I spoke yesterday with Archbishop Cordileone’s office in San Francisco.
They are very grateful for our prayers and support.
Meanwhile, California politicians have launched another attack on Archbishop Cordileone.
>>>Sign our letter of support for Archbishop Cordileone here!
If you've already signed, thank you!
To review, earlier this month San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone announced that all teachers in the archdiocesan-controlled high schools would be required to sign certain “affirm and believe” statements as a part of their contracts. The statements affirm the constant teachings of the church on human sexuality, marriage, life, pornography and other contested moral issues of our day.
Last week a group of eight lawmakers sent an insulting letter to the Archbishop demanding that he abandon his new Catholic school reforms. Archbishop Cordileone stood firm, telling legislators that they must respect the freedom of the Church to operate our schools as we see fit.
What are these reforms, you might ask?
Quite simply, the teachers were called upon to affirm a statement about Catholic identity. The statement covered topics such as the Church's authority and her core beliefs including our belief in the Real Presence. It also covered the role of teachers in Catholic education in forming Catholic students, and affirmed that teachers could not publicly contradict the Church on matters of human sexuality including marriage, abortion, contraception, and pornography.
You can read the whole statement yourself right here. It is magnificent. I agree with it 100% and I suspect you do as well.
I'm glad that Archbishop Cordileone refused to back down from these reforms just because those lawmakers didn't like it.
But here's where it gets worse: Two of those same lawmakers aren't willing to settle for persuasion.
They want to use the long arm of the law to bring the Church to her knees.
CA Assemblymembers Phil Ting and Kevin Mullen are calling on the California Legislature to launch an investigation into the 'working conditions' at high schools run by the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
This is a naked attack on the Catholic Church and all of our First Amendment religious rights.
Already over 15,000 Catholics have stood up for Archbishop Cordileone. They signed our letter of support and pledge of prayer for this courageous shepherd!
Believe me, other politicians are watching this showdown. Can they attack the Church with impunity? Or will the Catholic faithful push back and fight for their Church?
Can I add your name to our letter of support for Archbishop Cordileone?
Brian Burch
P.S. Did you know the name “Cordileone” means “heart of a lion?” That’s a perfect way to describe a bishop who is courageous like a lion, with a servant’s heart!
P.P.S. Do you live in California? Then please call these lawmakers and tell them to stop their attacks. Get the phone numbers here.
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