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Thursday, March 31, 2022
Confused? Inarticulate? Clueless? All Of The Above!
KAMALA HARRIS: "For Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way its impact has been the pandemic...we will assist Jamaica in Covid recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential." pic.twitter.com/fmPJFTbKQ6
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 31, 2022
Likely Voters Overwhelmingly Back Florida Law
When it comes to that new law in Florida, Disney is on the wrong side of the public -- and it isn't even close!
Yes, critics have slammed a new Florida state law restricting gender and sexual orientation instruction for young public school students, but a majority of voters nationwide support it.
In fact, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 62% of likely U.S. voters would support a law like Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill in their own state, including 45% who strongly support the measure. Twenty-nine percent (29%) would oppose a similar law in their own state, including 19% who strongly ooppose it. (To see survey question wording, click here.) Yes, the figure are that lopsided!
No matter what you may heave heard about the bill, the relevant passage of the law simply reads: “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”
Seventy-four percent (74%) of Republicans, 49% of Democrats and 66% of voters not affiliated with either major party would support a law like Florida’s in their own state. The key figure here of course is unaffiliated voters and two out of three of them support the law. Plus, nearly half of Democrats also feel that way!
And here's more: majorities of every racial category – 63% of whites, 61% of Black voters and 64% of other minorities – would support a law similar to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill in their own state.
The survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on March 15-16, 2022 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Motion Picture Academy Statement On Will Smith
A Statement from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences:
The Board of Governors today initiated disciplinary proceedings against Mr. Smith for violations of the Academy’s Standards of Conduct, including inappropriate physical contact, abusive or threatening behavior, and compromising the integrity of the Academy.
Consistent with the Academy’s Standards of Conduct, as well as California law, Mr. Smith is being provided at least 15 days’ notice of a vote regarding his violations and sanctions and the opportunity to be heard beforehand by means of a written response. At the next board meeting on April 18, the Academy may take any disciplinary action, which may include suspension, expulsion, or other sanctions permitted by the Bylaws and Standards of Conduct.
Mr. Smith’s actions at the 94th Oscars were a deeply shocking, traumatic event to witness in-person and on television. Mr. Rock, we apologize to you for what you experienced on our stage and thank you for your resilience in that moment. We also apologize to our nominees, guests and viewers for what transpired during what should have been a celebratory event.
Things unfolded in a way we could not have anticipated. While we would like to clarify that Mr. Smith was asked to leave the ceremony and refused, we also recognize we could have handled the situation differently.
A letter from the Academy to its members:
Read the Academy’s full letter below:
Dear Members,
Sunday’s telecast of the 94th Oscars was meant to be a celebration of the many individuals in our community who did incredible work this past year. We are upset and outraged that those moments were overshadowed by the unacceptable and harmful behavior on stage by a nominee.
To be clear, we condemn Mr. Smith’s actions that transpired Sunday night.
As outlined in our bylaws, the Academy’s Board of Governors will now make a determination on appropriate action for Mr. Smith. As governed by California law regarding members of nonprofit organizations like the Academy, and set forth in our Standards of Conduct, this must follow an official process that will take a few weeks.
We will continue to update you on any developments, but we also ask that you respect your Board, Academy staff and the process as this unfolds so it can work in the considered way it was intended and mandated.
Please trust that the Board of Governors will conduct this process in a manner that is both expedient and respectful of all involved while maintaining the standards of the Academy.
Thank you,
David Rubin, President
Dawn Hudson, CEO
Still Patronizing Disney? Please Watch THIS!
We are going to war with Disney and the left-wing activists who are subverting parents and pushing gender ideology onto children.pic.twitter.com/xxafxgjRGK
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 31, 2022
'Hunter Biden Video' Warning: Raunchy Content!
The ‘smartest man’ Joe Biden knows taking pictures of his private body parts.
— 🇺🇸Americanka🇵🇱 (@1AmKa3) March 30, 2022
What a gem. pic.twitter.com/TzeqhVgGQJ
Video: This Is What's Happening INSIDE Disney!
15 seconds
15 seconds
A Celebration Of Young Musical Talent!
Fifty-eight students representing Archdiocesan Secondary Schools and private Catholic High Schools throughout the five-county region participated in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s 2022 All Catholic Orchestra and performed in the annual concert at Lansdale Catholic High School in Lansdale (Montgomery County) on Sunday, March 20, 2022.
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
When EJECTION Is The Proper (And Only) Move!
A woman is harrassing a young guy because he’s wearing a Trump shirt. She’s from Portland 🙄😁😂😂😂🤣 pic.twitter.com/pRju4S4eHt
— LionHearted (@LionHearted76) March 29, 2022
Hardly the Final Word, But Maybe It Should Be
Dave reacts to the Academy Awards #inhollywoodoscarisking pic.twitter.com/xCl38oDPBr
— David Letterman (@Letterman) March 28, 2022
Monday, March 28, 2022
Their Rule: 'Do As We Say; Not As We Do!'
The following is from Save Jersey, reposted with permission:

A slap in the face of free expression
Many things can be (and have been) said about Sunday night’s wild encounterbetween Chris Rock and Will Smith at the Oscars, Save Jerseyans.
An underdiscussed angle thus far?
What the slap heard ’round the world says about the state of free speech in this country.
We’re going to assume for the sake of this discussion that Smith’s slap wasn’t staged. A central tenant of American civilization since the beginning has been the right of self expression. You have a right to say what you want – with some very narrow exceptions like “yelling ‘fire’ in a crowded theater” – without fear of violence. Yes, the First Amendment was primarily intended to limit government overreach into the sphere of speech, but tolerance of fair comment is also baked into the fabric of our society. John Adams lost reelected to Thomas Jefferson after the Alien and Sedition Acts offended revolutionary sensibilities.
Plenty of Leftists are cheering on Smith for literally smacking down Rock, someone who’s uncoincidentally been on their shit list ever since he shared a Federalist article critical of woke comedy back in 2018. Will Smith’s son (whose Twitter profile consists of three letters: “BLM”) currently boasts one million likes for the following Sunday night post-slap tweet:
Don’t pretend you’re surprised.
Unlike the First Amendment, Cancel Culture isn’t careful to avoid viewpoint discrimination. Proponents embrace it. If something or someone says something that violates the culture’s current values? Said person not only doesn’t have a right to say the unwoke thing, but Cancel Culturalists believe heretics shouldn’t have an expectation of immunity from violence. Here’s a list of just ten times Democrats urged violence against Donald Trump and/or his backers.
The Left thinks Chris Rock deserved it even though, regardless of how you feel about the joke in question, he was doing his job: roasting the audience, an long-standing awards show tradition. Ask Ricky Gervais all about it.
More disturbing still, they think it needed to be done. Remember: this is the same crew that’s foaming at the mouth over the Academy playing Toto’s universally-loved ballad “Africa” when black actors were on the stage.
These people really, truly believe they have a universe-granted right to silence – and smack, open-handed… or worse! – anyone who doesn’t agree with them and their worldview. Will Smith won’t be charged, but he did win an Oscar. Says it all, doesn’t it?
Ironically, you and I know that the very epitome of privilege is assaulting someone and dropping F bombs on live television with zero expectation of consequences. That’s Will Smith’s reality.
The rest of Americans who aren’t so lucky (and who don’t watch awards shows) are being coerced into playing by a different set of rules. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Pallotta Fighting On; 'Not Intimidated' By Bosses!
Republican Congressional Candidate Frank Pallotta (N.J. - 05) released the following statement on the heels of the Bergen County Republican Organization Convention:
Remember When The Oscars Had Class?
Oscars In The Trash As Thuggery Triumphs!
The Oscars have lost all credibility.
And this really was the final straw.
This marks the ultimate trashing of Hollywood -- the trashing of the culture that is now all pervasive. And, on top of it all, we're also left to wonder if it was actually staged. Imagine!
Either way, it was a low point -- a vulgarization of what once was a carefully choreographed, elegant event. It was an event where people behaved themselves -- an event which once set the standard and which even showed America how to win humbly, how to be thankful and appreciative and how to lose gracefully, with honor and dignity. And yes, there were winners and losers and it was all fine because that's the way it was supposed to be.
But this is the age of participation trophies where we now say "the Oscar goes to" instead of "and the winner is". And this is the age where we've not only forgotten how to win and lose but we've even forgotten how to take a joke. And forget the collegiality that professionals would normally extend to one another, let alone common decency.
If there was any doubt that Hollywood was over and that punkism now reigns supreme, that ended last night. The glamour is gone, America. All that's left is garishness.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
About The Oscars, A Facebook Friend Writes . . .
Remember when the Oscars was something worth watching; awarding films worth seeing? The Leftists have turned another noble institution into a boring and irritating event celebrating woke, forgettable junk.
Kids today have no idea what they are missing. In film, give me "Dr. Zhivago" or; "Gone With The Wind" or; "The Wizard of Oz." On TV, give me "The Honeymooners" or; "Andy Griffith" or: "Leave it to Beaver" any-day.
We Chat With Atlantic County (NJ) Commissioner Parker!
Saturday, March 26, 2022
One Of the Most Exciting New Leaders In NJ!
Which Party Really Champions Law And Order?
Spotlight On NJ State Senator Mike Testa!
Friday, March 25, 2022
Saint John Paul II And The 'Theology Of The Body'
Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez will celebrate Mass and Most Revered Frank. J. Caggiano, Bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, will deliver the keynote address for the thirty-first annual Catechetical Convocation “Infusing Theology of the Body into the Religion Curriculum”. Theology of the Body is a compilation of work by Saint John Paul II. It demonstrates that the human body has a specific meaning reflective of God’s intentionality that answers fundamental questions about our lives.
Time For NJ To Lift All COVID Restriction!
Citing unnecessary rules that continue to be enforced across New Jersey, New Jersey State Senator Declan O’Scanlon called for all remaining COVID-19 restrictions to be lifted statewide.

Citing unnecessary rules that continue to be enforced across New Jersey, Sen. Declan O’Scanlon called for all remaining pandemic restrictions to be lifted statewide. According to the CDC, New Jersey is experiencing low COVID-19 activity. (CDC)
“New Jersey’s public health emergency is over and there aren’t any recommended COVID-19 restrictions that should be imposed in New Jersey under new CDC guidelines,” said O’Scanlon (R-Monmouth). “That hasn’t stopped some schools, colleges, and government entities from continuing to impose unnecessary restrictions that do nothing from a public health perspective. It’s time for every organization to lift all of these unnecessary mandates statewide.”
In New Jersey, case counts, hospitalizations, and deaths have plummeted in recent months, leading to the state having the lowest level of risk where no restrictions are necessary, according to the CDC.
Despite the data showing clearly that it’s safe to return to normal life, O’Scanlon pointed to nonsensical restrictions that continue to be in place across New Jersey:
- K-12 school employees, including teachers, must continue to submit to COVID-19 testing once or twice weekly if they haven’t submitted proof of full vaccination. The estimated cost for continued testing ranges from $1.5 million to more than $3 million per week. Communications to districts from state testing coordinators indicate testing might continue through the summer.
- Vaccine mandates imposed by Governor Murphy through executive order remain in effect for health care workers, prison guards, and workers in congregate living facilities.
- Rutgers University requires masking in classrooms, computer labs, libraries, and some meeting spaces, but not others. Attendees of indoor events must continue to show proof of full vaccination or a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of the event. Restrictions are stricter in some places. For example, spectators are still banned from attending Rutgers Swim program events, with parents forced to wait in their cars in the parking lot.
- Princeton University still requires weekly or monthly testing (depending on vaccination status) for asymptomatic faculty and students.
- At Ramapo College, faculty may require masks to be worn in their classes, clinical, and labs, and students must comply.
“It’s ridiculous that you can still find yourself in violation of a masking policy depending on which side of a doorway you are standing on inside a building at many of our esteemed institutions,” added O’Scanlon. “It’s crazy that we’re still forcing the testing of asymptomatic students and teachers, especially when the latest variant is no worse than a cold for most. And it’s nuts that they continue to impose vaccine requirements when virtually the entire state has either been vaccinated or had COVID already and has some level of immunity.”
On the continued K-12 testing mandate, O’Scanlon said, “The school testing mandate is absolutely, ridiculously stupid at this point, and a total waste of money.”
O’Scanlon called on Governor Murphy and the leaders of institutions that maintain broad restrictions to lift those requirements and allow people to take individual precautions as they see fit.
“The brilliant leaders of our cutting edge colleges and universities should do away with the theater of masks, testing, and vaccine requirements now that the data clearly demonstrates it isn’t necessary,” added O’Scanlon. “Governor Murphy should eliminate the testing requirement for teachers and repeal the vaccine mandate he imposed on thousands of workers that are no longer necessary. We can trust people to take the precautions that are right for their individual situations without all of the mandates.”
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Watch Out, NJ's 'DRAMA QUEEN' Is At It Again!
Just watch this video. Just watch. pic.twitter.com/wmERvmniL5
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) March 23, 2022
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Are These The Best Black-And-White Movies Ever?
Psycho 1960 The most frightening of the lot! Bloody black-and-white.
Manhattan 1979 Yes, black-and-white can be modern and lushly romantic.
To Kill A Mockingbird 1962 An enduring classic that will live forever.
Paper Moon 1973 Black-and-white nostalgia doesn't get better. Like an old photograph!
Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? 1962 Absolutely chilling and very dark!
City Lights 1931 One of the best from a real genius. A trailblazing work!
La Dolce Vita 1960 Fellini was a master of the genre.
It Happened One Night 1934 Swept the Oscars, and with good reason.
Camille 1936 A black-and-white costume drama? With Garbo, of course!
High Noon 1952 Best black-and-white western of all time?
Raging Bull 1980 Boxing films were made for black-and-white and visa-versa.
Double Indemnity 1944 A film noir triumph that demands repeated viewing.
The Artist 2011 Black-and-white in the 21st century and it still excels.
Sunset Boulevard (photo above) 1950 Nothing evokes like blacks-and-white. Baroque!
It’s A Wonderful Life 1946 No red, no green but can't imagine Christmas without it.
Casablanca 1942 Here's lookin at you, kid -- in black-and white!
Dr. Strangelove 1964 The end of the world won't be in color.
The General 1926 Keaton at his innovative best!
Judgement At Nuremberg 1961 Black-and-white in a courtroom confronting
good and evil.
The Last Picture Show 1971 Homage to movies, the heartland and youth.
Lillies of the Field 1963 Crossing the racial and cultural divide in black-and-white.
Lolita 1962 A slow, steady sizzle in black-and-white.
On The Waterfront 1954 Somehow, black-and-white was made for struggle and anguish.
The Manchurian Candidate 1962 Prophetic in stark, ominous tones.
One final thought: The term "black-and-white" simply doesn't do justice to these great, immortal movies. These classics demonstrate that within "black and white" there are so many gradations -- so many shadows, reflections, variations and patterns. And these films show us the true varied and endless range of "black and white" and the imagination of great scenic designers, costumers, lighting experts and directors who worked in this genre. Indeed, the "limitations" of black-and-white opened a world of possibilities and allowed all of us to dream within the magic of a darkened theater. Bravo to all who made this possible!
Maybe We've Made Voting All Too Convenient!
Did you remember voting in person on an actual Election Day?
Did you have to go through some trouble?
Was it crowded or difficult finding a parking place? Did you have to battle inclement weather? Did you have to wait in line? Were you inconvenienced?
Because maybe this reminds you that voting is a right and a privilege granted to all eligible citizens but it is also a treasured responsibility -- even an obligation!
Was it easy for our nation's Founding Fathers who put their sacred honor on the line to declare our independence and form this country? Was that easy?
Was it easy for those who fought in the revolutionary war or the civil war or the two world wars or the Vietnam war of the gulf war? Was it easy for any of them who fought to save our democracy and guarantee our rights? Was that easy?
Was it easy for those who crossed this country in wagon trains to settle the land?
Was it easy for those who risked it all to come to this country legally and assimilate and make a new life?
Was it easy for the people who went into the mines or built the skyscrapers or discovered the cure for diseases or farmed the fields or went into space or brought forth new inventions or made products that changed our way of life and made us the envy of the world? Was any of that easy?
No, it wasn't. And so, voting should not be easy.
It should not be a common convenience.
It's not like breezing through the drive through or commanding Siri or posting on Instagram or accessing Amazon. And it shouldn't be like any of that.
Because that's not what voting's all about.
You should have to think about voting and you should have to do something -- something demonstrative -- to vote. Voting involves a conscious decision and the public, participatory manifestation of that decision.
When voting becomes a common convenience (and this is now all too prevalent) like brushing your teeth or popping a couple of slices into the toaster then we're headed in the wrong direction and we're losing the very meaning of the act.
Voting is serious.
Voting is consequential.
Going to vote should be like entering a civil cathedral and professing your commitment to responsible citizenship.
Voting is sacred!