Friday, March 31, 2017

Could This Be The Crucial Turning Point, Now?

What They’re Saying:
 ‘Governor Christie will be instrumental in researching how to best combat this serious epidemic’
President Donald J. Trump: “I made a promise to the American people to take action to keep drugs from pouring into our country and to help those who have been so badly affected by them. Governor Christie will be instrumental in researching how to best combat this serious epidemic and how to treat those it has affected. He will work with people on both sides of the aisle to find the best ways for the Federal Government to treat and protect the American people from this serious problem.” (Statement, 3/29/17)

Senator Pat Toomey: Too many lives lost to opioid, heroin abuse. Thankful @POTUS @GovChristie making it a priority to end #OpioidCrisis (Tweet, 3/30/17)

Senator Claire McCaskill: “Drug overdose deaths, the majority of which are from heroin and prescription opioids, are a national crisis. We need all hands on deck, including administration officials, and I look forward to working with them on anything that will prevent the tragedies happening in communities across Missouri. We’ll need the help of Governor Christie, President Trump, and others at all levels of government, from any party affiliation, if we’re going to make progress and save lives.” (Statement, 3/29/17)

Assemblyman Jon Bramnick: “New Jersey has taken the lead in fighting addiction. Governor Christie has been a national advocate for treatment for those suffering from this disease, and is deeply committed to fighting and winning this battle. President Trump has made an outstanding choice.” (Statement, 3/29/17)

Vox: “President Trump will soon sign an executive order that creates a commission to tackle the opioid epidemic and has reportedly put New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in charge of it. Christie is a strong choice, given that just this February, he signed into law one of the nation’s most comprehensive laws to combat the growing opioid and heroin crisis.” (Sarah Frostenson, Gov. Chris Christie passed one of the most aggressive laws to combat the opioid epidemic,Vox, 3/29/2017)

Drug Policy Alliance: @GovChristie supported many evidence-based solutions to opioid crisis in NJ, we hope he brings this perspective to #opioidcommission” (Tweet, 3/29/17)

Roseanne Scotti, Drug Policy Alliance New Jersey State Director“He’s done a great deal around the opioid problem here in New Jersey.” (Ian Bush, Governor Christie To Join White House Opioid Effort, CBS Philadelphia, 3/29/17)

·         “We have broad access to naloxone, or Narcan, now, which is the opioid overdose antidote. It’s available in most of our pharmacies at this point, non-profits like needle exchange programs, community groups, the state has put some money behind that. The governor was the first governor to fund needle exchange programs in New Jersey.”

·         “And I think overall encouraging a public health approach to this issue and not a criminal justice approach which is where Governor Christie has really focused his energy.”
Hardwick Mayor Jim Perry, NJ Conference of Mayors : “As a Mayor who lost my son to an Opioid addiction, I am proud of the work Gov. Christie has done to battle this deadly disease. I look forward to working with him myself in the future and believe he is the right person for the job.  I wish him all the luck in his success that I know he will have in the position.” (Statement, 3/29/17)

Englewood Cliffs Mayor Mario Kranjac: “We have now seen the devastating results of opioid addiction in New Jersey and I am very confident that Governor Christie will create and implement a framework to solve this crisis.  Clearly, new thinking and new actions need to be taken.” (Statement, 3/29/17)

Andrew Kessler, Slingshot Solutions Founder And Principal: “He has been at the forefront, he has signed legislation, he has put it at the center of the agenda, he’s been one of the best.” (Dylan Scott, Chris Christie brings heartfelt approach to Trump’s opioid commission, but some controversy too, Stat News, 3/29/17)

Kevin Meara, City of Angels: “Gov. Christie is the right man at the right time and now the country will benefit from his leadership and experience gained in addressing NJ's heroin/opioid epidemic. Having traveled extensively over the past year, I can tell you that everyone from New Hampshire to West Virginia will have an advocate in our governor.” (Statement, 3/29/17)

Donna DeStefano, Parents In Connection for Kids: “Seeing our Governor’s efforts to reduce opioid abuse expand to a national level by President Trump is a tribute to him, his administration and all the people of New Jersey who have stepped up to help change policies, educate, advocate, treat and fight the stigma associated with this disease. Families across America are in for the fight of their lives when dealing with a substance use disorder. Hopefully they will now get the tools and resources to not only help their loved ones, but the tools to heal their entire family once they have been affected.” (Statement, 3/29/17)

Alan Oberman, John Brooks Recovery Center: “I have always found the Governor sincere regarding his deep felt concern for the opioid addicted individual. The recent regulations regarding prescriptions are another positive step in limiting access to potentially addicting medications.” (Statement, 3/29/17)

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