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Friday, June 30, 2023
Yes, The Others Failed; Only Trump Succeeded!
A very perceptive and articulate friend ("Captain Conservative") writes as follows:
Dating back to President Eisenhower, Republicans have gotten the bait and switch when it comes to Supreme Court nominees. The GOP voter has fallen flat more times than Charlie Brown trying to kick that football.
Republican Supreme Court Justices who have been confirmed, more often than not, turned left and rarely looked back. The same phenomenon never happens the other way. Beyond that bitter pill, those turncoats also legislated from the bench. Judicial fiat is not democracy. It is not representative of our republic.
Donald Trump, the mercurial, bombastic, and unrefined former president, has succeeded where all his predecessors failed. His success will live on for at least a generation; hopefully beyond.
After decades of liberal rulings which stretched both the bounds of credulity and Constitutionality, the High Court is finally returning original intent to America. The overturning of Roe was thought impossible. Done. Affirmative Action. Done. Religious freedom. Done.
We should all thank President Donald J. Trump for these landmark decisions. This has brought balance back to the court and America. Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, and Bush II all failed where Trump really triumphed.
Pennacchio Lambasts NJ Dems Budget Trickery
New Jersey State Senator Joe Pennacchio criticized Democrat leadership and Governor Murphy for rushing through a budget that is 60% higher than when the governor first took office.

Sen. Joe Pennacchio criticized Democrat leadership and Governor Murphy for rushing through a budget that is 60% higher than when the governor first took office. (YouTube)
“It is incredible to me that despite the state being flush with cash that we are doing a last-minute vote to pass a $54 billion dollar budget that is due no later than today. How can we allow for a committee vote before the duly elected officers had a chance to see what the actual budget contains?” questioned Pennacchio (R-26). “There is no transparency and the budget numbers provided in the budget committee were inaccurate. Legislators cannot do the job they were elected to do when the process is rushed and opaque. Why was this budget not completed and voted on weeks ago?”
As part of the budget deal, Democrats hastily pushed through the StayNJ program, which is an election year promise to possibly deliver a badly needed tax reduction to our seniors — in 2026.
“The wimpy premise of voting for a budget today and waiting to reward senior taxpayers years from now deserves to be confined to the list of comedy of errors that has followed this year’s budget process,” Pennacchio stated. “New Jersey citizens deserve better.”
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Does He Even Know Where He Is?
Biden wandered off mid-interview on live National TV today. Could you imagine the international response if Putin did this? pic.twitter.com/iFnlS4kIdI
— Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 (@jacksonhinklle) June 30, 2023
THIS Is Why We LOVE Mike Testa!
New Jersey deserves better.
— Mike Testa (@TestaForNJ) June 29, 2023
I was an emphatic “NO” vote in last night’s Senate Budget Committee meeting held at the 12th hour. pic.twitter.com/7DweALf6eo
Decoding The Oppressive Language Of Liberalism
It's been said many times: If you can control the language you can control the debate.
Liberals know this. That's why they make up new words and phrases. They literally create a new language to control how we view the world -- how we think, how we feel and which side we come down on. They're audacious about it. What's more, they vigorously enforce the new language they create. They mandate it.
If you don't believe this, take a look at the following and remember what these words and phrase really mean as we decode each one of them:
affirmative action - Preferential treatment for liberal sanctioned protected classes; reverse discrimination.
LGBTQ+ - An ever-increasing alphabet soup that now includes nearly everybody except heterosexuals.
gender affirming care - Denying your biological gender via bodily mutilation.
non documented - Illegal immigrants.
marginalized communities - Communities targeted for additional government handouts so they can achieve less and depend on the government more.
community investment - Tax hikes
revenue enhancement - Same as "community investment."
diversity, equity and inclusion - Tipping the scales in favor of those who are most inclined to support leftist causes.
reproductive rights - Abortion; the killing of babies.
systemic racism - The grafting of past grievances and injustices onto present day circumstances so as to deny America's promise and progress.
black and brown people - Everyone except white people and Asians.
underserved communities - The people who are likely getting most of your redistributed income.
nationalists - Patriotic Americans.
micro aggression - Anything you say or even think that may be construed as offensive to liberals and their ilk.
safe space - A place where those who perceive themselves as victims of thoughts you don't even know you have may be coddled and infantilized.
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
No, He's Not Pennsylvania's First Governor Shapiro
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Another Profoundly Embarrassing Moment!
BIDEN (last week): "I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things..." pic.twitter.com/eyEaQEevRp
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 26, 2023
Might RFK Jr. Win? One In Three Dems Say YES!
Nearly half of voters have a favorable opinion of presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and, among Democratic voters, more than a third think he could win their party’s 2024 nomination.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 49% of likely U.S. voters have a favorable impression of RFK Jr., including 14% with a very favorable opinion. Thirty-eight percent (38%) view Kennedy unfavorably, including 18% with a very unfavorable impression, while another 14% are not sure. RFK Jr.’s favorability has declined since early May. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Please sign up for the Rasmussen Reports daily e-mail update (it’s free) or follow us on Facebook. Let us keep you up to date with the latest public opinion news.
The survey of 1,046 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on June 20-22, 2023 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research.
Monday, June 26, 2023
NJ Dem Budget Shenanigans Are 'Outrageous!'
The Republican members of the New Jersey Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee called on Governor Murphy and legislative Democrats to release the FY 2024 State Budget and explain the dozens of other bills that the Budget Committee will be called to vote upon tomorrow.

The Republican members of the Senate Budget Committee called on Gov. Murphy and legislative Democrats to release the FY 2024 State Budget and explain the dozens of other bills that the Budget Committee will be called to vote upon tomorrow. (Pixabay)
“It’s outrageous that we’re going to be asked to vote on a record spending bill tomorrow by the Democratic Majority without anyone having seen a copy of the bill yet,” said Senator Declan O’Scanlon (R-13), the Republican Budget Officer. “We don’t even have an outline of the plan to help us understand the billions of dollars of changes they are proposing. This is no way to run a government.”
The Legislature and Governor Murphy have a constitutional deadline of June 30 to adopt a balanced budget to prevent a government shutdown starting July 1.
Democrats have not shared so much as an outline of their budget bill that must be adopted within the next four days even though it is expected to differ significantly from Governor Murphy’s original budget proposal. They issued a Senate Budget Committee agenda for tomorrow that will rush bills through the legislative process spending nearly $100 billion of taxpayer funds and giving away billions of dollars of special tax credits.
“The Governor proposed almost 100 special line items of pork in the original draft of the budget that his administration repeatedly refused to explain during budget hearings this spring and through multiple public record requests,” said Senate Republican Leader Steven Oroho (R-24). “New Jerseyans deserve to know why a favored few are getting huge budget handouts that nobody else is getting. There’s nothing fair about that.”
It is believed that despite Republican proposals to improve the budget, Democrats will advance a budget that allows five tax increases totaling $2 billion to move forward.
It also is expected to maintain cuts in aid to 160 school districts and continue hoarding billions of dollars in several slush funds controlled by a handful of Democrat leaders.
“Legislators will be asked to vote for a budget with hundreds of taxpayer-funded gifts inserted by Governor Murphy including money for a private lacrosse club, a French Arts museum in a city where school aid was slashed, and even a Dominoes Club,” said Senator Michael Testa (R-1). “There’s also an unexplained $250,000 appropriation for a privately run pool in Deal, one of the richest communities in the state, to an organization whose director is paid $300,000 a year. We asked for explanations for this funding from the Governor and legislative Democrats and got nothing. They know this spending isn’t justified or fair so they don’t even bother trying to explain it.”
It is still unknown how many special line items will be added to the budget this week and whether they will be explained in advance of the budget vote.
“If history is any guide, we are about to get a budget at the last minute with dozens or even hundreds of Christmas tree add-ons with no explanation, justification, or background,” said Senator Doug Steinhardt (R-23). “This is the exact opposite of how an open and transparent budget process is supposed to work.”
The unexplained pork already requested by Governor Murphy in his budget proposal includes:
Deal - Sephardic Youth Center Inc. Playground Expansion | $250,000 |
Deal - Axelrod Performing Arts Center Ballet Dance | $100,000 |
Jersey City - French Arts Museum | $12,000,000 |
Elizabeth - Institute of Music for Children | $5,000,000 |
Asbury Park Theater | $100,000 |
Bergenfield - Little League | $25,000 |
Bergenfield - Police Athletic League – operating | $25,000 |
Bergenfield - Senior Activity Center | $100,000 |
Paramus - Public Safety | $25,000 |
River Edge - Public Facilities Improvement | $900,000 |
Hasbrouck Heights - Flood Mitigation | $100,000 |
Little Ferry – Roads | $1,000,000 |
Maywood - Public facilities | $430,000 |
Asbury Park - Building Replacement | $500,000 |
Union City - social services | $5,000,000 |
Montgomery - Infrastructure | $3,000,000 |
Monmouth Beach - Beautification | $25,000 |
Long Branch - Volunteer Firefighters Museum | $200,000 |
West Orange – Recreation | $110,000 |
Fair Lawn - Public Facilities | $1,490,000 |
Freehold Boro - Liberty Street Improvements | $350,000 |
Princeton - First Responders Radios | $222,000 |
Eatontown - Public Safety | $100,000 |
Neptune Twp. - Midtown Youth Programs | $50,000 |
Monmouth Day Care Center | $25,000 |
Paramus Schools - Athletic Fields Improvement | $1,500,000 |
Neptune Twp. School District - Capital | $100,000 |
Hillsborough School District - Capital | $626,000 |
Somerset County Vo Tech - Capital | $750,000 |
Brookdale CC | $250,000 |
Rabbinical College of America/Chabad of NJ | $250,000 |
Middlesex County - Art. Turf Fields (Cricket, Rugby, etc) Tennis Courts | $20,000,000 |
Monmouth Day Care Center | $25,000 |
Bergenfield - Dominos Club Operating Costs | $50,000 |
NJ Interscholastic Lacrosse Officials Association | $20,000 |
Spanish American Cultural Association of Bergenfield, Cultural Progams | $10,000 |
IBEW - Benevolent Fund - Scholarship | $50,000 |
Shri Krishna Ndhi Foundation | $100,000 |
Qspot LGBT Community Center | $50,000 |
Spanish American Cultural Association of Bergenfield, Cultural Progams | $10,000 |
The Republican Budget Committee members have released all of their requested budget changes, including explanations and justifications, in advance of the budget vote in accordance with Senate Rules.