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Monday, September 30, 2019
Horror! Murphy's Policies Set Sexual Predator Free!
New Jersey State Senator Joe Pennacchio condemned Governor Murphy’s sanctuary state policies that resulted in the release from county jail of an illegal immigrant who was arrested for sexual assault of a minor, despite a detainer request by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). A directive from the Attorney General has prohibited local law enforcement agencies from working with federal immigration authorities.

When the “Immigrant Trust Directive” was announced, Attorney General Grewal was quoted as saying the directive was “fair and welcoming” and would “protect the safety of all New Jersey residents.”
Pennacchio also reasserted his call to mandate Megan’s Law registration for all sexual offenders regardless of where the crime was committed, and would require local police to cooperate with federal law enforcement in sexual abuse cases.
“We have a sexual predator on the run due to Governor Murphy’s dangerous sanctuary state policies,” said Pennacchio (R-26) said. “It’s absurd that we now have a federal manhunt for an accused child rapist simply because the jail wasn’t allowed hold him for ICE under orders from the Murphy Administration.”
“Thanks to the governor, New Jersey is ‘fair and welcoming’ to illegal immigrants who commit heinous crimes but not federal authorities trying to keep us safe. I call on Governor Murphy to stop giving safe harbor to criminals and to start prioritizing the public safety of New Jersey families.”
Luciano Dominguez-Trejo, a 28-year-old illegal immigrant, was arrested and charged with aggravated sexual assault, sexual assault of a victim between 13-15 years old, criminal restraint, criminal sexual contact, and endangering the welfare of a child.
Both the ICE office in Mount Laurel and ICE’s Pacific Enforcement Response Center lodged detainers while he was behind held by Cumberland County Jail.
Due to Governor Phil Murphy’s sanctuary state policies, the jail released the sex offender who remains at large.
Pennacchio’s legislation, S-3572, would require convicted or fleeing sex offenders from foreign countries to register as a sex offender under Megan’s Law in New Jersey.
The bill would also mandate law enforcement agencies to inquire about the immigration status of a convicted sex offender, and notify and cooperate with federal immigration authorities if the offender’s legal presence in the United States cannot be confirmed.
Megan’s Law was signed into law in 1994. The law is named for Megan Kanka, a Hamilton New Jersey resident who was raped and murdered by her neighbor at the age of nine. The law created a registry that requires New Jersey law enforcement to disclose the location of registered sex offenders to protect those living nearby.
Under Attorney General Grewal’s 2018 Sanctuary State directive, law enforcement is not required to cooperate with federal immigration authorities under any circumstances, even in cases where an illegal immigrant has been convicted of a sex crime on U.S. soil.
Moreover, under current State law, offenders who commit such sex crimes in other countries are not required to register under Megan’s Law, unlike sex offenders who commit their crimes in the United States. Senator Pennacchio’s legislation aims to close both of these dangerous loopholes.
“New Jersey’s dangerous sanctuary state loophole allows illegal immigrants who are convicted or fleeing sex crime charges to not register under Megan’s law, nor to face federal authorities, or deportation,” added Pennacchio. “Legal residents must comply with Megan’s Law, and my legislation ensures foreign nationals in the United States must do so as well. Those convicted and who cannot prove legal status will face the feds.”

When the “Immigrant Trust Directive” was announced, Attorney General Grewal was quoted as saying the directive was “fair and welcoming” and would “protect the safety of all New Jersey residents.”
Pennacchio also reasserted his call to mandate Megan’s Law registration for all sexual offenders regardless of where the crime was committed, and would require local police to cooperate with federal law enforcement in sexual abuse cases.
“We have a sexual predator on the run due to Governor Murphy’s dangerous sanctuary state policies,” said Pennacchio (R-26) said. “It’s absurd that we now have a federal manhunt for an accused child rapist simply because the jail wasn’t allowed hold him for ICE under orders from the Murphy Administration.”
“Thanks to the governor, New Jersey is ‘fair and welcoming’ to illegal immigrants who commit heinous crimes but not federal authorities trying to keep us safe. I call on Governor Murphy to stop giving safe harbor to criminals and to start prioritizing the public safety of New Jersey families.”
Luciano Dominguez-Trejo, a 28-year-old illegal immigrant, was arrested and charged with aggravated sexual assault, sexual assault of a victim between 13-15 years old, criminal restraint, criminal sexual contact, and endangering the welfare of a child.
Both the ICE office in Mount Laurel and ICE’s Pacific Enforcement Response Center lodged detainers while he was behind held by Cumberland County Jail.
Due to Governor Phil Murphy’s sanctuary state policies, the jail released the sex offender who remains at large.
Pennacchio’s legislation, S-3572, would require convicted or fleeing sex offenders from foreign countries to register as a sex offender under Megan’s Law in New Jersey.
The bill would also mandate law enforcement agencies to inquire about the immigration status of a convicted sex offender, and notify and cooperate with federal immigration authorities if the offender’s legal presence in the United States cannot be confirmed.
Megan’s Law was signed into law in 1994. The law is named for Megan Kanka, a Hamilton New Jersey resident who was raped and murdered by her neighbor at the age of nine. The law created a registry that requires New Jersey law enforcement to disclose the location of registered sex offenders to protect those living nearby.
Under Attorney General Grewal’s 2018 Sanctuary State directive, law enforcement is not required to cooperate with federal immigration authorities under any circumstances, even in cases where an illegal immigrant has been convicted of a sex crime on U.S. soil.
Moreover, under current State law, offenders who commit such sex crimes in other countries are not required to register under Megan’s Law, unlike sex offenders who commit their crimes in the United States. Senator Pennacchio’s legislation aims to close both of these dangerous loopholes.
“New Jersey’s dangerous sanctuary state loophole allows illegal immigrants who are convicted or fleeing sex crime charges to not register under Megan’s law, nor to face federal authorities, or deportation,” added Pennacchio. “Legal residents must comply with Megan’s Law, and my legislation ensures foreign nationals in the United States must do so as well. Those convicted and who cannot prove legal status will face the feds.”
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Dan With Christine Flowers On 1210 Today At 5!
Listen to Dan Cirucci
with Christine Flowers today at 5 PM
on 1210 AM radio in Philly
and everywhere on www.radio.com.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Still So Glad We Had 'This Time Together'

The Carol Burnett Show ran on CBS-TV from 1967 to 1978.
It was one of the last of the great TV comedy-variety shows.
Each week (for 278 editions) Carol Burnett and her company of players, along with weekly guest stars, presented a full scale hour of comedy, dance and music featuring high-quality production values and some of the greatest names in entertainment.
The team that Carol Burnett assembled for her show was top notch, all the way.
Burnett has written a delightful book of recollections (This Time Together) touching upon important parts of her life, including the 11 years that encompassed The Carol Burnett Show. The book is subtitled "laughter and recollection" and even the sad parts are lightened by Burnett's distinctive comedic take on the human condition.
The book is like a series of short anecdotes that almost take the form of a conversation with Carol. In fact, you can hear Burnett's voice on every page and this is what makes the book so honest and so real. These truly are authentic, irrepressibly human reflections from Carol Burnett herself.
In this book you will find unforgettable about Cary Grant, Lucille Ball, Marlon Brando, Walter Matthau, Beverly Sills, Julie Andrews, John Huston, Carol Channing, John Crawford, Garry Moore, Bob Mackie, Laurence Olivier, Mike Nichols, John Steinbeck, Ray Charles, Zero Mostel, Peggy Lee and of course Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, Vicki Lawrence and Lyle Waggoner. Through these stories and through her own reminiscences, Carol Burnett tells her own story as well. And it's funny, revealing and poignant at the same time.
Count this one as an absolute must read.
BTW: The title of the book comes from the song that Carol Burnett sang at the end of each one of her shows: I'm So Glad We Had This Time Together.
VILE! An Outrageous, Disgusting Ethnic Slur!

Look at this reprehensible cover drawing. You are looking at a woeful, hateful, vile and vindictive ethnic slur -- the worst form of stereotyping. It's the type of thing we should have moved beyond generations ago.
And it's all the more outrageous when you consider that, once upon a time, there used to be a responsible legitimate magazine called The New Yorker.
And that New Yorker had a credible, erudite approach to the world. That's a word you don't hear much anymore -- erudite. The magazine was once sophisticated and, for the most part, knowledgeable. And it was also exceptionally well edited.
The New Yorker was the place you went to for witticisms.
The New Yorker dealt in clever asides and original, cogent humor.
It saw the world through what was called a gimlet eye.
Its editors and writers were of the highest order. The names of those editors and writers are legendary: William Shawn, Dorothy Parker, Lillian Ross, James Thurber, Truman Capote, Nora Ephron, Nat Hetnoff, E. B. White, H. L. Mencken, James Baldwin, Mary McCarthy, Robert Benchley, John Cheever, Edna Ferber, J, D. Salinger and so many, many others.
The New Yorker's point of view was that of a slightly jaded but nonetheless learned and inquisitive observer -- sometimes world weary but always engaging and often surprising.
The magazine didn't follow a set ideology and it never shouted or harangued or pushed a single mindset. It also never hesitated to laugh at itself, presenting a tongue-in-cheek approach from time to time. As for politics, the magazine was usually disinclined to dirty its fingers with such matters. Indeed, politicians were often seen to be from a class not entitled to much attention from the vaulted likes of The New Yorker.
But all that has long since changed.
There's nothing unique or original about today's New Yorker. And the latest round of salacious stories (and outrageous covers) show that the magazine clearly has no sense of journalistic responsibility. None whatsoever!
Like much of what passes for journalism these days, The New Yorker is baldly partisan, dogmatic, mean-spirited, relentless, shrill and terminally intolerant. More often than not, what humor it does deliver is crude and incendiary.
All this is sad because the magazine has become an ongoing polemic. Its subtlety and sophistication have been replaced by sensationalism and self-aggradisment. And it thinks nothing of engaging in a barely veiled sort of character assassination.
And these are just a few reasons why I stopped reading it years ago.
Truth to tell, I haven't missed it one bit.
Visions Of Loveliness: Beautiful Old Montreal!

We've had a wonderful time in Montreal.
As you can see, it's certainly worth a visit -- especially this time of year when you are likely to be blessed with fine weather and gorgeous blue skies.
All photos copyright 2019 b Dan Cirucci.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Voters See Trump Re-Elected, NOT Impeached!

Voters think President Trump has more to lose in the growing Ukraine controversy than leading Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden, but they still see Trump’s reelection as a surer shot than impeachment.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters think Trump is more likely than Biden to be found guilty of breaking the law in his dealings with Ukrainian officials. Thirty-four percent (34%) say Biden is more likely to be the culprit. Six percent (6%) believe both men are likely to be found guilty of criminal wrongdoing. Eight percent (8%) say neither is likely to be found guilty. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
But 46% think it’s more likely that Trump will be reelected in 2020 than defeated by the Democratic nominee or impeached, unchanged from late July.
Twenty-eight percent (28%) see a win by the Democrats’ candidate as more likely, down from 33% two months ago. Seventeen percent (17%) believe Trump is likely to be impeached before serving his full term in office, up from 11% in the last survey but down from a high of 29% when Rasmussen Reports first asked this question in late December 2017.
Don't Miss Your Daily Dose Of 'Must' Reads!
The Greatest Entertainer EVER? Well Now, Let's See . . .

It's quite an accolade.
But so many others have also been exalted as "the greatest."
As long as there have been entertainers people have been trying to identify "the greatest." This has been an especially popular pastime in the modern media age.
Indeed, the 20th century was replete with "greatest entertainers."
At Jackson's memorial someone sang the song "Smile." You know this song ("although a tear may be ever so near . . . "). But how many people know that the song was written by Charlie Chaplin?
Chaplin was not only a great movie actor but also a comedian, musician, writer, director, mime and acrobat. He started as a music hall performer in England. He surely must be considered one of the greatest entertainers ever and his work has certainly endured. His legacy is secure.
In fact, Chaplin is one of the few entertainers from his era to still be recognized throughout the world. Even today, upon seeing his photo most young people are able to identify him
Many people felt that Al Jolson was the greatest entertainer ever in his time. Jolson was a superstar before there were superstars. He electrified audiences with his live performances. But he's not easily identified today.
Still, there is no doubt that Jolson inspired people like Sammy Davis, Jr. Like Jackson, Davis was a child star. Davis sang, danced, acted and became an accomplished impersonator as well. He conquered the stage, screen, television and the movies long, long before African Americans were accepted in such roles. And, of course he charted new paths for black entertainers. Sadly, Davis died in relative obscurity and virtually broke. He did not receive the sendoff that Michael Jackson received.
One of the people who helped Davis gain a foothold was Frank Sinatra. For longevity alone Sinatra must be considered one of the greatest entertainers ever. And most people instantly recognize his distinctive voice. The "Chairman of the Board" was an entertainment empire all to himself. He produced, directed, sang, danced, acted. Let's not forget that "Ole Blue Eyes" won an Academy Award for his acting and that he starred in numerous movies.
Sinatra, Jolson, Chaplin, Davis -- they mostly created themselves.
Elvis Presley was largely created by Col. Tom Parker, his domineering manger. Parker molded an entertainment sensation - The King of Rock and Roll. Presley's career was well-managed but the control was stifling and many feel it held Elvis back. Certainly, Elvis starred in a string of forgettable flicks and he was tormented by the endless typecasting imposed on him by Parker.
Have we mentioned the great Noel Coward?
The Master, as he was known, was a playwright, director, actor, writer, composer, singer, comedian. There seemed to be nothing he could not do. And, his music is still heard and his plays are still performed today.
So many other great entertainers come to mind: Judy Garland and her daughter Liza Minelli remain two of the most sensational live performers ever to grace the stage. Liza eventually won the Oscar that her mother should have won. In fact, Liza achieved the rare distinction of winning the Grammy, Emmy, Oscar and Tony awards.
Those who saw Judy Garland in person never, ever forgot her. And she certainly dominated the movies as one of MGM's most popular stars ever.
Besides Liza, another to achieve the quadruple awards crown was Barbra Streisand. Stresand's talent (especially in her early recordings and performances) can only be described as dazzling.
She defined the word "superstar."
World's greatest entertainer?
Where do you begin?
Who would you pick?
I'm sure I left out more than a few greats.
We could argue over this for ages.
Just remember: This title should not be tossed about indiscriminately.
As Circus Plays On, They Ignore REAL Problems!
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Yes, They Really Are CRAZED -- And Very Dangerous!

A near-delirious congressman has now admitted that he completely fabricated a tale of abuse of power by President Trump, placing words in the President's mouth that Trump never uttered. When caught, the congressman was unrepentant and simply passed it off as nothing but a "parody".
But a parody is supposed to be funny and this wasn't in the least bit funny. It was wild, crazed, unconscionable, vicious, hateful and simply inexcusable.
And no one -- no one who really cares about democracy -- should dismiss what the Democrats, the media, certain members of academia and most of all the Deep State are up to now.
Quite simply, they are bound and determined to undue the will of the people! Since 2016, they have been relentlessly working to undermine the elected leader of our nation and undue the results of a lawful election. And they will stop at nothing -- nothing! -- to achieve this goal.
They are motivated by an officious sense of resentment, a blood-thirsty love of (and need for) power and their simmering hatred of ordinary, hard-working, taxpaying Americans.
And all of their shenanigans are buttressed by a huge, oily, ruthless, filthy foundation appropriately tagged the Deep State. The Deep State is a menacing morass of bureaucrats -- vast, ensconced, self-protective, impervious to electoral shifts and seemingly impenetrable. Sadly, these ere the nameless, faceless, monstrously meddling trolls who really run the country. They have no moral compass and they owe allegiance to no ideology or doctrine other than their own perpetuation.
That's where the so called "whistle blower" came from -- from the Deep State!
Understand this: Senators and Congresspersons don't really matter very much anymore. They are mere functionaries. They serve simply as a front -- a semi-glossy pretense of democracy. They don't really work very much at all. They simply go through the motions -- distracting and entertaining the masses.
It's the endless and ever-growing bureaucratic brigades of the Deep State who toil night and day who spew the venom and guarantee the supremacy of the swamp.
This is what President Trump is up against.
This is what he's facing.
This is what he's fighting.
And this is the real parody -- the sick, demented pasquinade of government that Washington DC has become!
Cold Weather And Your Pet: Here Before You Know It!
The American Humane Association believes that pet owners should take special care with pet animals (particularly dogs) during the cold weather months.
And, let's face it, the cold weather will be here before you know it.
The AHA says: if you must leave an animal outdoors in cold weather, follow these tips:
And, let's face it, the cold weather will be here before you know it.
The AHA says: if you must leave an animal outdoors in cold weather, follow these tips:
- Snow is not an adequate source of water and water left in regular bowls will freeze — heated water dishes are essential.
- Provide your pet more, high-quality food — animals will burn more calories when left outside.
- Take extra care of elderly and very young pets — they are most susceptible to suffering in cold weather.
- Elevate doghouses off the ground so cold and moisture don’t rise through the floor. Face the doghouse away from the wind and provide a door flap to keep wind and snow out. Pile up straw around the outside of the house to insulate it.
- Your indoor dog will appreciate the extra warmth of a doggie coat, but if your dog stays outside, don’t use a coat — the fabric will freeze when wet.
- When walking your dog, consider dog booties to protect foot pads from chemicals, salt and sand. Also, wear gloves that will not impede your ability to properly hold the leash and clear the leash clasp of ice build-up.
- Antifreeze is highly toxic to pets, but its sweet flavor is enticing. Keep containers sealed and out of reach and check for puddles. If you suspect your pet has ingested antifreeze, seek immediate emergency veterinary treatment.
- Don’t leave your pet in a parked car — the car will act as a refrigerator and could result in death.
- Cats and other animals are often lured to warm parked-car engines. Bang on your hood before starting up the engine.
- Don’t let your dog chew on firewood and keep him away from indoor or outdoor fires, matches and accelerants.
- After being outside, check your pet for signs of hypothermia: shivering, muscle stiffness, low body movement, a weak pulse rate, lethargy, shallow breathing and disorientation. If you suspect your pet has hypothermia, seek immediate veterinary treatment. Don’t submerge your pet in warm water or place anything hot on his skin. Warm water bottles wrapped in towels, as well as blankets and towels fresh from the dryer, are best.
- In addition to protecting your own pets, keep an eye out for other animals exposed to the weather and contact your local animal control or humane society to report concerns.
- See more winter care tips on the AHA website.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Real Facts About New Jersey? You'd Be Surprised!

New Jersey aficionados probably know a lot of these interesting firsts and facts about New Jersey. But how many of the rest of us do?
Anyway, here they are:
New Jersey has the second highest per capita income in the U.S.
New Jersey has three counties in the top ten U.S. counties by income.
New Jersey was the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights (Nov. 20,1789)
New Jersey is a peninsula.
New Jersey is the only state where all of its counties are classified as metropolitan areas.
New Jersey has more race horses than Kentucky.
New Jersey has more Cubans in Union City (1 sq mi.) than Havana, Cuba.
New Jersey has the densest system of highways and railroads in the US.
Cartoonist Thomas Nast (of Morristown, NJ) created the popular image of Santa Claus.
New Jersey has the most diners in the world and is sometimes referred to as the "Diner Capital of the World."
North Jersey has the most shopping malls in one area in the world, with seven major shopping malls in a 25 square mile radius.
New Jersey is home to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
The Passaic River was the site of the first submarine ride by inventor John P. Holland.
New Jersey has 50+ resort cities & towns; some of the nation's most famous: Asbury Park, Wildwood, Atlantic City, Seaside Heights, Long Branch, Cape May and Ocean City.
New Jersey was home to the Miss America Pageant held in Atlantic City. Created to extend the Summer tourist season.
The game Monopoly, played all over the world, named the streets on its playing board after the actual streets in the Atlantic City area.
And, Atlantic City has the longest boardwalk in the world,
Not to mention salt water taffy.
New Jersey has the most stringent testing along our coastline for water quality control than any other seaboard state in the entire country.
The "Trial of the Century" (the Lindberg Baby kidnapping) was held in Flemington.
New Jersey is a leading technology & industrial state and is the largest chemical producing state in the nation when you include pharmaceuticals.
Jersey tomatoes are known the world over as being the best you can buy.
You haven't lived until you have eaten New Jersey sweet corn.
New Jersey is a leader in blueberry and cranberry production.
In 1642, the first brewery in America, opened in Hoboken.
New Jersey rocks! The famous Les Paul invented the first solid body electric guitar in Mahwah, in 1940.
New Jersey is a major seaport state with the largest seaport in the US, located in Elizabeth. Nearly 80 percent of what our nation imports comes through Elizabeth Seaport first.
New Jersey is home to one of the nation's busiest airports (in Newark), Liberty International.
George Washington slept here. Several important Revolutionary War battles were fought on New Jersey soil, led by General George Washington. On Christmas Eve 1776 he crossed the Delaware to attack the Hessian troops at Trenton.
The light bulb, phonograph (record player), and motion picture projector, were invented by Thomas Edison in his Menlo Park, NJ, laboratory.
We also boast the first town ever lit by incandescent bulbs.
The movies were born in New Jersey The first movie studio was in West Orange.
The first western was filmed by Edison in the hills of West Orange-"The Great Train Robbery."
Highest population density in the US
Home of the US Olympic Equestrian Team
Home to the United States Golf association (Far Hills)
The transistor was invented by Bell Labs in NJ
The telephone was invented in NJ
Samuel Morse's code machine was built in NJ (Morris Plains)
The first seaplane was built in Keyport, NJ.
The first airmail (to Chicago) was started from Keyport, NJ.
The first phonograph records were made in Camden, NJ.
New Jersey has the largest petroleum containment area outside of the Middle East countries.
New Jersey has the tallest water-tower in the world. (Union, NJ!)
New Jersey had the first medical center, in Jersey City.
The Pulaski SkyWay, from Jersey City to Newark, was the first skyway highway.
NJ built the first tunnel under a river, the Hudson (Holland Tunnel).
The first baseball game was played in Hoboken, NJ, which is also the birthplace of Frank Sinatra.
The first intercollegiate football game was played in New Brunswick in 1889 (Rutgers College played Princeton).
The first drive-in movie theater was opened in Camden, NJ, (one remains in Vineland...The Delsea Drive In).
New Jersey is home to both of "NEW YORK'S" pro football teams!
The first FM radio broadcast was made from Alpine, NJ, by Maj. Thomas Armstrong.
The Great Falls in Paterson, on the Passaic River, is the second highest waterfall on the East Coast of the US. In 1778, Alexander Hamilton visited the falls and was impressed by its potential for industry. Later as the nation's first Secretary of Treasury, he selected the site as the nation's first planned industrial city.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Joizee? Here's How To Know If They're From Here
You don't think of fruit when people mention "The Oranges."
You know that it's called Great Adventure, not Six Flags.
You don't put pineapple on your pizza.
And, you don't buy pizza at a national "pizza" franchise.
You know that the state isn't one big oil refinery.
You know what a "jug handle" is.
You know that WaWa is a convenience store.
You know that there are no "beaches" in New Jersey--there's the shore--and you don't go "to the shore," you go "downashore." And when you are there, you're not "at the shore"; you are "downashore."
You know how to properly negotiate a circle.
You knew that the last sentence had to do with driving.
You know that this is the only "New" state that doesn't require "New" to identify it (try . . . Mexico . . . York . . Hampshire-- doesn't work, does it?).
You consider putting mayo on a corned beef sandwich a sacrilege.
Or, ketchup on a hot dog.
You don't think "What exit?" is very funny.
You live within 20 minutes of at least three different malls.
You refer to all highways and interstates by their numbers.
You've gotten on the wrong highway trying to get out of the mall.
You weren't raised in New Jersey--you were raised in either North Jersey, Central Jersey or South Jersey.
You remember the stores Korvette's, Two Guys, Rickel's, Channel, Bamberger's and Orbach's.
You've had a boardwalk cheese steak and vinegar fries.
And finally . . .
You've NEVER, EVER pumped your own gas.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Dazzling Evening Celebrates Vital Friendship!
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