President @realDonaldTrump rips Joe Biden for his horrible treatment of Black Americans and his racist comments during his 47 years in government#Debates2020
— Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022) (@TeamTrump) September 30, 2020
A wide ranging commentary and dialogue on the media, politics, today's headlines and the popular culture. Always fresh and new every day! Now celebrating our second decade and more than seven million page views. Nationally recognized, widely quoted, newsworthy, noteworthy.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
One Of The Night's Most Telling Moments!
How Many Times, Ways Does He Have To Say It?
A Health Care Plan For All Americans
As It Happened: The Calamity In Cleveland!
- Biden just referred to Amy Codey Barrett as "The Justice." Apparently she's already been confirmed.
- Biden: "The party is me. I AM the Democrat Party right now!"
- Chris Wallace is already losing control of the debate. President Trump is not giving an inch.
- President to Wallace: "I guess I'm debating you, not him. But I'm not surprised!" Biden looks pained -- gaunt with bulging forehead veins.
- Biden keeps laughing but he's like Jello. It's hard to pin him down on anything. He refuses to show his hand.
- Wallace is a dreadful moderator. He can't control the debate and he has failed to ask a single tough question of Biden.
- Wallace is debating Trump -- not Biden -- and he's giving Biden every advantage. They have Trump on the defensive now.
- Wallace keeps cutting Trump off and extending Biden more time. This looks like a stacked deck. As soon as Trump starts making an important point, Wallace cuts him off. Meanwhile Wallace is feeding openings to Biden.
- I gotta say: Biden's false teeth are distracting. They look cheap. He's a used-up slick "career" politician with a phony, false-looking smile. A real Joker. Sly, cunning and ultimately deadly.
- Wallace continues to argue with President Trump and extends every privilege to Biden. Didn't we all know this was gonna happen?
- Wallace continues to feed Biden time and opening lines.
- Wallace has completely lost control of the evening. He simply can't do his job. Both Biden and Wallace are apt examples of the smugness, dissuasiveness, disdainful attitude and feigned righteousness of the deep state. Biden has learned his lines well but his beady eyes are a dead giveaway.
- Biden continues to flub words and search for words. And now he's pretty much said that he supports defunding the police. He's engaged in avoidance. But now Trump nails Biden: He can't name one law enforcement group that supports him. Also, Biden can't bring himself to say "law and order." And Wallace won't let Trump defend himself or rebut Biden -- and Wallace.
- Wallace is completely out of his league. He's a tired old self-exalting "journalist" who craves the spotlight -- but it's time to bring the curtain down. The act is over.
- Biden is a slick, old once-upon-a-time snake oil salesman who has wound up like an aged, tin horn punk. Smirking to buy himself time until he collects his disjointed thoughts. It's sad to watch. God help us if this man is elected.
- Wallace should be fired. He lost it tonight. As a former teacher, I can tell you that you don't control a loud, raucous, out-of-control classroom by raising your voice.
- Biden just said "our military have been voting by ballots since the end of the civil war." Well, I should certainly hope so. How else would they vote?
- Biden called the President a "racist" a "liar" and a "clown," accused him of using dogwhistles and told him to "shut up, man." This from the man who promises to provide a quieter, more peaceful, more civil, more "normal" America. Good luck with that!
- Tomorrow President Trump will be up early, assuming presidential duties, and campaigning tirelessly. Biden? He'll probably call a "lid" on public events before lunch time.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Monday, September 28, 2020
Christie At White House Prepping Trump For Debate
And now, this from our friends at Save Jersey (reprinted with permission)
The first presidential debate of the 2020 General Election takes place on Tuesday night, and President Donald Trump getting some help from two prominent tristate area politicians.
“We had a little debate prep before we came here,” Trump told reporters at a Sunday White House press conference, referring to former Governor Chris Christie and ex-NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani who were both in the room watching the presser.–
The pair are reportedly taking turns playing former Vice President Joe Biden.
“We’re doing it. These two gentlemen have been helping,” Trump continued, adding that both men were “about five times smarter than” than Biden.
Here's Who The Real Liar Is In This Campaign
Joe "Biden just makes stuff up. He makes demonstrably false claims without an iota of shame."
— Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) September 28, 2020
Joe Biden claimed last year he attended Delaware State, a historically Black university.
— Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) September 28, 2020
The school has confirmed Joe Biden was never enrolled there.
A Whole New Generation Of Judges Emerges!
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Video: Biden Predicted He'd Be Dead By Now!
Joe Biden 4/9/91 on confirming Justice:
— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) September 26, 2020
“Decision will affect what happens in country long after Biden is gone...If Souter lives as long as average age #SCOTUS he'll be making landmark decisions in year 2020. I’ll be dead & gone in all probability"
h/t @mattfleg @alexburnsNYT
Jewish Group Demands Apology From Biden!
Yesterday, Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden compared President Trump to Nazi propogandist Joseph Goebbels, equating one of history’s great monsters to President Trump, Biden’s political rival. RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks made the following statement:
The rule in debate is that if your only argument is to call your opponent a Nazi, you have no argument at all. Instead of engaging in a debate on policy, Joe Biden has descended to name-calling and Holocaust references.
There is no place in political discourse for Holocaust imagery or comparing candidates to Nazis. It’s offensive and it demeans the memory of the Holocaust, the suffering of the victims, and the lessons we must learn from that terribly dark chapter of history. Joe Biden has been in politics long enough to know this. To diminish the horrors of Goebbels and the Nazis by trying to attack the President with that comparison is, as we say, a shanda.
We call on Joe Biden to retract and apologize for that egregious comment.
Scalia And Ginsburg: Italians And Jews
Certainly, Justices Scalia and Ginsberg had a lot in common. They shared many interests and passions including opera, the law, literature, travel, teaching and food. With their spouses, they travelled together and shared annual New Year's Eve celebrations. Justice Ginsburg was said to be captivated with Scalia who was garrulous, opinionated and highly expressive. For his part, Scalia apparently found Ginsberg to be attentive, thoughtful and unfailingly kind even through some of the Court's most protracted legal battles. "What's not to like?" Scalia said of Ginsburg. "Except her views on the law."
But it was Justice Scalia's son, Eugene who put his finger on a link between the two that has not often been mentioned: "They had a bond, I think, in that they both grew up as outsiders – to different degrees – to the elites who had ruled the country: she as a Jew and woman, he as a Catholic and Italian American."
Indeed, these two American icons benefitted from the enduring bond between Italians and Jews -- two groups that made their way to the top under similar circumstances, often growing up in nearby neighborhoods and frequently helping one another. Along the way, they drew on the love of close-knit families, the anchor of deep faith and a will to always doggedly pursue the next rung on the ladder to success, no matter what. And it wasn't always easy. Still, this mutuality, reflected in the background and journey of Scalia and Gisnburg, most certainly drew them (and others like them) together and solidified their bond.
Antonin Gregory Scalia, the only child of an Italian immigrant father and first generation Italian-American mother grew up in New York City where his father taught Romance languages at Brooklyn College and his mother worked as an elementary school teacher. He was imbued with a love of learning from an early age and routinely excelled as a student, eventually gaining entry into Harvard Law School where he graduated magna cum laude. "I was never cool," Scalia once said.
Born in Brooklyn, Joan Ruth Bader was the second daughter of a Jewish immigrant father and a mother who was the grandchild of Jewish immigrants from Poland. Her sister died of meningitis when Ruth was only 14 months old so, like Scalia, she grew up as an only child. Like Scalia, Bader was an outstanding student and also attended Harvard Law School, later earning her law degree from Columbia where she tied for first in her class. And somewhat quiet and relatively shy, it's a fairly safe bet that growing up, Ruth Bader "was never cool."
Scalia's son Chris has said that Scalia and Ginsburg "were kind of familiar types to each other." And the same can be said of many of those of us of Italian heritage and our Jewish friends. We are wonderfully recognizable to one another and we not only take comfort in that but we often delight in it. We swap stories, soak up all aspects of the popular culture, argue about the topic of the day, share great food and drink, commiserate about families and relatives, affectionately rib one another and do it all with a sense of daily drama that often borders on the operatic.
So now you know what drew these two great Americans together. It's a unique sort of bond that often defies description. In Yiddish, it's called bashert -- meant to be. In Italian, we would simply say it's simpatico!
Stumbling, Confused, They Feed Him His Lines
WATCH: After Joe Biden's brain freezes, MSNBC anchor has to feed him a line
— Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) September 26, 2020
WATCH: Joe Biden suddenly brings up a person name "John" and accuses him of avoiding what needs to be done
— Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) September 26, 2020
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Biden Says He Got To Senate '180 Years Ago'
WATCH: Joe Biden misreads the teleprompter: "I got to the Senate 180 years ago"
— Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) September 26, 2020
And So Now The HATE Has Already Begun!
Let the hate begin. @BillMaher on Amy Coney Barrett: “A fucking nut.” #RealTime #AmyConeyBarrett
— Brent Baker (@BrentHBaker) September 26, 2020
Video Shows Biden Calling Military 'Stupid Bastards'
Newly resurfaced video shows Joe Biden calling servicemembers “stupid bastards”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 25, 2020
Joe and Jill Biden spoke to the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing in Southeast Asia on March 7, 2016.
“I have incredibly good judgment,” Biden says in his remarks to the men and women service members. “One, I married Jill, and two, I appointed Johnson to the academy. I just want you to know that. Clap for that, you stupid bastards," he adds, in a seemingly sarcastic tone. Biden then appeared to say that the soldiers “must be slow” and called them "a dull bunch."
A video of the speech posted in January of 2017 on YouTube is accompanied by the caption “Vice President Joe Biden, recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom calls A room full of servicemen and servicewomen at an undisclosed location in southwest Asia stupid bastards in March 2016. A real class act.”
Yes, this is the same Joe Biden who lambasted President Trump and ran campaign ads against him for allegedly defaming members of the military even though the allegations came from anonymous sources -- sources that have never come forward -- and even though the accusations against Trump were refuted by 21 on-the-record sources. To recap: The charges against President Trump were never substantiated and have been refuted by 21 different people. There is no audio or video of President Trump ever saying such things.
A Dramatic Shift In Public Sentiment!
- 44% of all Americans now disapprove of protests in response to police violence against Black Americans, while 39% approve. In June, 54% approved.
- Just 35% of white Americans approve of the protests now, while 50% disapprove. In June, 53% approved, while 34% disapproved. That's nearly a complete reversal of the numbers.
- Among Latinos, 31% now approve, compared with 44% in June.
- 63% of Black Americans now support the protests, down from 81%, with more now saying they neither approve nor disapprove.
- Views of the protests now differ dramatically by party identification with 70% of Democrats approving and 75% of Republicans disapproving. But if you look at the overall approval and disapproval numbers (first bullet point above) you can see that they are trending closer to the view of the Republicans, with more disapproving than approving. And this poll was before the latest round of protests in Louisville and elsewhere.
Friday, September 25, 2020
An Insight Into The REAL Donald Trump . . .
This mans dying wish was to speak to Donald Trump on the phone... and President Trump honored that wish.
— 🇺🇸™️ (@X2_T17) September 25, 2020
This is the @realDonaldTrump that the Media doesn’t want you to see.
Yet Another Great Reason To LOVE Texas!
PLEASE, Let's Leave The Holocaust Out Of It!
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The Tower of Faces at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC |
We are now in the throes of a very intense campaign season -- the sort of time when all sorts of charges are tossed about, often without much thought or consideration. In this atmosphere, inevitably someone is accused of being a fascist or a nazi or is compared to Hitler and the horror of the Holocaust is evoked.
Right now, let's make one thing clear. Comparisons to the monstrous crimes of Hitler and his regime and comparisons to the Holocaust and the slaughter of the 6,000.000+ are always out of bounds. Always!
Such cheap, shameless attempts at "moral equivalency" trivialize the Holocaust and dishonor those who perished. The Holocaust stands alone!
Shame on anyone who goes down this road for any reason!
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Four Stories You Must Not Miss!
Go Ahead, Just Let This Sink In . . .
So Many Stories Like This IGNORED!
A family in suburban Minneapolis believes they were targeted because of their support for President Trump.
— Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) September 24, 2020
‘Biden 2020’ was spray painted on their garage before it burned to the ground.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Biden's Cognitive Abilities: Is He On 'Speed' Drug?
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Joe Biden has not yet agreed to a drug test. Dr. Marc Siegel is a Fox News medical correspondent, we're happy to have him on the show tonight. Doctor, thank you so much for coming on. 200 million people died during that speech. I think that qualifies as a national emergency. Maybe I'm being hysterical. What do you think?
MARC SIEGEL: Tucker, imagine if President Trump said that, imagine how the wolves would be all over him if he made anything like that mistake. And the word of course they use to cover this is "gaffe," but I have to tell you, it's time we stopped using the word "gaffe." I've talked to many neurologists, now, I haven't examined the former vice president, I don't have a clinical diagnosis to make, but many neurologists have said to me these are not isolated. 200 million people dying, Iraq versus Iran, he keeps mixing up those two countries, there's multiple examples of that.
And I want to put forth some ideas tonight, they're not proof, they're not even theories, but back in 1988 former Vice President Biden had two aneurysms clipped in his brain using surgery, surgical techniques, and he had a bleed. Studies show a 50% long-term cognitive problem. Now, what is cognition? It's thinking, it's memory, decision-making.
He's also got atrial fibrillation, it's a matter of public record, it's an arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation, a study, a Swiss study just showed a couple of years ago in thousands of patients that there's a 3 percent per year silent stroke where you can't see it, except for changes in thinking, Tucker, and 3 percent per year whether you're on blood thinners or not.
So now, President Trump says, "You know, we should have drug testing before debates," and I'm thinking why would he be saying that?
Well, let me tell you one reason, Tucker. There's a study that shows that for people who have mild cognitive thinking or memory problems, you know what helps? Speed. You know what helps? Adderall, a drug that I prescribe. These drugs can help in low doses for short periods of time. Now look, in the Olympics, we're testing athletes. Baseball games, we don't want anybody to juice. We're looking for competitive advantage. We're analyzing that. We want to make sure nobody takes advantage.
WOW! Massive Human Trial Now Underway!
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
This Happy Warrior Loves America And Its People!
THIS IS what Americans want - the positivity of @realDonaldTrump, not the sad, angry confusion of @JoeBiden.
— Boris Epshteyn (@BorisEP) September 22, 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
Immense Ohio Crowd Chants 'Fill That Seat!'
The patriots in Swanton, #Ohio chant "FILL THAT SEAT!" after President @realDonaldTrump says he will soon announce a nominee for the Supreme Court
— Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022) (@TeamTrump) September 22, 2020
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