Monday, July 8, 2024

Persistence: Why Biden Cannot Be Counted Out

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On!' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”   -President Calvin Coolidge

Joe Biden was never particularly talented; he's certainly not a genius and, though educated, you'd hardly consider him an intellectual. But Biden is and has always been persistent. Indeed, persistence brought him to where he is today. Whether knowingly or not, he took Coolidge's advice -- he kept pressing onward no matter how many roadblocks or setbacks he encountered. And in the end, he made it to the top.

So now, after grappling for more than half a century and finally advancing himself over craftier, smarter, more talented people you don't really expect Joe Biden to give up now, do you? He's certainly not gonna do it without a fight, even one that may turn out protracted and bloody. Ditto, Jill Biden. These two are simpatico and their drive and determination is born of resentment -- resentment of those who "were born on third base and got through life thinking they'd hit a triple." 

Jill and Joe have always had a chip on their shoulder and apparently still harbor a deep seated indignation toward the wealthy and powerful even as they themselves have vaulted into the same stratosphere. This came up again in the last couple of days when Biden reiterated his determination to stay in the race brushing aside the cries of party elites for him to withdraw and the threats of monied donors to cut off funding. "I don't care what the millionaires think," Biden grumbled.

Biden will do whatever he has to do, say whatever he has to say and throw whoever he has to under the bus to retain the one thing he's worked for all his life: the power of the presidency. And Jill will enable him every step of the way, as will Hunter. In fact the whole Biden famiglia is all in for this epic battle.

The Bidens are scrappy, bare-fisted street brawlers. This is what they do. This is who they are. And, at this point, you'd be foolish to count them out. Biden flat out told Stephanopoulos that there was no way that he was gonna quit and that if he lost the race to Trump in the end, well -- he'd simply know he gave it his best and that's that. Biden's message to the Democrats was simple: "Eff you. I'm not sacrificing myself for you anymore than you'd sacrifice yourself for me. And if I lose, we all lose. Eat it!'

One thing has become abundantly clear: you don't ever wanna be in a foxhole with Biden or any of these Democrats. The party is full of rats -- as in DemocRAT!

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