Saturday, February 28, 2015

Exclusive CPAC Photos: Best Of The Best!


CPAC '15 was a vivid conservative celebration demonstrating the vibrancy of the modern conservative movement -- the sweeping effort that began with William F. Buckley, Claire Booth Luce, and Barry Goldwater and continued with Ronald Reagan, Phyllis Schlafly and Margaret Thatcher. Today's conservative stars are shown above (from top) Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Scott Walker, Governor Bobby Jundal, Governor Scott Walker, with Carly Fiorina, Michelle Malkin, 1210 Talk Radio host Chris Stigall, young conservatives loving our nation and our flag, Senator Marco Rubio, Governor Rick Perry, with Greta Von Sustern, Donald Trump, with Dan Bomgino, Ambassador John Bolton, Governor Jeb Bush and Colonel Allen West. What a lineup! We had a great time!
All photos copyright 2015 by Dan Cirucci.

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Friday, February 27, 2015

Important News From Cardinal Newman Society!

Cardinal Newman Society
February 27, 2015
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Dear friend,
Whom would YOU defend?  Radical pro-abortion Daniel Maguire... or pro-life, pro-marriage John McAdams?
Would you defend Notre Dame's voluntary choice to give employee benefits to "married" same-sex partners… or do you support the faithful professors who charge that Notre Dame's false witness "imperils the souls" of students?
Professor Maguire thrives at Marquette University, but McAdams faces punishment for criticizing another professor's treatment of a pro-marriage student.  If that seems confusing, get this: the dissident is defending the Christian!  That's because Maguire's "academic freedom" is threatened by Marquette's persecution of McAdams.
I'd love your take on this.  My view, as I told the National Catholic Register, is that the entire mess displays the "hypocrisy of academic freedom today" at some Catholic universities.  But go to our Facebook page to tell us what you think.
Meanwhile, three Notre Dame law professors have publicly decried Notre Dame's decision to offer marriage benefits for same-sex employees.  By offering these benefits, a Catholic university "impairs its own stated mission to help form all of its students as whole persons…"
We couldn't agree more!  And one great man who "epitomized all that is best" at Notre Dame—and was ashamed of his University leaders' actions in recent years—is Professor Charles Rice, who died Wednesday.  May God grant him an eternity of joy!
Finally, don't miss our important two-part interview with psychology expert Dr. Peter Kleponis on the scourge of pornography on campus!  See both part 1 and part 2, and thank God for the heroic work that Dr. Kleponis is doing for families and for the Church.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Patrick Reilly

Inner-City Hockey Players Compete 7/27 - 3/1

Over 80 of the Nation’s most advanced inner-city youth hockey players will descend to Philadelphia for the 2015 Willie O’Ree Skills Weekend from Friday, February 27 through Sunday  March 1, as the National Hockey League celebrates Hockey is for Everyone.™

The Ed Snider Youth Hockey Foundation, a model for the NHL’s Hockey is for Everyone™ initiative, is serving as host for the weekend’s festivities which include a visit to the National Liberty Museum, Temple University, The University of Pennsylvania, Independence National Historical Park, and Wells Fargo Center, where they will attend the Philadelphia Flyers vs. New York Rangers game on Saturday February 28.

Participants will be recognized for their achievements on the ice, in the classroom and in the community and will partake in an on-ice clinic conducted by NHL alumni, including O’Ree, the first black player in the NHL. O'Ree now serves as the ambassador for the NHL’s Hockey is for Everyone™ initiative. The weekend is an educational opportunity for young athletes to enhance their skills, meet NHL alumni, create new friendships and enjoy the attractions of Philadelphia.

Hockey is for Everyone™ provides support and unique programing to non-profit youth hockey organizations across North America that are committed to offering children of all backgrounds opportunities to play hockey. The Hockey is for Everyone™ initiative leverages the sport of hockey as a catalyst to help children learn essential life skills, education and the core values of hockey: commitment, perseverance and teamwork.

The Ed Snider Youth Hockey Foundation was created by Philadelphia Flyers Chairman Ed Snider in 2005 as his personal commitment to teach children important life lessons. Using the sport of hockey, the mission of Snider Hockey is to build lives and unite communities, helping educate young people to succeed in the game of life. Snider Hockey programs are provided at no cost and are focused on underserved boys and girls who otherwise would not have the opportunity to play, with an emphasis on character development, life skills, fitness, nutrition, and academics.

From CPAC: The Best Of The Best

We're here at CPAC where we are joining with thousands of others to fight the good fight for solid conservative principles.
We've heard from all the major speakers now and here's our take on the potential 2016 GOP presidential candidates that we've heard.

Funniest and most human: Chris Christie. No matter the circumstances, Christie always seems to enjoy himself.

Most charming: Marco Rubio. Above all, Rubio remains enormously appealing and his story resonates.

Most intriguing: Scott Walker. Walker's greatest strength is what he doesn't reveal. Therein lie the seeds of charisma.

Most forceful: Rick Perry. A surprisingly compelling and powerful speaker.

Most cultish following: Rand Paul. Paul and his following seem to merge into a sort of driven, frenzied plea.

Most intense: Ted Cruz. To call this guy "passionate" would be an understatement.

Biggest challenge: Jeb Bush. Bush faced a mostly respectful but relentlessly skeptical audience and comported himself quite well.

Smartest man in the room (and he'll be happy to remind you of that): Donald Trump. And, guess what -- Trump's a damned good speaker, too!

And, though he's no longer running for anything, we have to give kudos to Newt Gingrich who held the crowd in the palm of his hand during remarks that were both thoughtful and thought-provoking. Gingrich has still got it.

CPAC's greatest strength:

--The huge number of bright, young conservatives that CPAC attracts from all over the country and the world. Seeing so many young people who are so aware, so involved and so well-involved restores our faith in the future of our nation.

--The vast array of speakers and ideas that are shared in open, varied exchanges in an atmosphere of tolerance and mutual respect. Common courtesies are alive and well at CPAC.

--The distinctive characters in attendance -- expressing America's rich heritage of rugged individualism.

--The numerous social events that give us all a chance to interact, mingle and get to know one another across generational, religious and geographic lines.

--The enduring heritage of CPAC and the American Conservative Union, so deeply rooted in the legacy of the founders of modern conservatism: Claire Booth Luce, William F. Buckley, Phyllis Schlafly, Barry Goldwater, Lady Margaret Thatcher and President Ronald Reagan. Avanti!

What Scott Walker Said - And Didn't Say

We're live blogging here once again from CPAC.
Yesterday, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker had the large crowd on its feet here when, in responding to a question about how he might handle ISIS, he said "If I can take on 100,000 protestors [in Wisconsin] I can do the same across the globe." When pressed on this by the liberal media (which seized upon his comment) Walker said "you all will misconstrue things as you see fit." He then added that this was the closest example that he had, but that there's not necessarily "a parallel between the two."
That certainly seems fair enough to us.
Walker was asked about a volatile international situation and he answered by referencing a volatile situation that he already faced. He wanted to remind us that he can remain resolute in the face of strong challenges.
In the same way, many years ago Ronald Reagan pointed to the manner in which he faced down studio bosses (as President of the Screen Actors Guild union) when explaining why he thought he could face down the leaders of Soviet Russia and other communist states. The elites laughed at Reagan when he made this reference and the elites turned out to be wrong. Reagan really was astringent leader of deep conviction and he was up to the challenge of not only facing the Soviets but bringing down their entire totalitarian empire.
Yes, there's something decidedly Reaganesque about Walker and that has Democrats and the liberal media rattled. That's why they are relentlessly targeting him.
But Walker doesn't seem to care. So far, he's remained cool and remarkably focused. He'll need to continue to do so in the days ahead. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Stand With SF Archbishop Cordileone

I spoke yesterday with Archbishop Cordileone’s office in San Francisco. 

They are very grateful for our prayers and support. 

Meanwhile, California politicians have launched another attack on Archbishop Cordileone. 

>>>Sign our letter of support for Archbishop Cordileone here!

If you've already signed, thank you! 

To review, earlier this month San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone announced that all teachers in the archdiocesan-controlled high schools would be required to sign certain “affirm and believe” statements as a part of their contracts. The statements affirm the constant teachings of the church on human sexuality, marriage, life, pornography and other contested moral issues of our day. 

Last week a group of eight lawmakers sent an insulting letter to the Archbishop demanding that he abandon his new Catholic school reforms. Archbishop Cordileone stood firm, telling legislators that they must respect the freedom of the Church to operate our schools as we see fit. 

What are these reforms, you might ask?

Quite simply, the teachers were called upon to affirm a statement about Catholic identity. The statement covered topics such as the Church's authority and her core beliefs including our belief in the Real Presence. It also covered the role of teachers in Catholic education in forming Catholic students, and affirmed that teachers could not publicly contradict the Church on matters of human sexuality including marriage, abortion, contraception, and pornography. 

You can read the whole statement yourself right here. It is magnificent. I agree with it 100% and I suspect you do as well. 

I'm glad that Archbishop Cordileone refused to back down from these reforms just because those lawmakers didn't like it. 

But here's where it gets worse: Two of those same lawmakers aren't willing to settle for persuasion.

They want to use the long arm of the law to bring the Church to her knees. 

CA Assemblymembers Phil Ting and Kevin Mullen are calling on the California Legislature to launch an investigation into the 'working conditions' at high schools run by the Archdiocese of San Francisco. 

This is a naked attack on the Catholic Church and all of our First Amendment religious rights.

Already over 15,000 Catholics have stood up for Archbishop Cordileone. They signed our letter of support and pledge of prayer for this courageous shepherd! 

Believe me, other politicians are watching this showdown. Can they attack the Church with impunity? Or will the Catholic faithful push back and fight for their Church? 

Can I add your name to our letter of support for Archbishop Cordileone?

Brian Burch 

P.S. Did you know the name “Cordileone” means “heart of a lion?” That’s a perfect way to describe a bishop who is courageous like a lion, with a servant’s heart! 

P.P.S. Do you live in California? Then please call these lawmakers and tell them to stop their attacks. Get the phone numbers here.

GenOpp Opposes Internet Regulations

Today, the Federal Communications Commission will vote to regulate Internet Service Providers as public utilities under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934. These regulations would change the Internet as we know it, with devastating consequences for our generation. Prices, providers, access, content, and privacy will all be at the discretionary hand of the FCC, as the government agency will be able to decide what is “just and reasonable” for everything associated with the Internet.

Last year, Generation Opportunity successfully drove over three thousand young people to the FCC's Facebook page to post messages opposing similar regulations, calling the tactic a "Facebook bomb."

Generation Opportunity President Evan Feinberg issued the following statement:

"Regulating the Internet as a public utility is a terrible mistake. The FCC's actions will hurt Internet start-ups, restrict Internet access for low-income communities, and place new constraints on opportunities for our generation to make the world a better place.

"The Internet is full of possibilities we haven't even imagined yet. Leave it to politicians and bureaucrats to believe they are smart enough to control something as dynamic and ever-changing as the Internet."

Live Blogging From CPAC - 2015

We're here at National Harbor just outside of Washington where we are live blogging from CPAC - the Conservative Political Action Conference.
CPAC is the premiere conference of its type in the nation - an annual conclave attracting thousands of ardent patriots, all here to advance the conservative cause.
Right now we are waiting for Chris Christie to take the stage for what is expected to be a candid conversation with radio host and commentator Laura Ingraham.
If you are a frequent visitor to this blog you know that we follow Governor Christie and have followed him even before he was fist elected to office. So, as always we're looking forward to hearing from him today.
Governor Christie is now part of a crowded field of possible GOP presidential candidates and sometimes it can all seem a bit confusing. But, think of it this way: The Republicans have a large, strong field of emerging leaders, many of who are relatively young. Meanwhile, the Democrats are stuck with the same old, tired faces: Hillary, Biden, Reid, Pelosi, etc. It's quite a contrast.
Governor Christie looks good in a blue suit and light blue tie today and he seems relaxed and amiable.
Christie says he's here to say "I'm still standing" regardless of what the media say about him and his presumed campaign for the presidency. And he reiterates that he's also focused on running New Jersey. He begins by bashing the New York Times (which he says is in his backyard) by saying that if you don't bend to their way of thinking, no matter how much they might seem to like you at the start, they will eventually trash you. So, he doesn't seem surprised that his media reviews are now not as glowing as they once were and he says he doesn't change his views to fit the moment.
Now Chris Christie defends his social conservative credentials and repeats that he's pro life and that he has taken strong conservative positions in New Jersey on this and other issues. He says that when people describe him as  "hot tempered" they miss an important descriptive word and the word is "passionate." He says he's passionate about what he believes in and by the way, has no regrets about some of the things he's said because "sometimes people need to be told to sit down and shut up."
He says he's tough at times because you have to be tough to "negotiate from a position of strength. That's when you can bring people together," he adds "when you negotiate from strength." 
He disputes Jeb Bush who called illegal immigrants "entrepreneurial." Christie says "the most entrepreneurial people are here right now, they're Americans."
He says Americans want opportunities for careers for themselves and their children.
He's asked about his low rating in national polls and replies: "Is the election next week" and adds: "If "If I decide to run, I won't to it on the basis of polls taken 20+ months before the election." Christie declares and he then notes that at this time in 2008, the nominees "were supposed to be Giuliani and Hillary. You see how that turned out."
He says the GOP has to start fighting for ordinary, hard-working Americans who haven't gotten a cost of living wage increase in 15 years. 
Christie is interrupted by lots of applause from this audience. He's playing well here -- far better than some people might expect. The crowd likes him. They're cheering him on.
But now Carly Fiorina has come on and the crowd is roaring and she's giving them red meat and she's going after Hillary Clinton - Big Time!
"She tweets about women's rights in this country but accepts money from other countries that deny women the most basic human rights," she says of Hillary.
She makes pithy, cogent points and calls for a radical simplification of the tax code, among other things.
She's got a great voice -- powerful and modulated without being shrill. Her style and mannerisms are superb. She's poised, confident and quite convincing.
Of women she says "we are not a special interest; we are the majority of the nation." And she adds: "I'll say this, if Hillary had to face me in a debate, she'd have a hitch in her swing,"

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Smartest Kid In America Right Now! Video

In this clip  12-year-old CJ Pearson gives the State Department Spokesperson Marie Harf a hard time about recent comment. Doesn't this young man give you renewed faith in the future of our great country?

Video: Madonna Falls Down Steps At BRIT Show

FLUB: Pope Stumbles On 'Mexicanization'

The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., announced yesterday afternoon that the Secretariat of State has sent a Note to the Mexican ambassador to the Holy See to clarify that in using the expression “avoid Mexicanization”, the Pope did not in any way intend to offend the Mexican population, for whom he holds special affection, nor to underestimate the commitment of the Mexican government in its fight against narcotics trafficking.

As is known, the expression “avoid Mexicanization” was used by the Pope in an email of a strictly private and informal nature, in response to an Argentine friend who is deeply involved in the battle against drug abuse, who had used the phrase.

The Note demonstrates that evidently the Pope intended only to emphasize the seriousness of the phenomenon of the drug trafficking that afflicts Mexico and other countries in Latin America. It is precisely this importance that has made the fight against drug trafficking a priority for the government; to combat violence and restore peace and serenity to Mexican families, acting on the causes at the root of this scourge.

It is a phenomenon that, like others in Latin America, that the Pope has drawn attention to on various occasions, including in his encounters with the bishops, emphasizing the need to adopt policies of cooperation and collaboration at all levels.

More Thumb-Twiddling As Christie Delivers Remarks

Some more (less vigorous) thumb-twiddling by Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto (left) as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie concludes his budget address to the state legislature yesterday in Trenton. It seems the Speaker was a bit less anxious as Christie brought his remarks to a close.

Christie: Accord Reached With NJEA On Pensions

Today Governor Christie presented his FY2016 Budget to the NJ legislature and laid out additional reform proposals for the pension and health benefits system, including a groundbreaking roadmap for reform with the NJEA to work towards solutions on these issues moving forward.  There is more work to be done, but the Governor has found common ground with a long-time political opponent to bring fundamental change to these systems that, without reform, threaten the state’s fiscal health.

The Roadmap, signed by the NJEA, agrees to continue talks to pursue ideas including:

·         Freeze Of Existing Pension Plans And Replacement With New Retirement Plans.
·         Transfer Of Control Of Pension Funds To The NJEA.
·         A Constitutional Amendment Guaranteeing Consistent State Funding.
·         Work Collaboratively With The State To Pursue Meaningful Savings In Health Care Costs.

The Governor also formally endorsed the full proposals of the nonpartisan New Jersey Pension and Health Benefits Study Commission – a separate set of sweeping recommendations to lowers costs, secure these systems and bring fairness for taxpayers.

Assembly Speaker Twiddles While Christie Speaks

That appears to be Democrat State Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto (on the left) twiddling his thumbs while Chris Christie gives his annual budget address to a joint session of the legislature at the statehouse in Trenton yesterday. Do you see any correlation between the frequency and/or speed of twiddling and what Christie is saying at any particular time?
Hey, it's not like he fell asleep à la Justice Ginsburg at the State of the Union. At least Prieto was animated -- sorta.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

NJ Commission Unveils Pension Reforms

The New Jersey Pension and Health Benefits Study Commission today released its final report, which proposes a comprehensive reform of the pension and health benefits systems for all public employees in the State of New Jersey. The Commission is also releasing the joint “Roadmap for Reform” between the Commission and the New Jersey Education Association.

“Given the gravity of the situation, no part of the status quo is acceptable,” Commission Coordinator Thomas Healey said.  “The Commission’s comprehensive proposal will solve this problem once and for all.  The accord with the NJEA on many elements of our proposal is a sign the will exists to make hard choices to solve the State’s problems.”

The members of the Study Commission have worked collaboratively for several months as an independent nonpartisan commission tasked by Governor Chris Christie to think long term and outside of the box.

The proposal involves the following steps:

·         Freeze the existing pension plans; benefits earned to date would not be affected, but taxpayers cannot afford additional benefits to be earned under the existing plans

·         Align future public employee retirement benefits with private-sector levels; this is the sensible thing to do on its own merits and the savings will make funding more secure for employees and less painful to taxpayers

·         Also align public employee health benefits with private-sector levels; get ahead of the curve in controlling these staggering costs before they crowd out retirement benefits from State and local budgets

·         Fairly realign State and local responsibility for new and sustainable pension and health benefits; this will produce the best results from the perspective of employees and the State’s taxpayers as a whole

·         Lock in fixed and certain pension funding with a constitutional amendment; this will protect employees and retirees from the vagaries of politics and the annual budget process, improve the State’s financial condition, and make clear to all that the people of New Jersey have taken ownership of the problem and the solution

·         Transfer the assets, liabilities and risks of the existing pension and new retirement plans to employee entities willing and able to assume this obligation; allow those who receive the benefits to have the power and assume the risk of managing the plans to ensure that the available funds are sufficient to pay for the provided benefits.

Details can be found here:

Paper Mill Playhouse Announces 2015-16 Season!

Paper Mill Playhouse (Mark S. Hoebee-Producing Artistic Director, Todd Schmidt-Managing Director) is proud to announce the lineup for its 2015-2016 season, featuring five musicals and two world premieres. Paper Mill Playhouse’s 2015-2016 season is proudly sponsored by Investors Bank. Paper Mill Playhouse will open its 2015-2016 season with the world-premiere musical Bandstand, directed and choreographed by Tony Award winner Andy Blankenbuehler.  This sizzling new big-band musical is the story of a mismatched band of WWII veterans who dream of a better life. They join together to compete in a national radio contest with a prize that will guarantee instant stardom to the winners.

Just in time for Christmas, Paper Mill Playhouse will present A Christmas Story: The Musical, straight from Broadway, based on the legendary 1983 movie. Join Ralphie and friends as this classic Christmas film comes to life on the Paper Mill stage in a dazzling musical that captures holiday wonder with such deliciously wicked wit that it is sure to delight children and grown-ups alike.

In February, Paper Mill Playhouse presents the world premiere of a new musical A Bronx Tale. With music by Tony and Oscar winner Alan Menken, lyrics by Glenn Slater and written by Chazz Palminteri, based on his acclaimed one-man show, it is a complex love story set against the backdrop of racial strife and organized crime in the 1960s. A Bronx Tale will be directed by two-time Oscar winner Robert De Niro and four-time Tony Award winner Jerry Zaks, with choreography by Sergio Trujillo.

Next spring, Paper Mill Playhouse heats up the northeast with Pump Boys and Dinettes, a musical full of joy, a little bit of heartbreak and lots of hilarity. A little rest stop on Highway 57 in North Carolina is where all the action is—once the boys get that guitar and bass fiddle revved up, you won’t want to be anywhere else. Pump Boys and Dinettes is a countrified musical packed with highly entertaining toe-tappers.

Finally, Paper Mill Playhouse will close its 77th season with the stunning, trailblazing and legendary musical that set the bar for all musical theater, West Side Story. The score is a musical masterpiece by Leonard Bernstein with lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.  The songs of West Side Story have become part of American culture.  You must not miss this passionate and magnificent new production, only at Paper Mill Playhouse.

“What a thrill to produce two world-premiere musicals in one season,” commented Mark S. Hoebee, Producing Artistic Director for the Millburn theater.  “Paper Mill Playhouse is honored to bring so many incredible artists to work in New Jersey next season.  The list is remarkable and includes Oscar winner Robert De Niro, Tony Award winner Jerry Zaks, Tony Award winner Andy Blankenbuehler, Academy and Tony Award winner Alan Menken and Tony nominee Sergio Trujillo, to name a few.  We are proud to have created an irresistible lineup of stories you will love, glorious music that will warm your heart and many memorable moments of theater magic.”

“Paper Mill Playhouse is truly Broadway in your backyard,” remarked Managing Director Todd Schmidt. “Paper Mill Playhouse has once again established itself as a leader in American musical theater, the place where the stars of today and tomorrow come together to practice their craft. Of course, none of what we do would be possible without the generous support of our donors, subscribers, patrons, foundations and corporate partners, including season sponsorship from our friends at Investors Bank.”

“Investors Bank is proud to continue our support of Paper Mill Playhouse for their 2015-2016 season,” said Kevin Cummings, President and CEO. “Paper Mill Playhouse continues to be one of the country’s premier not-for-profit theaters, and provides a fantastic venue for the showcasing of American musical theatre. We wish Paper Mill the best of luck in their upcoming season and I urge everyone to come out and see a show.”

Paper Mill Playhouse will produce eight performances a week, Wednesday through Sunday. Three, four and five-show subscription packages are available now starting at just $104. Each subscription package includes a different level of special benefits (see for details).  Single tickets will go on sale in August starting at just $32. Student rush tickets are $20 and available the day of the performance in person or by phone and will only be distributed with current student ID.  Tickets and subscriptions may be purchased by calling 973.376.4343, or at the Paper Mill Playhouse Box Office at 22 Brookside Drive in Millburn, or online at  Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express accepted.  Groups of ten or more can receive up to a 40% discount on tickets and should call 973.315.1680. Titles, casting and dates subject to change.
Paper Mill Playhouse’s 2015-2016 Season

Bandstand  (World Premiere)
October 8 through November 8, 2015
Music by Richard Oberacker
Book and Lyrics by Robert Taylor and Richard Oberacker
Direction and Choreography by Andy Blankenbuehler

Paper Mill Playhouse produces this sizzling new big-band musical with an amazing original score and a plot that is full of surprising twists and turns.  Emotionally charged and beautifully crafted, this is the story of a mismatched band of WWII veterans.  Battle-scarred and broke, dreaming of a better life, they join together to compete in a national radio contest with a prize that will guarantee instant stardom to the winners. Directed and choreographed by Tony Award-winner Andy Blankenbuehler.  See it first here at Paper Mill Playhouse.

A Christmas Story: The Musical
November 25, 2015, through January 3, 2016
Music and Lyrics by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul
Book by Joseph Robinette

Straight from Broadway, this holiday musical is based on the classic 1983 movie. Ralphie wants only one thing for Christmas: An Official Red Ryder® Carbine-Action 200-shot Range Model Air Rifle. A Christmas Story: The Musical is the hilarious account of Ralphie’s desperate quest to ensure that this most perfect of gifts ends up under his tree this Christmas.    It’s funny, heartfelt, and captures holiday wonder with such deliciously wicked wit that it is sure to delight children and grown-ups alike.  Bring the whole family, again and again.

A Bronx Tale  (World Premiere)
February 4 through March 6, 2016
Book by Chazz Palminteri
Music by Alan Menken
Lyrics by Glenn Slater
Direction by Robert De Niro and Jerry Zaks
Choreography by Sergio Trujillo

Paper Mill produces the world premiere of this explosive new musical. Written by Chazz Palminteri and based on his acclaimed one-man show, A Bronx Tale is a complex love story set against the backdrop of racial strife and organized crime in the 1960s. It is the story of an Italian-American teenager finding his path in life as he must choose between the father who raised him and a mob-boss father figure who fascinates him. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime event!  Contains strong language and adult themes.

Pump Boys and Dinettes
April 6 through May 1, 2016
Book, Lyrics and Music by John Foley, Mark Hardwick, Debra Monk, Cass Morgan, John Schimmel and Jim Wann

A raucous good time! A musical full of joy, a little bit of heartbreak and lots of hilarity. This tribute to life by the roadside, takes place on North Carolina’s Highway 57. Somewhere between Frog Level and Smyrna stands a rest stop. The four hard-working fellas at the gas station have been known to do some auto repairs, but only when aided by some great tunes and a few beers. Next door there's the Double Cupp Diner, where the Cupp sisters offer up their famous home cooking and gift for song. A celebration of life, love, Dolly Parton, and catfish!

West Side Story
June 1 through June 26, 2016
Music by Leonard Bernstein
Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Book by Arthur Laurents
Direction by Mark S. Hoebee
Original Direction and Choreography by Jerome Robbins

The stunning, groundbreaking and legendary musical that set the bar for all musical theater!  Amazing dancing with music and a story that will stir your soul and set your pulse racing!  Based on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, it’s The Sharks and The Jets like you’ve never seen them before.  The score is a musical masterpiece by Leonard Bernstein and the lyrics are by Stephen Sondheim, songs that have become part of our very culture.  You must not miss this passionate and magnificent new production, only at Paper Mill Playhouse.

Paper Mill Playhouse offers its audience an opportunity to enhance their theater experience with behind-the-scenes views of mainstage productions.  Have you ever wanted to sneak a peek behind the curtain? Or wondered what the director was thinking, or how the cast prepares for a show? Join us for one of many revealing insider’s experiences.  Visit the Paper Mill Playhouse website at for dates for our Director's Viewpoint Series, Conversation Club Series, Q&A’s With the Cast and more.

Paper Mill Playhouse offers people with disabilities the opportunity to see live theater with dignity and independence through a myriad of award-winning access programs and services, including audio description and sensory seminars for the blind, Braille and large-print programs, American Sign Language interpretation for the deaf, open-captioning for those with hearing loss, and assistive listening devices.

PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE, a not-for-profit arts organization, is one of the country's leading regional theaters.  Paper Mill Playhouse programs are made possible, in part, by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, A Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts.  Paper Mill Playhouse is a member of the National Alliance for Musical Theatre, the Council of Stock Theatres, and the New Jersey Theatre Alliance.  

Watch Governor Christie's Budget Address Here, Live

Watch live streaming video from governorchrischristie at

Watch Governor Chris Christie's budget address (above) live from the statehouse in Trenton beginning at 2 PM today!

Lynne Abraham: A Personal Perspective

A very important message about the upcoming Philadelphia mayoral election by David Castro:

As Dante wrote sometime in the 13th century, the darkest places in hell are reserved for those who try to preserve their neutrality in a time of great moral crisis. Time to take a stand.
I’ll make this simple. Lynne Abraham should be the next mayor of Philadelphia.

Lynne-M.-Abraham First, a little about my perspective. I have been in public service since 1991, first for the City of Philadelphia in the District Attorney’s Office, second, for the Commonwealth as the architect of the Pennsylvania Weed and Seed Program, and third, through a nonprofit organization that I founded with Lynne back in 1995 called I-LEAD (the Institute for Leadership Education, Advancement & Development).

During my career I have worked closely with numerous public officials, business leaders and community leaders. I have participated in prominent national and international leadership programs, including Eisenhower Fellowships, the Kellogg National Fellowship Program and, most recently, Ashoka’s Fellowship Program (an international association of leading social entrepreneurs). I have studied a broad spectrum of leaders and public officials close up, including those in the governor’s office. In addition to running successful businesses (with multiple employees, grants, viable business models and multiple locations), I have taught and practiced leadership development for more than 15 years.

I have worked for both Republicans and Democrats. During my life I have been registered to the both parties at different times. From 1991 through 1995, I worked closely with Lynne in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, and also in conjunction with our philanthropic work since that time. I have also worked for prominent Republicans in the Ridge Administration.

I am not commenting from the perspective of reading about Lynne Abraham in the newspaper, but rather from personal, direct, daily experience over many years, along with the ability to draw comparisons. No one can fake or put a costume on her character over such a long time frame in so many different situations.

Lynne demonstrates three critical qualities that no other candidate in the field possesses in sufficient measure.

First, and most importantly, she has absolute unwavering integrity, a powerful moral compass unequaled in public life. She does not cut corners and cannot be bought or influenced by the root of all evil in politics—the private economic interests of the corrupt and powerful. Lynne does not have a slippery or slick bone in her body. To anyone who suggests that her long tenure in politics means that she practices cronyism or is part of the corrupt system, I say, frankly, you are misinformed. In fact, the number-one problem that she presents as a candidate to the entrenched powerful forces surrounding Philadelphia politics is this: her steel spine and independence. Remember her legendary refusal to accept Rizzo’s hacks within the Redevelopment Authority? Fire me, she said. That is character. During her career she has stood up to the political machine again and again. Lynne Abraham is not for sale and never will be.

Second, Lynne thinks big and is willing to take smart risks. Lynne is the best-informed politician whom I have ever encountered, and I have interacted with many. She reads broadly and voraciously; she is in constant dialogue with many diverse policy experts; and she is willing to think outside the box to tackle the difficult, entrenched problems facing the Philadelphia community. She is the rare brilliant, highly educated and learned person who also keeps her feet squarely on the ground. Lynne can talk current science and classical music while eating a hotdog and discussing the Flyers in the same conversation. She is both book smart and street smart, while also retaining real humility and a deep connection to the streets. She is and will always be a native Philadelphian who really cares about the daily quality of life of each person.

Third, Lynne is an inspiring and experienced leader and manager; the list of her awards and actual accomplishments as a leader dwarf those of all the other candidates combined. Perhaps her best quality is the willingness to engage smart, hard-working, creative and ethical people in the mission of government. Many of the problems we face in Philadelphia result from shoddy ethics combined with day-to-day lack of diligence and competence. Lynne knows how to build a public culture with high ethics, excellence, accountability, strong work ethic and professionalism. Name a single competitor with such a long and ethically unblemished career in public life today. At the Redevelopment Authority and later as District Attorney, Lynne led a highly diverse staff (in terms of race, ethnicity and gender) that demonstrated day in and day out for more than two decades the highest commitment to ethics, professionalism and competence.

In these three categories, Lynne Abraham is unmatched as candidate, and they are the most critical qualities that the next mayor of Philadelphia must possess.

Finally, let me address those who say that she is too old for the job. Look again. Lynne has terrific health along with enormous energy and passion for this work, more than most people half her age, and she will combine that with something no other person in the field has in the same plentiful measure: real wisdom born of long experience. Her age also entails a powerful asset. She is not looking to line her pockets or build her résumé for the next big thing. She will be 100 percent focused on serving the people of Philadelphia, and on doing the right things for the right reasons.

The only question remaining is whether Philadelphians have the wisdom to select the best candidate from the field or whether they will they settle for second best. Unfortunately, in this field, second best presents the significant risk of settling for politics as usual with its disheartening suitcase of cronyism, pay-to-play, substandard ethics and selling communities down the river in the interest of personal financial or political gain. You know I am telling the truth. Philadelphia, just say no to all that, and vote for Lynne Abraham.

See, I told you it would be simple.

You have full permission to republish this article with attribution.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Take Our Poll: Who's Your Choice For GOP In '16?

Take our poll and tell us your choice for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.
We've got lots of potential candidates to pick from. In fact, they're quite an appealing crop.
There are many to choose from.
But we want you to vote. Tell us who you like right now.
Answer our poll at the top right hand corner of this page.
Do it!

Cherry Hill Gov't Shakeup In The Works?

We hear that big changes are in the works for Cherry Hill's local government.
Yes, this year both the mayor and certain members of Township Council are up for re-election. And our spies tell us that it appears as if Mayor Chuck Cahn will be stepping down and effectively retiring from government service. Cahn is a hugely successful businessman who does not take any salary as mayor. His service to the town is a labor of love -- not something he needs.
Mayor Cahn has served since 2012 so his term of office expires at the end of this year.
Cherry Hill remains under solid Democrat control just as it has for more than two decades. The mayor and the members of Township Council are all Democrat and this in part reflects the continuing power of the entrenched Camden County Democrat machine. The party has the money, the influence and the army to get out the vote.
The Cherry Hill Democrat organization has been meeting to put together its slate of mayor and council candidates for the spring primary and November general elections. They will have to make a decision soon and choosing a candidate for mayor will be key. The mayoral candidate will lead the team and has to be able to drive the vote.
The future direction of the town is at stake. We'll keep you posted. Stay tuned!

Dan Cirucci Blog Correctly Predicted All Major Oscar Winners!

We predicted EVERY major Oscar winner, right here!

Supporting Actor: J.K. Simmons CORRECT
Supporting Actress: Patricia Arquette CORRECT
Director: Alejandro Gonzalez, Birdman CORRECT
Actor: Eddie Redmayne CORRECT
Actress: Julianne Moore CORRECT
Picture: Birdman CORRECT
Adapted Screenplay: The Imitation Game CORRECT
Costumes: The Grand Budapest Hotel CORRECT
Production Design: The Grand Budapest Hotel CORRECT
Song: Glory (Selma) CORRECT
Foreign Film: Ida CORRECT
Original Screenplay: The Grand Budapest Hotel (winner, Birdman)

Live Blogging The 2015 Oscars - Part Thirteen

OK, we're heading into the final stretch now. Whew!
Kate Blanchett steps forward to present the award for performance by an actor in a leading roll.
Once again, no surprise -- it's Eddie Redmayne! This young man is an astonishing, soaring talent -- an incredible, bright, new shining star for the whole world. And he's sooo excited about it, so happy, so animated, so human, so all-embracing. He's jumping up and down. It's a great moment!

Now, Matthew McConaughey steps forward to present the best actress Oscar. And matthew says "awwwwwright!" -- not three times, just once: "Awwwright!"
And, here again it's no surprise. It's Julianne Moore. Julianne looks lovely. She says she read an article that said that winning an Oscar can lengthen your life by five years. "If that's true, I'd like to thank the academy because my husband is younger than me," she says. She makes a plea for finding a cure for Alzheimer's - the subject of her film, Still Alice.

Finally, we move on to Best Picture. But we have to find out Neil's predictions for the awards. We're not quite sure why this is so important. Let's see, it all turns out to be a big joke. OK, it's only moderately funny and it's dumb.
OK, now for Best Picture, finally!
Sean Penn (a two-time Oscar winner) steps forward to present the Big Award. He looks bad and his tie is cockeyed. The Oscar goes to BRIDMAN!
Again, this is no surprise. But Penn, in presenting the award says "Who gave this son of a bitch his green card?" He can't resist making a political comment about the Mexican writers and directors and then the director makes a political remark about "two Mexicans in a row."

Goodnight, everybody!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Live Blogging The 2015 Oscars - Part Twelve

Eddie Murphy steps forward and he's intro'd as one of the top five highest grossing actors of all time. Now, a surprise: Best original screenplay goes to Birdman. Hmmm . . . this had pretty much been expected to go to Budapest. And Michael Keaton is still chewing that gum and he's chewing it with an open mouth - showing the gum. Bad form.
Oprah Winfrey is on now as a presenter and we're not going to say anything more than that.
The Imitation Game wins best adapted screenplay. This is as expected. Now, the recipient tells a scary and touching story about how he tried to kill himself when he was 16 years old because he was "weird and different" and here, once again we have a quasi-socio-political statement. But, he delivers a message of hope for others and thank God he didn't kill himself because he appears to be a fine talent who's already given us an Oscar-winning great script -- the first of many, we hope.
Now, that notorious liberal loudmouth Ben Afleck has stepped forward to present the best director award. He plays it straight and the award goes to the director of Birdman. No surprise.
The winner says "that little prick" and reveals that he is wearing Michael Keaton's "tightie whities" and that they (we think this is what he said) "smell like balls." OK. And he goes on and on.

Live Blogging The 2015 Oscars - Part Eleven

Many of the women tonight are wearing boyish-styled haircuts. We're not quite sure what to make of it. Androgynous, to say the least.
Now, we're into a commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the film of The Sound of Music, the endearing (and enduring!) Broadway musical.
But, get this -- Lady Gaga comes on to interpret The Sound of Music! She covers the title song. She does a fine job of it. But what a shame we have to gaze upon her tattoos - especially the one with the peace sign, but that's the least of it. She's multi-tattooed and it just ain't pretty, folks. It's freaky! And freaky is just not a word we associate with The Sound of Music. God help us!
Oh, wait -- here's Julie Andrews. JULIE ANDREWS - to remind us of when Hollywood really WAS classy and when it really reinforced solid values. Julie is very polite and thoroughly professional.
Julie looks enchanting tonight. What a joy it is to see her again.
And, here's more good news: The Grand Budapest Hotel (one of our favorite films of the year) wins best original score and keeps its place as the winningest film tonight. 

Live Blogging The 2015 Oscars - Part Ten

Octavia Spencer is on stage now and she's all in white and stunning.
And this is followed by a performance of the song from Selma by John Legend and this song will almost certainly win the award for best song. It receives a massive production -- a full choir, rap segments and many, many participants on the stage. It's a Big Deal.
Legend is having a huge year.
And again we see Oprah - the Queen Mother of Equality.
Now, introducing Adena Menzel, we have Harris making a joke about John Travolta botching her name last year. Then Travolta appears with Menzel to actually pronounce her name correctly. It's a warm and funny and cute moment.
Finally, yes - Glory wins the award for best song. And Legend then shifts into a political statement charging that "we live in the most incarcerated country in the world" and that the "voting rights act is being jeopardized right now." No music comes on to cut these speeches off, of course. In the midst of time limits throughout, this is a virtual polemic. But it goes unchallenged.
And again we have another super-charged political statement - liberals using the moment to filibuster for their own self-interest. Sad!

Line Blogging The 2015 Oscars - Part 9

Benedict Cumberbatch has made the scene with Naomi Watts. He's the most angular star since Adrien Brody. Very vertical.
Now, Whiplash wins another award, this time for film editing.
Here we have Oprah in the audience cheering on the segment from Selma that will be shown. She shows two thumbs up. But we already know how Oprah feels about this and about virtually all things black. Is it necessary for her to keep reminding us?Just for the record: Blacks are very well represented throughout the program, both as performers and presenters.
Jennifer Aniston has stepped forward to present an award and she looks lovely.
Citizen Four wins documentary feature. This is a film about Edward Snowden's disclosures and the "threats to our privacy" that he revealed. Then, Harris makes a joke about why Snowden could not be there tonight. But the award stirs a lot of passion in the audience nonetheless.

Live Blogging The 2015 Oscars - Part 8

Now Oscar remembers those who have passed on this year and the tribute is introduced by Meryl Streep and she does a great job with it.
This is a beautiful, haunting moment and its presented in a simple, lovely, evocative fashion. It wonderfully sweet, human fashion -- like so many watercolors.
So many great talents lost this year. How they enriched our lives.
Jennifer Hudson steps forward -- looking perfect -- to sing a magnificent tribute ("I can't let go . . . ") to all those who passed. Appropriately, this is a singular moment - beautifully presented.

Live Blogging The 2015 Oscars - Part Seven

Have you noticed that the Oscars are decidedly younger this year?
With a few (VERY few) exceptions (like Eastwood, Oprah and Streep) the faces that are front and center are young, young, young. It's all about the demographics. Oscar is doing what everyone else is doing: pitching to the millennials, and younger. So, the people that you're seeing in the audience and on stage fit that demographic. If you don't know who these people are it may be that time has passed (or is passing) you by. Take a deep breath and remember -- this is an industry and the movies are products like anything else.
Felicity Jones gorgeous in a flouncy dress that flairs at the waist.
And now Budapest wins for production design. This is a well-deserved award. This movie was an absolute delight to watch - imaginative, hugely creative, great fun. It was a complete flight of fancy.
Jessica Chastain in a goofy-looking dress.
Now, Birdman wins for cinematography. Maybe it got this award because the movie was filmed in such confined quarters. Whatever -- we don't know.

Live Blogging The 2015 Oscars - Part Six

Now, Neil is appearing topless and in briefs in a takeoff from Birdman and this is really funny!
At last, we have a clever, surprising, daring bit. And Neil makes it work.
Here we have Unbroken nominated for something. But the movie was basically shut out of the Oscars and seemed to go nowhere at the box office.
Three guys win for sound in Whiplash -- the film's second win tonight.
And, for sound editing, American Sniper wins its first award of the night.
And Clint Eastwood is in the audience and he really IS The Best - what a legend and what a career!
Jared Leto appears in a light blue tux that he seems to have matches to his eyes and, well -- he's Jared Leto and, as always, he's unique. What else can we say?
Then, to no one's surprise (one again) the award for best supporting actress goes to Patricia Arquette for Boyhood. She's so appealing. Her performance was so incredible. She's so real. This is a magical moment for her. But she messes it up by making a political statement for equal rights for women and wage equality for women. Not the time nor the place for that.

Live Blogging The 2015 Oscars - Part 5

Kerry Washington is one of the most beautiful women in the world -- even in a dress that does not flatter her as much as it might. Nonetheless, she's exquisite - and sexy!
The guys who win for the short film are very British and funny in their horned-rim glasses.
John Travolta is in the audience and he's obviously had work done. Skin is very smooth and shiny. And instead of a tie he's wearing what looks like a piece of jewelery around his neck.
Now a woman is coming to receive the award for best documentary short and she's wearing a black dress adorned with puff balls. Harris improvises a good joke: "Takes a lot of balls to wear a dress like that."
Viola Davis looks w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l-! Bravo! This is the way a star should look at the Oscars!
They're showing Belafonte accepting an honorary Oscar and he quotes someone who said "Artists are the radical voice of civilization."
Gwyneth Paltrow is certified screwball but tonight, at least, she looks positively ravishing.
Tim McGraw is on now singing a song from a movie about Glenn Campbell and it's sad and poignant and haunting and beautiful all at once. Like many great country stars, McGraw has a powerful stage presence.

Live Blogging The 2015 Oscars - Part 4

Nicole Kidman -- proving that simple is better.
In a glittering dress she is otherwise unadorned. She is positively statuesque! Eat your heart out, Tom Cruise.
The man who accepts the award for the best foreign film - Ida - gives a charming, funny acceptance speech and defies the time-limit rules. This is a genuine spntaneous moment and it's fun.
Shirley MacLaine is on now and she's over-adorned. She's been saying some really stupid things lately so we're gonna say: "Shirley, get the hell off the stage."
Now we see Michael Keaton in the audience and he's chewing gum. Get rid of that gum, Keaton -- you're being watched by hundreds of millions.
Marion Cotillard appears to present an award and she looks perfect. French women just seem to understand how to carry off a moment like this.