Monday, June 23, 2014

Corbett's Record: The Jobless Rate Tells The Tale!

On Friday, Pennsylvania got more good news on the improving jobs outlook under Governor Tom Corbett’s leadership. The state’s unemployment rate is now down to 5.6 percent – a five year low, and far below the national average. The amount of private sector jobs in Pennsylvania is now at its highest point in the Commonwealth’s history.

“The people of Pennsylvania elected me on my promise to bring fiscal responsibility back to state government, and we continue to see clear evidence that our agenda is working as we see another positive jobs report,” stated Governor Tom Corbett on Friday. “My opponent is calling for higher spending and more tax increases, but that will just make Pennsylvania weaker. Pennsylvania cannot afford to go back to those days, and as your Governor, we will continue building a stronger Pennsylvania.”

“Pa.’s unemployment rate drops for 10th consecutive month."

“The state’s unemployment rate declined in May to a 5-year low of 5.6 percent and private jobs reached a record high…”

"Texas led gainers with a 56,400 increase in employment, followed by Pennsylvania with 24,700 more jobs..."

“Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate fell to 5.6 percent in May, down one-tenth of a percentage point to the lowest point since September 2008, dawn of the recession…”

“Pennsylvania added 24,700 jobs in May, trailing only Texas in sheer number of job gains and pushing the Keystone State’s job to­tal to 5.8 million — the highest level since 2008…Most of the gains came from the private sector, which added 21,700 jobs compared to 3,000 for the public sector."

“The state jobless rate stands at 5.6%, which is the lowest it's been since September, 2008. It's also seven-tenths of a percentage point below the national unemployment rate.”

“Jobs picture improving in Pa.”
For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for A Stronger Pennsylvania, please visit

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