And, on the first day of the new year, there's no better time for that than now.
So, let's start the new year with our eighteen people to forget in 2018.
In no particular order, here they are:

Matt Lauer
He was always smug and imperious. Always. He acted like he was above and beyond everyone else. Turns out he wasn't. In fact, it seems he was beneath decency itself. BuuuhhBYE!
Meryl Streep
We don't care how many Oscars she's won or how good an actress she may seem to be. She turned out to be a horrible judge of character, a dreadful political commentator and, saddest of all, just another loudmouth. She called Harvey Weinstein "god" and then claimed she knew nothing about his decades of misdeeds. PuuuuhhhhLEASE . . go away!
The Entire 'K' Family
We won't even mention the names of these reality series darlings. We dare not give them one more ounce of publicity. They should ALL disappear -- and that includes the one who underwent the Big Change and whose last name begins with a 'J'. Yeah, all of youse! K-k-k-k-k-kin 'ya out da door!
Jim Kenney, Bill DiBlasio and Rahm Emanuel
We've thrown them together because this tacky trio are competing for the title of America's worst mayor. These arrogant know-it-alls have lectured us enough. The sooner they're gone, the better. One day, we'll be able to say: "Don't let the door hit you in the . . . . "
Miley Cyrus
She's performed topless while wearing a strap-on, and has repeatedly humped blowup dolls and inflatable penises on stage and she wants to school us in politics? Seriously? She said she'd leave the country if Trump won. So, leave already, OK?
Al Franken
Please note that this jerk has not yet resigned! What is it about Minnesota that they elect people like Jesse Ventura and Al Franken? Well, Al -- you said you'd leave; it cheered us all; we're still waiting . .
Alec Baldwin
Ever notice how this cranky old showoff seems to turn up everywhere? He must have a good agent because he doesn't have very much actual talent as far as we can tell. Take a sabbatical, Alec!
Kim Jong-Un
This fat bastard is one of the most disgusting people on earth. A neanderthal excuse for a leader, he should be little more than an irritant on the world scene. There must be some way to get rid of a despicable attention whore like this. Bloated beast, vaporize!
Charles Manson
OMG, he FINALLY died! All these years even God didn't want to have to deal with him. "There's a special place in hell" was invented for a guy like him Let's make sure his name is eradicated from history. Fry!
Colin Kaepernick
He made his point. And he certainly made a name for himself. But what was his point? And what about all those nameless, faceless people he was supposed to [maybe] represent? What did he do for them? What good of any sort did he do? Far as we can tell it's been a zero sum game for him. Disappear!
Joy Bahar
How she got that first name, we'll never know. There's nothing joyful about this shrill, profane, elbows-up blowhard. She's simply a divisive alienator who can't even get her facts straight. May 2018 bring her a pink slip that says CANCELLED!
Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and John McCain
It will be hard to forgive them their vote against the repeal of Obamacare. They all said they would effectively repeal it and all three of them finked out. They lied! They all enabled this failed, miserable, expensive, fraudulent, unjust system. Shame on 'em!
The Bachelor
Whoever the bachelor is, wherever he is and whatever he's doing. This smutty, patronizing, objectifying show has long since worn out its welcome. Time to get the hook. Scram!
Kathy Griffin
So, you thinks she's already forgotten, huh? Don't be so sure. This bad penny is desperate for a comeback. And she still has a pitiful little band of depraved followers. Before she finds a way to claw her way back, let's all build a huge barrier and yell: "Stop!"
And here are some more, just for good measure: Bob Corker (hopelessly cranky), George Will (increasingly irrelevant), Jeff Flake (bellyacher), Harvey Weinstein (Do we have to say why?), Jose Ines Garcia Zarate and the jurors in the Kate Steinle murder trial (loathsome), Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (It's becoming embarrassing and pitiful, Madam Justice), Martin Shkreli (securities fraud), Lena Dunham ( perennial loser), Charlie Rose (Dirty Old Man), Sen. Bob Menendez (soiled, whiney and tiresome), Stephen Colbert (NOT funny!), John Conyers (Dirty Old Man, Part Two), Jimmy Kimmel (crybaby), Dustin Hoffman and Mario Batali (Dirty Old Man, Parts Two and Three) Maxine Waters (a national disgrace). After all this, all we can say is "Whew!"
Alec Baldwin
Ever notice how this cranky old showoff seems to turn up everywhere? He must have a good agent because he doesn't have very much actual talent as far as we can tell. Take a sabbatical, Alec!
Kim Jong-Un
This fat bastard is one of the most disgusting people on earth. A neanderthal excuse for a leader, he should be little more than an irritant on the world scene. There must be some way to get rid of a despicable attention whore like this. Bloated beast, vaporize!
Charles Manson
OMG, he FINALLY died! All these years even God didn't want to have to deal with him. "There's a special place in hell" was invented for a guy like him Let's make sure his name is eradicated from history. Fry!
Colin Kaepernick
He made his point. And he certainly made a name for himself. But what was his point? And what about all those nameless, faceless people he was supposed to [maybe] represent? What did he do for them? What good of any sort did he do? Far as we can tell it's been a zero sum game for him. Disappear!
Joy Bahar
How she got that first name, we'll never know. There's nothing joyful about this shrill, profane, elbows-up blowhard. She's simply a divisive alienator who can't even get her facts straight. May 2018 bring her a pink slip that says CANCELLED!
Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and John McCain
It will be hard to forgive them their vote against the repeal of Obamacare. They all said they would effectively repeal it and all three of them finked out. They lied! They all enabled this failed, miserable, expensive, fraudulent, unjust system. Shame on 'em!
The Bachelor
Whoever the bachelor is, wherever he is and whatever he's doing. This smutty, patronizing, objectifying show has long since worn out its welcome. Time to get the hook. Scram!
Kathy Griffin
So, you thinks she's already forgotten, huh? Don't be so sure. This bad penny is desperate for a comeback. And she still has a pitiful little band of depraved followers. Before she finds a way to claw her way back, let's all build a huge barrier and yell: "Stop!"
And here are some more, just for good measure: Bob Corker (hopelessly cranky), George Will (increasingly irrelevant), Jeff Flake (bellyacher), Harvey Weinstein (Do we have to say why?), Jose Ines Garcia Zarate and the jurors in the Kate Steinle murder trial (loathsome), Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (It's becoming embarrassing and pitiful, Madam Justice), Martin Shkreli (securities fraud), Lena Dunham ( perennial loser), Charlie Rose (Dirty Old Man), Sen. Bob Menendez (soiled, whiney and tiresome), Stephen Colbert (NOT funny!), John Conyers (Dirty Old Man, Part Two), Jimmy Kimmel (crybaby), Dustin Hoffman and Mario Batali (Dirty Old Man, Parts Two and Three) Maxine Waters (a national disgrace). After all this, all we can say is "Whew!"
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