Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Prescription For Economic DISASTER!

- March 31, 2021 - 

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 

Joe Biden’s radical plan to implement the largest tax hike in American history is a massive giveaway to China, and many other countries, that will send thousands of factories, millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars to these competitive Nations. The Biden plan will crush American workers and decimate U.S. manufacturing, while giving special tax privileges to outsourcers, foreign and giant multinational corporations. 


Biden promised to “build back better”—but the country he is building up, in particular, is China and other large segments of the world. Under the Biden Administration, America is once again losing the economic war with China—and Biden’s ludicrous multi-trillion dollar tax hike is a strategy for total economic surrender. Sacrificing good paying American jobs is the last thing our citizens need as our country recovers from the effects of the Global Pandemic.


Biden’s policy would break the back of the American Worker with among the highest business tax rates in the developed world. Under Biden’s plan, if you create jobs in America, and hire American workers, you will pay MORE in taxes—but if you close down your factories in Ohio and Michigan, fire U.S. workers, and move all your production to Beijing and Shanghai, you will pay LESS. It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First—it is putting America LAST!

Companies that send American jobs to China should not be rewarded by Joe Biden’s Tax Bill, they should be punished so that they keep those jobs right here in America, where they belong. 


This legislation would be among the largest self-inflicted economic wounds in history. If this monstrosity is allowed to pass, the result will be more Americans out of work, more families shattered, more factories abandoned, more industries wrecked, and more Main Streets boarded up and closed down—just like it was before I took over the presidency 4 years ago. I then set record low unemployment, with 160 million people working. 


This tax hike is a classic globalist betrayal by Joe Biden and his friends: the lobbyists will win, the special interests will win, China will win, the Washington politicians and government bureaucrats will win—but hardworking American families will lose.


Joe Biden’s cruel and heartless attack on the American Dream must never be allowed to become Federal law.  Just like our southern border went from best to worst, and is now in shambles, our economy will be destroyed! 

Will We Ever See Anything Like THIS Again?


Environmentalism: NOT What You Think It Is!


If You Don't Now, You Soon Will!


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Once Again, Florida Leads The Way!

One Of The Scariest Creatures Ever . . .


Another Biden Foreign Policy Debacle!

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement:

The Biden administration’s morally reprehensible decision to re-engage in the antisemitic United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is turning into a disaster. When U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the administration’s decision to re-engage with the UNHRC in early February, Blinken sought to justify re-engagement as allowing the U.S. to reform the UNHRC, “including [the UNHRC’s] disproportionate focus on Israel.” But instead of using U.S. “re-engagement” to try to stop the UNHRC from constantly bashing Israel (and ignoring real human rights abusers), the U.S. has now led a harmful UNHRC joint statement citing the shockingly vicious anti-Israel 2001 Durban racism conference as a favorable precedent.

On March 19, 2021, U.S. Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Lisa Peterson announced that “the United States is proud to have led” a UNHRC “Joint Statement on Racism” that “recalled” (UN-speak for praising as precedent) “the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the [2001] Durban Declaration and Program of Action [the “DPPA”].”

In addition, the UNHRC’s High Commissioner issued a statement on February 22, 2021 praising and demanding implementation of the Durban DDPA, and praising so-called “civil society” organizations that have “stood up” for the DDPA.

In fact, the 2001 UN “World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance” (WCAR) in Durban, South Africa was such a vicious antisemitic, anti-Israel (and anti-U.S.) hate-fest that the U.S. and Israeli delegations withdrew from Durban in the midst of the conference. Then-U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell noted, in his statement withdrawing from the Durban WCAR, that: “you do not combat racism by conferences that produce declarations containing hateful language, some of which is a throwback to the days of ‘Zionism equals racism;’ or supports the idea that we have made too much of the Holocaust; or suggests that apartheid exists in Israel; or that singles out only one country in the world–Israel–for censure and abuse.”

At the Durban WCAR conference, copies of the antisemitic conspiracy theory, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, were sold; anti-Israel protesters jeered participants and chanted “Zionism is racism, Israel is apartheid,” and “You have Palestinian blood on your hands”; and fliers depicted Hitler asking “What if I had won?” with the answer “There would be NO Israel and NO Palestinian bloodshed.” Jewish leader Anne Bayefsky feared for the safety of Jews there, and reported that Durban’s Jewish Center had to close due to threats of violence.

Breitbart editor Joel Pollak, who was also present at the Durban WCAR 2001, also recalled the vicious promotion of hatred of Israel and Jews there. (See “Biden Administration Cites Antisemitic Durban Conference as Positive Precedent,” by Joel Pollak, Breitbart, Mar. 21, 2021.) 

The Durban DDPA falsely characterized Israel as a “foreign occupier” of her own land (“We are concerned about the plight of the Palestinian people under foreign occupation.”) and called for establishing an independent Palestinian state on Israel’s land (which would of course be a terror state).

In addition, the “Durban–WCAR NGO Forum Declaration,” falsely accused Israel of systematically perpetrating racist crimes, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, genocide, torture, deliberate impoverishment, state terrorism, colonialism, denationalization, and alien domination and subjugation of “indigenous” Palestinian Arabs – and much more. (The Durban NGO Declaration’s false anti-Israel condemnations went on and on.) The Durban NGO Declaration also falsely declared that “the West Bank, including Jerusalem and Gaza,” were “occupied Palestinian territories”; that Israel was “a racist, apartheid state”; that Israel’s “brand of apartheid” was “a crime against humanity”; and condemned “the ethnicity of the Israeli state as a Jewish state.” The same document also declared that Arabs were victims of antisemitism, and condemned the U.S. weapons blockade of Cuba.

The ZOA accordingly reiterates our request to the Biden administration to rescind the administration’s decision to rejoin the UNHRC. In addition, ZOA again urges Congress to pass Congressman Chip Roy’s “No Taxpayer Funding for UN Human Rights Council Act.” (SeeZOA Praises Cong. Chip Roy for His ‘‘No Taxpayer Funding for UN Human Rights Council Act,” Feb. 11, 2021; (See ZOA Opposes Biden Admin Rejoining Israel-Bashing UNHRC; ZOA Praises Congressional Letter Declaring That Rejoining UNHRC Would Be ‘Morally Reprehensible,” Feb. 9, 2021.)

The Contrast Could Not Be More Stark!


NJ Colleges Must Ensure First Amendment Rights!

New Jersey State Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger (R-Monmouth) has pushed forward a resolution in New Jersey’s General Assembly (AR228) calling on the State’s colleges, universities and institutions of higher education to protect freedom of expression and open debate on campuses so as to ensure the First Amendment Rights of students are always preserved:

“Colleges traditionally have been places where the free and open exchange of opinions have been valued and even cheered,” stated Scharfenberger. “It is imperative that all colleges and universities strive to protect free speech, and ensure that all viewpoints are welcomed and fostered amongst all faculty and student bodies.”


The Assemblyman’s resolution comes as college campuses have seen a sharp rise in cases of intolerance to differing perspectives leading to suppression of freedoms of speech across the nation as well as here in New Jersey. One example involved former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice having been forced to decline an invitation to speak at Rutgers University’s 2014 commencement after a faculty resolution and student protests demanded that the school rescind her invitation:


“There is a disturbing trend on many college campuses whereby groups or individuals that have differing viewpoints are shouted down, or even worse, prohibited from speaking at all,” Scharfenberger noted. “In our country, this is a direct attack on our constitutionally guaranteed First Amendment rights as well as democracy. Respecting differing viewpoints and inspiring healthy debate should be, and always remain, the hallmark of our academic system."

Indeed! The Punishment Fits The Crime . . .


A Story Of Incredible Accomplishment . . .

Pauline Hartman, Alexa Mervine, and Barbara Nather are three Archdiocese of Philadelphia Elementary School alumni who were recently recognized by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) as “Students of the Year 2021” for raising $153,336.96 for the Delaware chapter of LLS

Both Pauline and Alexa are graduates of Saint Thomas the Apostle School in Glen Mills (Delaware County) and Barbara is a graduate of Holy Family Regional Catholic School in Aston (Delaware County). All graduated from elementary school in 2018. 

The students named their team “Fight With All Your Might” and participated in a seven-week campaign, which launched in January.  The initiative involved raising funds by writing letters to hundreds of contacts, soliciting businesses, hosting fundraisers as well as a live three-day auction that concluded with a virtual gala with all of the teams.  Pauline has a personal connection to LLS, as her godfather recently passed away from the disease and Alexa spent weeks in the hospital as a child with a blood disorder where she met many children with Leukemia so it is close to her heart. 

Dr. Andrew McLaughlin, Secretary for Elementary Education for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia said, “On behalf of my colleagues in the Office of Elementary Education, I extend prayerful congratulations to Pauline, Alexa, and Barbara and their families for this recognition by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.”  Dr. McLaughlin continued, “Their work to help others in critical need is a clear reflection of the values taught in our schools each day throughout the five-county region. I commend their dedication to raise the critical funds to support the ongoing fight against leukemia and lymphoma.” 

Pauline and Alexa have attended school together since the second grade and they forged a friendship with Barbara through Archdiocesan CYO activities in Delaware County.  All three students are currently juniors at Archmere Academy in Claymont, Delaware. 

The LLS Students of the Year Campaign is an exciting leadership development and philanthropy program in which high school students participate in a fundraising competition. This campaign benefits LLS and the mission to cure blood cancers. This year, the Delaware chapter had 13 teams competing with a combined total of $536,116 raised. 

Note: For more information about Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, please visit .

Have You Ever Asked THIS Question?


Monday, March 29, 2021

President Trump's New Official Web Site Announced!


- March 29, 2021 - 

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 

President Donald J. Trump and Mrs. Melania Trump are pleased to announce the launch of  The official website of the 45th President of the United States will allow individuals to submit correspondence, scheduling requests, and press inquiries for President and Mrs. Trump.


President and Mrs. Trump are continually strengthened by the enduring spirit of the American people, and they look forward to staying in touch.

Murphy Policies Failing The Most Vulnerable!

As thousands of New Jersey residents are being vaccinated every day, New Jersey State Senator Kristin Corrado said the state’s plan is failing some vulnerable individuals.

“Homebound seniors and developmentally disabled residents feel abandoned,” said Corrado (R-40). “They wonder when, if ever, they will have the opportunity to get the vaccine. We are getting calls at our office constantly from family members concerned that they loved ones will fall through the cracks in the rush to inoculate as many New Jersey residents as quickly as possible.”

According to published reports, more than 20 percent of New Jersey adults have been fully vaccinated. The demand for appointments continues to exceed the supply, though. The state is expecting another half-million vaccine doses this week.

The Murphy Administration expanded the COVID vaccine eligibility list today, adding food service, eldercare, warehousing, hospitality workers and clergy, among others.

“Those who are reaching out to us are frightened and anxious. They don’t know if they are eligible for the shots, and they don’t know how to make an appointment or where to turn for help,” said Corrado. “These are special cases. Many are individuals who don’t often get out in public and who struggle with online communication.

“Vulnerable New Jerseyans have been in the front of the vaccination lines from Day 1, but so far, some have been forgotten. I’m asking the Governor to take the action to ensure homebound seniors and developmentally disabled residents receive fair COVID treatment,” Corrado added.

Trump Blasts Fauci And Birx As LIARS!

- March 29, 2021 - 

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 

Based on their interviews, I felt it was time to speak up about Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, two self-promoters trying to reinvent history to cover for their bad instincts and faulty recommendations, which I fortunately almost always overturned. They had bad policy decisions that would have left our country open to China and others, closed to reopening our economy, and years away from an approved vaccine—putting millions of lives at risk. 


We developed American vaccines by an American President in record time, nine months, which is saving the entire world. We bought billions of dollars of these vaccines on a calculated bet that they would work, perhaps the most important bet in the history of the world. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx moved far too slowly, and if it were up to them we’d currently be locked in our basements as our country suffered through a financial depression. Families, and children in particular, would be suffering the mental strains of this disaster like never before. 


In a fake interview last night on CNN, Dr. Fauci, who said he was an athlete in college but couldn’t throw a baseball even close to home plate, it was a “roller,” tried to take credit for the vaccine, when in fact he said it would take three to five years, and probably longer, to have it approved. Dr. Fauci was incapable of pressing the FDA to move it through faster. I was the one to get it done, and even the fake news media knows and reports this.


Dr. Fauci is also the king of “flip-flops” and moving the goalposts to make himself look as good as possible. He fought me so hard because he wanted to keep our country open to countries like China. I closed it against his strong recommendation, which saved many lives. Dr. Fauci also said we didn’t need to wear masks, then a few months later he said we needed to wear masks, and now, two or three of them. Fauci spent U.S. money on the Wuhan lab in China—and we now know how that worked out. 


Dr. Birx is a proven liar with very little credibility left. Many of her recommendations were viewed as “pseudo-science,” and Dr. Fauci would always talk negatively about her and, in fact, would ask not to be in the same room with her. The States who followed her lead, like California, had worse outcomes on Covid, and ruined the lives of countless children because they couldn’t go to school, ruined many businesses, and an untold number of Americans who were killed by the lockdowns themselves. Dr. Birx was a terrible medical advisor, which is why I seldom followed her advice. Her motto should be “Do as I say, not as I do.” Who can forget when Dr. Birx gave a huge mandate to the people of our Nation to not travel, and then traveled a great distance to see her family for Thanksgiving—only to have them call the police and turn her in? She then, embarrassingly for her, resigned. 


Finally, Dr. Birx says she can’t hear very well, but I can. There was no “very difficult” phone call, other than Dr. Birx’s policies that would have led us directly into a COVID caused depression. She was a very negative voice who didn’t have the right answers. Time has proven me correct. I only kept Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx on because they worked for the U.S. government for so long—they are like a bad habit! 

Christine And Dan Talk About EVERYTHING!

Christine and Dan discuss Biden's news conference, the border crisis, Maria Bartiromo, Easter candy, Tuker Carlson, Passover, Italian Easter traditions, Philly Dems' failure to endorse Krasner and the special bond that seems to have always existed between Italians and Jews. Enjoy!

Oh, Yeah: We'd Really Like To See This!


Trump Shows Up At Wedding, Rails On Biden!

  President Trump showed up at a wedding at Mar-a-Lago on Saturday and had a few things to say.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

A New Twist On A Cherished Tradition . . .


Tonight At 8 - On Dan Cirucci's Facebook Page!


Click here at 8 tonight and watch Christine Flowers and Dan Cirucci as they take on all the week's big stories and look at the week ahead!

Yes, We're High On Maria -- Here's Why!


We're not exactly jazzed about Fox News these days. 
But we DO like Maria Bartiromo -- and not just because of her last name, though that is a decided plus. 
No, we like Maria and Fox Business because she gets right to the heart of the matter and brings on bright, young, artculate guests who are on the cutting edge of the conservative movement. 
THIS is what we need mmore of!

Georgia Action Bold, But A Tad Too Late?


Saturday, March 27, 2021

When Exotic Birds Made Their Home In Cherry Hill

Yes, it's true. Though it would hardly qualify as tropical (or even semi-tropical) Cherry Hill was once the home of a wide variety of vividly colorful exotic birds. And people came from far and near to delight in the birds' daily activities.

South Jersey's Cherry Hill Mall has remained a premiere shopping destination for nearly 60 years -- so much so that's it's not only iconic but has also survived the demise of countless other indoor shopping meccas throughout the country. When it opened in 1961 as the first mall east of the Mississippi it was a unique attraction and not just because it boasted a year round spring-like indoor climate. It also featured numerous water fountains,  live tropical greenery and a towering aviary where exotic birds cavorted with seeming abandon. But as you can see, the birds didn't get very far as they were domiciled in a modernesque 20-foot high cage.

This  aviary stood just outside the sprawling S. S. Kresge store, a sort of discount forerunner of K Mart. Today, this would be the area between the mall's center court and JC Penney. People came from far and near to see the birds and to be part of the mall's lush environment. They were attracted by a radio advertisement jingle that went like this:

On the mall, on the mall
On the Cherry Hill Mall
It's spring in the summer, winter and fall.

You can shop, you can stroll
Where the weather is grand
At Cherry Hill, Cherry Hill
Your new spring wonderland!

What happened to the aviary and the birds? The same thing that happened to nearly all of the stores that were there when the mall opened. They're gone. They've been replaced by other, newer stores that meet the demand of today's market 

Times changed and the mall had to change to keep pace. Bottom line pressures, competition and the proliferation of other attractions as well as changing tastes forced the mall to cede more space to retail and give up some of its more "exotic" elements. Safety and sanitary considerations likely played a role in the aviary's demise as well. Nowadays, the very notion of caged birds (however capacious or unusual the cage may be) strikes a discordant note. 

That's not to say you still won't find some birds in the Cherry Hill Mall from time to time. But they're just the commonplace wrens and the like that wandered in from outside. Enjoy!

His Knowledge Of North Korea? Try This!

The Border Lowdown: What's REALLY Happening!

The Nonsensical World Of Modern Liberalism!


Will We Now Be Facing A 'Mileage Tax'?


So, the government urges you to get a hybrid or all electric vehicle to save energy and stop "global warming." You comply and spend a whole lot more money for an energy efficient car that uses little or no gas. And then the government slaps you with a "mileage tax." You've gotten nowhere!

And if you keep your gas guzzler? Well, then you pay the higher and higher gas prices and gas taxes AND the mileage tax. Either way, you're screwed -- thanks to imbecile Democrats like this guy. To hell with him! 

Friday, March 26, 2021

President Trump: What Happened To Durham Report?

- March 26, 2021 - 

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 

Where’s Durham? Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?

Poll: Biden's Negatives Now Top 50 Percent!

Today's  Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, shows that 48% of likely U.S. Voters approve of  Biden’s job performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 31% who strongly approve of the job Biden is doing and 43% who strongly disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12.

Even With All That Prompting, He Flubbed It!


Bringing The Vaccine To Those Who Need It

Catholic Housing and Community Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (CHCS) is teaming up with Giant Pharmacy to hold an on-site vaccination clinic in Northeast Philadelphia for older adults who benefit from programs and services operated by CHCS. CHCS aims to provide nearly 100 COVID-19 vaccines to seniors in the community.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021
9:00 a.m.
Saint Katherine of Siena Church
9700 Frankford Avenue 
Philadelphia, PA 19114 

Ms. Heather Huot, director of CHCS, along with Monsignor Paul M. Kennedy, President of the CHCS Board Committee and Pastor of Saint Katherine of Siena Parish in Northeast Philadelphia will be on hand for the event.

This is the fourth vaccination clinic organized in recent weeks by CHCS in an effort to address vaccine hesitancy and barriers faced by older adults, especially those in underserved areas. Through CHCS’ longstanding commitment and extensive experience with service to seniors, CHCS has provided a total of 300 vaccines to date through these efforts.

Saint Katherine of Siena Church is part of  CHCS’ network of Parish Eldercare Management Programs that serves older adults and loved ones in parishes throughout the five-county Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Services include in-home assessments; assistance with navigating the health care system; aid with obtaining benefits; coordinating services; creating plans tailored to individual concerns; among other services.

Tuesday’s clinic is not open to the public. Older adults or loved ones throughout the five-county area who have questions or are in need of assistance with the vaccination registration process are encouraged to call CHCS’ Senior Help Line at 1-888-679-7669.\
Note: Catholic Housing and Community Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (CHCS) is a leading provider of senior living services throughout the Philadelphia region. Dedicated staff are committed to providing the best quality support for seniors and their loved ones through senior programs. Programs include senior housing, senior centers, older adult care management, in-home support programs, elder care helpline, and senior clubs. To learn more about CHCS, please visit .

Our Heartfelt Wishes For A Blessed Passover!


Greetings and best wished to all our friends who celebrate Passover.

One of the most important Jewish holidays, the Passover celebration during eight days of Pesach commemorates the Jews' liberation from slavery.
This festival is also known as ‘Chag he-Aviv’, ‘Chag ha-Matzoth’ and ‘Z’man Cherutenu’.
Passover begins at sundown tomorrow.
Happy Passover to all!

A Message From The Archbishop Of Philadelphia

 Dear Friends in the Jewish Community,

In the name of the people of the clergy, religious, and lay faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I send warm greetings as you prepare to celebrate the holy days of Passover!

This great feast is of significance to us all as it calls to mind the miracle of divine intervention in in an hour of darkness. It reminds us that the Father will liberate us just as he liberated the Jews from Pharaoh’s enslavement, and that the pathway to true freedom is guided by the divine.

Borrowing the words of Pope Francis, “May the Almighty bless and accompany the journey of the beloved Jewish People. May the Most High allow us to grow ever more in friendship and to be witnesses of peace and harmony.”

Please know of my prayers that the observance of Passover might bring you renewed hope and vitality, especially during this challenging time for our society and our world.

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez
Archbishop of Philadelphia

Thursday, March 25, 2021

A Chilling Story; An Important Message!


HOORAY! Dan Cirucci Blog Sets New Record!

Today, thanks to you, the Dan Cirucci Blog reaches another great milestone: 3.7 MILLION pageviews! Stay with us because we're all new EVERY day. 
YOU make us a success!

Just In Case You Had Any Doubts . . .


Yes, Good, Decent People ARE Running For Office!

Last night Save Jersey's Matt Rooney and I chatted with New Jersey's 16th district legislative candidates Joe Lukac and Vinny Panico. What a lively and informative conversation we had with these two wonderfully engaged and civic-minded New Jerseyans. Enjoy!

And, Wow -- Was It On Display Today!


THIS Was The MOST Painful Moment Today!

Biden's "news conference" all a setup with questions from ABC, NBC, NPR, CBS, AP, CNN and Univision with answers mostly read from "notes" in the podium. And still, THIS happened! 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

A Milestone For Bloggers, NJ Politicos . . .

From our friend Matt Rooney at Save Jersey (reprinted with permission):

Art Gallagher is selling ‘MoreMonmouthMusings’ after a 15+ year run, Save Jerseyans.

He hasn’t announced the buyer yet (he’s leaving it to them), but Art dropped the news that new manangement would be taking over his popular Bayshore-based “fair and biased” news and commentary website early next month in a Wednesday morning post

Whoever is about to assume the reins of MMM will certainly have large shoes to fill.

When I started Save Jersey 13 years ago, Art’s site was a lot younger than it is today but he still boasted many years on me in practicing the art of observing, digesting, and making sense of New Jersey politics for himself and his loyal readers. 2008-2010 was in some ways a golden age of New Jersey political blogging; Save Jersey, MMM, Blue Jersey, Michael Illions’s ‘Conservatives with Attitude’ and of course PolitickerNJ and its stable of future well-known reporters under the leadership of the mysterious “Wally Edge” (long-since revealed to be David Wildstein who now leads the NJGlobe). It was a scrappy, fun, unapologetically-Jersey climate in which to learn, one which was accentuated by the media maelstrom of the Christie years.

Art in 2009

The herd has thinned a bit since then and social media undeniably changed the landscape of political commentary (e.g. Twitter, hard as it is to remember a time without it, didn’t arrived in our lives until 2013). Art always kept up, finding new and interesting ways to engage his readership with an editorial bent on Monmouth County and statewide news that was direct, usually irreverant, but with a frankness that made it impossible – even for some of his targets – to take it too personally. I shouldn’t oversell the point. You’ll find plenty of people whose noses were bent out of shape by his editorial activism. That’s life. The point is that Art leaves the political arena with admirers on both the right and the left, something which is becoming increasingly rare in our dark national discourse. Even some who did take it personally still felt like they needed to advertise on MMM, the ultimate measure of any publication’s true influence.

At the height of his blogging activity, MMM supplanted The Asbury Park Press as go-to place for Monmouth County political news. I have often cited MMM as an exemplar of the potential of citizen journalism.

He broke stories, tormented politicians (most of whom deserved it), and forced the political elites in his neck of the woods to take new media seriously.

Art urges Republicans to return their ballots.

He endured personal struggles away from blogging but never stayed on the mat for more than a minute or two. He transitioned to the role of political operative towards the close of his political career and, unsurprisingly given how long he had watched people doing it “right” and “wrong,” proved adept at the role, notably doing quality digital work for Congressman Chris Smith and helping engineer retired Admiral Mo Hill’s 2019 Toms River victory. I still wouldn’t call him an “operative. operative implies ideological ambivalence. Art maintained strong convictions during the entirety of his run.

Art and I also collaborated many times over the years. We cross-posted articles and shared ideas. He sat with me at the NJGOP summit in Atlantic City to interview elected officials, and more recently he joined Dan Cirucci and I for our weekly ‘Save Jersey LIVE’ program born of the limitations of the Covid-19 pandemic. We rarely disagreed but I enjoyed it when we did because I always learned something by looking at the topic a little bit differently than I otherwise would have.

And while I’m perfectly confident that Art and I will stay in regular touch, Save Jerseyans, I readily admit that I’ll miss the collaborative dimension to our relationship very much. Congratulations on a job well done, old friend, and thank you for many positive contributions to what used to be a pretty bleak space on the Internet.