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Thursday, April 30, 2020
Testa: Let's Open Shuttered NJ Fishing Industry!
Senator Michael Testa commended the Recreational Fishing Alliance and United Boatmen of New Jersey for their plan to open their shuttered industry while taking proactive measures to ensure the safety and security of all on-board.

Sen. Michael Testa commended the Recreational Fishing Alliance and United Boatmen of NJ for their plan to open while taking proactive measures to ensure the safety and security of all on-board. (SenateNJ.com)
“I applaud James Donofrio of the Recreational Fishing Alliance and Captain Bob Rush of the United Boatmen of New Jersey for proposing calculated, cautious, and sensible steps towards opening this essential industry in the Jersey Shore region,” said Testa (R-1). “Owners and operators of for-hire vessels, and their crew, are willing and eager to get back to work. “While we cannot make up for the thousands of jobs and the millions in revenue lost, an opening – with concrete criteria and contingencies – of our recreational fishing industry will strengthen our South Jersey economy and help us better prepare for the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend.”
Gov. Murphy appeared on Fox and Friends on the morning of April 30. Regarding this proposal, Gov. Murphy said he would “take it under consideration” and “take it seriously.”
The governor has yet to develop a concrete plan with dates to reopen the vast majority of industries that have been shut down due to COVID-19.
“I encourage more industries to promote and submit a reopening plan to the governor and legislature,” added Testa. “With one out of ten New Jerseyans seeking unemployment, the ‘cure’ has proven to be worse than the disease. We must restore normalcy, while taking precautionary measures, to get our once roaring economy back on track.”
How Closing Borders Saves Lives . . .
Pennacchio: Lift NJ Ban On Elective Surgeries
Senator Joe Pennacchio, while applauding the Governor for opening up parks, is calling on the Murphy Administration to begin reinstating “elective” surgeries in the state.

Medical care for non-COVID patients is suffering, and Sen. Pennacchio is calling for restoring elective surgeries and procedures in hospitals and health centers. (©iStock)
“We are finally allowing people to get out and walk in our parks and reap the physical and emotional health benefits of exercise. Now it’s time to prioritize the general health of the population and the fiscal stability of our essential hospitals,” said Senator Pennacchio (R-26). “With the emphasis on the virus, at-risk patients have not had access to important and necessary procedures. It’s time to allow people who are not infected to get the care they need from hospitals, health centers, doctors, dentists and eye doctors.”
Pennacchio cited specific concerns for cancer and heart patients and those awaiting biopsies and diagnostic procedures.
As the early cases of coronavirus began appearing in the state, there was a heavy emphasis on preparing hospitals to handle unprecedented demand from infected patients.
As the pandemic worsened, residents were ordered to stay home in self-isolation.
“The people of our state were asked to make significant sacrifices, and as they always do in times of crisis, they responded,” Senator Pennacchio said. “The public’s cooperation and inconvenience helped flatten the curve, and it is beginning to dip downward. This has come at great cost, however, with record job loss and incalculable damage to our access to non-COVID medical care.”
In March, Murphy signed Executive Order No. 109, suspending all elective surgeries and invasive procedures as hospitals poured resources into preparing for the onslaught of coronavirus patients.
The long-term financial and health care implications for hospitals and all health centers should be a grave concern, the Senator emphasized.
“Early in this crisis, both the state and federal governments were mobilizing to save lives. It was the right thing to do at the time, but it created severe financial pressures on facilities and may have put some non-COVID patients at risk,” said Senator Pennacchio. “Hospitals and medical offices are hurting. It is time to shift emphasis to saving our healthcare system. Phase One of Washington’s plan to open up America allows elective surgeries to resume on an outpatient basis. New Jersey should take these steps immediately.”
Politico’s recent report analyzing the impact of the halt of elective procedures quoted the president of the American Society of Anesthesiologists who said, “Let’s be clear, elective surgeries are the lifeblood of many hospitals, if not all hospitals.”
The impact is hitting hard in New Jersey. A spokesperson for the state’s Hospital Association told NJ 101.5 the temporary freeze on elective surgeries means some areas of hospitals are quiet right now and people who work in those settings may be candidates for furloughs and layoffs.
Shore Medical Center in Somers Point sent a letter to employees “stating they had invested ‘significant resources’ on equipment to protect their staff who are treating COVID-19 patients,” NBC 10 reported earlier this month. “They also said they were experiencing a ‘dramatic decrease in revenues’ after they canceled elective surgeries and other scheduled services while protecting staff and patients.”
Other facilities across the state are – or are contemplating – furloughing employees.
“The coronavirus did not overwhelm our medical capacity as feared, but one of the many lessons from this pandemic is that the demand for beds could surpass our supply in a worse-case outbreak,” said Senator Pennacchio. “If we’re going to rely on doctors and hospitals in emergencies, we must unshackle doctors and allow them to do what they were trained to do and treat patients.”
Trump Acting Now To Protect US Food Supply
President Trump,
White House
The Great Depression? WTF Are You Thinking?

Some people have started comparing what we're going through now to the Great Depression of the 1930s. Can you imagine?
Yes, things are going to get tough as we work to move past this crisis. But, the Great Depression? These people don't know what the hell they're talking about!
The Great Depression lasted for ten long years! And its repercussions lasted even longer.
The stock market lost 90 percent of it value. Ninety percent! And though the Great Depression began in 1929, the stock market did not regain its value until 1954.
Half the banks in the country failed -- and there was no immediate backup, no recourse for those who placed their trust in the banks. Unemployment increased more than ten fold. The economy shrank by 50 percent. Average family income was halved. And here's the worst part -- there was no safety net for people.
Do you understand this? There was no minimum wage, no unemployment insurance, no food stamps, no social security, no medicare, no medicaid. When people lost their jobs or they had no money, they literally went begging. They had to rely on friends, neighbors or the kindness of strangers, often via institutional charities if they could find such help. Millions of them had nowhere to turn.
They're aren't many people around today who actually remember the Great Depression, But I do recall my parents talking about it. They lived through it and they never forgot what it was like.
My mother had a friend who was so destitute during the depression that she had to line her shoes with newspaper because the soles were almost completely worn out and she didn't want anyone to know. So, the carefully placed newspaper lining kept her feet warm and gave her at least some degree of pride. My mother's family owned a grocery store during the depression and almost everyone who shopped at the store was "on the book." In other words, they shopped via the earliest form of credit -- a vow to pay at some future date. Some were never able to pay my grandparents back.
And though my father was one of the lucky ones to have a job, he worked for a city that was bankrupt. So, he was paid in what they called "script." Script consisted of notes from the city that effectively promised to pay the demarcated amount when the city was financially solvent again. My parents were married during the depression and my father bought my mother's engagement ring with script. The jeweler who sold them the ring was not amused!
Compared to the Great Depression, what we're facing now will likely be a bump in the road. Oh, it's painful. Very painful. And one would hardly dismiss the heartache and human suffering it's causing.
But please don't compare it to the Great Depression.
When you do that you not only turn your back on one of the most important chapters in American history but you also dishonor the fortitude of those who lived through the depression and the vision of those who charted a path out of that dark time.
Rutgers Prof Doubles Down; Tells Trumpsters 'FU!'

Following are two important stories from our friends at Save Jersey (reprinted with permission)
By Matt Rooney
Rutgers Associate Professor Brittney Cooper made some news this week after tweeting on Tuesday that white people want to end the COVID-19 shutdown because the virus is disproportionately killed black Americans. She also added ‘fuck Trump supporters’ for good measure in her 7 tweet-long tirade. Nice lady!
She also apparently loves the limelight. On Thursday? Cooper – who is a six figure employee at the publicly-subsidized New Jersey college – began tweeting again, responding to critics of her unhinged tweets by falling back on every Leftist academic’s favorite defense: “I have tenure.”
“Just know a couple of things: 1.) I report threats to law enforcement and have had committed law enforcement support for many years now. 2.) I have tenure,” said Cooper. “Rutgers won’t be firing me for tweets. That is all.”
Cooper also doubled down on her original commentary:


NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. – A Rutgers professor went on an uhinged Twitter tirade on Tuesday, surmising that a growing movement to end restrictive COVID-19 lockdown measures across the country is fueled by white people who either don’t care if black people succumb to the virus or even because they disproportionately do.
“I feel like most Black people are clear that this utterly absurd to push to re-open the country is all about a gross necropolitical calculation that it is Black people who are dying disproportionately from COVID,” declared Brittney Cooper, an associate profess of ‘Africana Studies’ and ‘Women’s and Gender Studies.‘
Cooper’s salary was $112,254 as of December 2019.
“Not only do white conservatives not care about Black life,” Cooper continued, “but my most cynical negative read of the white supremacists among them is that they welcome this massive winnowing of Black folks in order to slow demographic shifts and shore up political power.”
“Fuck each and every Trump supporter. You all absolutely did this. You are to blame,” Cooper added near the end of her 7-tweet rant…

20.3% of New Jersey COVID-19 deaths (as of Tuesday) were black. Approximately 13-14% of the state’s total population is black.
52% of victim have been white.
According to Wikipedia, “necropolitics” is “the use of social and political power to dictate how some people may live and how some must die.”
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
What Do Those COVID Numbers Really Mean?
Numbers don't lie. Or do they?
Watch as Dan gets the lowdown on metrics, models and more from Singletrack Analytics' Jon Pearce, a top finance and data expert.
Lively and very informative!
Testa: NJ Needs A REAL Reopen Plan From REAL Leaders!
Watch Mike Testa (below) as he explains it all for us -- and you!
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
As We Move To Declare America 'Open For Business' . . .
NJ State Senator Eyes 'Soft' Opening, Other Moves
Don't miss our exclusive interview with New Jersey State Senator Michael Testa as he expresses concerns over Governor Murphy's delay in reopening the state and addresses the unique experience of South Jersey and its residents. THIS is a real eye-opener!
Food For Philly Kids In Need During COVID Crisis
Nutritional Development Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is currently sponsoring feeding sites throughout the region to ensure that children and youth ages 18 years or younger continue to have access to wholesome nourishing meals.
Children and youth who are in need of healthy and nutritious meals are receiving ongoing assistance in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to Nutritional Development Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (NDS) and Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls, one of 17 Archdiocesan High Schools throughout the five-county region.
Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls, located in the Tacony section of Philadelphia, is an NDS sponsored feeding site for children in need of nutritious sustenance. Families can collect up to three days’ worth of meals plus milk (three breakfasts and three lunches) per child, per visit. Children do not have to be present to receive a meal. Saint Hubert’s will have 300 lunches and 300 breakfasts on hand which will enable them to feed 100 children and youth 18 years or younger.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls
7320 Torresdale Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19136
Throughout the region, NDS has partnered with more than 50 sites to ensure children have access to nutritious meals at no cost. All breakfast and lunch options provide children with their daily requirement for calories and key growth nutrients. Each site features a “grab and go” delivery system respecting and following all directives and guidelines provided by government and health department officials. Funding for these meals is from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Information on NDS’ feeding sites for children including days, locations, and hours of operation can be found by visiting a dedicated link on the NDS website at nutritionaldevelopmentservices.org/covid19/#feedingsites. The page will be updated regularly with information and additional feeding sites as they become available.
For more information about Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls, please visit www.huberts.org .
Note: Lizanne Magarity Pando, President of Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls will be onsite and can be reached at 215-778-8451 (cell phone).
For more information about Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, please visit aopcatholicschools.org/. For more information about Faith in the Future Foundation, please visit www.faithinthefuture.com/.
For forty-six years, NDS’ mission has been to serve children and those in need with healthy food. NDS accomplishes its mission in two distinct ways: by administering the federally-funded child nutrition programs and through the privately supported Community Food Program. For more information, please visit http://nutritionaldevelopmentservices.org/. NDS is an equal opportunity service provider.
One NJ Town Reopens Its Parks; Will Others Follow?
New Jersey State Senator Joe Pennacchio applauds Rockaway Township’s decision to open up their local parks and trails.
Rockaway Township is opening parks and trails to residents seeking a place to walk in the sunshine, and Senator Pennacchio said the state should follow suit. (NJ Division of Parks & Forestry)
“Residents will now be able to enjoy a walk in the sunlight and breathe fresh air while still maintaining social distancing,” said Pennacchio (R-26).
The decision was announced in a message from Mayor Michael Puzio on the township web site.
“The Murphy Administration in response to the COVID-19 outbreak has closed state parks and beaches essentially deeming them a health hazard. The State treats concerts in the park the same as they do an individual taking a leisurely stroll,” Pennacchio said. “There is ‘zero’ scientific evidence to back such draconian measures.”
The Senator questioned why state policy would allow people to travel and purchase alcohol, but forbid a husband and wife from holding hands while walking in the park.
“The Administration’s public health policy is a patch work of measures, many of which do not make sense and lack scientific credibility,” noted Pennacchio. “You can shop in Home Depot but not drop your clothes off at the cleaners.
“The people of New Jersey have sacrificed an awful lot for the safety of all. They are willing to continue to sacrifice, but what they want is clear scientifically based reasoning for those sacrifices. I applaud Rockaway for taking these initial steps applying common sense and reasoning,” concluded Pennacchio.

“Residents will now be able to enjoy a walk in the sunlight and breathe fresh air while still maintaining social distancing,” said Pennacchio (R-26).
The decision was announced in a message from Mayor Michael Puzio on the township web site.
“The Murphy Administration in response to the COVID-19 outbreak has closed state parks and beaches essentially deeming them a health hazard. The State treats concerts in the park the same as they do an individual taking a leisurely stroll,” Pennacchio said. “There is ‘zero’ scientific evidence to back such draconian measures.”
The Senator questioned why state policy would allow people to travel and purchase alcohol, but forbid a husband and wife from holding hands while walking in the park.
“The Administration’s public health policy is a patch work of measures, many of which do not make sense and lack scientific credibility,” noted Pennacchio. “You can shop in Home Depot but not drop your clothes off at the cleaners.
“The people of New Jersey have sacrificed an awful lot for the safety of all. They are willing to continue to sacrifice, but what they want is clear scientifically based reasoning for those sacrifices. I applaud Rockaway for taking these initial steps applying common sense and reasoning,” concluded Pennacchio.
Monday, April 27, 2020
Yo, Murphy: What About When, How And Where?
My take on NJ Governor Phil Murphy's plan to "reopen" the state and "restart" the economy announced this afternoon. THIS touched a nerve!
This Is How Chris Christie Sees The Crisis Now
This is not only a medical decision. We must start now to restore the American way of life now. We can do so by taking steps which reduce the risk but we cannot keep people shut in their homes indefinitely. We lay out steps in this column.https://t.co/q7ika1ScjR @washingtonpost https://t.co/PPwAihqEQO— Governor Christie (@GovChristie) April 27, 2020
Sunday, April 26, 2020
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