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Monday, May 31, 2021
More Than You Need To Know About THIS Guy!
The REAL Story Behind Memorial Day . . .

This year, we hope that you take time to remember those who have protected us and who have made (and continue to make) our freedom possible. because Memorial Day is all about those who gave their lives defending our country.
Now, let's get to the business at hand:
1) Not everyone will spend the long weekend at the Jersey shore. The media would have you believe that everyone is headed to the shore but that's just an easy way for the media to not report real stories over the weekend while at the same time nurturing the myth of the Great Shore Exodus. In fact, people enjoy the weekend in many different ways at many different places. We know we do -- and will.
2) Summer doesn't begin on Memorial Day. Summer begins on June 21, the summer solstice. And summer doesn't end on Labor Day. Summer ends on September 22 when autumn begins. The media and the travel industry concocted the idea that summer lasts from Memorial Day to Labor Day. It doesn't.
3) As we noted, Memorial Day is actually May 30. Congress changed the day around to make it a three-day weekend in another attempt to rob a fine holiday of its true meaning. Leave it to the government to mess things up.
4) Memorial Day didn't become Memorial Day until 1966 when President Johnson officially renamed it. Prior to that it was widely known as Decoration Day - the day when Americans decorated the graves of the fallen.
5) The artificial boundaries of Memorial Day and Labor Day mean absolutely nothing even though many people perceive these boundaries to coincide with the school year. Most children go to school well past Memorial Day. Many children (particularly in southern states) return to school well before Labor Day. Others return several days after Labor Day.
6) This year Memorial Day is almost as early as it can be and Labor Day is September 2. So, the stretch between the two is about average -- mixed news for vacation and travel vendors.
But, remember: Memorial Day isn't when people say it is. The summer hasn't begun - yet. It won't end on Labor Day. Many people will get through the whole summer without ever going to the Jersey shore. They will have a wonderful time nonetheless.
The Memorial Day and Labor Day boundaries are totally imaginary!
So, there you have it.
Enjoy what's left of spring.
Then, enjoy summer all the way through till September 22.
In fact, enjoy each day as a blessed gift. Savor every day, no matter the season.
Don't be cheated.
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Matt And Dan In-Depth With Rosemary Becchi
Save Jersey's Matt Rooney and I recently had an in-depth virtual sit down with one of the Garden State's brightest public policy experts, Rosmeary Becchi of Jersey 1st.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Who The Hell Do These Two Think They Are?
This womean doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the presidency -- let alone a heartbeat away from it.Enjoy the long weekend. pic.twitter.com/ilGOrod4AW
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) May 29, 2021
These two need a wake up call. And so do you if you voted for them. So, we're here to deliver it to them -- and to you -- right now!Stay cool this weekend, folks. pic.twitter.com/Z2xOTekvUZ
— President Biden (@POTUS) May 29, 2021
New Jersey Lags In Supporting Veterans
Senator Anthony M. Bucco said New Jersey must better support its veterans after a new study found the Garden State to be in the bottom of the pack for supporting military retirees.

Sen. Tony Bucco said New Jersey must better support its veterans after a new study found the Garden State to be in the bottom of the pack for supporting military retirees. (©iStock)
“As we head into Memorial Day weekend, we’re reminded that the men and women in our Armed Forces put everything on the line in service of our nation,” said Bucco (R-25). “It’s distressing to think that those who serve at our state’s storied military facilities including Picatinny Arsenal, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, and NWS Earle, might not be able to find the support they need in New Jersey after they leave military service. As a state, we have a responsibility to better support our veterans.”
According to WalletHub’s new report, “2021’s Best & Worst States for Military Retirees,” New Jersey’s ranks as the 32nd best state for military retirees to retired.
New Jersey ranked 45th in economic opportunity for veterans and had the second-lowest number of veterans per capita and the second-lowest percentage of veteran-owned businesses.
“Our poor rankings are likely the result of our state’s crisis of affordability and too few programs to directly support former servicemembers,” added Bucco. “Legislation that would help veterans with down payments for homes, expanded property tax relief, and support getting a job or starting businesses would make New Jersey a much friendlier place for our military retirees.”
Bucco sponsors legislation (S-3574) which would provide home ownership assistance for certain current and former military service members.
In the current legislative session, he voted in support of legislation (S-956) approved by the Legislature that’s on the governor’s desk to extend the veterans’ property tax exemption and voted for a bill (S-2968) to make it easier for veterans to be eligible for a civil service hiring preference for jobs in government.
VIDEO: Biden Spots A Little Girl, Sexualizes Her
There's just something creepy and scary about this -- seeing a little girl with barrettes and objectifying her into a "19-year-old little lady with her legs crossed." And Biden has a long history of this kinda stuff. What's more it's during a Memorial Day weekend ceremony and the little girl is the daughter of a veteran! Damn!
Joe Biden looks at a little girl in the audience, the daughter of a veteran, and says "I love those barrettes in your hair. Man I’ll tell you what, look at her she looks like she's 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed." pic.twitter.com/DbH8ihG2Mj
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) May 28, 2021
Friday, May 28, 2021
He Can't Remember Our Most Sacred Document!
Biden quoting the Declaration of Independence: "life, liberty, etc. pic.twitter.com/uk28ktTuxX
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 28, 2021
Sad Sycophants Suck Up To Supercilious Senility
Pathetic? No, it doesn't even rise to that level!“Chocolate chocolate chip,” he says, raising the cone he ordered all by himself.
— Christopher J. Scalia (@cjscalia) May 28, 2021
“Oooooh!” says the crowd. “Ahhhhh! We are in the presence of greatness!” https://t.co/JZjTWa8eDT
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Why Melinda Ciattarelli Is Joizee's New Heroine!
She's brash.
She's bold.
And she takes NO prisoners.
In short, she's a Joizee gal.
She's Melinda Ciattarelli, the wife of the presumptive GOP nominee for Governor, Jack Ciattarelli.
The other night Melinda had a go round with a guy named King Penna, manager for an opposing candidate during a GOP gubernatorial debate at a radio studio. Penna was talking trash, hoping to provoke the wife of the Republican frontrunner. And Penna got more than he bargained for -- a lot more!
Here's the rough transcript as seen on the video and reported by The Trentonian and other sources:
Penna [P]: Jack's a “pro-choice, never-Trumper loser.”
P: “Why don’t you throw your kids out of the house.” (The Ciattarelli's three kids are all apparently registered to vote from the parents' address.)
Melinda [M]: “My kids are out of the house, thank you very much . . . Yeah, I’ve got one at home, he’s a diesel mechanic, and that’s it.”
P: “They’re all registered at your house."
M: “Yes they are. My son, he’s in the Army, you idiot. He’s in New York now. One of them is in Montclair State, is that not in New Jersey, you imbecile?”
P: “It doesn’t matter. The only imbecile is you.”
M: “You’re an arrogant asshole."
P: “No no no, excuse me?”
M: “You’re an arrogant ass."
Penna then mocked Melinda calling her "very ladylike" while Melinda shot back that Penna was "a pig." Then, she got within two feet of Penna's face to deem him "obnoxious."
Melinda Ciattarelli, you are clearly not a "to the manner born" country club Republican. Which is to say, you're the Real Deal -- a Joizee gal to the core and a fighter with fierce family loyalty and the will to win. This is kind of campaigner New Jersey needs and the kind of First Lady who will ably and honestly represent us. We've taken gruff from too many effete phonies for far too long. No more! Jack and Melinda Ciattarelli will answer those who stand in our way with the one-two punch they so richly deserve! GoGoGo!
Still, No NJ Guidelines For Adult Day Care Events
New Jersey State Senator Holly Schepisi said the Murphy administration continues to drag its feet on providing guidance that would allow adult medical day care programs to reopen.

Sen. Holly Schepisi said the Murphy administration continues to drag its feet on providing guidance that would allow adult medical day care programs to reopen. (Pixabay)
“My office hears almost daily from distressed families that have struggled for more than a year without any support or relief to care for spouses and grandparents with challenging conditions, including dementia and Alzheimer’s,” said Schepisi (R-39). “They can’t understand why Governor Murphy continues to ignore the needs of their loved ones who need access to day programs that provide medical care and opportunities for social interaction. These critically important programs should be allowed to reopen immediately.”
While adult day care programs for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities have been allowed to reopen for more than a month pursuant to guidance issued by the Division of Developmental Disabilities on April 22, no such guidance has been issued yet for adult medical day care centers.
“Family members have suggested reopening these programs using the existing guidance already approved for other adult day care programs,” added Schepisi. “There’s no justification for the Murphy administration to keep these programs closed any longer, especially with rising rates of vaccination for both caregivers and patients, and most mask and social distancing restrictions being lifted statewide.”
Just In Case You've Forgotten . . .
- May 27, 2021 - |
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America |
With Memorial Day Weekend coming up, tomorrow people start driving in the biggest automobile days of the year. I’m sorry to say the gasoline prices that you will be confronted with are far higher than they were just a short number of months ago where we had gasoline under $2 a gallon. Remember as you’re watching the meter tick, and your dollars pile up, how great of a job Donald Trump did as President. Soon Russia and the Middle East will be making a fortune on oil, and you will be saying how good it was to have me as your President. Wasn’t it great to be energy independent, but we are energy independent no more. Shame, shame, shame. Other than that, have a great Memorial Day Weekend! |
What Memorial Day Is REALLY All About . . .
Sometimes, someone comes along who u understands the real meaning of Memorial Day -- someone who has actually lived it. Jim Kearny, a facebook friend, has shared the following:
Forty-seven years ago my buddy, John Smythe Manchester, died in a rice paddy in Gia Dinh Province, South Vietnam. He was 22 years old.
John never had a cell phone or a computer or an Ipad. He never heard of Samsung or Apple or Verizon. He never texted, chatted or emailed. He never had a Facebook page or a Twitter account. He never had a pair of Nikes or Adidas. He knew we were trying to put a man on the moon, but he died before we made it. He never saw a space shuttle. He knew Ronald Reagan was an actor, but never dreamed he would become the President. He never married, never had children, never had grandchildren. His parents buried him.
His name is engraved in the black granite on the Wall in Panel 52E, Row 40.
John and I were First Lieutenants and Platoon Leaders in Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, Third Infantry (Old Guard), 199th Light Infantry Brigade. I had the 2nd Platoon and he had the 3rd.
On Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2015, I will get up at 6:00 AM and drive into DC and visit with my friend. There will be a few people there, but the crowds will not arrive until later in the day and we will be mostly alone. I don't know if he can hear me, but I talk to him as though he can in the kind of crude language that infantry soldiers use to talk to each other.
I always wonder if anyone else ever comes to talk to him. I am 70 now and I wonder how many more years I will have to visit with him and let him know that I still remember him.
John was a soldier's soldier. He and I would talk privately about our fears, but never in front of the men we were charged with leading.
I wish he had made it back. We would have been life long friends.
On Memorial Day, please spend just a moment remembering the men and women, like John, who gave their lives for our country.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
State Senators Chide Murphy On Masks For Kids
New Jersey State Senator Robert Singer chided the Governor for continuing to require children to wear masks, calling the policy uncalled for and outdated.

Senator Robert Singer chided the Governor for continuing to require children to wear masks, calling the policy uncalled for and outdated. (Pixabay)
“At the same time he is telling the public it is OK to take their masks off, go dancing and go out drinking with friends shoulder-to-shoulder at the bar, Murphy is forcing kids to keep their masks on,” said Singer (R-30). “The science and data are clear. Youngsters are not susceptible to COVID, and they aren’t virus super spreaders. The time for masks has passed.”
Under Murphy’s most recent executive order lifting most COVID restrictions as of Friday, children attending schools, daycare centers and summer camps must continue to wear masks.
“These kids have spent a year behind the mask. It’s time to let them come out in the sun,” Singer said. “There’s no justification for forcing kids to be masked while they are running around outside at summer camp. Common sense should play a role here.”
Singer sponsors legislation (S-2482) and a constitutional amendment (SCR-117) that would place strict limits on the Governor’s ability to issue unilateral emergency mandates to 14 days unless the Legislature approved an extension.
Senate Republicans tried moving the bills on several occasions, but each time the Senate Democrat Majority blocked the effort.
New Jersey State Senator Kip Bateman today said the Governor’s decision to require kids to continue wearing masks is a mistake that needs to be addressed immediately.

Senator Kip Bateman today said the Governor’s decision to require kids to continue wearing masks is a mistake that needs to be addressed immediately. (Pixabay)
“This was an unforced error by the Governor,” said Bateman. “The masks are on; the masks are off. Most don’t need a mask, but some, including children, do. New Jersey residents have been enduring this for 14 months. They are confused, frustrated and fed up.”
Under Murphy’s latest executive order, most of the remaining COVID restrictions will end Friday. However, children attending schools, daycare centers and summer camps must continue to wear masks.
“Our children shouldn’t be singled out with an unnecessary requirement. There’s no reason for it,” said Bateman. “The best thing the Governor could do right now is quit micromanaging everything and remove all restrictions,” Bateman said.
Did It Come From China? 'No Doubt About It!'
Fmr President Trump says he has "no doubt" coronavirus came from Wuhan lab:
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) May 26, 2021
"I was criticized by the press because China has a lot of people taken care of. They took care of Hunter, they took care of Joe. They took care of everybody, didn't they?"pic.twitter.com/YQ1TsTWJUq
Biden: Floyd's Daughter Wanted To 'Sit On My Lap'
Ya gotta admit: this is a bit creepy.PRES. BIDEN: George Floyd's daughter Gianna "threw her arms around me, gave me a big hug — and wanted to sit in my lap."
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) May 25, 2021
"My wife would kill me — we gave her some ice cream, she had some Cheetos, and I think she had some chocolate milk," POTUS says. pic.twitter.com/YbWYzVhvag
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Warning To Biden: Stay Away From PLO/PA, HAMAS
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:
The ZOA is deeply worried about President Biden’s concerning announcements in recent days that Biden is providing new funding of $360 million to the Palestinian Authority and is committed to strengthening a U.S. “partnership” with the PLO/Palestinian Authority (PA)’s Jew-hating terror regime and PLO/PA terrorist dictator Mahmoud Abbas; and will also provide substantial U.S. taxpayer dollars to rebuild Iranian-backed terrorist, Hamas-run Gaza, via the anti-Israel UN and anti-Israel Palestinian Authority.
The ZOA urges President Biden to not get closer with the PA and Mahmoud Abbas terrorists or to provide U.S. taxpayer funds to this terrorist regime. At a minimum, Biden should place the following pre-conditions on any funding or strengthening of that relationship:
First, Abbas needs to abrogate the Nazi-like Palestinian law that pays Arabs a lifetime pension if they murder a Jew or an American. The greater the number of Jews or Americans murdered, the larger the pension. The PA’s “pay-to-slay” program further stipulates that if the Arab murderer is killed because of his actions, his family will receive the pension. Furthermore, the pension is at a rate of five times the size of the average Palestinian’s income.
In addition, President Biden should not provide funds to or upgrade the relationship with the Palestinian Authority until the PA rescinds the names of schools, streets, sports teams, sports tournaments, and children’s camps named after Jew-killers; halts printing posters honoring terrorists which are prominently displayed in Palestinian schools and colleges and elsewhere; and stops promoting hatred and violence against Jews in Palestinian Authority schools, textbooks, speeches, sermons, and media.ZOA likewise urges President Biden to not provide substantial U.S. taxpayer dollars to rebuild Hamas-run Gaza. At a minimum, ZOA strongly urges that Biden insist upon anti-terror pre-conditions prior to providing any such aid:
First, Hamas must abrogate the clauses in the Hamas Charter that call for violent jihad, murdering every Jew and obliterating Israel. Second, Hamas must destroy all 10,000 of its remaining Iranian-provided rockets. Third, Hamas must dismantle its hundreds of miles of terror tunnels designed to facilitate attacks on Israel and smuggle more rockets into Gaza. (Under pressure from Biden, Israel agreed to a ceasefire after only destroying approximately 62 miles of the terror tunnels.) Fourth, Hamas and Hamas-controlled UNRWA must stop promoting hatred and killing of Jews in their schools, media, and officials’ speeches and sermons.
If these reasonable conditions are not demanded and met, it will be impossible to establish peace and an end to Palestinian Arab terrorism. Another Fatah/Arab/Islamic/Hamas/Iranian war against Israel will surely occur in the near future.
If the Biden administration does not insist on the above anti-terror conditions, Biden’s planned rewards to the Hamas and PA terror regimes will sooner or later produce new rounds of Hamas and PA terror attacks on the Jewish State of Israel. Hamas launched over 4,300 rockets attempting to massacre thousands of Israeli Jews. Hamas will attack again and again, if the U.S. taxpayers simply reconstruct their terrorist enclave every time. Biden’s unconditional plans give a green light to Hamas to launch thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians once again, and encourage the PA and Abbas to continue inciting and paying Arab terrorists and Israeli Arab mobs to murder and injure Israeli Jews.
As JNS Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Tobin wrote, reconstructing Gaza “will reward Hamas terrorism and flash a green light for more wars aimed at destroying Israel.” (“If the U.S. Wants to be Humane, it Won’t ‘Rebuild’ Gaza,” by Jonathan Tobin, JNS, May 24, 2021.)
Moreover, the applicable UN agency, UNRWA, through which the U.S. wishes to facilitate funds, has a long, sordid history of being staffed by Hamas, teaching hatred of Jews and Israel; assisting Hamas’ terror efforts; storing Hamas rockets and weaponry in UNRWA schools; allowing Hamas to launch rockets from UNRWA hospitals and schools; using UNRWA schools as entrances for terror tunnels; recruiting for Hamas at every UNRWA school; allowing Hamas to use children as terror shields; and producing Hamas terror masterminds. (See, e.g., “How UNRWA Supports Hamas,” by Asaf Romirowsky, Jewish Policy Center, Fall 2007; “UN Agency Handed Rockets Back to Hamas,” TOI, July 20, 2014; “Israel’s UN Envoy Blasts Discovery of Gaza Tunnel Under UNRWA School,” TOI, Oct. 29, 2017; and “What’s Wrong With UNRWA and Why it Must be Reformed,” UN Watch, Jan. 21, 2018.)
Mr. President, please don’t unconditionally reward these anti-American, anti-Israel, antisemitic, undemocratic, totalitarian dictatorships with money and respectability. Don’t legitimize Islamist hate and Jihadist violence.
Murphy's 'Fine Print' WON'T have You Cheering!
New Jersey State Senator Declan O’Scanlon (R-13) urged New Jerseyans to read the fine print on Governor Murphy’s updates to mask restrictions in his newest executive order:

Senator Declan O’Scanlon turned to Twitter today to highlight some of the confusing elements of Governor Murphy’s latest executive order. (Declan O’Scanlon/Twitter)
“Before anyone rushes to heap praise on Governor Murphy for lifting New Jersey’s mask mandates, they better read the fine print. They’re in for a rude surprise.
“Office workers and anyone who works in an indoor setting that’s not open to the public will have to continue wearing masks under Governor Murphy’s newest executive order, regardless of whether or not they’re vaccinated.
“Where’s the science that says it’s safe for a vaccinated person to work unmasked in a supermarket where they might interact with hundreds of people, but it’s unsafe for them to work without a mask around a handful of people in a private office? It doesn’t make sense.
“If the vaccine works, shouldn’t a vaccinated person be protected everywhere? If so, why is the governor creating unnecessary confusion by treating workplaces differently?
“It’s not just workers who will remain stuck with unnecessary mask restrictions under Governor Murphy’s newest executive order, it’s our children too. In some cases, they’ll actually have greater restrictions this summer than they have today.
“Children who are playing Little League and other sports this spring safely without masks will have to put them back on to play outside at camp this summer. That’s utterly ridiculous.
“The governor also said to expect kids to wear masks in school this fall, even though children face little risk from the virus and every adult with concerns has easy access to the vaccine right now.
“This is no longer a public health risk, it’s a matter of personal choice. The rest of the state shouldn’t be forced to continue to compensate for a shrinking number of people who have made a conscious choice to avoid vaccination.
“If Governor Murphy is serious about ending the public health emergency, he should do it for real by wiping the slate clean.”
This Demanded To Be Reposted Here!
Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the much older lady that she should bring her own grocery bags, because plastic bags are not good for the environment,.
The woman apologized to the young girl and explained, "We didn't have this 'green thing' back in my earlier days."
The young clerk responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations."
The older lady said that she was right our generation didn't have the "green thing" in its day. The older lady went on toexplain: Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled.
But we didn't have the "green thing" back in our day. Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags that we reused for numerous things. Most memorable besides household garbage bags was the use of brown paper bags as book covers for our school books. This was to ensure that public property (the books provided for our use by the school) was not defaced by our scribblings. Then we were able to personalize our books on the brown paper bags.
But, too bad we didn't do the "green thing" back then. We walked up stairs because we didn't have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. But she was right. We didn't have the "green thing" in our day.
Back then we washed the baby's diapers because we didn't have the throw away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy-gobbling machine burning up 220 volts. Wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days.
Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that young lady is right; we didn't have the "green thing" back in our day.
Back then we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana.
In the kitchen we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us.
When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.
Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power.
We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But she's right; we didn't have the "green thing" back then.
We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blade in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But we didn't have the "green thing" back then.
Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service in the family's $45,000 SUV or van, which cost what a whole house did before the "green thing."
We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest burger joint.
But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't have the "green thing" back then?