Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Bashaw Blasts Antisemitic Rutgers RSs: Resign!

New Jersey Republican candidate for United States Senate Curtis Bashaw called for the immediate resignation of Resident Advisors at Rutgers University who walked out of a mandatory Antisemitism and Islamaphobic bias training. According to media reports, the walk out was led byStudents for Justice in Palestine, an organization suspended by Rutgers until 2025.

Bashaw released the following statement:

“There is no place for antisemitism or any other form of hate, harassment or intolerance on our college campuses.  If a Resident Advisor is so offended to hear about antisemitism or the horrific terrorist attacks of October 7th, he or she is not fit to hold that position — particularly at a time when Jewish students are being threatened, harassed and physically blocked from attending classes. These Resident Advisors should immediately resign, and if they don’t, Rutgers should strip them of their positions."

"Unfortunately, my opponent, Andy Kim does not stand with the Jewish community in raising awareness of the unprecedented levels of antisemitism occurring throughout this nation, as Andy was only one of a handful of members of Congress to vote against the bipartisan Antisemitism Awareness Act.  With this vote, Andy Kim would rather stand with Jamaal Bowman, Ilahn Ohmar, and other members of the Squad than stand up for Jewish college students who are being harassed at Rutgers and other college campuses across the country."

According to news reports, the bias training was presented by the harassment awareness group Right To Be under the title "Bystander Intervention To Stop Antisemitic, Xenophobic And Islamophobic Harassment."

**Andy Kim voted no to the bipartisan “Antisemitism Awareness Act”, HR 6090, which was co-sponsored by 61 members of Congress including NJ Representatives Josh Gottheimer, Tom Kean, and Jeff Van Drew. The bill, which would allow provide for the consideration of a definition of antisemitism set forth by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance for the enforcement of Federal anti-discrimination laws,was in response to Jewish students across the country facing unprecedented acts of violence and antisemitism on college campuses. The legislation passed overwhelmingly by a margin of 321-91, with every NJ member voting in favor except for Reps. Kim and Watson-Coleman.

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