In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign noted even millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf's campaign surrogate and fellow public sector union crony Representative Mike Sturla actually acknowledged Pennsylvania's pension crisis in a visit to Lancaster (though he admitted he wasn't willing to do much about it thanks to the tens of thousands he's taken from public sector unions just this cycle).
Yet when asked, even millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf's Campaign for a False Start chair avoided addressing the pension crisis and what Tom Wolf's plans would include. Even after local media asked False Start to elaborate, no details could be provided about millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf's position on pensions (we know, you're shocked!).
That's not surprising given that millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf has taken more than $1.13 million from public sector unions since purchasing the Democratic nomination in May.
“Even as millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf's surrogates acknowledge Pennsylvania has a pension crisis, Wolf continues turn a blind eye and appease the interests of the public sector unions who have given him $1.13 million since he purchased the Democratic nomination in May," said Corbett-Cawley Communications Director Chris Pack. “Governor Corbett is the only one willing to stand up to the public sector unions and get pension reform done and costs under control for future generations."
Wolf Campaign Surrogate Acknowledges Pensions Crisis: "Sturla, who serves as the Democratic Caucus policy chairman, said there is no denying that the $50 billion underfunded liability of the two pension systems needs to be addressed..." (Lancaster News, 07/18/2014)
Wolf False Start Campaign Doesn't Know What Wolf's Plan Is Either: "McGinty did not explain what pension reform proposals Wolf might support as governor until she was asked during a question-and-answer session. She said the structure of the pension systems would be examined under Wolf but did not elaborate on what suggestions he might make." (Lancaster News, 07/18/2014)
Wolf has continually denied that our state has a pension crisis. You can video his ongoing denial byclicking here. Below is background on Millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf’s ongoing refusal to answer questions or provide details on what he would do if he were the Governor of a state with 12.7 million people, as described by the media.

“The candidate has not provided details of the exemption or the rate, so it is difficult to say how it all might shake out.”

"...but without more precise details, it's impossible to assess its full effect.
Yet when asked, even millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf's Campaign for a False Start chair avoided addressing the pension crisis and what Tom Wolf's plans would include. Even after local media asked False Start to elaborate, no details could be provided about millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf's position on pensions (we know, you're shocked!).
That's not surprising given that millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf has taken more than $1.13 million from public sector unions since purchasing the Democratic nomination in May.
“Even as millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf's surrogates acknowledge Pennsylvania has a pension crisis, Wolf continues turn a blind eye and appease the interests of the public sector unions who have given him $1.13 million since he purchased the Democratic nomination in May," said Corbett-Cawley Communications Director Chris Pack. “Governor Corbett is the only one willing to stand up to the public sector unions and get pension reform done and costs under control for future generations."
Wolf Campaign Surrogate Acknowledges Pensions Crisis: "Sturla, who serves as the Democratic Caucus policy chairman, said there is no denying that the $50 billion underfunded liability of the two pension systems needs to be addressed..." (Lancaster News, 07/18/2014)
Wolf False Start Campaign Doesn't Know What Wolf's Plan Is Either: "McGinty did not explain what pension reform proposals Wolf might support as governor until she was asked during a question-and-answer session. She said the structure of the pension systems would be examined under Wolf but did not elaborate on what suggestions he might make." (Lancaster News, 07/18/2014)
Wolf has continually denied that our state has a pension crisis. You can video his ongoing denial byclicking here. Below is background on Millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf’s ongoing refusal to answer questions or provide details on what he would do if he were the Governor of a state with 12.7 million people, as described by the media.
McGinty did not explain what pension reform proposals Wolf might supportas governor until she was asked during a question-and-answer session.
She said the structure of the pension systems would be examined under Wolf but did not elaborate on what suggestions he might make.
She said the structure of the pension systems would be examined under Wolf but did not elaborate on what suggestions he might make.
“Wolf sidestepped a question about whether he supports another proposal pending as lawmakers rush to finish up before leaving Harrisburg for the summer…”
“The candidate has not provided details of the exemption or the rate, so it is difficult to say how it all might shake out.”
"...but without more precise details, it's impossible to assess its full effect.
“[Wolf] took some questions from the press, starting with some humor, while remaining non-committal on several issues.”
“He wouldn't discuss exactly what his budget would look like.”
“While Wolf acknowledges the need for reform, he was vague on his solution.”
“Wolf was less specific when asked about pension reform.”
“But he did not elaborate on how the state would balance its pension books.”
“Wolf said he was open to a number of solutions to strengthen the state pension system, although he did not specify them.”
“When asked about [Governor] Corbett’s ad on Wolf's denial of pension problems, Tom Wolf would not go into specifics on how he would fix the system.”
“When faced with inevitable PA budget questions, Wolf refused, despite insistent questioning, to state whether he would veto the budget that is currently sitting on Gov. Corbett’s desk.”
“Yet [Tom Wolf’s] campaign was silent on the new EPA rule, as a spokesman didn’t return a message seeking comment.”
“Corbett's Democratic opponent in November, Tom Wolf, offered a measured response...”
“The Wolf campaign did not respond to multiple requests for comment.”
Reporter: “Do you have a specific plan?”
Wolf: “I am going to look at a lot of innovative plans.”
“He won the support of Democrats but he'll now have to get into more policy specifics to win over independent voters who want to know what he'd do in office.”
Reporter: “You don't like this budget, do you?
Wolf: "I don't."
Reporter: “But you're not prepared to say you would veto it?”
Wolf: “I'm prepared to say if I were governor and this were the choice I would be given, I would be very disappointed in myself.”
“The Wolf campaign, however, perhaps eager to allow the Republican infighting to continue unabated, declined to respond to the attack.”
For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign (including our positions on issues) for a stronger Pennsylvania, visit
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