Saturday, October 19, 2024

Italian American Heritage Month: To Our Grandparents

Take a moment to reflect on this . . . . 

A heartfelt letter to all our Italian grandparents written by Rocco Petito on behalf of the Federation Of Italian American Organizations of the United States:

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

I’m writing to fill you in on how the family you started all those years ago is doing. When you arrived in America, Italian immigrants were looked down on, so you did your best to make Americans out of us. You would be amazed at how well you succeeded. In the family we now have doctors, lawyers, teachers, artists, writers, business leaders, even a champion snowboarder and a professional baseball player. We have an Emmy winning photojournalist, police officers, a fire department captain, a TV news anchor, a couple of expert carpenters…people in every field of endeavor.
We accomplished these things because each generation was taught your values and work ethic. We inherited your sense of pride in family, your trust in God and love of country, Life was hard for Italian-Americans when you were here. You had to change your names and do the dirty jobs nobody else wanted to do. But we are past that now thanks to the hardships you endured so your children might climb a little higher up the ladder. The doors that were closed to you are now open to us. There are still a few haters hiding behind the fake smiles but they no longer matter.
We are also rediscovering our Italian heritage, tracing our roots and visiting those places in Italy where it all began, The circle is closing. None of this would have been possible without you. Grandpa picking up pieces of coal on the train tracks to heat the house in the dead of winter. Grandma working long hours as a seamstress while raising four children and running a household. You couldn’t see where your sacrifice would lead…how the risks you took paid off and how the seeds you planted have flourished. I await the day we can all be together again at that big table for eternity.
For now, on behalf of our family, I thank you for your courage and the start you gave us. Your work is done, your burdens lifted. Go and dance with the angels.
Love your Grandchildren❤ 🙏🏻

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