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Thursday, March 31, 2016
THIS University WILL Act Responsibly! Bravo!
A Grand Spectacle Along A Famous Avenue!
The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York (JCRC-NY) announced that Fifth Avenue will once again turn blue and white on Sunday, June 5th, 2016, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., as more than 30 floats with musical performers, 15 world-class marching bands and 40,000 marchers entertain hundreds of thousands of spectators for the largest celebration of Israel in the world, the annual Celebrate Israel Parade.
This year marks the 52nd anniversary of what has become one of the largest parades in New York City, growing exponentially each year in attendance and excitement since its founding in 1965. The Parade is the marquee event of the JCRC-NY’s Celebrate Israel Initiative – a project in cooperation with UJA-Federation of New York and the Consulate General of Israel in New York – that celebrates the positive impact the Jewish and democratic state of Israel has on the lives of people in New York and around the world.
Masses of people who support Israel from around the country will converge on Fifth Avenue for the Parade, including several top Israeli music artists and special Israeli guests who will draw even larger crowds to this year’s Parade.
New this year, cast members from the Broadway production of FIDDLER ON THE ROOF will ride a specially designed float up Fifth Avenue, singing some of the most recognizable songs from the musical and performing live for the TV audience from the Grand Stand area.
More than 250 organizations are scheduled to march along Fifth Avenue, from 57th Street to 74th Street, including groups of rollerbladers, motorcyclists, dance groups, and juggling clowns.
The 2016 creative theme for marching groups and floats is “Israel: Sight, Sound and Spirit!” Each group works with Parade staff to develop a presentation of colorful banners, costumes and props related to the theme in some way.
For the sixth year in a row, the Parade will be televised live by FOX affiliate, WWOR-TV My9 from 12–2 p.m., and streamed online from 12-3 p.m., so Israelis and Israel supporters throughout the world can watch.
“For more than 50 years, supporters of Israel have gathered from the metropolitan region and beyond in New York City in celebration of the State of Israel,” said JCRC-NY Executive Vice President and CEO Michael Miller. “Year after year, the parade never ceases to be a thrilling experience, bringing the unflagging spirit of Israel to the streets of New York.”
“It’s a joy to see throngs of supporters of Israel from across the metropolitan area and beyond come together to celebrate at the annual parade,” said Jennifer Falk and Judy Kaufthal, co-chairs of the Celebrate Israel parade. “We are so excited for our newest additions which we hope will draw an even larger crowd as we all stand to support Israel.”
This year’s Parade also opens up new sponsorship opportunities for those wishing to be part of one of the largest parades in the world. Please contact Gianna Bergman, Director of Sponsorships at gianna@celebrateisraelny.org to find out how your organization can be a sponsor. And for information on participating in the Parade as a group, please visit http://celebrateisraelny.org/parade/registration/.
For the latest information on the Celebrate Israel Parade, please visit the Parade website at celebrateisraelny.org or follow us on Twitter @celebrateisrael or visit our Facebook page: Celebrate Israel Parade.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Upcoming Author Events: Philly Free Library

Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Catholic Group Endorses Presidential Candidate

Here is a very special message from catholicvote.org:
Five candidates remain in the race for the White House.
No candidate is perfect. Some are worse than others. Candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, both of whom openly support killing children, the destruction of marriage, and attacks on religious liberty, are simply not options for Catholic voters. They must be defeated.
Which leaves Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich.
Who do we trust? Who do you trust?
Who will protect the Little Sisters of the Poor and religious liberty for all? Who will revitalize our economy? Who will appoint Supreme Court justices that will respect our Constitution and the proper role of judges? Who will support strong families and a culture of marriage? Who will repeal Obamacare and replace it with a health care system that is just, affordable, and respectful of our rights to conscience? Who will take the fight to ISIS and protect Christians in the Middle East and Americans at home?
The answer is obvious. We believe the choice is now clear.
Today we are proud to endorse Ted Cruz for President.
And a final reason we’re endorsing Ted Cruz:
Unlike Donald Trump, Cruz can defeat Hillary Clinton and win!
Since the presidential race began over a year ago, many talented leaders have run the race. Of those that remain, we are convinced that Ted Cruz is far and away the best choice - and the only acceptable choice with a viable path both to win the Republican nomination this summer and the general election in November.
Ted Cruz has a consistent record of supporting pro-life causes, of supporting religious freedom, of supporting marriage, and, despite what the tabloids say, has by all trustworthy reports conducted himself as a good husband and father.
We knew at the outset of this process we could never support Hillary Clinton. It did not take us long to definitively conclude we could not support Donald Trump. The field is now clear enough for us to unambiguously support Ted Cruz.
The media wants you to believe that Donald Trump’s nomination is inevitable, but as usual, they’re wrong! In every state that has voted so far, Trump has failed to win a majority of votes. Trump has amassed a little more than 8 million votes so far. But almost 13 million votes have been cast for other candidates in the race - nearly 5 million more!
Historically, candidates who fail to achieve a majority of delegates going into a contested convention do not win the nomination.
John Kasich has only won his home state, has lost every other contest, and continues to raise doubts about his commitment to the things we believe are foundational. It is impossible for him to win enough delegates during the primaries to secure the nomination.
The next state in the nomination contest is Tuesday, April 5th: the winner-takes-all Wisconsin primary. The two most recent polls show Ted Cruz with a slim lead over Donald Trump. This could be the state that changes everything. The beginning of the end for Trump and the surge Ted Cruz needs.
We will be active in Wisconsin promoting a Ted Cruz victory over Donald Trump.
There are approximately 1.4 million Catholic voters in Wisconsin. We are launching new ads this week targeting every voter we can reach. Catholics must unite around Ted Cruz now.
It’s time to unite and help Ted Cruz win.
Brian Burch, President
Memorial Mass To Be Offered For Mother Angelica
Yesterday, it was announced by the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) that Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. will be the principal celebrant of the Funeral Mass for Mother Mary Angelica, P.C.P.A., the network’s founder. That Mass will be celebrated at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama, on Friday, April 1, 2016 at 11:00 a.m.
Locally, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will offer Mass for the Happy Repose of the Soul of Mother Mary Angelica. Reverend G. Dennis Gill, Rector of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, will be the celebrant and homilist.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
7:30 p.m.
Chapel of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
18th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103
All are welcome to attend this Mass, which is an opportunity for people of good will throughout the tri-state area to gather in prayerful remembrance of Mother’s long service to the Church throughout the world as a servant of Christ through the media.
Editor’s Note: For information about the Funeral Mass in Alabama, including live streaming, please visit http://www.ewtn.com/motherangelica/index.asp. The Chapel of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament is adjacent to the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. No mult-box feed will be provided. Media in attendance are asked to remain clear of the center and front aisles.
Catholic church,
mass media,
social media,
Pennsylvania's Choice For Attorney General!

Attorney General candidate John Rafferty today announced that Republican County Commissioners throughout the state have endorsed him to be Pennsylvania’s next attorney general. Additionally, Rafferty has garnered the support of Republican County Council members in Allegheny and Delaware counties.
“Political and community leaders throughout our commonwealth have recognized that John Rafferty has the right legal experience, the right temperament and the right leadership skills to be our next attorney general,” said Republican County Commissioner Caucus Chair George Halcovage.
“I’m honored to receive the endorsement of so many county leaders,” said Rafferty. “They see firsthand the devastating results that crime and illegal drugs have on families,” Rafferty continued.
“These leaders work with local law enforcement every day, and they know that as attorney general I will be there to help them and the police in their counties. I’ll be there to help them fight drug gangs and the heroin epidemic. I’ll be there with them to help protect our seniors from scam artists and our kids from child predators.”
Rafferty is a former deputy attorney general. He is a state senator from Montgomery County and has also been endorsed for attorney general by the Republican Party of Pennsylvania as well as the Pennsylvania State Troopers Association, Pennsylvania State Fraternal Order of Police and the Pennsylvania State Professional Firefighters Association.
Below is the list of county commissioners and council members who have endorsed Rafferty:
Allegheny County Council Members Cindy Kirk, Tom Baker, Sam DeMarco and Sue Means; Armstrong County Commissioner Jason Renshaw; Beaver County Commissioners Dan Camp and Sandie Egley; Berks County Commissioner Christian Leinbach; Blair County Commissioner Bruce Erb; Bradford County Commissioners Daryl Miller and Doug McLinko; Bucks County Commissioners Robert Loughery and Charles Martin; Cameron County Commissioner Lori Reed; Chester County Commissioners Terence Farrell and Michelle Kichline; Clarion County Commissioners Ted Tharan and Wayne Brosius; Dauphin County Commissioners Jeff Haste and Mike Pries; Delaware County Council Members Mario Civera, Colleen Morrone, John McBlain, Michael Culp and David White; Indiana County Commissioners Mike Baker and Rod Ruddock; Lackawanna County Commissioner Laureen Cummings; Lancaster County Commissioners Josh Parsons and Dennis Stuckey; Lebanon County Commissioners Bob Phillips and Bill Ames; Mercer County Commissioners Matt McConnell and Scott Boyd; Northampton County Commissioner Peg Ferraro; Schuylkill County Commissioner George Halcovage; Somerset County Commissioner James Yoder; Tioga County Commissioners Erick Coolidge, Mark Hamilton and Roger Bunn; Warren County Commissioner Ben Kafferlin; Washington County Commissioner Diana Irey Vaughn.
* This list is incomplete and growing as we are awaiting responses from other local officials.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Don't Say She Didn't Warn You! . . . . . .
After witnessing a female mime play the role of Jesus in the living 'Stations of the Cross' at the 1993 World Youth Day in Denver, Colorado, where Pope John Paul II was present, Mother Angelica's spirit was greatly disturbed. The next day she decided to 'blast' the liberal Church establishment in the Catholic Church.
Shockingly, compared to what's happening to (and even within) the Church today, this seems mild. But Mother Angelica correctly identified the beginnings of the assault on the Church and the diminution of sacred Church teachings.
Remembering The Words Of A Woman Of Faith

Mother Angelica
1923 - 2016
"My God, You are my anchor on a stormy sea, my serenity on a windy night, my hope when all else fails. Your Presence surrounds me like a protective shield and when the arrows of my selfishness pierce through, Your loving arms extend themselves to reach out and grasp my wandering soul." - Mother Angelica
- Mother Angelica
- Mother Angelica
- Mother Angelica
- Mother Angelica
The Catholic Church in the United States has lost the Poor Clare nun who changed the face of Catholicism in the United States and around the world. Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation, foundress of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), passed away on March 27 after a lengthy struggle with the aftereffects of a stroke. She was 92 years old.
“Mother has always and will always personify EWTN, the network that God asked her to found,” said EWTN Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Michael Warsaw. “Her accomplishments and legacies in evangelization throughout the world are nothing short of miraculous and can only be attributed to divine Providence and her unwavering faithfulness to Our Lord.”
In 1981, Mother Angelica launched Eternal Word Television Network, which today transmits 24-hour-a-day programming to more than 264 million homes in 144 countries. What began with approximately 20 employees has now grown to nearly 400. The religious network broadcasts terrestrial and shortwave radio around the world, operates a religious goods catalog and publishes the National Catholic Register and Catholic News Agency, among other publishing ventures.
“Mother Angelica succeeded at a task the nation’s bishops themselves couldn’t achieve,” said Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, who has served on EWTN’s board of governors since 1995. “She founded and grew a network that appealed to everyday Catholics, understood their needs and fed their spirits. She had a lot of help, obviously, but that was part of her genius.”
“In passing to eternal life, Mother Angelica leaves behind a legacy of holiness and commitment to the New Evangelization that should inspire us all,” said Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus. “I was honored to know and be able to assist Mother Angelica during the early days of EWTN. Over the years, that relationship grew, and today the Knights of Columbus and EWTN partner regularly on important projects.”
“Mother Angelica was fearless because she had God on her side,” Anderson added. “She saw what he needed her to do, and she did it! She transformed the world of Catholic broadcasting and brought the Gospel to far corners of our world. That witness of faith was unmistakable to anyone who met and worked with her, and generations of Catholics have and will continue to be formed by her vision and her ‘Yes’ to God’s will.”
Click here for more from the Catholic News Agency.
WOW! Two Great Stars; One Great Price!
Remembering Elliot L. Shelkrot, Philadelphia Visionary
From the Free Library of Philadelphia:

"The team at The Free Library of Philadelphia was deeply saddened to hear of the passing (on March 21) of the library's former president and director Elliot L. Shelkrot. Elliot was a wonderful and dynamic individual who we were all lucky to call both a leader and a friend.
"Elliot served as the Pennsylvania State Librarian from 1980–1987. He took over the helm of the Free Library from 1987–2007, and under his guidance the institution took great strides forward. He will long be remembered for launching our renowned Author Events Series program; greatly enhancing our programs and services for children; undertaking the massive Changing Lives campaign, during which all neighborhood libraries were renovated and modernized; and overseeing the installation of computers and Wi-Fi at every library location in the city.
"Elliot then embarked on a major transformational plan to renovate and expand the Parkway Central Library—the hub of the Free Library system—into a dynamic center of urban life. Always interested in the latest technology and how it could guide customers to information, he oversaw the creation of a new website, which today, as freelibrary.org, is our largest “branch,” receiving more 145 million visits monthly.
"Elliot’s legacy of hard work, innovation, and compassion will never be forgotten. His former staff and colleagues, as well as our very supportive boards, remain grateful for his passion and commitment. He will be sorely missed, and our thoughts and prayers go out to all of his friends, family, and loved ones."

"The team at The Free Library of Philadelphia was deeply saddened to hear of the passing (on March 21) of the library's former president and director Elliot L. Shelkrot. Elliot was a wonderful and dynamic individual who we were all lucky to call both a leader and a friend.
"Elliot served as the Pennsylvania State Librarian from 1980–1987. He took over the helm of the Free Library from 1987–2007, and under his guidance the institution took great strides forward. He will long be remembered for launching our renowned Author Events Series program; greatly enhancing our programs and services for children; undertaking the massive Changing Lives campaign, during which all neighborhood libraries were renovated and modernized; and overseeing the installation of computers and Wi-Fi at every library location in the city.
"Elliot then embarked on a major transformational plan to renovate and expand the Parkway Central Library—the hub of the Free Library system—into a dynamic center of urban life. Always interested in the latest technology and how it could guide customers to information, he oversaw the creation of a new website, which today, as freelibrary.org, is our largest “branch,” receiving more 145 million visits monthly.
"Elliot’s legacy of hard work, innovation, and compassion will never be forgotten. His former staff and colleagues, as well as our very supportive boards, remain grateful for his passion and commitment. He will be sorely missed, and our thoughts and prayers go out to all of his friends, family, and loved ones."
Mother Angelica 'A Great American Catholic'
"Mother Angelica was one of the great American Catholics of the past half-century, a woman of extraordinary faith, intelligence, energy and determination. In founding and growing EWTN into a major media resource for the global Church, she achieved things almost everyone thought impossible.
"I had the privilege of knowing her and serving on the EWTN board for many years, and therefore saw firsthand the tremendously positive impact her work for Jesus Christ had on many millions of people.
"She will be sorely missed, but she has left us an on-going gift in the men and women who continue the great service of the EWTN apostolate."
Sunday, March 27, 2016
A Great Defender Of The Faith Has Passed On!

Mother Angelica 1923 - 2016
Mother Angelica was one of the last great defenders of the true Church, its genuine doctrine and its timeless teaching.
Thank God, her love, wisdom and guidance live on through her media ministry and the hours and hours of TV and radio broadcasts that feature her.
Thank you, Mother for upholding the faith, reverently, fearlessly, fervently!
Bear Witness To The Greatest Astonishment!
You Won't Believe What Happened To This Peep!
Marshmallow Peeps in a microwave oven?
Here's what actually happens to the Peeps.
Way cool. Happy Easter!
Some Thoughts To Ponder This Easter
Comedian Brad Stine pokes fun at one of the most widely heard defenses against belief in God … and totally kills it!
The True Meaning Of Easter: Salvation Is Ours!

The Gospel according to St. Luke: 1-12:
1 Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.
2 And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.
3 And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
4 And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:
5 And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
6 He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,
7 Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.
8 And they remembered his words,
9 And returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest.
10 It was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles.
11 And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not.
12 Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre; and stooping down, he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves, and departed, wondering in himself at that which was come to pass.
Proclaim 'Buona Pasqua!' To All. Happy Easter!
May your day be filled with peace, joy, la famiglia and the blessings of this season of renewal and rejoicing.
This is a day to proclaim salvation and to give thanks for our faith; regaling in the hope of eternal life, the promise of the Trinity.
In Italy, Easter remains a day that celebrates life. And no group of people celebrates life as well as the Italians.
Although Italians do not decorate hard–boiled eggs nor do they have chocolate bunnies or pastel marshmallow chicks, the biggest Easter displays in bars, pastry shops, supermarkets, and especially at chocolatiers are brightly wrapped uova di Pasqua—chocolate Easter eggs—in sizes that range from 10 grams (1/3 ounce) to 8 kilos (nearly 18 pounds).
Most of them are made of milk chocolate in a mid–range, 10–ounce size by industrial chocolate makers.
Some producers distinguish between their chocolate eggs for children (sales numbers are a closely guarded secret, but the market for these standard quality eggs is said to be shrinking with Italy's birthrate) and expensive "adult" versions. All except the tiniest eggs contain a surprise. Grown–ups often find their eggs contain little silver picture frames or gold–dipped costume jewelry.
The very best eggs are handmade by artisans of chocolate, who offer the service of inserting a surprise supplied by the purchaser. Car keys, engagement rings, and watches are some of the high–end gifts that have been tucked into Italian chocolate eggs in Italy.
Our favorite Easter treats: chocolate coconut cream eggs (sinfully sweet), chocolate covered marshmallows, jelly beans of every color and flavor, sweet Italian Easter bread, hot cross buns and Peeps.
Buona Pasqua!
Saturday, March 26, 2016
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