Tuesday, May 31, 2016

UhOh . . . There Go Those Kissin Cousins!

Yeah, let's call them the kissin cousins!
Hillary Clinton and the Clinton's long time friend, confidante and big time funder Terry McAuliffe are both under investigation by the feds. And, you know the guy in the background. He's the Perjurer-In-Chief, the only elected president ever to be impeached. What a trio!

Big Announcement From Vatican For Philadelphia!

Early today, the Vatican announced that Pope Francis has named Reverend Monsignor Edward M. Deliman as an Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Later, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. introduced Bishop-elect Deliman during a news conference at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center.

The role of an auxiliary bishop is to assist the diocesan bishop by sharing in his pastoral and administrative work and to act in his name. Like all bishops, auxiliaries are successors to the Apostles. Bishop-elect Deliman’s specific duties will be defined in the coming weeks and months. For the present, he will remain as pastor of Saint Charles Borromeo Parish in Bensalem (Bucks County).

Archbishop Chaput will ordain Bishop-elect Deliman to the episcopacy on August 18, 2016 in the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, the mother church of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Archbishop Chaput said, “Pope Francis’ appointment of Bishop-elect Deliman continues a long tradition of priests from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia being recognized for their ability to serve as bishops. It also demonstrates the Holy Father’s confidence in Bishop-elect Deliman, who has served our Archdiocese and its people with faithful dedication for many years. The new Bishop-elect is a humble man who loves the Priesthood and is tirelessly devoted to his ministry. He is greatly loved by the people he’s served over the years. As more of the faithful in our local Church come to know him, I’m sure they will admire him with keen affection as well.

As Bishop-elect Deliman prepares to begin his episcopal ministry, I offer my heartfelt congratulations. I ask that the people of our Archdiocese join me in praying that the Holy Spirit will strengthen him as a successor to the Apostles. We are all blessed to receive such a gift from the Holy Father in the person of Bishop-elect Deliman.”

Bishop-elect Deliman, age 69, was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in 1973. In addition to service at the parish level as a parochial vicar and pastor, he has worked on behalf of various Archdiocesan offices and ministries. He currently serves on the board of Catholic Social Services and previously served on the boards of Nutritional Development Services and the Inter-parochial Cooperation Commission. Bishop-elect Deliman is bi-lingual and has been heavily involved in ministry to the Hispanic Catholic community for several years.

In reaction to today’s news, Bishop-elect Deliman said, “I’ve been a priest for 43 years. I’ve loved and cherished every moment of it. To say that I’m humbled doesn't adequately express my feelings about this announcement, but I am.

I’m grateful to our Holy Father, Pope Francis, for calling me to serve as an Auxiliary Bishop in our Archdiocese and I joyfully accept this moment as one of Grace in my life and in the life of the local Church.

In particular, I want to express my thanks to Archbishop Chaput for his confidence, his support, and his guidance. This news was a complete and unexpected surprise to me and it’s certainly been a lot to absorb. I look forward to working with him in the weeks and months ahead as I figure out what all of this means and learn more about what I’ll be doing.

I’ve been blessed to have brother priests, deacons, women and men religious, seminarians, and parishioners from the Latino and Anglo communities who have been a presence throughout my priestly ministry. They have all touched my life in tremendously positive ways. I’m thankful for that and this moment is one I share with all of them.”

Biographical Information on Bishop-elect Edward M. Deliman:

Bishop-elect Edward M. Deliman was born in Lorain, Ohio, on March 4, 1947 to Edward Deliman (deceased) and Margaret Rackish Deliman. He has two brothers, Michael and Francis. Both are married and have four children between them.

Bishop-elect Deliman’s family moved to Morrisville (Bucks County) in the early 1950s and became members of Holy Trinity Parish. He attended Holy Trinity Parish Elementary School, which was staffed by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He then attended Bishop Egan High School in Levittown for two years before entering Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary. At the Seminary he earned Bachelor of Arts and Master of Divinity Degrees. Upon completion of his studies and the program of formation, he was ordained to the Priesthood by John Cardinal Krol in 1973. After ordination, he studied Spanish in Douglastown, New York, and later served as an assistant priest at a parish in the Archdiocese of San Juan to further hone his foreign language skills. In 1991, he was named an Honorary Prelate of his Holiness with the title of Monsignor by Saint Pope John Paul II.

During his forty-three years as a priest, Bishop-elect Deliman has demonstrated broad pastoral and administrative experience among diverse populations. He has served as a parochial vicar at Saint Joseph Parish, Cheltenham (Montgomery County); Saint Clement Parish, Philadelphia; Saint John Bosco Parish, Hatboro (Montgomery County); Saint Agnes Parish, West Chester (Chester County); and the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Philadelphia.

He has served as a pastor at Saint Bonaventure Parish, Philadelphia; Visitation B.V.M. Parish, Philadelphia; Saint Agnes Parish, West Chester (Chester County); Saint Martin of Tours Parish, Philadelphia; Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Bensalem (Bucks County); and Saint Charles Borromeo Parish, Bensalem (Bucks County), his current assignment.

In addition to his parish-based ministry, he previously assisted the Office of the Metropolitan Tribunal as an adjunct auditor. He also served as a Priest Vocation Coordinator and Spiritual Director for seminarians.

C'mon Now . . . Share It With Everybody!

As summer 2016 begins, Governor Christie invites everyone to share their favorite New Jersey moments and places by using #ShareMyNJ when posting on social media. Share your favorite New Jersey destinations and discover new ones. Using this hashtag will populate a tag board that can be viewed at nj.gov/sharemynj.

Monday, May 30, 2016

This Ride Comes With A Lovely Serenade!

These New Jersey senior citizens have their very own opera-trained bus driver to take them shopping. He sings Italian opera, Frank Sinatra and Pavarotti. Video shot by Brian Johnston of Asbury Park Press.

Never, Ever Forgotten . . . . .

Don't Forget Who Made It All Possible . . .

Is THIS How He Plans To Win?

Are There ANY Lessons From History? Here's One!

"This week, the Tokyo Government rejected the idea of offering a new apology for the war beyond general statements of sorrow over the suffering by Asian victims of Japanese subjugation. President Bush, when asked on a television show, ruled out apologizing for Hiroshima and Nagasaki." The New York Times, 12/8/91

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Turns Out She DOES Do It -- All The Time!

Same Planet? You'd Hardly Know It . . .

Many FREE Meals For Vets On Memorial Day!

Hooters has a free entree for veterans and active-duty military personnel this Memorial Day, Monday, May 30, 2016. For menu choices and more details, see Veterans Free at Hooters .

McCormick and Schmick’s offers a free Memorial Day meal to members of the U.S. Military, National Guard, and Military Veterans every Memorial Day. For menu choices and other details see Military Dine Free at McCormick’s.

Shoneys has a free All-American Burger and fries for veterans on Memorial Day. For the complete menu and other details see Shoney’s Honors Vets

Firebirds Wood Fired Grill: Bring a veteran or active-duty member of the military to lunch or dinner on Memorial Day (Monday, May 30) and the individual with military ID eats for free.

MOD Pizza: Show military ID and you’re entitled to a free salad or 11-inch pizza on Memorial Day.

Ninety Nine Restaurants: Veterans and active military get a free entrée off the $9.99 menu on Memorial Day, with the purchase of any meal.

Pie Five Pizza: With military ID, you’ll get a free personalized pizza on Memorial Day.

The Gorilla And The Four-Year-Old Boy: VIDEO!

A Song We Can All Sing Together!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Heartache Will NEVER Go Away . . .

Well, Because It's PERSONAL, That's Why!

Don't trample on Memorial Day.
Don't treat like just another three-day weekend.
Don't herald it as the beginning of summer because, well -- because it's not!
And don't ever, ever ignore what it means or stands for or who it honors.
I'm saying all this because for me, this day is personal. The three young men that you see above are (clockwise from top) Frank Bushey, Victor Gross and John Halladay. They all died while serving our nation in Vietnam. And they were all high school classmates of mine. To this day, I remember them and I think about them often.
THIS is what Memorial Day is all about.
It's about those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice.
I hated the Vietnam War. Hated it!
And I hated it even more after it took these three young men.
There's nothing glamorous or adventurous about war. That's the movie version. What you see above is what happens in the real life version -- all to real, painfully real, heart-breakingly real.
Honoring those who gave their all is our way -- a very small way -- of trying to show how indebted we are to those who went to war and never came home. It's our way of remembering them and their families and friends who were left with incalculable loss. It's our way of trying to extend a measure of comfort to those who still grieve, who still miss their loved ones. These were young lives cut short in their prime -- never to blossom and reach their full potential.
Memorial Day is a personal thing -- something multiplied hundreds and thousands of times over and beyond the few faces that you see above.
Remember them. Honor them. Show gratitude for their service. Keep them in your hearts. Never, ever, ever forget!

You Won't Believe These Numbers!

Friday, May 27, 2016

FREE Lunch, Dinner For Military On Monday!

400 Route 38, Moorestown, NJ 08057 856-380-0604 Reserve now!

OMG! Have We Forgotten THIS?

Think It's Arrived Already? Sorry, It hasn't!

Since the Memorial Day weekend is upon us and warm weather has set in, we hope you had (and are having) a great time.
We also hope that you take time to remember those who have protected us and who have made (and continue to make) our freedom possible. This holiday is all about memorializing those who gave their lives for our freedom.
Now, let's get to the business at hand:
1) Not everyone will spend the long holiday weekend (or even the next weekend) at the Jersey shore. The media would have you believe that everyone will be at the shore but that's just an easy way for the media to not report real stories over the weekend while at the same time nurturing the myth of the Great Shore Exodus. In fact, people will enjoy the weekend in many different ways at many different places. We know we will.
2) Summer doesn't begin on Memorial Day. Summer begins on June 21, the summer solstice. And summer doesn't end on Labor Day. Summer ends on September 22 (or thereabouts) when autumn begins. The media and the travel industry concocted the idea that summer lasts from Memorial Day till Labor Day. It doesn't.
3) Memorial Day is actually May 30. This year (a rarity) the Monday holiday actually coincides with the real date of Memorial Day. Congress changed the day around to make it a three-day weekend in another attempt to rob a fine holiday of its true meaning. Leave it to the government to mess things up.
4) Memorial Day didn't become Memorial Day until 1966 when President Johnson officially renamed it. Prior to that it was widely known as Decoration Day - the day when Americans decorated the graves of the fallen.
5) The artificial boundaries of Memorial Day and Labor Day mean absolutely nothing even though many people perceive these boundaries to coincide with the school year. Most children go to school well past Memorial Day. Many children (particularly in southern states) return to school well before Labor Day. Others return several days after Labor Day.
Memorial Day isn't when people say it is. The summer hasn't begun - yet. It won't end on Labor Day. Many people will get through the whole summer without ever going to the Jersey shore. They will have a wonderful time nonetheless.
The Memorial Day and Labor Day boundaries are totally imaginary.
So, there you have it.
Enjoy what's left of spring.
Then, enjoy summer all the way through till September 22.
In fact, enjoy each day as a blessed gift. Savor every day.
Don't be cheated.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Think It's Time To Shake Things Up A Bit?

Extraordinary Moment On The Campaign Trail

Wednesday, May 25, 2016: A Trump campaign rally in Anaheim, CA was about to get underway without the National Anthem having being sung. Mr. Trump called the lady who was supposed to sing up to the stage.

The ONE Question Everybody's Asking . . .

It's been quite an incredible run so far.
Can it last?
And what form will it take going forward?

Income Disparity? Plenty Of That Here!

The man who is always lecturing us about "income disparity" and "income inequality" will move into a nine-bedroom, six million dollar mansion in Washington's trendy Kalorama section after he leaves the White House.
While he'll keep his substantial home in one of Chicago's most desirable neighborhoods, he'll rent the mansion at an estimated $22,000 per month.
Here's the way the New York Times describes the Obamas' new digs:
"The move will put the Obamas in one of Washington’s wealthiest ZIP codes, in a secluded precinct backing up to Rock Creek Park that is home to diplomats and a focal point of the capital’s cocktail-party circuit. The home itself is luxurious; photographs posted by Washington Fine Properties, which listed it when it sold in 2014, show spacious rooms with hardwood floors, white marble countertops, his-and-her master bathrooms and a terrace with formal gardens."
Ya gotta admit it, folks. This is classic liberal phoniness. Cry over income inequality and America's shortcomings while living the American Dream and remaining cosseted in the dearly beloved arms of the rich and powerful. Oh, yeah. That's nice!

Her Actions Were 'Willful' And 'Inexcusable'

From a searing editorial in the Washington Post entitled Clinton's inexcusable, willful disregard for the rules:
Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 has been justifiably criticized as an error of judgment. What the new report from the State Department inspector general makes clear is that it also was not a casual oversight. Ms. Clinton had plenty of warnings to use official government communications methods, so as to make sure that her records were properly preserved and to minimize cybersecurity risks. She ignored them. . . . According to the report, after a staff member “raised concerns” with another official about Ms. Clinton’s personal email server, the staff was instructed “never to speak of the Secretary’s personal email system again.”

Contemporary Art Treasure Trove Headed To Philly!

In June (June 28, 2016 - September 5, 2016) the Philadelphia Museum of Art will open a major exhibition entitled Embracing the Contemporary: The Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Collection. The exhibition will present one of this country’s finest collections of contemporary art, which includes outstanding works by some of the most influential European and American artists of the past half century, including Jasper Johns, Howard Hodgkin, Ellsworth Kelly, Jeff Koons, Brice Marden, Bruce Nauman, Gabriel Orozco, Charles Ray, and Cy Twombly. Many of these works have either been donated to the Museum or pledged as promised gifts.

Timothy Rub, the George D. Widener Director and Chief Executive Officer, stated: “We are delighted to present the collection assembled with a spirit of adventure and intelligence by Keith and Kathy Sachs over the course of more than four decades. They are not only thoughtful collectors, but also great Philadelphians who love this city and its cultural and educational institutions. To have such a fine collection come to the Museum as a gift is a rare and wonderful thing. It is also transformative, much like the important collections of modern art that came to us in the early 1950s from Albert E. Gallatin and Louise and Walter Arensberg. Keith and Kathy’s promised gift to the Museum of more than 90 works, which we announced to the public in 2014, has immensely strengthened our holdings of contemporary art.”

Embracing the Contemporary will present a selection of about one hundred works from the Sachs Collection, reflecting Keith and Kathy’s engagement with individual artists and the development of their collecting over time. A number of artists with whom the Saches developed meaningful ties over the years will be presented in depth, including Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, and Brice Marden. Among the works by Johns are a recent suite of paintings entitled Five Postcards (2011), and Nines (2006), an assemblage featuring the late 1960’s flagstone motif painted in red, yellow and blue, as well as Voice II(1982), a three-part, ink-on-plastic drawing. Other works in the collection will complement the Museum’s holdings of works by leading German artists such as Anselm Kiefer, Sigmar Polke, and Gerhard Richter.

The exhibition will reflect the variety and range of interests that have distinguished the Sachses’ collecting over the years. It will include, for example, a work on paper by the Pennsylvania-born Abstract Expressionist painter Franz Kline, Untitled (c. 1956), which was among the couple’s first purchases after they were married in 1969. Also on view will be the earliest work to enter their collection, Portrait of Jean-Louis (1947-49) by Louise Bourgeois, and one of the most recent, Untitled (2000-2013) by Peter Fischli and David Weiss, as well as major works by Robert Gober, Richard Hamilton, Howard Hodgkin, and Robert Ryman.

At the heart of the exhibition will be Boy with Frog (2008) by Charles Ray. The oversized nude figure extends his arm and holds aloft a captured amphibian, regarding it with a mixture of fascination and bewilderment that can be considered a metaphor for discovery. Among the large-scale photographs in the Sachs Collection are important works by Andreas Gursky, Candida Höfer, Clifford Ross, Thomas Ruff, Thomas Struth, and Jeff Wall. Important examples of video and film work by such celebrated figures as Francis Alÿs, Pierre Huyghe, and Steve McQueen will be presented. Also included will be artist’s books, personal mementos, letters, photographs, and other items that document the history of the Sachs Collection.

The exhibition will continue in the contemporary galleries of the Modern and Contemporary wing, recently named for Keith and Katherine Sachs. In this section of the exhibition, works from the collection will be interspersed with holdings of the Museum, highlighting the ways in which the gifts and promised gifts both complement and strengthen the Museum collection of contemporary art.

Carlos Basualdo, The Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Senior Curator of Contemporary Art, said: “The Sachs collection contains works that reflect some of the most daring developments in contemporary art over the past few decades, and a vision that is deeply personal and grounded in Keith and Kathy’s admiration for the artists whose work they collect. Their commitment to the work of living artists is what makes this collection so remarkable.”


An illustrated publication will accompany the exhibition, edited by Carlos Basualdo, the organizing curator, with Anna Mecugni, Exhibition Assistant. It will be co-published by the Philadelphia Museum of Art, in association with Yale University Press. The book will feature nearly 80 entries on individual artists, with extended texts by distinguished art historians and curators devoted to artists whose work the Sachses have collected more in depth. The introductory essay by Carlos Basualdo will situate the Sachs Collection gift within the Museum’s history of collecting contemporary art. A statement by Keith and Katherine Sachs and an interview with them will offer insights into their personal history of collecting and illuminate their lifelong relationship with the Museum.


Carlos Basualdo, The Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Senior Curator of Contemporary Art


Dorrance Special Exhibition Galleries, first floor and The Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Galleries, first floor

About the collectors

Keith and Katherine Sachs have been supporters of the Philadelphia Museum of Art since the 1970s. Katherine Sachs has contributed scholarship to numerous Museum exhibitions organized by the Department of European Painting before 1900, including Cézanne (1996), Van Gogh Face to Face: Portraits (2000), and Cézanne and Beyond (2009), for which she served as co-curator.

A Trustee of the Museum since 1988, Keith Sachs serves as chair of the Museum’s Contemporary Art Committee and has been active as Chair or Vice Chair on Trustee committees including Architecture and Facilities, Collections, and Executive. He is the former CEO of Saxco International LLC, a principal distributor of packaging material to producers of alcoholic beverages in North America. In addition to their commitment to the Museum, the Sachses have been active supporters of contemporary art in Philadelphia. 

Keith Sachs served as chair of the Board of Overseers at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Design, and Katherine Sachs is an Emeritus Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania and serves on the Board of Overseers of the University’s Institute of Contemporary Art, where she was Chair for ten years. At Penn the couple endowed The Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Professor of Contemporary Art, The Visiting Professor in the Fine Arts at Penn Design, The Sachs Guest Curator Program at the ICA, and The Sachs Fine Arts Program Fund.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Rarer By The Day: An Outstanding Career, Sterling!

We are proud to know Walt Hunter and count him among the very, very best.
He was able to dig for the story while being fair, honest, respectful and thoroughly professional -- always.
He is the consummate gentleman.
Congratulations, Walt on an absolutely honorable career in every respect. Positively sterling!

They Want Sparky The Dog. YOU Can Save Him!

New Jersey politicians are asking for more. $1.5 billion more of your hard earned tax dollars. www.StopTheNJGasTax.com

What's Wrong With These Pictures?

Monday, May 23, 2016

Well, Just Think About - That's All We Ask!

A Nationally-Acclaimed Seasonal Spectacle!

The 120th Annual Devon Horse Show and Country Fair, just days away from getting underway for the 2016 season, will be featuring a full slate of equestrian action, including the all-new FEI Open Jumper division with a huge boost in prize money, the best professional hunter competition in America, the American Saddlebreds in all their glory, the majestic Coaching division and exhibitions that will thrill the entire family. It all kicks off on Thursday with the traditional Junior Weekend, featuring the top young riders in the nation going head to head in hunters, jumpers and equitation, all leading up to the Ronnie Mutch Equitation Championship.

On hand to bring coverage of this prestigious horse show to the world will be the USEF Network, planning wall to wall coverage of the show from the famed Dixon Oval and in the Gold Ring.  

The Devon Horse Show is 'Where Champions Meet,' and the USEF Network will have it all. For more information, visit their website at http://www.usefnetwork.com/.

The USEF Network has begun expanding its role as the leading distribution hub for equestrian sport. In addition to showcasing premier equestrian competitions, including Devon, Old Salem Horse Show, and the Split Rock Jumping Tour, the USEF Network is exploring ways to bring more entertaining and educational content to its audience. This continued evolution reflects the USEF Network's growing popularity and the demand for increased access to equestrian sport across a variety of platforms.

 The USEF Network has also experienced great success in providing interactive and behind-the-scenes content to fans via social media, in tandem with the live and on-demand coverage of events.

Bringing more diversity and enthusiasm to an already proven platform, the USEF Network will incorporate new and existing partners in equestrian sport. Such partners include ShowNet, LLC., who will play a key role in delivering all 10 days of the prestigious competition from the Gold Ring and the Dixon Oval at the Devon Horse Show and County Fair. Last year, the live stream from the Devon Horse Show reached 57 countries, creating an international audience for the world-class event.  

In 2015, the USEF Network brought equestrian sport to fans across the globe by broadcasting over 100 days of livestreaming, garnering 4.5 million unique page views, and providing over 3,250 hours of on-demand coverage. Competitions broadcast on the USEF Network benefit from increased exposure to an expansive and passionate fan base through the livestreams, on-demand coverage, and content pushed out to 82,000 registered fans and 445,000 social media followers.

Look for the webcasts beginning on Thursday, May 26 and continuing through the entirety of the 2016 Devon Horse Show and Country Fair, ending on Sunday, June 5, 2016.

For information on the Devon Horse Show, visit the website at: http://www.devonhorseshow.net/

For tickets to this year's show, http://www.devonhorseshow.net/tickets/dhs-tickets/

And for exhibitor information visit: http://www.devonhorseshow.net/exhibitors/

Wow! Here's An Eye-Opener For Ya!

Watch, Listen And Then Make Up Your Own Mind

It's important that you watch BOTH videos!

A NJ Gas Tax Hike? Another Reason To Say 'NO!'

No Matter How You Count, Costs Are Astronomical!

From our friends at Save jersey
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
The Trenton bureaucracy and its allies are celebrating a new study out this week (sponsored by NJ DOT and taxpayer-financed Rutgers University) which pegs the cost of maintaining New Jersey’s roads at approximately $187,000 per mile, significantly less than the Reason Foundation’s oft-cited $2 million per mile figure, Save Jerseyans.

Forgive me for holding my applause!

The biggest reason for the difference? Rutgers and the state aren’t counting debt which, for most ordinary working stiffs like you and me, is an inescapable aspect of our respective financial realities. I can’t tell a mortgage rep “just ignore those student loans!” when going through the pre-qualification process, can I?

But let’s assume $187k is a fair number.

That still makes New Jersey one of the nation’s most expensive transportation states by – pardon the pun – a mile. Our neighbor Pennsylvania and the similarly densely populated state of Rhode Island both spend somewhere in the neighborhood of $100,000 less per mile than we do back home in the Garden State. Their roads are more than 50% cheaper per mile.

I’m going to keep saying it: until the Reason study’s detractors are willing to get serious and talk about a solution that involves MORE than “new revenues” (read: gas tax hike), including measures to make roads cheaper by addressing the prevailing wage, then there’s nothing to talk about. Only serious people are worthy of serious consideration!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

France, US, Russia, Germany Lead Blog Visits!

Pageviews by Countries - Week of 5/15

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
United States

Thank you for more than 3,000 pageviews!

Dan Cirucci Blog - Week's Top Five Stories

Top Stories - Week of 5/15

What She Knew, Ecxcused, And (Likely) Enabled

Monica Lewinsky. Paula Jones. Juanita Broaddrick. Kathleen Willey. Gennifer Flowers.

While many Americans of a certain age know these names quite well, most people (including nearly all younger Americans) would not be able to instantly identify them.

But all of them (and more!) have been linked to Bill Clinton in one way or another.

Clinton's dalliance with Lewinsky (a young White House intern at the time) prompted a coverup that had Clinton perjuring himself, thus becoming the first elected president ever to be impeached.

Paula Jones said that Clinton sexually harassed her when she was an Arkansas state employee and he was governor. As part of a settlement of the allegations Clinton paid Jones $850,000.

To this day Juanita Broaddrick insists she was raped by Clinton in 1978 when he was campaigning for governor of Arkansas and she was seeking to be a campaign volunteer.

Kathleen Willey is a former White House aide who says that Clinton groped her in his office in 1993.

And Gennifer Flowers, a model and actress claims she had a long term affair with Clinton. Originally denying the affair, Clinton was later forced to admit a sexual encounter with Flowers.

Both the Flowers and Lewinsky hookups followed the same pattern: At first, Bill Ciinton originally denied the affairs and then later acknowledged these sexual relationships.

And there are other names.

Dolly Kay Browning, a former high-school friend of Clinton's who claims they had a 22-year off-and-on sexual relationship. Elizabeth Ward Gracen, a former Miss America who said she had a one-night stand with Clinton when he was governor. Myra Belle "Sally" Miller, a former Miss Arkansas who said she had an affair with Clinton in 1983.

And through all this, Hillary Clinton has defended her husband again and again even though it is now well-known that he conducted such relationships while married. At times it seems Mrs. Clinton has blamed just about everybody but her husband. She blamed her troubles on a "vast right-wing conspiracy." She blamed special prosecutor Kenneth Starr. She blamed the media. And Monica Lewinsky and others have said that Hillary repeatedly blamed "the other woman" (apparently, no matter who the "woman" was) for Bill's troubles.

So, as far as anyone can tell, Hillary gave Bill a pass. And it's a pass she's tendered more than once. In fact, you might say she's acted, at the very least as an enabler.

And that's what much of the fuss is about lately.

How can you be a champion of women and their rights while allowing your husband to seemingly violate those rights in the most invasive ways? And how can you not only allow all this but excuse it and actively defend the alleged predator when you're not looking the other way?

Those who never heard the full story of Bill and Hillary's apparent "teamwork" in these matters need to know. And those who have forgotten need to be reminded.

For these are very real and very legitimate concerns - especially now.

Have You Ever Thought About THIS?

PAGOP Chooses RNC Members, Delegates

Montgomery County’s Bob Asher and Indiana County’s Christine Toretti were re-elected to four-year terms on the Republican National Committee during the Republican Party of Pennsylvania’s Summer Meeting today at the Lancaster Convention Center in Lancaster.
“Bob and Christine have done a fantastic job representing Pennsylvania on the Republican National Committee,” Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason said. “For years, Bob Asher and Christine Toretti have worked tirelessly to ensure our Republican candidates have the support and resources they need to be successful in November. The Republican Party of Pennsylvania is respected all over the country because of Bob and Christine’s distinguished service in support of our candidates, and the PA GOP is excited to re-elect them to represent us on the national level.
“Today, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania reaffirmed its excitement to elect our candidates this November,” Gleason said. “Whether it’s our historic amount of new Republican voters or our high turnout in the Primary Election, momentum is clearly on the side of the Republican Party in the Keystone State. Pennsylvania Republicans are ready to turn our sights to supporting our statewide ticket of U.S. Senator Pat Toomey, Attorney General candidate John Rafferty, Auditor General candidate John Brown, and Treasurer candidate Otto Voit, along with our candidates at all levels of government, in the weeks and months ahead.”
In addition to the re-election of our Republican National Committee members, the PA GOP completed its list of delegates and alternate delegates to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. These fourteen bound delegates will join Pennsylvania’s three members of the Republican National Committee, Bob Asher, Christine Toretti and PA GOP Chairman Rob Gleason, and the fifty-four delegates directly elected by the voters on Primary Election Day on April 26th, at the July Convention.
The fourteen bound delegates, who were elected by the full body of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, are as follows: Congressman Lou Barletta, Luzerne County; George Fisher, York County; Chris Gleason, Cambria County; Joyce Haas, Centre County; Dave Majernik, Allegheny County; Congressman Tom Marino, Lycoming County; James McErlane, Chester County; Pat Poprik, Bucks County; Andrew Reilly, Delaware County; PA Senate President Pro Tempore Joseph Scarnati, Jefferson County; Matthias Shaner, Allegheny County; Lawrence Tabas, Philadelphia County; Speaker of the House Mike Turzai, Allegheny County; Carolyn “Bunny” Welsh, Chester County.
The fourteen alternate delegates, who were also elected by the full body of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, are as follows: Mary Barket, Northampton County; Luke Bernstein, Cumberland County; Donna Cosmello, Susquehanna County; Councilman Sam DeMarco, Allegheny County; Jeanne Gleason, Cambria County; Doug Hager, Montgomery County; Congressman Mike Kelly, Butler County; Pam Levy, Montgomery County; House Majority Leader Dave Reed, Indiana County; Pat Saylor, Snyder County; Alexandra Smith, Montgomery County; Richard Stewart, Cumberland County; State Senator Scott Wagner, York County;  Recorder of Deeds Katharine Wood-Jacobs, Lancaster County.

About Bob Asher
Republican National Committeeman Bob Asher is one of the most successful business people in Pennsylvania. Currently, Mr. Asher serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Asher’s Chocolates, a 4th generation family candy business which includes distribution centers in Souderton and Lewistown, PA as well as the historic Germantown area of Philadelphia. Asher’s Chocolates annually produces more than 6 million pounds of confectioneries for national and international distribution.
Mr. Asher is also deeply involved in efforts to improve his community. His accomplishments include serving as Chairman of the Development Committee of the Nature Conservancy of Pennsylvania, on the Board of Directors for the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay Advisory Board, as well as the Board of Directors for the Salvation Army in the Philadelphia Region. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Society, the Philadelphia Zoological Society, Session of Oreland (PA) Presbyterian Church, the Union League of Philadelphia, the Academy Club of Germantown Academy and a number of organizations.
Mr. Asher has served as Pennsylvania’s Republican National Committeeman since 1998, and will be serving as a delegate to the Republican National Convention for the fifth time. He is a former Chairman of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, and the Montgomery County Republican Committee. He also served as State Chairman for Governor Dick Thornburgh’s successful re-election campaign committee in 1982.
The U.S. Army veteran is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business and Commerce as well as Germantown Academy in Fort Washington. He is married to the former Joyce Webb, with three children, son Jeff, daughters Jill and Jodi, who are all married, and has seven grandchildren.

About Christine Toretti
A pioneer in many walks of life, Christine Toretti is the former Chairman and CEO of the S. W. Jack Drilling Co., the largest privately-held land-based drilling company in the United States. She serves as Vice Chairman of S&T Bancorp and is a former director of the Pittsburgh Federal Reserve Bank. Her astute business acumen, her ability to transcend gender-biases in the workplace, and her reputation as a business turn-around expert, make her a much sought-after advisor.
In addition, Christine serves on many non-profit boards including the International Medical Corps, an NGO that has been lauded as the most fiscally efficient in the world while serving those distressed with distinction. That passion for supporting the not for profit arena, transcends many areas. She has served as Chair of The Andy Warhol Museum, founding director of the Gettysburg Foundation and numerous higher education institutions and systems. Christine is the Founder and Chair of both the Anne B. Anstine Excellence in Public Service Series in Pennsylvania and the Dodie Londen Excellence in Public Service Series in Arizona, training programs designed to educate, empower and advance Republican women.
Governor Tom Ridge so respected her leadership that he appointed her to Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education and subsequently adopted a plan crafted by her to fund investments in higher education in new and innovative ways. In 2002, Indiana University of Pennsylvania conferred an Honorary Doctorate of Laws. Governor Mark Schweiker appointed her as his representative on the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. President George W. Bush appointed her to the Rural Telephone Bank where she served as Vice Chair. In 2007, she was elected Chair of the Committee of 200, an organization of the most influential female CEOs in the world. She is also a founding member of the Belizean Grove. Recently, she was elected to the Board of Directors of CEO.
With a family tradition of political activism, Christine has been recognized as an extraordinary fundraiser for candidates and party organizations in the local, state, and national arena and serves as National Committeewoman of Pennsylvania to the Republican National Committee. She served as Co-Chair of the RNC Finance Committee in the 2011-12 election cycle and held the position of Secretary of the 2012 RNC Convention. A force within her industry, the Bush administration sought her input by placing her on the National Petroleum Council and the U.S. Secretary of Energy’s Advisory Board. In 2014, Toretti was elected to the board of the Republican State Leadership Committee where she is leading the effort to significantly increase the number of women in elected office across the nation. Named a trustee of the Sarah Scaife Foundation, Christine is an active funder of conservative causes.
If you would ask Christine what is her prime motivation, she would say it is two-fold. First, her commitment to her three sons is paramount and she is compelled to political activism because of her concern for their future. Second, she has a deep commitment to women in great part to the experiences she encountered in the totally male-dominated oil and gas industry. She crosses the nation constantly to promote Republican candidates and had created an annual retreat for female corporate leaders from all over the world. She is the founder of Women Lead PAC, a Super PAC that supports women running in federal elections.
A recipient of numerous awards, she insists that her greatest gifts are her sons: Joe, Max, and Matthew. When available, she has coached their baseball teams and also challenged them on the ice in hockey.

Outside interests include the architecture of Andrea Palladio, the art of the Renaissance, and hiking anywhere in the world.