Saturday, September 14, 2024

Most Accurate Poll Shows Trump Leads On Issues

These are the latest figures (just released) by the highly respected Atlas/Intel poll of likely voters. This poll has been independently rated as the most accurate of all polls based on its final projections of the outcome of the 2020 presidential election where Atlas/Itel's 1.9% error average was the lowest of 26 national polls examined. The just-released results of this poll show Trump up by 3% nationally in a head-to-head matchup and 4% with minor candidates added. But beyond that, look at how Trump wins on nearly every issue:

🔴 IMMIGRATION: Trump+17 🔴 ISRAEL-HAMAS: Trump+16 🔴 CHINA COMPETITION: Trump+15 🔴 ECONOMY: Trump+14 🔴 INFLATION: Trump+14 🔴 NATIONAL DEBT: Trump+14 🔴 UKRAINE: Trump+12 Other issues 🔴 COMBAT CORRUPTION: Trump+9 🔴 SCOTUS JUSTICES: Trump+7 🔴 REDUCING POVERTY/INEQUALITY: Trump+6 🔴 HEALTHCARE: Trump+5 🔴 DEMOCRACY: Trump+4 🔴 EDUCATION: Trump+3 🔵 ABORTION: Harris+2 🔵 ENVIRONMENT: Harris+6

AtlasIntel | Sept. 11-12 | N=1,775 Likely Voters

New: Most Accurate N'tl Poll Shows Trump Up By 3


Walz Wife: This Is Absolutely CRINGE WORTHY!

Forget that she comes across as a sing-songy kindergarden teacher. Just remember this: nobody turns actual pages anymore. And what good is it to "turn the page" anyway when you're still singing from the same Biden/Harris hymnal? This is a disaster!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Another Big Milestone For The Dan Cirucci Blog!

The Dan Cirucci Blog has now surpassed 
SIX MILLION pageviews!

Thank you, everybody!

Just Out, And Really Quite Effective!

Post Debate, Trump Takes Lead In MICHIGAN

General Election Poll - Michigan

🟥 Trump 49% (+1) 🟦 Harris 48% Insider Advantage 800 LV - 9/11-9/12

Yeah, This Is Legit -- And It's Devastating!

Nate Silver Sees Trump As Favorite Again

BREAKING: Trump ticks back to being the 61% favorite in Nate Silver’s election model after more polls release

🔴 Trump: 61% (+22.3) 🔵 Harris: 38.7% The model also gives Trump a 63% chance of winning PENNSYLVANIA, and a 52% chance at MICHIGAN. Silver Bulletin | Sept. 13

This One Will Take Your Breath Away!

From Brendan Dilley and something called the Dilley Meme Team. Absolutely breathtaking!

In Fact, She Didn't Answer A Single Question!

From American Enterprise Institute's  widely respected analyst and commentator Matthew Continetti of the The Washington Free Beacon:

For my sins, I read the transcript of the debate after watching it live. Harris didn't answer a single question the moderators asked her, no matter the subject. Are Americans better off than four years ago? Why did the Biden-Harris administration wait three and a half years to address the border crisis? Why exactly has Harris junked her socialist policies from four years ago? Does she support a single restriction on abortion? OK, Trump asked the last one. The ABC anchors didn't follow up.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

We'll Just Leave This Her For Awhile . . .

These Are the Facts: Crime Is Up Under Biden/Harris

The following is from the US  Department of Justice's  National Crime Victimization Survey:

  • FACT: Violent crime is up 37% between 2020 and last year.
    • Rape is up 42%.
    • Robbery is up 63%.
    • Assault is up 34%.
    • Violent crime (excluding simple assault) is up 55%.
    • Domestic violence is up 32%.
    • Stranger violence is up 61%.
    • Violent crime (with an injury) is up 10%.
    • Violent crime (with a weapon) is up 56%.
    • Motor vehicle theft is up 42%.
  • FACT: The total number of violent crimes reported last year is higher than any year under President Trump.

  • FACT: Kamala has overseen the two highest years for total Americans victimized by violent crime since 2012.

  • FACT: Kamala has presided over three of the four most murderous years in the last quarter century.

  • FACT: In most cities, murder rates remain higher than pre-pandemic levels.

Try As She May, Her Own Record Haunts Her

How Your Supermarket Dollar Buys Less!



Wednesday, September 11, 2024

She Cannot Run From HER OWN Statements!

Pew Poll: Trump Ahead Among Catholic Voters

A Pew Research Center poll released Monday found that former President Donald Trump is leading Vice President Kamala Harris by five points among all Catholic voters, with 52% compared to her 47%. 

The poll asked registered voters across many religious affiliations which candidate, Trump or Harris, they would vote for, or are leaning toward voting for, if the election was held on they day they were polled.

Specifically among white Catholics, Trump has a significant 23-point lead, polling at 61% against Harris’ 38%. 

Harris leads Trump by just over 30 points among Hispanic Catholics, meanwhile, with 65% of support compared to the Republican nominee’s 34%.

According to Pew’s survey, Trump also enjoys a wide lead among white Protestants, especially those who identify as evangelical.

Among white evangelical Protestants, Trump leads Harris by a whopping 66% points: 82% to 16%.

The same poll also found Trump ahead by 17 points with non-evangelical white Protestants. Harris, however, maintains a commanding lead among black Protestants – 86% to 11%.

Harris’ lead with Jewish voters was identical to her lead with Hispanic Catholics: 65% to 34%.

Pew determined that Harris was winning atheist voters in a landslide, 85% to 13%. With voters identified as agnostic, Harris enjoyed a slightly narrower lead of 78% to 20%.

Voters who indicated their religion was “nothing in particular” also went for Harris, but by a significantly smaller margin than both Jewish voters and Hispanic Catholics – 59% to 38%.

Among all voters Pew surveyed, the two major party nominees were tied, both with 49% of the vote.  

Pew conducted the poll from August 26 to September 2. 

CatholicVote Vice President Joshua Mercer said the new numbers on Catholic voters are in keeping with trends CV has been following, including in battleground states.

“Catholics aren’t a monolith, but we’re concerned enough about the central issues of faith, family, and freedom that you can bet we mostly recognize a threat to the Church when we see one,” Mercer said:

Harris has been a central player in almost three years of constant attacks on all we hold dear – carried out by a weaponized government that goes very hard against pro-lifers and Catholic-run pregnancy resource centers.

The new Pew Research numbers “didn’t surprise” Mercer, he said. “If anything, I think the exit polls after November will show an even bigger hole where the Democratic Party’s Catholic support used to be.”

We'd Do Well To Take His Warning To Heart!


POWERFUL: This Ad Aired Only Once . . .

On This Day: Reflect, Remember, Resolve!


Above All, New Jerseyans MUST Remember 9/11 . . .

Reprinted from a 2017 Save Jersey post, still very relevant:
Sixteen years ago, New Jersey lost 746 of its own when Islamic terrorists attacked New York City, the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93.
Brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, cousins, clergymen, coaches, bosses, friends, fiances, mentors, heroes and humanitarians. 
New Jersey's 9/11 Memorial
New Jersey’s 9/11 Memorial
The 9/11 attack on NYC from space
The 9/11 attack on NYC from space
All brutally murdered for the “crime” of living free.
In fact, many New Jerseyans were designated as “missing” at the World Trade Center. 
Have you forgotten the images of Americans jumping from skyscrapers? 
When you get up in the morning? Kiss your kids? Say goodbye to friends? Pass a veteran at the airport?
This year’s high school freshmen weren’t yet born on 9/11/01. They’ll be voting in a few years.
Teach them.
Honor the lost to help the living.
An alphabetical listing of New Jersey’s dearly departed citizens has been reproduced for you below (h/t New Jersey 9/11 Memorial Foundation):


Paul Andrew Acquaviva
Donald L. Adams
Lee Adler
Daniel Thomas Afflitto
Alok Agarwal
Joao A.D. Aguiar Jr.
Jeremiah J. Ahern
Andrew Alameno
Gary Albero
Grace Alegre-Cua
Edward L. Allegretto
Christopher Edward Allingham
Cesar A. Alviar
Tariq Amanullah
Kermit Charles Anderson
Jean A. Andrucki
Siew-Nya Ang
Lorraine D. Antigua
Peter Paul Apollo
Michael G. Arczynski
Jack Charles Aron
Richard Avery Aronow
Michael A. Asciak
Louis Aversano Jr.
Arlene T. Babakitis
Eustace (Rudy) Bacchus
Brett T. Bailey
Michael S. Baksh
Paul V. Barbaro
Ivan Kyrillos Fairbanks Barbosa
Colleen Ann Barkow
Evan J. Baron
Maurice Vincent Barry
Alysia Basmajian
W. David Bauer
Marlyn C. Bautista
Lorraine G. Bay
Todd Morgan Beamer
Paul F. Beatini
Jane S. Beatty
Manette Marie Beckles
Michael E. Beekman
Maria Behr
Andrea Della Bella
Debbie S. Bellows
Margaret L. Benson
Steven Howard Berger
Daniel D. Bergstein
Donna Bernaerts-Kearns
Joseph J. Berry
William Reed Bethke
Timothy D. Betterly
Anil T. Bharvaney
Bella Bhukhan
Susan L. Blair
Richard M. Blood Jr.
John Paul Bocchi
Nicholas A. Bogdan
Lawrence Francis Boisseau
Vincent M. Boland Jr,
Alan Bondarenko
Sean Booker
Sherry Ann Bordeaux
Krystine C. Bordenabe
Martin Boryczewski
Richard E. Bosco
Thomas H. Bowden Jr.
Alfred Braca
David Brian Brady
Nicholas Brandemarti
Lydia Estelle Bravo
Ronald Michael Breitweiser
Gary L. Bright
Mark Francis Broderick
Mark Bruce
Dennis Buckley
Patrick Joseph Buhse
John E. Bulaga Jr.
Keith James Burns
Cecile M. Caguicla
Scott W. Cahill
Thomas J. Cahill
Edward Calderon
Dominick E. Calia
Liam Callahan
Luigi Calvi
David Otey Campbell
John A. Candela
Stephen J. Cangialosi
David G. Carlone
Mark Stephen Carney
Christopher Newton Carter
John F. Casazza
William Joseph Cashman
William Otto Caspar
Alejandro Castano
Arcelia Castillo
Jason D. Cayne
Ana M. Centeno
Jeffrey M. Chairnoff
Swarna Chalasini
Mark L. Charette
Douglas MacMillan Cherry
Swede Joseph Chevalier
Wing Wai Ching
Catherine E. Chirls
Kyung Hee (Casey) Cho
Kirsten L. Christophe
Steven Paul Chucknick
Lt. Robert D. Cirri
Gregory A. Clark
Thomas R. Clark
Patricia A. Cody
Kevin Sanford Cohen
Christopher M. Colasanti
Michel Paris Colbert
Keith Eugene Coleman
Robert J. Coll Jr.
Michael L. Collins
Linda M. Colon
Albert Conde
Cynthia L. Connolly
John E. Connolly
James Lee Connor
Dennis Michael Cook
John A. Cooper
Gerard J. Coppola
Danny A. Correa-Gutierrez
Dolores Marie Costa
Charles Gregory Costello Jr.
Michael S. Costello
Christopher S. Cramer
Denise Crant
James L. Crawford Jr.
Kevin Raymond Crotty
John Crowe
John Robert Cruz
Richard Joseph Cudina
Brian Thomas Cummins
Michael J. Cunningham
Patricia Cushing
Gavin Cushny
Jack L. D’Ambrosi Jr.
Michael Jude D’Esposito
Caleb Arron Dack
Carlos S. DaCosta
Brian P. Dale
Thomas A. Damaskinos
Elizabeth Ann Darling
Michael Allen Davidson
Jayceryll M. de Chavez
James V. DeBlase
Donald A. Delapenha
Colleen Ann Deloughery
Joseph Deluca
Francis X. Deming
Kevin Dennis
Jean C. DePalma
Michael DeRienzo
Jemal Legesse DeSantis
Christian D. DeSimone
Edward DeSimone III
Robert P. Devitt Jr.
Lawrence Patrick Dickinson
Michael D. Diehl
Vincent F. DiFazio
Stephen P. Dimino
Christopher Dincuff
Anthony DiOnisio Jr.
Douglas Frank DiStefano
Ramzi A. Doany
Brendan Dolan
Robert Dolan
Neil Dollard
Stephen Dorf
Frank Joseph Doyle
Patrick Joseph Driscoll
Luke A. Dudek
Antoinette Duger
Cmdr. Patrick S. Dunn
Richard A. Dunstan
Dean P. Eberling
Margaret Ruth Echtermann
Paul Robert Eckna
Lisa Egan
Michael Egan
Samantha Egan
John Ernst (Jack) Eichler
Daphne F. Elder
Albert Alfy William Elmarry
Edgar H. Emery Jr.
William J. Erwin
Fanny M. Espinoza
Barbara G. Etzold
Eric Brian Evans
Meredith Emily June Ewart
Patricia M. Fagan
William F. Fallon Jr.
Nancy Carole Farley
John W. Farrell
Syed Abdul Fatha
Christopher Faughnan
Ronald C. Fazio
Peter Feidelberg
Alan David Feinberg
Edward P. Felt
George Ferguson
Judy H. Fernandez
Anne Marie Sallerin Ferreira
David Francis Ferrugio
Louis V. Fersini Jr.
Jennifer Louise Fialko
Michael Bradley Finnegan
Timothy J. Finnerty
Stephen J. Fiorelli
John Roger Fisher
Thomas J. Fisher
Salvatore A. Fiumefreddo
Steven Mark Fogel
Jane C. Folger
Chih Min (Dennis) Foo
Christopher Hugh Forsythe
Noel J. Foster
Jeffrey L. Fox
Gary J. Frank
Colleen Laura Fraser
Lillian I. Frederick
Gregg J. Froehner
Paul James Furmato
Pamela Gaff
Daniel James Gallagher
Vincenzo Gallucci
Harvey J. Gardner III
Jeffrey B. Gardner
Boyd A. Gatton
Steven Gregory Genovese
Alayne F. Gentul
Joseph M. Giaccone
Debra L. Gibbon
Andrew Clive Gilbert
Timothy Paul Gilbert
Paul Stuart Gilbey
Donna Marie Giordano
Salvatore Gitto
Thomas I. Glasser
Harry Glenn
Barry H. Glick
Jeremy Glick
Michael Gogliormella
Brian Fredric Goldberg
Steven Goldstein
Rosa J. Gonzalez
Thomas E. Gorman
Michael Edward Gould
Christopher Michael Grady
Christopher Stewart Gray
John Michael Grazioso
Wade Brian Green
Gayle R. Greene
Eileen Marsha Greenstein
Donald H. Gregory
Pedro Grehan
John M. Griffin
Joan D. Griffith
Kenneth Grouzalis
Liming Gu
Douglas B. Gurian
Philip T. Guza
Robert John Halligan
Frederic Kim Han
Kevin James Hannaford
Timothy John Hargrave
Stewart D. Harris
John Clinton Hartz
Emeric J. Harvey
Leonard William Hatton Jr.
Scott Hazelcorn
JoAnn L. Heltibridle
Mark F. Hemschoot
Brian Hennessey
Robert Allan Hepburn
Robert Wayne Hobson III
Patrick Aloysius Hoey
Michele L. Hoffman
Frederick J. Hoffmann
Joseph Francis Holland III
LeRoy Wilton Homer Jr.
Matthew D. Horning
Uhuru G. Houston
Steve Huczko
Robert T. “Bobby” Hughes Jr.
Thomas F. Hughes
Timothy Robert Hughes
Susan Huie
Kathleen (Casey) Hunt
Joseph Anthony Ianelli
Zuhtu Ibis
Anthony P. Infante Jr.
Christopher N. Ingrassia
Paul Innella
Virginia Jablonski
Jason Kyle Jacobs
Gricelda E. James
Alan K. Jensen
Prem N. Jerath
Hweidar Jian
Donald T. Jones
Stephen Joseph
Shashi Kiran L. Kadaba
Shari Kandell
Howard Lee Kane
Jennifer Lynn Kane
Joon Koo Kang
Sheldon R. Kanter
Deborah H. Kaplan
Alvin Peter Kappelmann Jr.
Charles Karczewski
Sgt. Robert Kaulfers
Hideya Kawauchi
Edward T. Keane
Leo Russell Keene III
Joseph J. Keller
Thomas Michael Kelly
Robert C. (Bob) Kennedy
John Keohane
Howard L. Kestenbaum
Rajesh Khandelwal
SeiLai Khoo
Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim
Andrew Marshall King
Lucille T. King
Peter A. Klein
Alan D. Kleinberg
Thomas Patrick Knox
Rebecca Lee Koborie
Bon-seok Koo
Dorota Kopiczko
Angela R. Kyte
Andrew LaCorte
Ganesh K. Ladkat
James P. Ladley
Michael Patrick LaForte
Neil K. Lai
Vincent A. Laieta
Franco Lalama
Chow Kwan Lam
Brendan M. Lang
Rosanne P. Lang
Ruth Sheila Lapin
Robin Larkey
John Adam Larson
Nicholas C. Lassman
Paul Laszczynski
Anna A. Laverty
Steven LawnRobert A. Lawrence
Leon Lebor
Kenneth Charles Ledee
David S. Lee
Myung-woo Lee
David P. LeMagne
John J. Lennon Jr
Jorge Luis Leon
Robert M. Levine
Margaret Susan Lewis
Orasri Liangthanasarn
Steven B. Lillianthal
Craig Damian Lilore
Weirong Lin
Thomas V. Linehan Jr.
Alan Linton
Kenneth P. Lira
Ming-Hao Liu
Jerome Robert Lohez
Manuel L. Lopez
Stuart Seid Louis
Joseph Lovero
Edward (Ted) H. Luckett II
Christopher Lunder
James Francis Lynch
Robert H. Lynch
Sean P. Lynch
Richard B. Madden
Simon Maddison
Ronald E. Magnuson
Daniel L. Maher
Alfred R. Maler
Gregory James Malone
Christian Maltby
Joseph Mangano
Hilda Marcin
Peter E. Mardikian
Jose J. Marrero
James Martello
William J. Martin Jr.
Brian E. Martineau
Waleska Martinez Rivera
Philip W. Mastrandrea Jr.
Charles William Mathers
William A. Mathesen
Robert D. Mattson
Tyrone May
Robert J. Mayo
Kaaria Mbaya
James J. McAlary Jr.
Colin Richard McArthur
Michael J. McCabe
Thomas McCann
Tonyell McDay
Matthew T. McDermott
Joseph P. McDonald
Michael McDonnell
Katherine (Katie) McGarry-Noack
Daniel F. McGinley
Thomas H. McGinnis
Scott Martin McGovern
Stacey S. McGowan
Patrick J. McGuire
Keith McHeffey
George Patrick McLaughlin Jr.
Gavin McMahon
Edmund M. McNally
Daniel McNeal
Damian Meehan
Lizette Mendoza
David R. Meyer
William Edward Micciulli
Martin Paul Michelstein
Peter T. Milano
Gregory Milanowycz
Michael Matthew Miller
Robert Alan Miller
Robert C. Miller Jr.
Louis Joseph Minervino
Domenick Mircovich
Rajesh A. Mirpuri
Justin J. Molisani Jr.
John G. Monahan
Craig D. Montano
Steven P. Morello
Richard Morgan
Seth A. Morris
Ferdinand V. Morrone
Marco Motroni Sr.
Peter C. Moutos
Michael Joseph Mullin
James Donald Munhall
Robert M. Murach
Marc A. Murolo
Edward C. Murphy
James Thomas Murphy
Lt. Cmdr. Patrick Jude Murphy
Patrick Sean Murphy
John J. Murray
John Joseph Murray
Susan D. Murray
Alexander J.R. Napier
Frank Naples
Catherine A. Nardella
Narender Nath
Joseph M. Navas
Francis J. Nazario
Pete Negron
James Nelson
Nancy Yuen Ngo
Martin Niederer
Alfonse J. Niedermeyer III
Paul R. Nimbley
Daniel R. Nolan
Brian Novotny
Michael O’Brien
Keith K. O’Connor
James Andrew O’Grady
Robert W. O’Shea
Edward K. Oliver
Ronald Orsini
Masaru Ose
Todd Joseph Ouida
Deepa K. Pakkala
Dominique Pandolfo
Vinod K. Parakat
Nitin Parandkar
Philip L. Parker
Robert Emmett Parks Jr.
Hasmukhrai Chuckulal Parmar
Suzanne H. Passaro
Manish K. Patel
Steven B. Paterson
Todd D. Pelino
Angel Ramon Pena
Jon A. Perconti
Alejo Perez
Angel Perez Jr.
Nancy E. Perez
Donald Arthur Peterson
Jean Hoadley Peterson
Kaleen E. Pezzuti
Tu-Anh Pham
Ludwig J. Picarro
Matthew Picerno
Joseph O. Pick
Bernard T. Pietronico
Nicholas P. Pietrunti
Joseph Piskadlo
Joseph Plumitallo
John M. Pocher
Thomas H. Polhemus
Susan M. Pollio
James Edward Potorti
Daphne Pouletsos
Stephen E. Poulos
Gregory M. Preziose
David Lee Pruim
Edward F. Pullis
Joseph John Pycior Jr.
Edward R. Pykon
Ehtesham U. Raja
Harry Ramos
A. Todd Rancke
Srinivasa Shreyas Ranganath
Anne T. Ransom
Roger Mark Rasweiler
David Alan James Rathkey
William Ralph Raub
Michele Reed
Judith A. Reese
Thomas M. Regan
Gregg Reidy
Thomas Barnes Reinig
Frank B. Reisman
Richard Rescorla
Bruce A. Reynolds
John Frederick Rhodes
Francis S. Riccardelli
Venesha O. Richards
Isaias Rivera
Paul Rizza
Stephen Louis Roach
Joseph Roberto
Leo A. Roberts
Donald Walter Robertson Jr.
Jeffrey Robinson
Michell Lee Robotham
Antonio Augusto Tome Rocha
John M. Rodak
Carmen Milagros Rodriguez
Marsha A. Rodriguez
Richard Rodriguez
Scott Rohner
Elvin Santiago Romero
James A. Romito
Aida Rosario
Linda Rosenbaum
Sheryl Lynn Rosenbaum
Lloyd D. Rosenberg
Mark Louis Rosenberg
Joshua M. Rosenblum
Richard David Rosenthal
Daniel Rosetti
Norman Rossinow
Mark Rothenberg
Nick Rowe
Ronald J. Ruben
Steven Harris Russin
Wayne Alan Russo
John J. Ryan
Joseph Sacerdote
John Patrick Salamone
John Salvatore Salerno Jr.
Richard L. Salinardi
James Kenneth Samuel Jr.
Michael V. San Phillip
James Sands Jr.
Maria Theresa Santillan
Kalyan K. Sarkar
Deepika Kumar Sattaluri
Scott M. Schertzer
Steven Francis Schlag
Jon S. Schlissel
Ian Schneider
John T. Schroeder
Susan Lee Kennedy Schuler
Raphael Scorca
Matthew Carmen Sellitto
Frankie Serrano
Karen Lynn Seymour-Dietrich
Jayesh Shah
Khalid M. Shahid
Barbara A. Shaw
Hagay Shefi
Mark Shulman
See-Wong Shum
Craig A. Silverstein
Bruce Edward Simmons
Kenneth Alan Simon
Michael John Simon
John P. Skala
Francis J. Skidmore Jr.
Toyena C. Skinner
Karl Trumbull Smith
Leonard J. Snyder Jr.
Astrid Elizabeth Sohan
Michael C. Sorresse
Fabian Soto
Timothy P. Soulas
Robert Andrew Spencer
Frank J. Spinelli
Richard James Stadelberger
Eric A. Stahlman
Anthony M. Starita
Craig William Staub
Alexander Robbins Steinman
Thomas S. Strada
James J. Straine Jr.
Edward W. Straub
George Strauch Jr.
Edward T. Strauss
Steven F. Strobert
David S. Suarez
Yoichi Sugiyama
Thomas Sullivan
Selina Sutter
Kenneth J. Swensen
Thomas F. Swift
Gina Sztejnberg
Keiji Takahashi
Robert R. Talhami
Michael Anthony Tanner
Dennis G. Taormina Jr.
Kenneth Joseph Tarantino
Ronald Tartaro
Yeshavant Moreshewar Tembe
Anthony Tempesta
Lesley Thomas-O’Keefe
Clive Thompson
Perry Anthony Thompson
Sal Tieri Jr.
William R. Tieste
Kenneth F. Tietjen
Jennifer M. Tino
John J. Tobin
Richard J. Todisco
Christopher M. Traina
Glenn J. Travers
Walter (Wally) P. Travers Jr.
Lisa L. Trerotola
Francis Joseph Trombino
William Tselepis Jr.
Zhanetta Tsoy
Michael Patrick Tucker
Lance Richard Tumulty
John G. Ueltzhoeffer
Michael A. Uliano
Anil Shivhari Umarkar
Kenneth W. Van Auken
Daniel M. Van Laere
Edward Raymond Vanacore
Jon C. Vandevander
Scott C. Vasel
Sankara S. Velamuri
Jorge Velazquez
Anthony M. Ventura
Christopher Vialonga
Robert A. Vicario
Joseph B. Vilardo
Melissa Vincent
Gregory Wachtler
Honor Elizabeth Wainio
Wendy Alice Rosario Wakeford
Glen J. Wall
Peter G. Wallace
Roy Wallace
James Walsh
Brian G. Warner
Michael H. Waye
Nathaniel Webb
Peter M. West
Meredith Lynn Whalen
James Patrick White
Michael T. Wholey
John C. Willett
Deborah Lynn Williams
Alan L. Wisniewski
Frank T. Wisniewski
Michael R. Wittenstein
Christopher W. Wodenshek
Siu Cheung Wong
Brent James Woodall
Richard Herron Woodwell
Martin M. Wortley
Rodney James Wotton
Neil R. Wright
Suresh Yanamadala
Matthew David Yarnell
Kevin Patrick York
Adel Agayby Zakhary
Robert Alan Zampieri
Mark Zangrilli
Kenneth Albert Zelman
Michael Joseph Zinzi
Julie Lynne Zipper
Salvatore J. Zisa