Do you recognize this?

High school teacher Kenneth Scheiber, whom we interviewed this week after he won the Golden Apple Award for excellent Catholic teachers, strives to teach three key lessons to his theology students:
1. “Relativism is wrong. …there is an objective reality.”
2. “A sense of vocation. …what is my specific role on earth?”
3. “…faith and reason. …[they] always lead us to the same place.”
All of this is rooted in a clear mission of evangelization, with confidence in the truth of the Catholic Faith. “Jesus is always going to be the answer,” Scheiber told the Newman Society.
Perhaps not surprisingly, he is a graduate of two Newman Guide colleges—Christendom College and The Catholic University of America—where he came to appreciate a faithful Catholic education that doesn’t isolate theology from other disciplines. All courses in a Catholic education should teach and seek the same Truth, Scheiber argues, helping students “understand to a greater extent the world as God created it.”
That’s the sort of education we want for Catholic students. (As opposed to the colleges giving scandal to their students! We’ve updated our list of shameful commencement honors, but there’s some great news in Matt Archbold’s Report Card column this week.)
Finally, a tribute: In the Newman Society’s work to support and promote faithful education, we find common cause with so many good and faithful Catholics. Catholic businessman and philanthropist Jack Donahue, who created the Golden Apple Award that Scheiber won, has been extraordinarily generous in building up Catholic education with the help of his wife Rhodora and his children. Jack died just last week, so I encourage your prayers for him and all who help ensure faithful education for our Catholic youth!
In Christ,
![]() | ![]() Patrick Reilly President |
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