Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Nikki Haley Announces Her Pick For President

The mystery is over, America.

Today, Nikki Haley announced her choice for President of the United States. And, it doesn't appear as if it was an overwhelmingly difficult decision for her. The former South Carolina Governor and UN Ambassador under President Trump said Trump "has not been perfect" on policies such as national security. But she quickly added that "Biden has been a catastrophe." So, Haley announced "I will be voting for Trump." 

Haley lambasted Biden saying "he will go down in history as the Commander in Chief who refused to stop our enemies."

Haley said that "Trump would be smart to reach out to me and the millions of people that voted for me." Fair enough. And perhaps President Trump will reach out to her. They worked closely together once before and that bodes well going forward. 

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