A near-delirious congressman has now admitted that he completely fabricated a tale of abuse of power by President Trump, placing words in the President's mouth that Trump never uttered. When caught, the congressman was unrepentant and simply passed it off as nothing but a "parody".
But a parody is supposed to be funny and this wasn't in the least bit funny. It was wild, crazed, unconscionable, vicious, hateful and simply inexcusable.
And no one -- no one who really cares about democracy -- should dismiss what the Democrats, the media, certain members of academia and most of all the Deep State are up to now.
Quite simply, they are bound and determined to undue the will of the people! Since 2016, they have been relentlessly working to undermine the elected leader of our nation and undue the results of a lawful election. And they will stop at nothing -- nothing! -- to achieve this goal.
They are motivated by an officious sense of resentment, a blood-thirsty love of (and need for) power and their simmering hatred of ordinary, hard-working, taxpaying Americans.
And all of their shenanigans are buttressed by a huge, oily, ruthless, filthy foundation appropriately tagged the Deep State. The Deep State is a menacing morass of bureaucrats -- vast, ensconced, self-protective, impervious to electoral shifts and seemingly impenetrable. Sadly, these ere the nameless, faceless, monstrously meddling trolls who really run the country. They have no moral compass and they owe allegiance to no ideology or doctrine other than their own perpetuation.
That's where the so called "whistle blower" came from -- from the Deep State!
Understand this: Senators and Congresspersons don't really matter very much anymore. They are mere functionaries. They serve simply as a front -- a semi-glossy pretense of democracy. They don't really work very much at all. They simply go through the motions -- distracting and entertaining the masses.
It's the endless and ever-growing bureaucratic brigades of the Deep State who toil night and day who spew the venom and guarantee the supremacy of the swamp.
This is what President Trump is up against.
This is what he's facing.
This is what he's fighting.
And this is the real parody -- the sick, demented pasquinade of government that Washington DC has become!
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