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on the media, politics, today's headlines and the popular culture. Always fresh and new every day! Now celebrating our second decade and more than seven million page views. Nationally recognized, widely quoted, newsworthy, noteworthy.
From our friend Matt Rooney, the founder of and visionary behind Save Jersey:
The little shithead privileged white leftists you see on TV? Wearing masks and instigating violence in our cities? They don't care about George Floyd. They don't care about black America. They don't care about justice. Listen to me: we're not at war with each other. We like each other! We're in conflict with an evil, oppressive ideology that destroyed our once great cities over the course of decades and continues to deny opportunity to our society's most vulnerable. Don't let them get you down. Don't let them make you hate your neighbor. Don't let them cause you to lose faith in America. That's what they really want; not justice for George.
Glass, hangers, and shoes scatter across Philadelphia’s 18th and Walnut Streets, the morning after people took to the streets to vandalize and loot stores. Almost every store on this block has been vandalized. Firemen are still putting water on the burned Dr. Marten’s store. pic.twitter.com/v5tSweUK4d
Can people see what is happening here? Who is paying these people? The rioters have ear pieces, military grade radios and repeaters on heir vehicles - who are they communicating with? Who is their command and control? https://t.co/Wa7BfzZ2dk
Trump Pulls U.S. Out of World Health Organization, Slaps Penalties on China Over Hong Kong Action -The Washington Times “President Trump announced Friday the U.S. is terminating its relationship with the World Health Organization over its handling of the coronavirus crisis,” Tom Howell Jr. and Dave Boyer report. The President also took action on China for misleading the world about the virus, as well as for its security crackdown on Hong Kong.
Coronavirus Task Force Chief Mike Pence: You Did It, America -Washington Examiner Early on, experts warned President Trump that without social distancing, the COVID-19 death toll could reach as high as 2.2 million. But with it, the range would drop to 100,000 to 240,000. “Today, as many states begin to ease rules near the Memorial Day holiday week turning point that [Vice President Mike Pence] predicted, the death toll, tragic as it is, stands at the lowest level on that chart,” Paul Bedard writes.
Ivanka Trump Helps Treasury Prioritize $10B Funding for Minority-Owned Small Businesses -Fox Business “Ivanka Trump, senior adviser to President Trump, is working closely with the Treasury Department and Small Business Administration to help allocate $10 billion in funding for minority-owned small businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic,” Audrey Conklin writes.
It’s Time To Stop Pretending Twitter Is Neutral -The Federalist “By stepping in to flag Trump’s tweet with a warning label and a link so users can ‘get the facts’ about mail-in ballots (which ironically links to a CNN article by Chris Cillizza), Twitter abandoned any claim it had to being a neutral facilitator,” John Daniel Davidson writes. MORE:“33 Examples of Twitter’s Anti-Conservative Bias”
Looting still happening with impunity in downtown Portland. They clear the businesses of goods and then someone goes in with a chemical agent to start a fire. #antifa#BlackLivesMatterpic.twitter.com/uFFT168Csa
Today, Jack Ciattarelli issued the following statement:
In a life and death crisis, we want – WE NEED – so badly to believe that our political leadership is acting in good faith in every way imaginable. Revelations disclosed in a nj.com investigative report suggest otherwise within the Murphy administration.
How could Governor Murphy’s Chief of Staff and General Counsel not care one bit about awarding a non-competitive bid contract that pays hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to a well-connected consultant that was a Murphy campaign contributor? A consultant, mind you, that is to review the crisis in New Jersey nursing homes, where thousands died and all residents were needlessly and recklessly endangered by the neglect and poor policy decisions of the Murphy Administration. If members of the Murphy Administration cannot act in good faith, perhaps they should find another line of work. Immediately.
As for the Governor, if he had prioritized nursing homes as he did hospitals; if he had secured PPE for nursing homes; if he had gotten nursing homes test kits earlier on in the pandemic; if he hadn’t forced nursing homes to readmit COVID-19 positive patients; and if his regulators had done their job inspecting nursing homes, then people would not have died, including those in state-operated nursing homes where the number of deaths were greatest. We also would not have to be spending taxpayer dollars on any conflicted consultant to whitewash New Jersey’s nursing home tragedy and failure of leadership.
Rik Mehta chats with Dan about the Covid virus, the lockdown, constitutional rights, Cory Booker, race and the situation in Minneapolis. Candid interview! Video with glitch but is complete.
Professor Helmut Norpoth of SUNY Stony Brook University is back.
The astute professor has a model that has correctly predicted every presidential election for 100 years.
We cited Professor Norpoth several times here in 2016 and we even chatted with him then. People laughed at us in '16 because we told you about the Norpoth model predicting a Trump win at that time. Yeah, some of you who are reading this right now may be among the ones who laughed at us then.
But Norpoth was right in 2016 when for months he insisted that he was 87% sure Trump would win. He called it eight moths before the election! This time around the good professor says the chances of a Trump win are over 90%.
BTW, all those polls mean virtually nothing. Need we remind you how wrong most major polls were in 2016? Well, here goes:
First, let's look at the final vote results with Trump the winner and up by 74 in the electoral vote while Clinton was up by 2.8% in the popular vote.
Electoral Vote (270 needed to win) Popular Vote:
Trump 306 Trump 44.4%
Clinton 232 Clinton 47.2%
Now, let's look at what the major polls and prognosticators forecast in their final predictions:
Moody's Analytics: Clinton 332, Trump 206 WRONG!
Larry Sabato: Clinton 322, Trump 216 WRONG!
Five Thirty Eight: Clinton 320, Trump 235 WRONG!
Fox News: Clinton 274, Trump 215 WRONG!
Associated Press: Clinton 274, Trump 190 WRONG!
LA Times: Clinton 352, Trump 186 WRONG!
Election Projection: Clinton 279, Trump 249 WRONG!
RCP Average: Clinton, 272; Trump 266 WRONG!
And let's look at the popular vote prognostications:
Monmouth University Poll: Clinton +6 WRONG!
NBC News: Clinton +7 WRONG!
NBC News - Wall Street Journal: Clinton +5 WRONG!
Reuters/Ipsos - Clinton +5 WRONG!
And in some of the key states, polls were wildly wrong! Though the Real Clear Politics (RCP) poll averages showed Clinton winning Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Trump ended up winning all three, outperforming projections by 3 points, 4.4 points, and a stunning 7.5 points, respectively. That was way, way, WAY off the mark. In Iowa, where poll averages showed Trump up by three points, he actually won by ten points.
Among all these, few polls seemed more off the mark than the Monmouth University poll, hawked endlessly during the campaign by its ubiquitous director Patrick Murray, aka "Pollster Patrick" (as he bills himself on Twitter). Murray was everywhere, until the polling data crashed on election night. “The polls were largely bad, including mine,” Murray later admitted. "In key states, the narrative driven by data was wrong," he told his local daily newspaper. "We were telling the wrong story, and that's bad."
But, wait a minute. Polls aren't about "narratives" or "telling stories." Polls are supposed to be more accurate than that. In the end, polls are about hard data, aren't they? Oh, we know that there are real people and real stories behind the data, but isn't that more the business of focus groups and more nuanced chroniclers of public opinion? And, for that matter, what people are thinking and feeling and living actually drives the data and not the other way around, right? So it would seem.
Well, maybe Murray got too caught up in the heady notoriety of the numbers chase and missed something along the way. After all, he seems like a nice enough guy and there would appear to be an explanation for everything, eventually.
We can't say with certainty how and why the polling was so off base. Maybe it was simply that the pollsters themselves drifted too far from the grassroots -- just like so many elites drifted too far from those "ordinary Americans" that Hillary Clinton said she didn't want to hear about. We do know this, however -- Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia (another prognosticator and well-known talking head) came right out and admitted that "we blew it." And then Sabato added this:
We heard for months from many of you, saying that we were underestimating the size of a potential hidden Trump vote and his ability to win. We didn’t believe it, and we were wrong. The Crystal Ball is shattered. . . . We have a lot to learn, and we must make sure the Crystal Ball never has another year like this. This team expects more of itself, and we apologize to our readers for our errors.
You have to hand it to Sabato. He faced the facts and wisely headlined his post-election commentary "Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa." Now, that's the proper way to fess up. Classy guy!
Tired of binge watching? Need a change from your tapped-out streaming service? Weary of the bad news on every 24/7 cable news channel? Looking for scintillating conversation on just about everything? Then tune into one of our Dan Cirucci interviews right here, because Dan talks to everybody! Watch as Dan chats with Billy Prempeh, a New Jersey congressional candidate whose views may surprise you and challenge preconceived notions. Join Dan and noted columnist and radio host Christine Flowers for the most unusual conversation they've ever had -- a session that discusses everything except politics!
Moments ago in the Oval Office, President Trump signed an Executive Order to fight online censorship by technology corporations, including social media platforms.
Tech bias is a major issue facing our democracy. It challenges the free exchange of ideas and public debate that protects our civil liberties. Every citizen—liberal, conservative, or otherwise—has a right to be heard and treated fairly online.
In the next few hours, you may hear a lot about this Executive Order. Leftwing media will claim it addresses a fake problem because tech bias doesn’t exist. Democrats in Congress will say the President is exceeding his authority. Some in the Beltway establishment will say the order doesn’t do that much in the first place.
All of these are lies. Here are a few of the key actions in President Trump’s order:
Makes it U.S. policy that platforms who selectively edit, censor, or are not acting in “good faith” with regards to content will not receive the liability protection included in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act
Directs the Commerce Department to petition the FCC to make clarifying rules on Section 230 in line with U.S. policy
Helps stop millions of taxpayer dollars from being wasted by federal agencies on advertising with biased social media platforms
Ensures the Justice Department will review more than 16,000 complaints about politically motivated censorship that were collected by the White House in advance of a Social Media Summit held last year
Mobilizes State Attorneys General—who have massive subpoena and consumer protection authorities—to ensure social media platforms are not engaging in unfair or deceptive acts or practices
Acts as federal law and lists the many ways in which tech platforms act with bias against viewpoints they disagree with
Massive corporations that treat millions of American citizens unfairly shouldn’t expect special privileges and protections under the law. With President Trump’s Executive Order today, our country is one step closer to having an honest, fair public debate.
The contrast between President Trump and Joe Biden could not be more stark.
President Trump looks like a president. But Joe Biden? Well, in his most recent public appearance on Memorial Day he looked somewhat like an aging gangster.
You may brush this off but optics are important. And the images here were all bad!
We don't know who's been advising Biden but whoever told him to appear in that dark suit, dark tie, black mask and dark frameless glasses got it all wrong.
And the contrast between the all that black and the white wreath he laid at a war memorial only accentuated the starkness. Sad to say, it made him look sort of like an old mob boss laying a wreath on the grave of one of his former partners in crime.
It also brought to mind the famous photo of the hapless former Democrat presidential candidate Michael Dukakis when Dukakis donned a helmet and perched himself atop a tank, He wound up looking like a lost turtle. It doomed his campaign!
I guess you now know why they've basically been hiding Biden.
South Minneapolis Target has been DESTROYED by looters! Filmed last evening at 2500 E Lake St. Minneapolis.
It's sad that the protests over the death of George Floyd degenerated into what you see above. The police officers involved have rightly been fired. They should be brought to justice as quickly as possible. By all accounts and appearances their actions were nothing less than horrifying.
President Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and Second Lady Karen Pence traveled to Florida today to witness American astronauts launch into space from U.S. soil for the first time in nearly a decade.
Due to bad weather, NASA has postponed the launch to Saturday, May 30, at 3:22 p.m. ET.
“Safety for our crew members Col. Doug Hurley and Col. Bob Behnken is our top priority,” NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine wrote on Twitter. Coverage for Saturday’s “Launch America” mission will begin at 11 a.m. ET on NASA TV.
🎬 Dr. Ben Carson: How America will beat this virus
During his careeras a pediatric neurosurgeon, HUD Secretary Ben Carson saw firsthand how resilient Americans are in times of crisis and personal difficulty.
Time and again, his patients—along with their families—showed grace and resolve despite the obstacles being thrown in their way. “I am seeing exactly the same thing in our country with the COVID-19 crisis,” he said.
“People coming together—this is the way that we will win.”
Fortunately,that light at the end of the tunnel is coming into view. After months of sacrifice by Americans of all backgrounds to slow the spread of Coronavirus, all 50 states are in a position to begin reopening now or very soon. Many states already have.
Before Coronavirus, America was in the midst of an economic rejuvenation. Historically marginalized communities, including African-American and Hispanic Americans, were witnessing near-record-low unemployment and poverty rates just a few months ago. The same was true for women and Americans without a college degree.
Now, the Trump Administration is working hard “to bring that renewal back again and make it even stronger and better than it ever was before,” Secretary Carson says.
Yesterday, President Trump delivered a breakthrough for many American seniors, announcing action that will dramatically slash the cost of insulin for Medicare enrollees.
“For hundreds and thousands of seniors enrolled in Medicare—that’s a big deal—participating plans will cap cost at just $35 a month per type of insulin, and some plans may offer it free,” President Trump said from the Rose Garden.
“In the past, Obamacare prevented insurance providers from competing to offer lower costs for seniors. There was no competition—there was no anything—and they ran away with what took place. And the seniors were horribly hurt.”
One in three seniors on Medicare suffers from diabetes, and over 3.3 million of these beneficiaries use at least one type of insulin. These patients have seen their out-of-pocket costs skyrocket—but thanks to President Trump, that’s about to change.
New Jersey State Senator Declan O’Scanlon, Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso, and Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger (R-Monmouth) today condemned New Jersey Turnpike Authority’s vote to approve a toll hike along the Turnpike and Parkway.
O’Scanlon, DiMaso & Scharfenberger condemned the NJ Turnpike Authority’s vote to approve a toll hike along the Turnpike and Parkway. (SenateNJ.com)
“It is completely astounding that the Turnpike Authority believed they should move forward with this toll hike process. We are in the midst of a pandemic. Loved ones have been lost. People have been confined to their homes for more than two months. Hundreds of thousands are currently worrying about whether their businesses will be able to reopen in time for their livelihood to be saved.
“It does not matter whether or not someone believes that a toll increase is necessary. Because the ultimate issue is that proceeding with a policy that requires public hearings during a pandemic is ridiculous and offensive.
“Currently, people are completely occupied worrying about their health, lives, and livelihoods. Over a million residents have applied for unemployment. To move forward with a proposed toll hike is truly unconscionable.”
New Jersey State Senator Joe Pennacchio once again commended news that the Senate will establish a special committee to investigate the state’s COVID-19 response and asserted that the panel must be empowered to subpoena witnesses.
Senator Pennacchio said a thorough Senate investigation of the state’s COVID response requires the right to subpoena witnesses and documents, and should be held at the State House complex in Trenton. (SenateNJ.com)
“According to a report from NJ Advance Media, the Administration is anything but forthcoming with information and details, and without subpoena powers it will be very difficult for the investigation to accomplish its mission,” said Pennacchio (R-26). “A thorough examination of the life-changing edicts, executive orders and mandates that have been unleashed on New Jersey residents warrants a comprehensive, real-time, evaluation. That will not be possible if the committee cannot require testimony and documents.”
The pandemic is slowing, but it is still exacting a heavy toll in lives, jobs and Constitutional rights, Pennacchio noted.
“This investigation is highly time-sensitive. The state seems to be operating in crisis mode, and the end may be months into the future,” the Senator said. “Timely answers to the panel’s questions may save lives help in responsibly lifting restrictions and return the state to normalcy.”
Additionally, Senator Pennacchio seeks committee meetings at the State House in Trenton.
“The Governor holds daily press conferences so the media and the public can participate in real time. There’s no reason the Senate cannot follow the same parameters to ensure transparency for the people of our state. In-person hearings are more dynamic and compelling, and offer more transparency,” Pennacchio added.
The Senator referenced press coverage in major news outlets as evidence subpoena power is essential:
“After Murphy laws, watchdogs warn gov’t transparency might be next coronavirus victim” – NJ Advance Media
“Want to know what NJ is doing to fight coronavirus? State refuses to release records,” – The Record
“What has NJ coronavirus task force done the past few months? Nobody will say,” The Record
New Jersey State Senator Kip Bateman slammed the approval of multiple toll hikes on the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway while New Jerseyans remain stuck at home under the Governor’s lockdown orders.
Sen. Kip Bateman slammed the approval of multiple toll hikes while New Jerseyans remain stuck at home under the Governor’s lockdown orders. (SenateNJ.com)
“Bureaucrats who control our highways are quietly fast-tracking massive toll hikes on New Jersey drivers when nobody is looking,” said Bateman (R-16). “While our daily commutes may look different today, these toll increases will slam drivers with higher costs as our state reopens, making the New Jersey an even more expensive place to live, work, and raise a family. There has been nothing transparent about the process. It’s absolutely shameful.”
“Our nation is on the verge of launching NASA astronauts to the International Space Station on a commercial American rocket and spacecraft—a historic mission,” NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine writes in USA Today.
“NASA has a bold plan to quickly and sustainably explore more of the moon than ever before under the Artemis program. Even as we shift focus to the moon, NASA remains committed to supporting a space economy in low-Earth orbit for research, crew training and more.”
“Of course the Trump administration is playing tough with the media—because the media has played tough with him before he was even elected. Nearly every question asked in the briefing room is usually in the loaded construction of, ‘As you know, things are terrible, and it’s your fault, care to comment?’ McEnany has decided to hit back,” the New York Post editorial board writes.
“Democrats and virtually every journalist in the Washington media are fond of saying things like Nobody wants the shutdown to last forever and Everybody wants the economy to go back to what it was. But just as when they insist that Everyone believes in securing the Southern border, there's no real indication that they're being honest,” Eddie Scarry writes in the Washington Examiner.
“Most Medicare recipients will have access to prescription plans next year that limit their copays for insulin to no more than $35 a month, potentially saving hundreds of dollars, the Trump administration announced Tuesday,” The Associated Press reports.
Billy Prempeh who's seeking to unseat an incumbent congressman in New Jersey's ninth congressional district (including Passaic, Bergen and Hudson counties) talks about his background, his platform and his views on Trump, Biden, the Covid quarantine, AND that controversial Biden comment.
This happened this past Friday.
Since the Memorial Day weekend had basically already started, it didn't get much attention.
But now, people are focusing on it. Just another day in the life of hapless Uncle Joe!
Our friend John Edmunds IV of Eyes On New Jersey News covered a large, loud anti-lockdown protest in Point Pleasant today. The event featured NJ State Senators Joe Pennacchio and Michael Testa along with US Senate candidate Rik Mehta. Click here for our interview with John Edmunds IV. Click here for our interview with Senator Pennacchio. Click here for our interview with Senator Testa.
Yes, folks -- we chat with all of the state's genuine movers and shakers!
Don't trample on Memorial Day. Don't treat like just another three-day weekend. Don't herald it as the beginning of summer because, well -- because it's not! And don't ever, ever ignore what it means or stands for or who it honors. I'm saying all this because for me, this day is personal. On this day, I remember Frank Bushey, Victor Gross and John Halladay. They all died while serving our nation in Vietnam. And they were all high school classmates of mine. Yes, I remember them and I think about them often. THIS is what Memorial Day is all about. It's about those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice. I hated the Vietnam War. Hated it! And I hated it even more after it took these three young men. There's nothing glamorous or adventurous about war. That's the movie version. What you see above is what happens in the real life version -- all to real, painfully real, heart-breakingly real. Honoring those who gave their all is our way -- a very small way -- of trying to show how indebted we are to those who went to war and never came home. It's our way of remembering them and their families and friends who were left with incalculable loss. It's our way of trying to extend a measure of comfort to those who still grieve, who still miss their loved ones. These were young lives cut short in their prime -- never to blossom and reach their full potential. Memorial Day is a personal thing -- something multiplied hundreds and thousands of times over and beyond the few faces that you see above. Remember them. Honor them. Show gratitude for their service. Keep them in your hearts. Never, ever, ever forget!