in fueling an invasion at our border, and Americans are paying the price.

When She Tells You Who She Is, Believe Her!

Words To Remember -- Especially Right Now!


Friday, July 26, 2024

DISSGRACEFUL: Olympics' Disgusting Scene!

In Can Be Quite Dumbfounding, Yes?


A Message From Bishop Robert Barron

Yes, The Threat To America Is REAL!


And This, Just A Couple Of Months Ago . . .

New Poll: Trump Holds Sway In Swing States

 🇺🇲 2024 General Election poll:

PENNSYLVANIA 🟥 Trump: 46% (+4) 🟦 Harris: 42% 🟨 RFK Jr: 5% — MICHIGAN 🟥 Trump: 44% (+3) 🟦 Harris: 41% 🟨 RFK Jr: 7% — GEORGIA 🟥 Trump: 47% (+5) 🟦 Harris: 42% 🟨 RFK Jr: 3% — ARIZONA 🟥 Trump: 46% (+3) 🟦 Harris: 43% 🟨 RFK Jr: 4% — NEVADA 🟥 Trump: 45% (+2) 🟦 Harris: 43% 🟨 RFK Jr: 5% — NORTH CAROLINA 🟥 Trump: 46% (+3) 🟦 Harris: 43% 🟨 RFK Jr: 4%