Bill Spadea wants to know if there are any NJ Republicans that will step up to help defeat the proposed 23 cents a gallon gas tax hike.
Or will this just be another burden on the backs of NJ residents.]?
A wide ranging commentary and dialogue on the media, politics, today's headlines and the popular culture. Always fresh and new every day! Now celebrating our second decade and more than seven million page views. Nationally recognized, widely quoted, newsworthy, noteworthy.
Tonight, a clear contrast was drawn between the two nominees. Tonight, Hillary Clinton made it clearer than ever that if elected President, our future will continue on the same path that is hurting millions of Americans.
If Clinton is elected, we know that the havoc Obamacare is wreaking on American families, on small businesses, and on our healthcare system will continue. We know that President Obama’s relentless efforts to crush the oil and gas industry and to wage war on coal will continue. We know that the Obama administration’s willful blindness to radical Islamic terrorism and the influx of unvetted refugees from nations infiltrated by terrorists will continue. We know that President Obama’s lawless executive amnesty will continue and even expand.
If Clinton is elected, we know that a liberal justice will be named to fill Scalia’s seat and we will lose the Supreme Court for a generation. With that, we know for a certainty that our right to keep and bear arms, our religious liberty and federalism are in danger.
Tonight we received insight into what a Hillary Clinton presidency would look like for Americans. We know that her policies would kill jobs, reduce wages, and continue the downward spiral our country has endured under President Obama.
Tonight, Donald Trump had his strongest debate performance of the election cycle. He drew strong contrasts with Hillary on taxes, regulations, law and order, and the disastrous Iran deal.
Rather than Hillary's America, we need to take a different path. A path that would begin to restore our country from the damage it has suffered the last eight years. We need to unite to defend freedom and restore the Constitution. And Hillary Clinton made absolutely clear tonight she would not do so.
Who won the debate? That's always the question and it's a matter of what you were looking for. Obviously Clinton has been around and knows a lot. If you want policy wonk stuff she won hands down. But look a little closer and think about WHY Trump is doing well with many voters going back to the primary. People are TIRED of policy wonk stuff. They heard it from too many Presidents and wannabes over a generation. Trump is not a politician and that was on full display last night. But her answers to most of the questions? "Grow the middle class blah blah . . . " How many times have we been hearing that over the years? And all the foreign incursions and failures? She's been right in the middle of them -- and now she's going to be different? Bottom line: Hillary did just what she was expected to do and was smart and spot on. The problem for her is millions of Americans don't believe it anymore.Trump comes across a little naive and rough, but he looks REAL. And thats what people are looking for -- REAL CHANGE! It took me awhile to figure out what they see. I now get it.
Effective Real-Estate Tax Rate
Annual Taxes on $176K Home*
State Median Home Value
Annual Taxes on Home Priced at State Median Value
1 | Hawaii | 0.28% | $489 | $504,500 | $1,405 |
2 | Alabama | 0.43% | $764 | $123,800 | $538 |
3 | Louisiana | 0.48% | $841 | $140,400 | $672 |
4 | Delaware | 0.53% | $929 | $232,900 | $1,231 |
5 | District of Columbia | 0.57% | $1,005 | $454,500 | $2,601 |
5 | South Carolina | 0.57% | $1,009 | $137,600 | $790 |
7 | West Virginia | 0.59% | $1,035 | $100,200 | $590 |
8 | Arkansas | 0.62% | $1,088 | $108,700 | $673 |
8 | Colorado | 0.62% | $1,097 | $239,400 | $1,495 |
8 | Wyoming | 0.62% | $1,094 | $189,300 | $1,179 |
11 | Utah | 0.69% | $1,210 | $212,500 | $1,463 |
12 | New Mexico | 0.72% | $1,273 | $159,300 | $1,154 |
13 | Tennessee | 0.75% | $1,314 | $139,900 | $1,046 |
14 | Idaho | 0.77% | $1,354 | $160,500 | $1,237 |
15 | Mississippi | 0.78% | $1,377 | $100,800 | $790 |
16 | Virginia | 0.80% | $1,401 | $243,500 | $1,941 |
17 | California | 0.81% | $1,429 | $371,400 | $3,021 |
18 | Kentucky | 0.84% | $1,471 | $121,600 | $1,018 |
18 | Arizona | 0.84% | $1,484 | $162,900 | $1,376 |
20 | North Carolina | 0.85% | $1,502 | $153,600 | $1,313 |
21 | Oklahoma | 0.87% | $1,525 | $115,000 | $998 |
21 | Montana | 0.87% | $1,528 | $187,600 | $1,632 |
23 | Indiana | 0.88% | $1,539 | $122,700 | $1,075 |
24 | Nevada | 0.92% | $1,618 | $167,100 | $1,539 |
25 | Georgia | 0.96% | $1,682 | $148,000 | $1,417 |
26 | Missouri | 1.00% | $1,763 | $136,700 | $1,372 |
27 | Oregon | 1.08% | $1,890 | $234,100 | $2,518 |
27 | Washington | 1.08% | $1,903 | $257,200 | $2,785 |
27 | Maryland | 1.08% | $1,906 | $287,500 | $3,118 |
30 | Florida | 1.10% | $1,932 | $156,200 | $1,718 |
31 | Massachusetts | 1.18% | $2,075 | $329,900 | $3,896 |
32 | Minnesota | 1.19% | $2,091 | $185,200 | $2,204 |
33 | Alaska | 1.21% | $2,124 | $246,300 | $2,978 |
34 | North Dakota | 1.22% | $2,146 | $142,000 | $1,734 |
35 | Maine | 1.27% | $2,233 | $173,600 | $2,206 |
36 | South Dakota | 1.36% | $2,382 | $135,700 | $1,840 |
37 | Kansas | 1.41% | $2,478 | $129,400 | $1,825 |
38 | Iowa | 1.47% | $2,582 | $126,300 | $1,856 |
39 | Pennsylvania | 1.51% | $2,647 | $164,900 | $2,484 |
40 | Ohio | 1.55% | $2,729 | $129,600 | $2,013 |
41 | New York | 1.58% | $2,773 | $283,700 | $4,478 |
42 | Rhode Island | 1.61% | $2,829 | $241,200 | $3,883 |
43 | Vermont | 1.72% | $3,021 | $216,200 | $3,717 |
44 | Michigan | 1.83% | $3,220 | $120,200 | $2,203 |
45 | Nebraska | 1.88% | $3,301 | $130,100 | $2,444 |
46 | Connecticut | 1.91% | $3,357 | $274,500 | $5,244 |
47 | Texas | 1.93% | $3,392 | $131,400 | $2,537 |
48 | Wisconsin | 1.97% | $3,459 | $165,900 | $3,266 |
49 | New Hampshire | 2.10% | $3,698 | $237,400 | $4,996 |
50 | Illinois | 2.25% | $3,959 | $175,700 | $3,959 |
51 | New Jersey | 2.29% | $4,029 | $319,900 | $7,335 |