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Sunday, January 31, 2021
OMG! They Say This Is The Death Of The GOP!
Still, they say the Republican Party is finished, kaput, dead, over.
Here's what we have to say about that:
The rumors of the death of the Republican Party are greatly exaggerated -- and always have been. Indeed, the GOP has been declared dead time and time again, only to reemerge and retake power.
The Republican Party is a glorious invalid with a tenacious disposition and and a keen sense of survival.
After FDR took office in 1933 only 25 of the 100 members of the US Senate were Republican. But by 1946 the Republicans had recaptured Congress and in 1952 they set in motion a new era of GOP rule: Ike, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush and W. Bush. That's 36 years of GOP dominance after the party had already been declared "dead."
BTW: Recall that even the dreaded Watergate scandal and Nixon's impeachment only kept the GOP out of the White House for one term. Yet, this did nothing to deter the Republican-haters and their death wish crowd. They never learn.
So, the grim reapers returned. By 2016, the "experts" declared there was no way the GOP could come back and recapture the White House after the golden "Age of Obama" which they said surely ushered in a new era of Democrat dominance. Yeah, right -- except for Donald Trump who reimagined the Republican Party and attracted new followers that the elites never knew existed while pulling off one of the biggest upsets in history. And even last year, Republicans did the unthinkable and picked up a surprising number of seats in the House while attracting African-Americans, Hispanics and working class voters in record numbers.
So, put in perspective, this business about the demise of the GOP is just so much nonsense!
The party has been in far worse shape than it's in today and still bounced back stronger and better than ever. Plus, the GOP now boasts not just a strong bench but a galaxy of up-and-coming stars as well: Cotton, Blackburn, Noem, Scott, Haley, Cawthorn, DeSantis, Hawley, Rubio, Cruz, Crenshaw, Gaetz and so many more.
And one more thing: Over he past 60+ years, only one party has ever won three successive terms in the White House -- and it ain't the Democrats.
So please, spare us the death notices and get the hell out of the way. The Republican Party is on the march!
Saturday, January 30, 2021
In Response To Such Incompetence? Media Silence!
This woman ought to be ashamed of herself! But increasingly, it seems this administration has no shame. And neither do the media -- though we'll at least give one reporter credit for calling her on the "circle back" promise.
Friday, January 29, 2021
Catholic Pro-Life Colleges Will NOT Be Silenced!
This article at the National Catholic Register is written by Patrick Reilly, president and founder of The Cardinal Newman Society. |
Rooney, Cirucci Talk NJ Politics 2021 And Beyond
Nearly 100 Years Ago, He Pinpointed It All!
Biden's Approval Numbers In Negative Terriotory
To hear Big Media tell it you'd think Joe Biden was off to a rousing start in the White House. But the ever-reliable Rasmussen poll tells a different story. In fact, Rasmussen finds Biden in negative territory with more likely voters strongly disapproving of his performance than strongly approving. Translation: lots of people are unimpressed and a significant number are strongly opposed. Biden just doesn't generate much favorable passion. And Biden's approval numbers still haven't broken the all-important 50% mark. Here's the lowdown from Rasmusen:
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Sponsored by SLANTED from Sharyl Attkisson, for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Forty-five percent (45%) disapprove.
"The latest figures include 33% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 37% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -4."
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Ditzy And Dizzy: Dumb And Repetitive!
Is Murphy Turning 'A Blind Eye' To Women?
New Jersey State Senator Kristin Corrado (R-40) responded to news that Gov. Phil Murphy is hiring former State Comptroller Matt Boxer to investigate horrific abuses of women that occurred under his watch at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility.
“Once again, Governor Murphy has turned a blind eye as women that he had a responsibility to protect were sexually and physically abused,” said Corrado. “First it happened to a member of his inner circle, and now it’s happened on an even larger scale to female prisoners at Edna Mahan due to a lack of effective oversight by his administration.”
Kate Brennan alleged that she was sexually assaulted while working on Governor Murphy’s gubernatorial campaign by another member of his staff. Despite multiple attempts by Brennan to bring her alleged assault to the governor’s attention, she was repeatedly ignored and stonewalled.
Similarly, concerns about abuses of female prisoners at Edna Mahan were raised in a shocking report by the United States Department of Justice nearly a year ago, but no action was taken by Governor Murphy to address those concerns.
Earlier this month, new allegations of widespread abuse were raised at the correctional facility
“Governor Murphy has repeatedly been unwilling to listen to warnings or concerns that people tried to bring to his attention, leading to additional acts of brutality and victimization against women,” added Corrado. “Additionally, it’s beyond disappointing that New Jersey taxpayers will have to shell out for another expensive investigation because Governor Murphy’s reaction is to circle the wagons rather than hold his team accountable like a real leader would do.”
Corrado served as vice-chair of the bipartisan Legislative Select Oversight Committee (LSOC), which probed the Murphy’s Administration’s failure to properly act on Brennan’s allegations and offer workplace protections.
Join March For Life Virtually On 1/29!
On Friday, January 22 nd, faithful throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and throughout the United States observed the 48 th Anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions legalizing abortion nationwide. Since that time, millions of lives have been lost to abortion.
18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Yo, Murphy: Why Not Let Chick-fil-A Do The Job?
We doubt it, but here goes: The mayor of a South Carolina town knew just who to call when a drive-thru COVID-19 vaccination site got backed up — the manager of a local Chick-fil-A.
When a computer glitch caused a backup at a vaccine clinic in Mount Pleasant, SC leaving people stuck waiting for up to an hour, the town's Mayor Will Haynie contacted Jerry Walkowiak, a manager for a local Chick-fil-A, requesting backup to help reorganize. Do we have to tell you the rest? Chick-fil-A had things running efficiently in no time at all. And if you've been to a CFA location recently you understand why that's so. If only government would learn from the best of private enterprise. huh?
Murphy Executive Order Strangles Bars, Restaurants
An Executive Order signed by Governor Murphy mandating bars and restaurants to suspend indoor dining between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. has been in place since the fall and continues to financially strangle the industry hit hardest by the pandemic. The 10th District Legislators, Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and John Catalano have released the following statement requesting that the Governor remove the 10 p.m. curfew in order to prevent these small businesses from closing their doors permanently.
“We understand it’s a balancing act to maintain a healthy community and a healthy economy for our small businesses. However, we believe the adjustments these establishments have made to ensure their patrons safety are working. Lifting the restrictions on early closing times at restaurants and bars will give small businesses some relief going forward.
“Our Governor needs to make exceptions to sustain our local economies and prevent our restaurants from closing their doors permanently. This industry has already lost so much revenue during this time and we need to give them a fighting chance for survival in the months going forward. Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, March Madness, UFC Fights are all opportunities to regain some ground. Bars and restaurants are able to accommodate patrons safely who willing to visit local establishments, whether it’s day or night. Does it make any sense to differentiate between 9:45 and 10:15?
“If the Governor mandates private businesses to close to protect the public good, then he should also reimburse these establishments for any revenue lost. Our bill, S-3060/A-4849, compensates the business owner for loss of income during a temporary partial or complete closure of the business.
“Legislation along with lifting arbitrary restrictions on these establishments is the only way to keep the lights on for an industry that has been gutted since March.”
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Ciattarelli Bandwagon Rolls With Shore Area Boost
Monday, January 25, 2021
Doubletalk: Open Schools But Don't Open Schools
Either we listen to the public health experts or we don’t.
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) January 25, 2021
The science is clear that kids can return to school safely and keeping them out of school only harms kids and families. We’ve known this for months.
Get kids back in the classroom. https://t.co/W7ohn8w0Hk
Joe Biden is asked about the Chicago Teacher's Union voting to defy the school district's re-opening plan:
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 25, 2021
"We need new ventilation systems in the schools, we need testing for people coming in and out of the classes, we need testing for teachers as well as students" pic.twitter.com/EC8Mp8WF6m
Patriot Party? Right Now It Looks Like A Bad Deal!
Likely Voters: Paris Climate Deal Costly Job Killer
On his first day in office, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to have the United States rejoin the Paris climate agreement, but most voters believe Biden’s decision will mean lost jobs and higher bills for Americans.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of likely U.S. voters agree with what Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) said on Twitter last week: “The decision … to re-join the Paris Climate Agreement will cost American jobs and force households and small business to pay higher utility bills.” Thirty-three percent (33%) of voters disagree and 15% say they’re not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it’s in the news, it’s in Rasmussen polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Oppose Biden Appointment Of Anti-Israel Envoy
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton Klein, ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq., released the following statement:
ZOA strongly condemns the rumored appointment of Robert Malley to be the “U.S. Special Envoy on Iran.” Malley has a long, alarming record of anti-Israel hostility and appeasement of Iran, Hamas, the PLO, Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, and Syria. Malley’s foreign policy prescriptions – including permitting a nuclear-armed Iran and evicting Jews from their homes – have been uniformly wrong and extremely dangerous for the United States and our allies. This awful potential appointment needs to be scrapped.
Malley’s Iran Appeasement:
Malley helped negotiate the disastrous Iran deal (JCPOA) which paves Iran’s way to a nuclear bomb, enables Iran to continue enriching uranium, severely limits inspections, and emboldened and enriched Iran with $150 billion of sanctions relief.
Even worse, Malley wants to go back to the same terrible deal, consistently opposed efforts to leverage a better deal, and repeatedly condemned actions that reduced terrorist threats from the Iranian regime.
For instance, Malley wrongly condemned the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” sanctions on Iran, falsely saying that that “sanctions devastated Iran’s economy but achieved little else.” In fact, sanctions provide leverage for a better deal and have been extraordinarily effective. Sanctions caused Iran to reduce its military/terror expenditures by 25%, deprived the Iranian regime of funds to carry out its malign activities, and reduced Iran’s funding of its terror proxies such as Hezbollah and Hamas. (See “The Importance of Sanctions on Iran,” Statement of Sec’y of State Michael Pompeo, Nov. 18, 2020 [link currently unavailable while Trump administration articles are being archived].)
In January 2020, Malley wrongly condemned the targeted killings of IRGC terrorist-in-chief Qassem Soleimani who was planning more imminent attacks on Americans and Malley mistakenly claimed that killing Soleimani would likely lead to war.
Similarly, in November 2020, Malley condemned the targeted killing of top Iranian IRGC nuclear scientist and designated terrorist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Malley absurdly claimed that Fakhrizadeh’s death would “make it all the more difficult for [Trump’s] successor to resume diplomacy with Iran.” In fact, Fakhrizadeh’s demise gives the U.S. negotiating leverage. Moreover, as former British army commander, Colonel Richard Kemp explained, Fakhrizadeh’s death likely saved countless lives.
Further, an analysis of Malley’s 2019 foreign policy articles aptly observed that Malley’s foreign policy prescriptions consist of: abandoning our allies (Israel, Sunni Arab states); raising false specters of war; and weakening the U.S. and our partners to follow a dangerous, doomed “peace through weakness” strategy. (“Malley in Wonderland,” Nov. 18, 2019)
Further, in 2012, Malley wrote an article in Foreign Policy promoting accepting a nuclear-armed Iran and merely trying to “contain” Iran’s decisions to employ its nuclear arsenal.
Yet, Malley condemned Obama for taking “containment of a nuclear-armed Iran off the table.” In addition, Malley falsely accused Israel of repeatedly “exaggerating the Iranian threat”; and excused Iran from giving up its nuclear weapons program, saying: “why would the [Iranian] regime volunteer a concession that arguably would leave it weaker in a hostile environment?” Malley thus took Iran’s side over both the U.S. and Israel.
Malley’s Long History of Appeasing Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, the PA and Iran:
Malley adopts Hamas’ propaganda lie that Hamas is under siege from Israel. In addition, Malley favors dangerous and unlawful “unity” between the Hamas designated terror organization and the PLO/Palestinian Authority. For instance, at a hearing in 2010, after admitting that Hamas “now has Gaza solidly in its hands,” Malley nonetheless called “the Islamist movement [Hamas] . . . besieged in Gaza, suppressed in the West Bank.” Further, Malley stated that “at a minimum, the U.S. should stop standing in the way of a possible reconciliation agreement [between Hamas and the PLO] and signal it would accept an accord to which President Abbas lent his name.”
In a 2006 Time Magazine op-ed, Malley called for giving Iran, Syria, Hamas, the Palestinian Authority and Hezbollah “appealing incentives . . . other . . . than avoiding retribution.”
In the same article, Malley also called for the U.S. to restrict negotiations parameters (meaning, interfere with Israel’s sovereign rights) by putting a “comprehensive package on the table” including a cease fire and “Israel’s allowing the Hamas government to govern.”
Malley was removed from Obama’s 2008 campaign following revelations that Malley met with Hamas. However, in 2014, Malley quietly joined the Obama’s administration, where he helped negotiate the catastrophic Iran deal, and became the “czar” of Obama’s failed ISIS diplomatic strategy – which used the Obama administration’s ineffective efforts to combat ISIS as an excuse to appease Iran. (“Obama Quietly Adds Hamas Apologist Robert Malley to ISIS Policy Team,” Hudson Institute, Dec. 4, 2015.)
Malley Endangers, Pressures Maligns and Wrongly Blames Israel:
In 2001, Malley infamously co-authored with Hussein Agha (an advisor to Yasser Arafat) a revisionist article entitled “Camp David: A Tragedy of Errors,” which falsely blamed Israel for the failure of the Camp David talks. (See Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) analysis.) Arafat flatly rejected Israel’s extraordinarily generous offers, without even trying to make a counteroffer.
In 2010, at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Malley called for the U.S. “to unveil a set of parameters” that would be suicidal for Israel – including creating a Palestinian state on the “1967 borders”; one-to-one swaps; dividing up Jerusalem; and bringing third-party armed forces into Judea-Samaria.
In his testimony, Malley also essentially called for uprooting tens of thousands (really hundreds of thousands) of Jews from their homes – a form of ethnic cleansing. Malley complained about Israeli impediments to “an agreement that would entail the uprooting of tens of thousands of West Bank settlers.”
During the same hearing, Malley also defamed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s coalition partners as “a mix of right wing, xenophobic and religious parties,” and accused Netanyahu of “maddening” “political maneuvering” and “foot dragging.”
By contrast, Malley praised PA dictator Mahmoud Abbas’ outrageous demands for negotiations pre-conditions including that Jews should not be permitted to build homes in parts of the Jewish homeland. Malley stated: “His [Abbas’] demands for a settlements freeze (prompted, he believes, by the U.S.), then for robust terms of reference are not a sign that he has given up on negotiations. They are a sign that he wants to enter them under conditions that, in his mind, offer a chance of success.” Malley, as always, was completely wrong. In fact, after Israel agreed to and implemented a 10-month settlement freeze, Mahmoud Abbas still refused to negotiate.
Malley also pushed for Israel to give up the Golan Heights to Syria – which would have endangered Israel’s existence. Malley absurdly, wrongly argued that Syria is “unlikely to sponsor militant groups, . . . [or] destabilize the region . . . once an agreement has been reached.” Yet, at the same time, Malley excused the fact that Syria provided Hamas and Hezbollah with bases to attack Israel. Malley argued that Syria could not be expected to “cut ties with Hezbollah, break with Hamas or alienate Iran as the entry fare for peace negotiations.” (“Forget Pelosi. What about Syria?,” by Robert Malley, Los Angeles Times, Apr. 11, 2007.)
Malley also condemned parts of the Abraham Accords normalizing relation between Israel and Arab nations, and predicted that the Biden administration “would try to walk back or dilute parts of the[se] normalization deals.”
In December 2020, the organization that Malley leads, the International Crisis Group, entered into a joint partnership with USMEP (US Middle East Partnership) to advise on Israeli-Palestinian issues. USMEP’s president Daniel Levy is the co-founder of the anti-Israel J Street, and even openly opposed Israel’s continuing existence.
Malley Pushed for an Anti-Israel DNC Platform: In May 2020, Rob Malley signed a letter promoted by the anti-Israel group J Street, which urged the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to adopt a hostile-to-Israel platform.
Saturday, January 23, 2021
For The Fourth Year In A Row: USA's Favorite!
We're thrilled to share the news that Hilton Head Island has once again been voted the #1 Island in the United States at the 33rd Annual Condé Nast Traveler Readers' Choice Awards.
Oh, My! Do Ya Think She Nailed It? Huh?
"They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity."
— BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight) January 23, 2021
Journalist @megynkellyon the US media's coverage of President Trump, adding that the destruction of trust in the media led to the storming of the Capitol earlier this month#Newsnight pic.twitter.com/qDEUN19fea
Friday, January 22, 2021
Video: Schumer's Embarrassing 'Erection' Problem
Major Trade Union Blasts Biden For Killing Pipeline
The United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters (UA) issued the following statement earlier this week following the news that the Biden-Harris Administration plans to rescind the permit and effectively end construction on the Keystone XL pipeline:
“In revoking this permit, the Biden Administration has chosen to listen to the voices of fringe activists instead of union members and the American consumer on Day 1. Let me be very clear: When built with union labor by the men and women of the United Association, pipelines like Keystone XL remain the safest and most efficient modes of energy transportation in the world. Sadly, the Biden Administration has now put thousands of union workers out of work. For the average American family, it means energy costs will go up and communities will no longer see the local investments that come with pipeline construction,” said Mark McManus, General President of the United Association.
“New advancements in technology mean that these pipelines are a low-carbon method of energy transportation and a critical part of delivering affordable energy while achieving our shared climate goals. Keystone XL would not only be constructed entirely by union labor, but it would be the first pipeline fully powered by renewable energy.”
“For eight years the Obama Administration delayed and blocked a decision on Keystone XL. Then the flawed process and mismanagement of the Trump Administration led to further delays and inaction over the last four years. Now, this planned decision by the Biden Administration makes it the third White House to fail the working families of the United Association and all Americans who rely on affordable and reliable energy to power their daily lives. Decisions on energy and infrastructure, especially when jobs are at stake, can only be made when the voice of the workers is in the room. We will keep fighting for Keystone XL and any infrastructure project that creates good jobs for the Brothers and Sisters of the United Association, and to make sure our members have a seat at the table.