Friday, May 17, 2024

Has The Pope Blown Catholic Rift Wide Open?

Pope Francis has now called "conservative" American Catholics "suicidal" and accuses them of being "closed up inside a dogmatic box." 

But the Oxford English Dictionary defines dogma as "a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true." Well then, far as we can tell, to follow "dogma" is to follow the Church's teachings -- to be faithful to "principles laid down by an authority [the Church] as being incontrovertibly true." So, traditional Catholics (whether in the US or anywhere else) are actually preaching adherence to Church doctrine in an ordered or structured way as prescribed by the Church itself!

Why would the Pope have a problem with that?

As one commentator said, the Pope's comments here give a whole new meaning to the phrase: "Is the Pope Catholic?" Is he indeed?

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