Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump participated in the time-honored tradition of the Presidential turkey pardoning in the Rose Garden. After a nationwide vote, a turkey named Drumstick received the official pardon – and the esteemed title of National Thanksgiving Turkey – while his friend Wishbone was named his alternate, should Drumstick be unable to fulfill his duties. Following the ceremony, both turkeys were escorted to Virginia Tech’s “Gobbler’s Rest” exhibit in Blacksburg, Virginia, where they joined last year’s turkeys for a well-deserved retirement. The turkeys will be cared for by students and veterinarians, and visitors can learn about Virginia Tech’s programs in poultry sciences and veterinary medicine.
Turning his attention from the National Thanksgiving Turkey, President Trump expressed his gratitude to the Armed Forces, law enforcement, and first responders for their service and sacrifice in defense of our nation, our freedom, and our flag.
“I’d also like to express my thanks to the wonderful citizens of our country – the people who care for our communities, raise America’s children, uphold our laws and our values, and make this amazing land into our national home,” said the President. “As we gather together with our families on Thanksgiving and give thanks for our many blessings, we are reminded of the national family to which we all belong as citizens of this incredible country.”
See highlights from the turkey pardoning.
President Trump Proclaims National Day of Thanksgiving
President Trump proclaimed tomorrow, Thursday, November 23, 2017, as a National Day of Thanksgiving, encouraging all Americans to gather and offer a prayer of thanks to God for our many blessings. The President also called on Americans, in addition to rejoicing in precious time spent with loved ones, to find ways to serve and encourage each other in both word and deed.
“This Thanksgiving, in addition to rejoicing in precious time spent with loved ones, let us find ways to serve and encourage each other in both word and deed. We also offer a special word of thanks for the brave men and women of our Armed Forces, many of whom must celebrate this holiday separated from the ones for whom they are most thankful.”
Read the full Proclamation here.
Broken Tax Code Harms Competitive American Corporations
As the only former Fortune 500 CEO in Congress, Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) wrote in an op-ed for NBC News that America’s “international tax structure is jeopardizing domestic growth and crushing corporations’ ability to be globally competitive.” Fixing the tax code by Christmas, before it causes even greater harm to American workers and businesses in 2018, would be the "single greatest thing we can do to ignite economic growth next year."
"We need to change the tax code to grow the economy, put people back to work, increase wages, and over the long-term, help reduce the national debt," wrote Sen. Perdue. "Otherwise we will continue to be outpaced by our competitors and American workers will pay the ultimate price."
Read Sen. Perdue's full op-ed here.

President Donald J. Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, and Barron Trump participate in the National Thanksgiving Turkey Pardoning Ceremony | November 21, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)
This morning, Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence visited military families, U.S. active-duty troops, and veterans at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC). Following, the Vice President and Second Lady met with service members and their families and WRNMMC providers at the USO Warrior and Family Center.
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