Thursday, October 31, 2024

The Dreaded Curse Of The Sitting Vice President?

Vice President John Breckinridge, 1860.
Here's a little known fact: in the nearly 250 years since our nation's founding, only four sitting US vice presidents have gone on to become president. And three of those were in the 18th and 19th century. 

They were John Adams (1796), Thomas Jefferson (1800) and Martin VanBuren (1836). The only sitting vice president to be elected president in the modern era was George H. W. Bush in 1988. And that was more than 35 years ago.

Yes, Richard Nixon and Joe Biden both served as vice president and later became president but they were not serving as vice president when they won. In fact, Nixon lost his bid for the presidency as a sitting vice president in 1960. Other sitting vice presidents in the modern era who failed in their bids to become president include Al Gore (2000) and Hubert Humphrey (1968). Prior to that, Vice President John Breckinridge lost his presidential race to Abraham Lincoln in 1860. 

So, the record is not good for sitting vice presidents attempting to be elected president. Since 1836, one of them has succeeded in that effort while four of them have lost. Why is this so? Perhaps the single most important reason is this: while still in office, vice presidents find it hard to break away from the president they are serving and they are often blamed for and burdened with the errors of that president. People also get tired of the team in power and want a change. Kamala Harris, please take note.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Just Released -- And It's Absolutely Fantastic!

Economy So Bad Even Trump Has To Work 2 Jobs!


Italian American Heritage Month: Phillip Mazzei

Virginia wine country and quite possibly the United States of America as we know it may not have existed, had it not been for Italian physician Philip Mazzei. 

Born Filippo Mazzei, in Tuscany, in 1730, Mazzei practiced medicine in Italy and the Middle East for several years, before moving to London to take up a new career as a merchant. While in London, he worked as a wine merchant and met Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Adams, who convinced him to come to the U.S. for his next venture. 

In 1773, Mazzei and a group of Italians came to Virginia and introduced the cultivation of vineyards, olives and other Mediterranean fruits. Mazzei’s neighbor in Virginia happened to be Thomas Jefferson, and the two struck up a friendship, opening what was to become the first commercial vineyard in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 

In 1779, Mazzei returned to Italy as an agent for the state of Virginia, during the American Revolutionary War, seeking to borrow money for the state from the Grand Duke of Tuscany, as well as gather any useful political or military information for Virginia.


Is Joizee About To Shock The Nation?

With unprecedented early voting turnout numbers, on Day 4 of New Jersey Early Voting, registered Republican voters have increased the lead from 1.2% to 1.9% over registered Democratic voters in-person Early Voting.

Early Voting in-person vote totals as of Tuesday, October 29th, are as follows:
Democrats: 183,262
Republicans: 192,729
Unaffiliated: 128,199
Other: 3,164
TOTAL: 507,354

—Turnout continues to be strongest in GOP base counties of Monmouth, Morris and Ocean, demonstrating enthusiasm for the Republican ticket. 
—Comparatively, traditional Democratic strongholds of Essex and Hudson have seen weaker Democratic early voting turnout.
--The combined early vote for Republicans in Monmouth and Ocean, 51,713, is over 15,000 more than for Democrats in Essex and Hudson, 36,095.
--In six counties, early voting has overtaken vote-by-mail voting: Atlantic, Monmouth, Ocean, Passaic, Sussex, and Warren
--Republicans currently lead in total advance votes in four counties and are narrowing the gap in six others. (Leads: Cape May, Ocean, Sussex, and Warren; Narrowing: Atlantic, Cumberland, Hunterdon, Monmouth, Morris, and Salem)

Oh, We Really, Really Like This One!

Garbage? Yeah, That's Up Under Biden/Harris, Too!

Breitbart: "The prices Americans pay for garbage collection have jumped 18.5 percent since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris entered the White House, according to data from the U.S. Department of Labor. 

The consumer price index for water, sewage, and garbage collection was up 4.75 percent in September compared with one year earlier. Trash collection inflation peaked at a year-over-year rate of 5.8 percent in June of last year."

In New Jersey, Something Unprecedented Is Afoot!

A special message from NJGOP:

As you might know by now, early in-person voting has begun, and ends this Sunday, November 3rd.

Here's some outstanding news:

Republicans are currently LEADING the early in-person vote statewide, for the first time ever!!

Here are the most recent totals:

Democrats: 183,262
Republicans:  192,729
Unaffiliateds:  128,199
Other:  3,164

These numbers tell us our message is resonating, voters are tremendously enthusiastic, and our voter outreach program is working!!

But in order to win... we must do more.

If you haven't yet voted, click HERE for early voting locations in your area.

VIDEO: Trump Handles The Situation Beautifully . . .

Call Them What You Will, They'e Swamping The Vote


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Video: Dan And Christine Flowers, Together Again!

Italian American Heritage Month: Vincenzo Seallaro

A pioneering physician, Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro founded the Order Sons of Italy in America in 1905 to unite Italian immigrants and provide mutual support. He co-founded the Columbus Italian Hospital to help Italian-speaking immigrants access healthcare. His leadership greatly improved social integration and cultural pride, empowering Italian Americans across the U.S.

Something BIG Seems To Be Happenin' In Joizee!

We'll Just Leave This Here For A While . . .

Christine And Dan: Tonight At 8, A Live Video Chat!

You can find Christine Flowers and Dan Cirucci tonight at 8 on Dan's facebook and LinkedIn pages and on Dan's You Tube channel. Then, the recorded video will be found later right here!

The Contrast Could Not Be More Clear

What The Hell's Tha Matter With Pennsylvania?


Monday, October 28, 2024

Does She Even KNOW Who She Is? Huh?

UhOh -- Is The Great Revelation Finally Beginning?


Dan Chats With Young NJ GOP Officeholder Justin Musella

Italian American Heritage Month: Marotta/DiMaggio

In the early 1970s, Italian American entrepreneur Vincent Marotta, Sr. had an idea to create an automatic drip coffee maker. Up until this point, coffee was primarily made in a percolator, which gave it an unappealing burnt taste due to the machine’s endless recirculation and reheating of the coffee. 

At the time, Marotta and business partner Samuel Glazer owned a Cleveland-based company, North American Systems, that focused on coffee delivery, and decided to hire two former Westinghouse engineers to engineer Marotta’s idea. In 1972, the first Mr. Coffee brand drip coffee maker hit the stores for the home consumer.  

In 1973, Marotta was able to sign on baseball great Joe DiMaggio as a spokesperson for the brand. By April 1974, the coffee maker had sold more than one million units and continues to this day to be the best-selling coffee makers in the world.

Photo: Baseball great Joe DiMaggio acting as spokesperson for the brand.

This Is Devastating: Watch All Three Minutes!

Philly Faith Group To Host Community 'Baby Shower'

The Northeast Family Service Center (NEFSC), a ministry of Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, will host a free community baby shower for expecting mothers and new mothers with children under the age of one. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2024
 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
 Northeast Family Service Center 
 7340 Jackson Street
 Philadelphia, PA 19136

The event will include pregnancy and parenting education, games, raffles, and light refreshments. In addition, local service providers will be in attendance to help connect families to various parenting resources.

NEFSC is the first point of contact for individuals, families, and parishes seeking assistance in Northeast Philadelphia. The center offers comprehensive services such as counseling, mentoring, education assistance, adoption counseling, and enrollment in benefit programs, as well as providing prenatal and parenting support groups.

Note: For more information on Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, please visit

New Ad Links Harris To Anti-Catholic Hate Group

A new ad from CatholicVote released Monday shows Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris posing with a longtime member of the anti-Catholic “drag” troupe the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (SPI) at the San Francisco Pride parade in 2019.

Numerous Catholic leaders have denounced the SPI, including Bishop Robert Barron, founder of the popular media outlet and publishing group Word on Fire. Barron describes the SPI as an “anti-Catholic hate group,” and once said of their public “hunky Jesus” performances: “For Catholics, it’s hard to imagine anything more offensive.”

“Why is Kamala Harris posing with the founder of an anti-Catholic hate group?” asks the ad’s voiceover. “They mock our faith.”

The photograph shown at the beginning of the ad was taken at the 2019 iteration of San Francisco’s massive annual pro-LGBTQ event. 

Harris, then a U.S. Senator from California and a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, posed with both SPI member “Sister Roma” (Michael Williams) and “Saint Honey Mahogany” (James Mitchell), a San Francisco “transgender” activist.

Williams has been a member of SPI since 1987. Mitchell is considered by the anti-Catholic group to be a “saint,” a title given to its various allies who are not official SPI members.

The ad goes on to show a montage of multiple clips of SPI members dressed in lewd costumes mocking nuns and performing sexually suggestive dances on a cross.

“Kamala Harris stands with they/them. Not with you,” says the voiceover in the ad. “Christians can’t stay home November 5.”

No Doubt About It, It Was A TRiUMPh!


Sunday, October 27, 2024

Watch Trump At The Garden, HERE, LIVE Right Now!

Are We Ready For Sustainable Sensibility?

With just about one week to go, this is what the election comes down to: Are we gonna wallow in utter lunacy or will America find its way to sustainable sensibility?

Because it will take nothing less than systemic, sustainable sensibility to get us back on track. And only one man -- the Ultimate Disrupter -- can make that happen. We've fallen so far that only a shock to (and a recharge of) the nation's central nervous system will get us headed in the right direction again.

And, make no mistake about it, the overwhelming majority of Americans feel that right now are headed in the wrong direction. Yes, a recent NBC News poll found that a whopping 65% of Americans (more than two out of every three people) feel we headed in the wrong direction.

If we're going to make the U turn that the nation so desperately needs, it will have to begin with common sense:

  • It's common sense to want efficient government, prudent spending and low taxes.
  • It's common sense to demand secure borders and enforcement of the nation's immigration laws in every state, every county and every city everywhere, all across the country.
  • It's common sense to insist that illegal alien rapists, murderers, drug dealers, sex traffickers, gang members etc. be deported as soon as possible.
  • It's common sense for parents to expect to be notified about and involved in decisions affecting the gender of their own children.
  • It's common sense to expect that biological boys and men will not be competing against biological girls and women in sports.
  • It's common sense for parents to insist that sexually explicit material not be distributed to their children in school libraries.
  • It's common sense to demand that election integrity be safeguarded via measures such as voter ID -- a system which is followed by nearly all of the world's major democracies. 
  • It's common sense to support the police and law enforcement authorities when they appropriately seek to enforce the law and maintain order.
  • It's common sense to protect our national sovereignty, our goods and services, our manufacturing capacity and our economic well being and fend off all challenges, foreign and domestic.
  • It's common sense to expect our universities to teach students how to think, not what to think.
  • It's common sense to assume that the American Dream would include the ability to work hard, earn a good living, buy a hime, raise a family, follow your faith and pursue your dreams and to do it all unfettered by some needlessly imposed ideology or, worse yet, government enforced group think.
  • It's common sense to strive for an America that seeks peace through strength, without duplicity -- an America that reaffirms American exceptionalism as One Nation Under God.
None of these notions are radical or dangerous or destructive. To the contrary, they are simply practical, American sensibilities. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Hell Hath No Fury Like . . . OMG! She's Lost It!

The plan was that she would unnerve him -- that she would rattle him and he would come undone. Yes, she'd throw him off his game. That was the plan from the outset. But instead, he began to get to her. And now, it seems he's pushed her over the edge. Take a look. Apparently, she's the one who's now rattled. 

Italian American Heritage Month: Mother Cabrini

The first U.S. citizen to be canonized as a saint, Mother Cabrini founded orphanages, schools, and hospitals across the U.S. She devoted her life to serving immigrants and the poor, leaving a lasting legacy of compassion and charitable work.

A Brand New Ad Has Just Dropped . . .

It's No Surprise, But Still Outrageous!


The Complete Trump/Joe Rogan Interview!

The Decline Is Ominous -- AND Accelerating!


A Message From America's Men, For Everyone!

It's Costing Each One Of Us Every Single Day!

This Guy Is RED HOT Right Now . . .

Where We Lag Behind The Rest Of The World


Friday, October 25, 2024

Yo Voy A Vota Por Donald Trump!

Autumn At The Heinz/Tinicum Wildlife Preserve

We captired these dazzling colors on a walk this morning!

A Special Message From Senator Mike Testa

Italian American Heritage Month: Marissa Tomei


Marisa Tomei is a talented, award-winning actress known for her versatility and authentic performances. She won an Oscar for My Cousin Vinny and appeared in films like The Wrestler and Spider-Man. Brooklyn-born, she’s renowned for her depth, charisma, and lasting impact in film and television.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Single Biggest Question Of The Whole Campaign!

You Would Have Thought She Would Know This . . .


Italian American Heritage Month: Danny DeVito


A celebrated actor, director, and producer, Danny DeVito is best known for roles as Louie De Palma in Taxi and Frank Reynolds in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. With standout performances in Batman Returns and Matilda, this versatile performer has a career spanning decades, excelling in both comedy and drama.

Right Now, His Legacy Is Consistent, Inspiring!

We'll Just Leave This Here For Now . . .


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Biden Wants Trump Jailed: Keep Talking, Joe!

Italian American Heritage Month: Fiorello LaGuardia

A prominent leader and three-term mayor of New York City, he played a key role in revitalizing the city during the Great Depression. Known for championing infrastructure projects and public reforms, he worked to improve the lives of immigrants and the working class. His legacy endures as a symbol of integrity and service.

A Special Message From RFK, Jr.

"No matter what state you live in, vote Trump. This may be our last chance to protect our Constitutional rights. America is turning into a one-party state, fast. So far the Supreme Court has restrained the censorship-industrial complex run by the Democrats. But if they win this election, they will fill the courts with their own judges, and democracy in this country will be lost."   -RFK, Jr.

If These Numbers Hold Up? Unprecedented!


For NJ The Choice Could Not Be More Clear!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Tell Us: Do You See A Pattern Here?

You Don't Wanna Miss This Big Event!


Italian American Heritage Month: To Our Grandparents

Take a moment to reflect on this . . . . 

A heartfelt letter to all our Italian grandparents written by Rocco Petito on behalf of the Federation Of Italian American Organizations of the United States:

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

I’m writing to fill you in on how the family you started all those years ago is doing. When you arrived in America, Italian immigrants were looked down on, so you did your best to make Americans out of us. You would be amazed at how well you succeeded. In the family we now have doctors, lawyers, teachers, artists, writers, business leaders, even a champion snowboarder and a professional baseball player. We have an Emmy winning photojournalist, police officers, a fire department captain, a TV news anchor, a couple of expert carpenters…people in every field of endeavor.
We accomplished these things because each generation was taught your values and work ethic. We inherited your sense of pride in family, your trust in God and love of country, Life was hard for Italian-Americans when you were here. You had to change your names and do the dirty jobs nobody else wanted to do. But we are past that now thanks to the hardships you endured so your children might climb a little higher up the ladder. The doors that were closed to you are now open to us. There are still a few haters hiding behind the fake smiles but they no longer matter.
We are also rediscovering our Italian heritage, tracing our roots and visiting those places in Italy where it all began, The circle is closing. None of this would have been possible without you. Grandpa picking up pieces of coal on the train tracks to heat the house in the dead of winter. Grandma working long hours as a seamstress while raising four children and running a household. You couldn’t see where your sacrifice would lead…how the risks you took paid off and how the seeds you planted have flourished. I await the day we can all be together again at that big table for eternity.
For now, on behalf of our family, I thank you for your courage and the start you gave us. Your work is done, your burdens lifted. Go and dance with the angels.
Love your Grandchildren❤ 🙏🏻