A wide ranging commentary and dialogue on the media, politics, today's headlines and the popular culture. Always fresh and new every day! Now celebrating our second decade and more than seven million page views. Nationally recognized, widely quoted, newsworthy, noteworthy.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Yes, This Will Do Your Heart Good!
This Cristiano Ronaldo video will bring a smile to your face. 🥹https://t.co/S0ogLY4iR5 pic.twitter.com/k2rxZQDcf1
— 𝐕𝔦𝔫 ⚪️ (@vinrmfc) April 29, 2022
Friday, April 29, 2022
Yeah, Go Ahead: Show Us All The Texting!
- April 29, 2022 - |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America |
I immediately call for the release of all text messages sent to and from Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff during their attempt to overturn the 2016 Presidential Election. They spied on my campaign, they spied on my transition team, and they even spied on the White House while I was in the Oval Office. They did everything they could to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, and stop the “Will of the People” with their Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, Mueller Scam, and more. I wonder what the texts would reveal? Unlike my Chief of Staff, which show patriotic Americans concerned about illegal and massive Election Fraud in 2020, I say bad things would be revealed. |
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Voters See Biden As Weaker Than Predecessors
As the war in Ukraine raises issues of U.S. national security, a majority of voters continue to view President Joe Biden as a weaker leader than his predecessors.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 56% of likely U.S. voters think, compared to most recent presidents, Biden is a weaker commander in chief for the military. Only 24% now believe Biden is a stronger commander in chief than most recent presidents. Seventeen percent (17%) say Biden is about the same as most recent presidents as a military leader. These findings are practically unchanged since November. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
A Laugh-Out-Loud Musical Schtick Show!
We saw the show a few days before its opening last night. While the original version was over three hours, it's been trimmed and is now crisp with rapid-fire punch lines and zippy tunes that convey some real meaning. It's not the Great American Musical and it's not Shakespeare either, nor does it pretend to be. It's played for fun but it's wonderfully human and poignant as well. There's a message here for everybody -- a message about family, hard work, endurance, struggle and facing life honestly and with a laugh.
Sadly, some of this may be lost on those with a social media attention span. But that's their loss and an unfortunate reflection on our current state of the affairs.
Simply put, no one on a Broadway stage right now is working harder or giving more of himself than Billy Crystal. And in this show he's at the top of his game in the grand tradition of so many show business troupers who came before him. And he generously pays homage to all of them. He's a grateful entertainer who loves the business and loves his audience.
What's more, this is an ensemble effort. The entire cast is superb -- David Paymer as his neglected brother, Randy Graff as his incredibly durable wife, Soshana Bean as his daughter, Chasten Harmon as his agent and Jordan Gelber, Brian Gonzales and Mylinda Hull as his longtime sidekicks.
At times you have to wonder why all these people hang in there for and with Buddy. But the Billy side of Buddy always comes through and how can you turn away from that?
THIS is entertainment. This is a star giving his all. This puts the comedy back into musical comedy. It's laugh-out-loud funny all the way.
If that's not enough for 'ya all we can say is ver farblondjet!
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
No, Joe: They're NOT Their Children, Or Yours!
They're NOT everybody's children, Joe.Biden to teachers: “They're not somebody else's children. They're yours when you're in the classroom." pic.twitter.com/iiBdxNkqOC
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 27, 2022
Let's face It: NJ Has A Serious CRIME Problem!
With evidence mounting showing a direct correlation between New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s policies of early release and easy treatment of convicted criminals and the sharp rise in of criminal activity across Monmouth County – Assemblymembers Victoria Flynn and Gerry Scharfenberger (LD13-R’s) have requested answers from the N.J. Attorney General’s Office as to what his office intends to do to stem the rising tide of crime:
“Over the past few months, there has been a steady increase of car thefts and home burglaries throughout Monmouth County. Constituents reach out to us on a daily basis asking for help. They know there have been changes to law enforcement protocols that prevent law enforcement from addressing these issues and they want their legislators to take action,” Assemblywoman Flynn stated. “It’s clear that the Governor’s administration has implemented policies that handcuff law enforcement while showing preferential treatment to convicted criminals - the public is fed up with jeopardizing the safety of our communities to implement liberal, failed policies.”
“The recent surge in crime, in particular auto thefts is being fueled and exacerbated by two main factors, the Attorney General’s overly restrictive rules on police response to crime, and bail reform which allows prisoners out onto the street almost immediately. Bail reform is allowing dangerous criminals back out onto the street, as one police chief put it, before the ink is dry on the police report,” said Assemblyman Scharfenberger. “This cannot be allowed to continue, failing to act is putting our residents’ lives at stake.”
In the request sent to New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin last week, the legislators have called into question the December directives passed down from the office to police departments that purposefully prevent law enforcement from protecting and serving their communities. The legislators want these disastrous policies changed as well as an immediate plan to deal with the growing crime epidemic impacting their towns as a result of Trenton’s actions:
“Under the Attorney General‘s guidelines, police are not allowed to pursue an individual in a stolen car even if they are just pulling away from the scene. As a result, criminals confidently smile at the police and go on their merry way with their stolen property. This needs to stop now, we want answers before this situation gets worse,” Scharfenberger continued.
“We do not have to look far to see the dangerous impact similar policies have had; case in point, the crime waves encompassing New York City illustrates exactly what will happen across New Jersey in the near future if we don’t act. This criminal utopia created by the administration needs to come to an end before it is too late,” concluded Flynn.
Assemblywoman Flynn and Assemblyman Scharfenberger plan on having open forum discussions with community leaders and police departments as well as advocate for policing policy changes until new policies are enacted.
Voters Blame Biden For Gas Prices, Divided Nation
President Joe Biden has tried to shift blame for the spike in gasoline prices and he's argued that the hike is a transitory matter and not that serious. But most voters aren’t buying his excuses.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 84% of likely U.S. voters believe the rising price of gasoline, home heating oil and other petroleum products is a serious problem, including 61% who say it’s a very serious problem. Only 15% don’t think rising fuel prices are a serious problem. These findings are virtually unchanged since November. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
And there's more . . . .
Two-thirds of voters think America has become more divided since Joe Biden was elected president.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 66% of likely U.S. voters believe America is now more divided than it was before the 2020 election. That’s slightly higher than when Rasmussen asked the same question last October. Just 12% now think the country has become more united since Biden’s election, while 18% say it has remained about the same. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
This Show Is Worth Your Immediate Attention!
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
The Very Definition Of DEPRAVITY . . .
A Movie That Will Get You Thinking!
- April 26, 2022 - |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America |
An incredible new film by Dinesh D’Souza exposes massive and determinative ballot harvesting in the 2020 Election. Congratulations to Dinesh, Catherine Englebrecht, and all of the incredible Patriots at True the Vote who worked so hard exposing this great election fraud. Everyone should get your tickets early for the premiere next week. Watch it and spread it everywhere, it (among many other things) proves the 2020 Election was Rigged and Stolen!
A Few Words From Elon Musk . . .
🚀💫♥️ Yesss!!! ♥️💫🚀 pic.twitter.com/0T9HzUHuh6
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 25, 2022
By “free speech”, I simply mean that which matches the law.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 26, 2022
I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law.
If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect.
Therefore, going beyond the law is contrary to the will of the people.
A Soaring, Ambitious, EPIC New Musical!
It's not often that an epic musical arrives on Broadway, especially these days when production costs are higher than they've ever been.
But Paradise Square is exactly that -- epic! With a cast of 40, an orchestra almost as big, huge production numbers and a story that takes in a breathtaking sweep of history, this show is very ambitious. And, well it should be as it's brought to Broadway by Garth Drabinsky, the same man who gave us Ragtime. There are 24 musical numbers in Paradise Square set amidst a sprawling set that provides plenty of room for some of the most dazzling choreography (by Bill T. Jones) ever seen on Broadway, including lots of Irish step dancing. And the music by Jason Howard (with additional music by Larry Kirwan) is inspired in part by the great American songwriter Stephen Foster who happens to be a character in the show.
Paradise Square is set downtown in New York in the era leading up to and including the Civil War. The action takes place around an intersection know as Five Points and much of it is through the eyes of the story's protagonist, played by Joaquina Kalukango. It purports to tell the story of racial harmony gone caput under the weight of war, strife, social pressures and outright hatred. At the core of the story are two interracial love affairs.
In Paradise Square, as described by the producers themselves, "we meet the denizens of a local saloon: the indomitable Black woman who owns it; her Irish-Catholic sister-in-law and her Black minister husband; a conflicted newly arrived Irish immigrant; a fearless freedom seeker; an anti-abolitionist political boss, and a penniless songwriter trying to capture it all." These people have conflicting notions of what it means to be an American while living through one of the most tumultuous eras in our country’s history.
So much happens in this show that it becomes hard to explain it all and, invariably, hard to keep track of it all. Characters seem to come and go, slip in and out of the story and you almost need a sore card to stay abreast of it. But the voices are all excellent, the acting is compelling (even when it's a bit over the top), the music is often soaring and the stage (even though often dimly or darkly lit) seems to throb with an intensity that befits the subject matter.
Holding it all together is Kalukango who certainly has the most powerful and commanding voice on Broadway today. When she sings Let It Burn (the ultimate 11 o'clock number) it quite literally brings the house down. This is Tony Award stuff! And there's also wonderful choral singing in the show which has moments that are nothing short of thrilling. There's an amalgamation of music and dance forms as cultures are thrown together in what is termed "an accidental society".
This show has been around in one form or another for quite some time. It premiered at the Berkeley Repertoire Theater in 2019 but the musical is based on Hard Times, originally conceived by Kirwan, which was originally presented at the intimate Off-Broadway theatre, Nancy Manocherian’s the cell, in 2012. There's been plenty of time to rework it and tighten it but it would take someone like George Abbott or Michael Bennet or Hal Prince to do that sort of tedious pruning. And none of them are around anymore.
And how do you gain control of a "square" with five points? So, just like this turbulent time in our history that it depicts, Paradise Square is a bit messy. But it's also provocative, captivating, melodic, vibrant, thought-provoking and riveting. And in an era when so many Broadway shows are tiny, tinny and seemingly deaf to melody, this is unquestionably worth seeing!
Let's hope it finds an enthusiastic audience to spread its message far and wide.
Monday, April 25, 2022
Italian-Americans United To Preserve, Advance Identity!
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Cherry Hill's Blossoms In Full Bloom RIGHT NOW!
Don't delay . . . see this spectacle NOW!

And, trust me, you don't want to miss this!
The blossoms were the brainchild of Joe Zanghi, a visionary Cherry Hill resident who began planting them (along with dozens of volunteers, most notably Cherry Hill firefighters) decades ago. They are a true labor of love by public-spirited citizens -- a gift to the entire community and the region.
These are huge, fancy, clustered blossoms.
Remembering Senator Orrin Hatch, A Patriot . . .
- April 23, 2022 - |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America |
I want to extend my deepest condolences to the family of the great Senator Orrin Hatch, his wife Elaine, and his six children. Orrin was a true warrior for our Country, for liberty, and for his beloved state of Utah. He was as wise as he was kind, and as tough as he was smart—he loved America and his contributions to our Country were tremendous. His legacy will surely live on through the many lives he impacted. May God bless Orrin Hatch. |
Saturday, April 23, 2022
A Beautiful Statement By And For Kids!
The Archdiocesan Office for Child and Youth Protection (OCYP) will partner with Our Lady of Mercy Regional Catholic School in Maple Glen (Montgomery County) to host the Archdiocesan 2022 Blue Pinwheel Awareness Garden.