The following, beautifully penned by pollster Adam Geller:
Think about this: The POTUS sacrificed the things he loves: he put his business holdings in a blind trust...he gave up his TV show...he sacrificed his privacy...and he puts up with a constant barrage of ridicule from the left, and from the main stream media. He deals with instantly manufactured protests from the professional left agitators and their mindless, gullible minions.
He did it for one reason: because he loves his country, and he is putting his country before himself. He did it because he may be the only guy - THE ONLY GUY - who could overcome all of the obstacles he did during the primary and general election to get to this place in this moment. Imagine defeating the GOP establishment, and then defeating the Democrat-Media Industrial Complex. Within months of each other. Months.
His selection tonight of #JusticeGorsuch is another example of his patriotism and his love for this nation, under God, and indivisible.
The slanted coverage - propaganda, if we're being real - won't stop anytime soon. But neither will he.
The professional agitators who manufacture protests as if they were styrofoam cups - they won't stop. But neither will he.
He won't stop until our country is whole again. Until it is healed. Until it is great, again.
He won't stop, and neither will we.
A wide ranging commentary and dialogue on the media, politics, today's headlines and the popular culture. Always fresh and new every day! Now celebrating our second decade and more than seven million page views. Nationally recognized, widely quoted, newsworthy, noteworthy.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
You Know This Is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!

Number of cabinet nominees confirmed in first two weeks:
Carter 11
Reagan 12
W. Bush 6
Clinton 13
HW Bush 15
Obama 11
The Democrats, still in the denial, are defying history and tradition to prevent the Trump Administration from functioning properly and with a full component of cabinet members and staff. They are obstructionists!
'A Fierce Fighter, A Trusted Leader, A True Friend'
New Jersey State Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean issued the following statement in response to today’s announcement by Senator Diane Allen (R-Burlington) that she will not seek re-election to the New Jersey Senate:

Sen. Tom Kean and Sen. Diane Allen during a visit to the Alice Paul Institute in Mt. Laurel on April 28, 2016 to discuss the importance of legislation they sponsor to boost charitable giving to New Jersey’s non-profits and provide tax relief to state residents. (
“Diane Allen has been a fierce fighter for the women and children of New Jersey, a trusted leader in our caucus, and a true friend to me personally.“Her many accomplishments are too numerous to count, and her resolve and dedication to address issues of importance for the people of New Jersey have been unmatched.
“It’s not possible to sum up a career as distinguished as Diane’s in a few words, or to adequately voice the respect she has earned from all of her colleagues in the Legislature.
“I know I speak for many when I say that it has been an honor to serve alongside Senator Allen, and we look forward to helping her to finish the work she started before she leaves at the end of her term next January.”
A Stellar Public Servant; Sorry To See Her Go
New Jersey State Senator Diane Allen (R-Burlington) issued the following statement announcing that she will not seek re-election to the New Jersey Senate:
Sen. Diane Allen at the Governing Institute’s Women in Government Leadership Class of 2017 on the weekend of Nov. 12 at the Institute’s conference in Arizona. (Governing/David Kidd)
“It has always been my intention to run for another term in the New Jersey Senate; however, over the last few weeks I have come to realize I must face some health issues that I have been trying to ignore. Consequently, with my family’s support, I have decided to make this term my last and 2017 my last year in office.
“I have a number of medical concerns that sometimes make it difficult for me to put in the same time and effort I have been able to expend in the past. While this is supposedly a part time position, I have never treated it as such. Fortunately, I believe I can maintain a pace to continue to serve my district this year. What I can’t imagine is adding the many extra hours a campaign would require. I want to expend my energy serving my constituents and working to solve the problems they and the rest of us in New Jersey face.
“There are many important pieces of legislation that need to be passed this year, as well as wrongs that need to be set right. I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, as usual, to try to accomplish these goals.
“I am forever grateful to the people of the 7th District for giving me the amazing gift of letting me serve them for more than 21 years. I also am so appreciative of the many people who have helped me through the years in so many ways. There are those who stand on conviction, who follow their moral compass and who put people over politics. I look forward to continuing to work with them this coming year.”
“I have a number of medical concerns that sometimes make it difficult for me to put in the same time and effort I have been able to expend in the past. While this is supposedly a part time position, I have never treated it as such. Fortunately, I believe I can maintain a pace to continue to serve my district this year. What I can’t imagine is adding the many extra hours a campaign would require. I want to expend my energy serving my constituents and working to solve the problems they and the rest of us in New Jersey face.
“There are many important pieces of legislation that need to be passed this year, as well as wrongs that need to be set right. I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, as usual, to try to accomplish these goals.
“I am forever grateful to the people of the 7th District for giving me the amazing gift of letting me serve them for more than 21 years. I also am so appreciative of the many people who have helped me through the years in so many ways. There are those who stand on conviction, who follow their moral compass and who put people over politics. I look forward to continuing to work with them this coming year.”
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'Time To Get Serious About Protecting Our Country
From the White House:
The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. This order was approved as to form and legality by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.
Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.
It is time to get serious about protecting our country. Calling for tougher vetting for individuals travelling from seven dangerous places is not extreme. It is reasonable and necessary to protect our country.
Last night, President Trump relieved Ms. Yates of her duties and subsequently named Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, to serve as Acting Attorney General until Senator Jeff Sessions is finally confirmed by the Senate, where he is being wrongly held up by Democrat senators for strictly political reasons.
“I am honored to serve President Trump in this role until Senator Sessions is confirmed. I will defend and enforce the laws of our country to ensure that our people and our nation are protected,” said Dana Boente, Acting Attorney General.
The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. This order was approved as to form and legality by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.
Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.
It is time to get serious about protecting our country. Calling for tougher vetting for individuals travelling from seven dangerous places is not extreme. It is reasonable and necessary to protect our country.
Last night, President Trump relieved Ms. Yates of her duties and subsequently named Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, to serve as Acting Attorney General until Senator Jeff Sessions is finally confirmed by the Senate, where he is being wrongly held up by Democrat senators for strictly political reasons.
“I am honored to serve President Trump in this role until Senator Sessions is confirmed. I will defend and enforce the laws of our country to ensure that our people and our nation are protected,” said Dana Boente, Acting Attorney General.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Video Shocker: Assault Stuns Catholics At Mass!
Shocking Assault on Most Reverend Manuel A. Cruz, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Newark during Sunday (1/29) Mass. Warning: This is graphic!
The Bishop is recovering and “doing well”, archdiocese sources say.
You can see a man wearing a white robe over a red suit attacking the 63-year-old Cruz as he was offering opening prayers at Newark's Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Watch as the man strikes him in the face and knocks him backward onto the altar.
Fortunately, police officers on the scene then swarmed and apprehended Cruz’s attacker, who was eventually led out of the cathedral in handcuffs.
No motive for the attack was immediately available.
By Any Measure, It's Unprecedented Obstruction!
- 17: President Trump’s nominees to head major departments or agencies waiting to be confirmed.
- 7: President Obama’s nominees to head major departments or agencies waiting to be confirmed 11 days into his presidency.
- 4 President Bush’s nominees to head major departments or agencies waiting to be confirmed 11 days into his presidency.

A Melodious Celebration Of Exceptional Talent!
The talented members of the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra (PYO) will perform on Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 3 p.m. Conducted by Maestro Louis Scaglione, President and Music Director of the PYO organization, it will take place in Verizon Hall at the Kimmel Center, 300 S. Broad Street in Philadelphia. The most advanced ensemble of the organization, musicians of PYO, ages 14–21, will perform Shostakovich’s Symphony No. I; Prokofiev’s Second Suite from Romeo and Juliet, and Stravinsky’s Suite from The Firebird.
This is the second major concert of the year and the growth of the students is apparent. Maestro Louis Scaglione said, “The members of PYO are passionate about their music making. It is not only a pleasure working with them, but it is very rewarding to observe their growth and conduct them as they perform.”
Tickets are $15-25. For more information, please call (215) 545-0502.
About the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra:
Now in its 77th year, training tomorrow’s leaders, the renowned Philadelphia Youth Orchestra organization, led by President and Music Director, Maestro Louis Scaglione, is one of the nation’s oldest and most respected community music education and youth orchestra performance programs, providing talented young musicians from across the tri-state area with exceptional musical training. Students go on to excel in many diverse fields, and it is with pride that Philadelphia Youth Orchestra notes that many members of the prestigious Philadelphia Orchestra are alumni.
This is the second major concert of the year and the growth of the students is apparent. Maestro Louis Scaglione said, “The members of PYO are passionate about their music making. It is not only a pleasure working with them, but it is very rewarding to observe their growth and conduct them as they perform.”
Tickets are $15-25. For more information, please call (215) 545-0502.
About the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra:
Now in its 77th year, training tomorrow’s leaders, the renowned Philadelphia Youth Orchestra organization, led by President and Music Director, Maestro Louis Scaglione, is one of the nation’s oldest and most respected community music education and youth orchestra performance programs, providing talented young musicians from across the tri-state area with exceptional musical training. Students go on to excel in many diverse fields, and it is with pride that Philadelphia Youth Orchestra notes that many members of the prestigious Philadelphia Orchestra are alumni.
The organization is comprised of six program ensembles designed to meet specific needs and experience levels of students selected through a competitive audition process.
The anchor group is the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra (PYO), conducted by President and Music Director Louis Scaglione, featuring 120 gifted instrumentalists who range in age from 14-21.
Young musicians 12-18 years old are featured in PYO’s companion ensemble, the Philadelphia Young Artists Orchestra, which is led by Director and Conductor Maestra Rosalind Erwin, who is Music Director and Conductor of Drexel University Orchestra.
Philadelphia Young Musicians Orchestra (PYMO), directed by Maestro Kenneth Bean, is a beginning to intermediate-level full symphonic orchestra that provides most students with their first introduction to large orchestral playing featuring students age 10-17 years old.
Bravo Brass, directed by Curtis Institute Dean of Faculty and Students, Paul Bryan, is an all brass ensemble for promising middle and high-school instrumentalists.
PRYSM (Philadelphia Region Youth String Music) and PRYSM Young Artists ensembles provide string large ensemble and sectional master class instruction for beginning and intermediate musicians ages 6-14. The director and conductor of PRYSM is Gloria DePasquale, cellist with The Philadelphia Orchestra, and conductor of PRYSM Young Artists is Andrea Weber.
Tune Up Philly (TUP) is PYO’s engagement program, directed by Paul Smith, that focuses on creating and inspiring true community by providing children in under-resourced communities with invaluable opportunities to learn and perform a differentiated orchestral music curriculum.
Is HE The Next US Supreme Court Justice?
SUPREME COURT JUSTICE? Judge Neil Gorsuch of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals is reportedly leading Trump's short list for appointment to the high court.
But Trump always loves to surprise.
The announcement will come live from the White House tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8 pm.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
'This Is About Terror And Keeping Our Country Safe'
President Donald J. Trump Statement Regarding Recent Executive Order Concerning Extreme Vetting:
"America is a proud nation of immigrants and we will continue to show compassion to those fleeing oppression, but we will do so while protecting our own citizens and border.
"America is a proud nation of immigrants and we will continue to show compassion to those fleeing oppression, but we will do so while protecting our own citizens and border.
"America has always been the land of the free and home of the brave. We will keep it free and keep it safe, as the media knows, but refuses to say.
"My policy is similar to what President Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for refugees from Iraq for six months. The seven countries named in the Executive Order are the same countries previously identified by the Obama administration as sources of terror.
"To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting. This is not about religion – this is about terror and keeping our country safe. There are over 40 different countries worldwide that are majority Muslim that are not affected by this order.
"We will again be issuing visas to all countries once we are sure we have reviewed and implemented the most secure policies over the next 90 days. I have tremendous feeling for the people involved in this horrific humanitarian crisis in Syria.
"My first priority will always be to protect and serve our country, but as President I will find ways to help all those who are suffering.”
10 Things You Must Know About President Trump
Just in case you haven't figured this all out by now, here are ten things you need to know about President Trump:
1) He means what he says.
He said "extreme vetting" and that's exactly what he meant. He fully intends to do what he said he would do. On the Big Things, he means to keep his promises.
2) He's tireless.
The man is a human dynamo. He has routinely exhausted people half his age. He thrives on hard work. A man of action, he loves to be in the center of things.
3) He expects and demands the best from others.
He pretty much takes it for granted that if he hired you, you will work every bit as hard as he does and that you won't mess up. You will get it right.
4) The leadership role comes naturally to him.
Leading a large organization is who he is and what he does. It's what defines him. He assumes responsibility and gets to work. And as he has been known to tell his employees: "If I don't work, you don't work."
5) He likes to prod and taunt others.
This is his way of nudging those around him or setting them off guard. It's sort of like an ongoing test he conducts. Can you take it? Are you up to the challenge? Will you endure the nudging and show your best?
6) He's not afraid of conflict and confrontation.
Though some may think he actually seeks conflict, that's not necessarily true. You don't accomplish what he's accomplished in life by being terminally disagreeable or constantly provoking conflict. But, if a confrontation is what it's gonna take, well . . . .
7) It's all about the deal.
He's a consummate deal-maker and more often that not, he's probably got some sort of deal in mind. But, his deal-making strategy means that he often has to start from the standpoint of greatest strength -- playing hardball and seeking maximum gains. The accommodations can come later, if at all.
8) He's a quick learner.
He watches closely. He studies; not from books, but in his mind as he watches. He looks for errors and for ways he can improve upon what he's seen and studied. Then, he steps out.
9) He a risk taker.
Some people might call him a gambler. They are wrong. When it comes to really important matters, his risks are more careful and calculated that you might expect. He toyed with the idea of running for president for a long time. But he didn't run until he thought the timing was right and he had the best chance to win.
10) He's instinctive.
Instinctive behavior is mediated by reactions below the conscious level. Some people look upon this as "trusting your gut". But it's more than that. Instinct is often informed by experience and a keen understanding of personalities and the subtext of human behavior. Don't underestimate it or him!
Oh, one more thing: He obviously plays to win. Though he may actually appear to be losing or faltering at times, he never takes his eyes off the prize. He will do what he has to do to succeed.
1) He means what he says.
He said "extreme vetting" and that's exactly what he meant. He fully intends to do what he said he would do. On the Big Things, he means to keep his promises.
2) He's tireless.
The man is a human dynamo. He has routinely exhausted people half his age. He thrives on hard work. A man of action, he loves to be in the center of things.
3) He expects and demands the best from others.
He pretty much takes it for granted that if he hired you, you will work every bit as hard as he does and that you won't mess up. You will get it right.
4) The leadership role comes naturally to him.
Leading a large organization is who he is and what he does. It's what defines him. He assumes responsibility and gets to work. And as he has been known to tell his employees: "If I don't work, you don't work."
5) He likes to prod and taunt others.
This is his way of nudging those around him or setting them off guard. It's sort of like an ongoing test he conducts. Can you take it? Are you up to the challenge? Will you endure the nudging and show your best?
6) He's not afraid of conflict and confrontation.
Though some may think he actually seeks conflict, that's not necessarily true. You don't accomplish what he's accomplished in life by being terminally disagreeable or constantly provoking conflict. But, if a confrontation is what it's gonna take, well . . . .
7) It's all about the deal.
He's a consummate deal-maker and more often that not, he's probably got some sort of deal in mind. But, his deal-making strategy means that he often has to start from the standpoint of greatest strength -- playing hardball and seeking maximum gains. The accommodations can come later, if at all.
8) He's a quick learner.
He watches closely. He studies; not from books, but in his mind as he watches. He looks for errors and for ways he can improve upon what he's seen and studied. Then, he steps out.
9) He a risk taker.
Some people might call him a gambler. They are wrong. When it comes to really important matters, his risks are more careful and calculated that you might expect. He toyed with the idea of running for president for a long time. But he didn't run until he thought the timing was right and he had the best chance to win.
10) He's instinctive.
Instinctive behavior is mediated by reactions below the conscious level. Some people look upon this as "trusting your gut". But it's more than that. Instinct is often informed by experience and a keen understanding of personalities and the subtext of human behavior. Don't underestimate it or him!
Oh, one more thing: He obviously plays to win. Though he may actually appear to be losing or faltering at times, he never takes his eyes off the prize. He will do what he has to do to succeed.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
So, What's It Really All About, Huh?
A facebook friend writes as follows:
I've been curious about whether or not any other presidents imposed immigration bans and what the Immigration act says about it. This is what I found...
Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”
I also found that six presidents have activated this Section of the law on a temporary basis. Those presidents included Obama, George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. The Obama administration blocked processing Iraq refugee requests for six months. I don't remember the Democrats going ballistic over this.
I tried to understand what Trump did. As i understand it, he is banning refugees from countries that are hotbeds of terrorists. The seven Muslim-majority countries cited by President Trump+ in his executive order that blocks all refugees from entering the US for 120 days are Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. In Syria's case, the suspension is indefinite. It's for 120 days. Three of the largest Muslim countries are not affected by this - India, Pakistan and Indonesia. So that could make a case that the Muslim community is not being banned or those three would have been included.
I regret that any President felt it necessary to ban refugees. I regret what I see happening around the world by people who put their ideologies before the value of life. Will his 120 day work? I don't know but condemn all presidents for their use of the section and not just him.
They Will ALWAYS Be In Our Hearts - Always!
Today, we remember the crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger, 31 years later. #NeverForget

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