Tuesday, June 25, 2024

With Apologies To Moe, Curly And Larry . . .


Now Here's Some Good Advice For Trump!

Projections: Trump Clears Electoral Hurdle

Electoral College Forecasts (6/21)

🟥 Trump: 300 🏆 🟦 Biden: 238 — 🟥 Trump: 282 🏆 🟦 Biden: 256 — 🟦 Biden: 270 🏆 🟥 Trump: 268

Monday, June 24, 2024

New Poll: Trump Up 4% Nationally!

2024 General Election:

(with leaners) 🟥 Trump: 52% (+4) 🟦 Biden: 48% --- 🟥 Trump: 44% (+2) 🟦 Biden: 42% 🟨 RFK Jr: 14% — Crosstabs (h2h) • Male: Trump 58-42% • Female: Biden 54-46% • Ages 18-29: Biden 59-41% • Ages 50-64: Trump 61-39% • Independents: Trump 61-39% • Suburban: Trump 51-49% • White: Trump 59-41% • Black: Biden 83-17% • Hispanic: Tie (50-50)

6/5-21 | n=2,029 large sample of Likely Voters (h2h) | 2,129 (3-way) activote.net/trump-still-ah

Sadly, For Too ManyThis Is Now Starkly True!


And Now, A Special Message From Catholic Vote . . .

Dear Friends:

Today marks the second birthday of our post-Roe America.

In 2022 – on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – God bestowed an incredible grace upon our country: The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and returned the abortion debate to the states. 

In just two years, Dobbs has saved tens of thousands of babies

Blessings for our nation. 

More than that – the Dobbs decision was the result of five decades of strenuous labor. Pro-life Americans worked tirelessly against tremendous odds – to found pregnancy help centers and maternity homes, to articulate the pro-life cause in media and education, and to raise up a new generation of judges and legislators.

Many on the Left – even many in our own Church – told us it couldn’t be done.

Roe was “settled.”

Time to move on.

They were wrong.

And yet, there is no doubt – we have a long way to go. 

50 years of abortion-without-limits left behind a moral and political wasteland. America is marked now by the catastrophe of the sexual revolution which the so-called “right to abortion” helped advance. 

From the widespread cultural acceptance of abortion, contraception, IVF, and even transgenderism, we are doing what the late Cardinal George predicted would be necessary – picking up the shards of a ruined society and rebuilding civilization.  

In our world after Dobbs, we must re-dedicate ourselves to turning the story around. But the stakes are high.

Women and young girls are still facing unbelievable pressure every day to kill their unborn children. So many frightened and desperate mothers are in need of encouragement and support.

On top of that, the godless abortion forces in our country are angry. They are not backing down. They are furious that in so many states children are being protected under law. Their fierce grip on our culture may be weakened, but they aren’t giving up.


That’s why the attacks on Catholic churches continue. That’s why pro-abort Democrats in Congress are demanding an end to religious freedom for healthcare workers, taxpayer-funded abortions, and the enshrining of abortion up to the moment of birth into federal law. And it’s why states are passing radical abortion laws that strip parents of their basic human right to help their own daughters in their most vulnerable moments.

So even as we celebrate today’s great victory, we also brace ourselves for a war not nearly over.

We will not rest until abortion is not only illegal but unthinkable in all 50 states.


CatholicVote will continue to work as if everything depends on us.

And we will pray without ceasing, because we know that in the end the victory belongs to God.

Join me today in praying a prayer of thanksgiving for the victory that is Dobbs.

And join me in resolving never to give up the fight.


For God, country, and sanity, 

Brian Birch, President, Catholic Vote catholicvote.org


CSS Offers Great New Program For Philly Youth


Pictured left to right is Dr. James Black, Director of CSS’ Youth Services Division; Most Reverend John J. McIntyre, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia; Kimberly Ali, DHS Commissioner; Vanessa Garrett Harley, Chief Deputy Managing Director of the City of Philadelphia; Brian Butler, Health and Human Services Executive Assistant to the Deputy Commissioner of DHS; and Heather Huot, Secretary for CHS of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Photo credit: Archdiocese of Philadelhia.

Today at a special ceremony, Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (CSS) blessed the Youth Skills Building Program (YSBP), a new after-school ministry in South Philadelphia.

Most Reverend John J. McIntyre, an Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia who oversees the Secretariat for Catholic Human Services (CHS) as part of his administrative and pastoral responsibilities, presided over the blessing.

He was joined by Mrs. Heather Huot, Secretary for CHS; Dr. James Black, Director of CSS’ Youth Services Division; Kimberly Ali, Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS) Commissioner; members of the CSS Board of Directors; local government officials; staff members from the program; and community supporters.

Funded by DHS to engage youth and help keep them safe, YSBP is a new after-school ministry of CSS’ Youth Services Division. The trade education program launched in May 2024, aiming to reduce risk factors for Philadelphia youth aged 13-18. It plans to serve 24 young people in its first year of operation.

YSBP provides youth with the opportunity to acquire new skills including carpentry and home repair. Program participants will use their newly learned skills to repair vandalized homes throughout the City. In addition, the program offers members transportation, meals, and a weekly stipend. The YSBP building development involved rehabilitating the former Saint Gabriel Parish Elementary School in Grays Ferry.  

“This program highlights Catholic Social Services' commitment to serving at-risk youth,” said Dr. Black. “The partnership of CSS, DHS, and the parish is a shining example of what we can accomplish when we work together to lift up and provide opportunities for our young people and their families."

“Youth involvement in after-school activities and community-based programs can promote positive behaviors,” said Ali. “We envisioned YSBP to be a place where young people could receive mentorship and support, all while being prepared for future employment opportunities in various trades.”

A replay of the blessing can be viewed later this week on CSS’ Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/cssphiladelphia.

Note: For more information on Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, please visit  https://cssphiladelphia.org/.

Only In Philly, Hon -- ONLY in Philly!


Friday, June 21, 2024

It's Really Horrifying -- And Getting Worse Daily!

Headlines since weekend:

Salvadoran illegal alien charged w/ rape and murder of Rachel Morin. Entered as got-away last year. Ecuadorian illegal alien charged w/rape and kidnapping of 13-year-old girl in NYC. Caught and released in 2021. Two Venezuelan illegal aliens charged w/ murdering 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston. Both caught and released at the border this year.

H/T: Bill Melugin

OK, Then -- Let's Talk About Character . . .

STUNNER: Poll Shows Trump Up Double Digits!

2024 General Election, just released:

🟥 Trump: 49% (+9) 🟦 Biden: 40% 🟪 Other: 7% --- 🟥 Trump: 46% (+10) 🟦 Biden: 36% 🟨 RFK Jr: 9% 🟨 West: 2% 🟩 Stein: 1% D35/R33/I32 | 6/20 | 1,000 LV | ±3% rasmussenreports.com/public_content

Now THIS Is A REALLY Big Deal . . .


OMG! Will This Egomaniac EVER Go Away?


Bashaw: Cancel NJT Fare Hike; Reject Tax Hike

Curtis Bashaw, New Jersey Republican candidate for United States Senate, issued the following statement regarding NJ Transit's disastrous disruption of services for thousands of New Jersey commuters this week.

“It’s unacceptable that thousands of New Jersey commuters were stuck in trains or between tracks for hours this week, during a heat wave. New Jersey commuters should not continue to bear the cost of these continued infrastructure failures and incompetence from AMTRAK and NJ Transit.  

"Until services consistently improve, I’m calling on Governor Murphy to cancel the July 1st 15% fare hike on New Jersey Transit commuters.  Moreover, as the June 30th state budget deadline approaches, legislative leaders should reject a $1 billion corporate transit tax on businesses,  which would give the Garden State the highest corporate tax in the nation and continue to make New Jersey more expensive.

Finally, voters should know where Andy Kim stands on raising NJ Transit fees and I urge him to join me in rejecting this fair hike."

We'll Just Leave This Here For Awhile . . .

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Oh, My! How Very Far We've Fallen . . . .


POLL: Trump Bests Biden In Every Swing State

2024 General Election Poll by Emerson/The Hill

WISCONSIN 🟥 Trump: 47% (+3) 🟦 Biden: 44% . PENNSYLVANIA 🟥 Trump: 47% (+2) 🟦 Biden: 45% . MICHIGAN 🟥 Trump: 46% (+1) 🟦 Biden: 45% . ARIZONA 🟥 Trump: 47% (+4) 🟦 Biden: 43% . GEORGIA 🟥 Trump: 45% (+4) 🟦 Biden: 41% . NEVADA 🟥 Trump: 46% (+3) 🟦 Biden: 43% . MINNESOTA 🟥 Trump: 45% (=) 🟦 Biden: 45%