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Saturday, November 30, 2019
THIS Is What A Biden Rally Really Looks Like
Less than an hour before a Joe Biden rally: No crowds, no lines, no arena -- just a lot of nothin, with almost as many seats for the media (at tables in rear) as there are for the crowd.
THIS is what Big Media refuses to show you!
Oh, The Ghastly Rot Of The Ivy League!
Fresh on the heels of the recent "climate change" demonstration that nearly ended last week's Harvard/Yale football game, Yale senior Esteban Elizondo has penned a great piece in the New York Post. Here's an excerpt:
At Yale, there is seemingly a new protest every week. Each protest carries the same juvenile self-righteousness, enabled by a university administration that never dares to challenge its student body.
Yale “first-years” arrive on campus curious and mostly capable, but the university quickly proceeds to bubble-wrap their young minds, eliminating any trace of discomfort from their college experience. Rather than allowing students to learn through adversity, the administration creates a safe space where students are never told “no.” Instead, they’re provided with amenities ranging from therapy puppies to sandboxes — more fitting of a day-care center than a university.
Rather than confront its student body with uncomfortable truths, the university creates an alternate reality, where the only opinion that matters is yours, especially if you’re a leftist. Earlier this month, a group of students painted their faces white and began wailing outside a classroom as part of a protest against professor Emma Sky, whom they lazily branded a “war criminal” because she once served as an advisor to the commanding general of US forces in Iraq and the commander of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.
When Will The Democrats Act On THIS?
A year ago today, @RealDonaldTrump signed the #USMCA trade agreement with Canadian and Mexican leaders.— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) November 30, 2019
✅ More + Better American Jobs
✅ +$68.2 B Economic Boost
✅ Higher wages
This is a major win for American workers. Tell House Democrats to get it done! 🇺🇸 https://t.co/OZZJB18nD2 pic.twitter.com/ZKBYb7D7LK
Inexplicably, Biden Bites His Wife's Finger On Stage!
Joe Biden just bit his wife’s finger on stage at a campaign event.— Benny (@bennyjohnson) November 30, 2019
What on earth is even happening? pic.twitter.com/XzgNNFFHYA
Friday, November 29, 2019
Hello, NJ Dems: Time To Wake Up, Gauge The Angst!
According to a recent survey released this week by the Garden State Initiative and Fairleigh Dickinson University’s School of Public & Global Affairs, 44% of New Jersey residents are planning to leave the state. Most responders cited property taxes and the overall cost of living as the primary reasons for leaving.
“The NJGOP is issuing a new challenge to every politician in Trenton, including Governor Murphy; take a walk down your block and find out how many of your neighbors plan to be here in 10 years,” said NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt. “Phil Murphy’s radical, liberal agenda is breaking up New Jersey families and forcing them into FaceTime relationships with their children and grandchildren. New Jersey’s 9 million residents deserve predictability, government reliability, and stability driven by honest answers to the state’s real problems.”
Over the weekend, Democrat Senate President Steve Sweeney proposed lifting the 2 percent local property tax levy in certain communities.
Steinhardt reacted to that by saying, “Enough already. Take property tax hikes off the table. We can’t afford them, and those that can are leaving. We have a system in place now that allows communities to vote locally and decide if they really need tax hikes. Trenton needs to stop taking away from municipalities their ability to self-govern. Trenton Democrats have proven they can’t be trusted with your tax dollars. Leave that power into the hands of the people most affected and invested in their local communities. In fact, Trenton should be working towards instituting a 2 percent cap on state spending to match the successful local law, instead of creating exceptions and loopholes to avoid it. New Jersey has a spending problem, not a revenue problem, and legislation like this pours salt in the wound of every New Jersey taxpayer. Enough already."
“The NJGOP is issuing a new challenge to every politician in Trenton, including Governor Murphy; take a walk down your block and find out how many of your neighbors plan to be here in 10 years,” said NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt. “Phil Murphy’s radical, liberal agenda is breaking up New Jersey families and forcing them into FaceTime relationships with their children and grandchildren. New Jersey’s 9 million residents deserve predictability, government reliability, and stability driven by honest answers to the state’s real problems.”
Over the weekend, Democrat Senate President Steve Sweeney proposed lifting the 2 percent local property tax levy in certain communities.
Steinhardt reacted to that by saying, “Enough already. Take property tax hikes off the table. We can’t afford them, and those that can are leaving. We have a system in place now that allows communities to vote locally and decide if they really need tax hikes. Trenton needs to stop taking away from municipalities their ability to self-govern. Trenton Democrats have proven they can’t be trusted with your tax dollars. Leave that power into the hands of the people most affected and invested in their local communities. In fact, Trenton should be working towards instituting a 2 percent cap on state spending to match the successful local law, instead of creating exceptions and loopholes to avoid it. New Jersey has a spending problem, not a revenue problem, and legislation like this pours salt in the wound of every New Jersey taxpayer. Enough already."
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
TGIFriday's Goes Politically Correct 'For Everybody'
They want you to know they're "for people of all stripes" and they certainly go out of their way to depict it! Now showing nationally.
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A Special Message from Vice President Pence . . .
You Don't Want To Miss These Stories!
George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation!

Thanksgiving Proclamation
[New York, 3 October 1789]
By the President of the United States of America. a Proclamation.
Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor—and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me “to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.”
Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be—That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks—for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation—for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war—for the great degree of tranquillity, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed—for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted—for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.
and also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions—to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually—to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed—to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shewn kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord—To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the encrease of science among them and us—and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.
Given under my hand at the City of New-York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.
Go: Washington
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Startling Poll Results: They're Planning To Leave NJ!
Following is a very special message from The Garden State initiative:
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WOW! Two More Pardons Issued By President Trump!
Monday, November 25, 2019
NO, This Is Not The Way To Fix NJ School Funding!
New Jersey Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean said a proposal to lift New Jersey’s successful two-percent property tax cap is the wrong answer to counter major school funding cuts that are hitting many districts through the enactment of S-2:
“I disagree with the Senate President’s suggestion that the solution to the school funding crisis created by S-2 is to let property taxes spiral out of control as they did in the years prior to the passage of the successful two-percent cap,” said Kean. “We need to change the school funding formula in order to help school districts lower some of their largest and fastest-growing costs.”
Kean said the “Every Child Counts” school funding reform plan proposed by Senate Republicans should be part of the solution.
“Our ‘Every Child Counts’ plan eases the pain for most of the districts that have been hit hard under S-2, and it does so in a thoughtful way that’s fair for every student across New Jersey,” said Kean. “I’m especially proud of our proposed reforms to shift the cost of funding extraordinary special education fully to the State, which would relieve school districts of a major financial burden and remove a disincentive to developing better programs at the local level for our most vulnerable children.”
Kean warned that leaders shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that New Jersey already has the highest property taxes in the nation.
“Voters keep going to the polls and shooting down school budget referenda that seek to exceed the two-percent cap,” added Kean. “They’re sending a very clear message that they’re at the limit of what they can afford. Lifting the property tax cap is not the answer.”
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“I disagree with the Senate President’s suggestion that the solution to the school funding crisis created by S-2 is to let property taxes spiral out of control as they did in the years prior to the passage of the successful two-percent cap,” said Kean. “We need to change the school funding formula in order to help school districts lower some of their largest and fastest-growing costs.”
Kean said the “Every Child Counts” school funding reform plan proposed by Senate Republicans should be part of the solution.
“Our ‘Every Child Counts’ plan eases the pain for most of the districts that have been hit hard under S-2, and it does so in a thoughtful way that’s fair for every student across New Jersey,” said Kean. “I’m especially proud of our proposed reforms to shift the cost of funding extraordinary special education fully to the State, which would relieve school districts of a major financial burden and remove a disincentive to developing better programs at the local level for our most vulnerable children.”
Kean warned that leaders shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that New Jersey already has the highest property taxes in the nation.
“Voters keep going to the polls and shooting down school budget referenda that seek to exceed the two-percent cap,” added Kean. “They’re sending a very clear message that they’re at the limit of what they can afford. Lifting the property tax cap is not the answer.”
Related Facebook Post:
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As The Season Begins: Poised, Beautiful, Gracious
First Lady Melania Trump welcomes the White House Christmas tree for 2017!
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Do You Know About THIS Treasure Trove?

He's the designer.
He's the chairman.
And he's the curator. Plus, he did it all in less than a year and it's now putting South Philadelphia on the map for reasons you might never have guessed.
He's Mike Bonasera and he's the man in charge of the History of Italian Immigration Museum in the heart of Philadelphia's famed Italian neighborhood.
For too long the museum has been a little known gem. But it's chock full of history and historical artifacts and now Mike and Dan Cirucci tell its story.
Watch. Listen. Learn!
Together: A Couple Of Creepy, Crazy Charlatans!
By Matt Rooney from Save Jersey, reprinted with permission:
I’ve written extensively about how wind energy is really just a bunch of hot hair, Save Jerseyans. The financial math (and undisputed science) simply don’t add up.
But that wasn’t even the most offensive part of this week’s Phil Murphy-Al Gore press availability at the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City. As is his habit, the former Vice President double-down on hyperbole to make his point about the urgent need for renewable, sustainable sources of energy.
“This is Pearl Harbor. This is Midway. This is the Battle of Bulge. This is 9/11,” Gore croaked. “We have to rise to this challenge. We have to change.”
It’s a helluva thing to say anywhere, let alone when you’re standing in the shadow of the place where 746 New Jerseyans lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Offensive! Obnoxious. And also a huge part of the climate debate problem. Gore and a small army of climate change hysterics have made wild predictions over the years; the former Clinton veep infamously declared in 2006 that we’d all be too far gone in 2016 but, sure enough, we’re all still here. Hysterics and hyperbole are making it HARDER to unite Americans around sensible, reasonable, not-economy-crippling solutions to balance the needs of civilization with the needs of our planet.
Case in point: how about coupling some “green” initiatives with a plan to expand our state’s decaying nuclear infrastructure? Most sane environmentalists now agree that this much-maligned energy source is one of our cleanest options that (this is the key) is actually currently available with modern technology.
How about we create a better tax climate for New Jersey businesses? Rather than penalize their consumers with carbon taxes?
There are ways forward worth discussing which don’t involve everyone giving up their combustion engines for Flintstones cars. There’s an option for our kids’ future which is a happy medium between Chinese smog and Bedrock City.
Unfortunately for humans and their favorite blue orb, climate hysterics may be piss poor science and bad for the country but it’s excellent base politics, so the Gores and Murphys of the world can be reliably counted upon to continue saying outlandish things which drive people of good will further apart instead of helping bring them together.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
SOLVED: The Vexing Conundrum Of Elaine Stritch

Elaine Stritch was a mass of contradictions.
She came from a loving, intact family and said she longed to be married but she avoided commitment with all the ferocity of a confirmed bachelor.
She was a lifelong, practicing Catholic but she smoked, drank and cussed like a truck driver and went through a long list of bedmates in the course of a storied career.
She claimed she was most at home and most alive on the stage but opened her one-woman show with a string of complaints about the perils and pitfalls of show business.
She admired decent, practical midwest sensibility but avoided a return to her native Michigan until her final years.
She was said to be a devilish flirt and rarely hid her appetite for the opposite sex but insisted that sex itself was greatly overrated.
She proclaimed a love of New York but when she finally bought a home of her own she opted for a single family home on the main street of a small town.
A lifelong drinker, she joined Alcoholics Anonymous and swore off booze but reportedly continued to imbibe right up to the time of her death.
She was a scene-stealer and show-stopper who also generously mentored other actors. She was a notorious spendthrift who could be surprisingly generous. She had no children of her own and showed little or no interest in kiddies but bequeathing hundreds of thousands of dollars to a children's health program. She boldly challenged authority and scorned sacred cows but went weak kneed in the presence of greatness.
All of this and more is revealed in Alexandra Jacobs' juicy new biography, Still Here, The Madcap, Singular Life of Elaine Stritch.
To say that Elaine Stritch was a complicated person (and an often difficult personality) would be an understatement. It wasn't easy to be her friend. But people were drawn to her and her devotees were legion. She wasn't a great beauty or a melodious songstress and she couldn't dance to save her life. And though she was all the rage in London, you'd never put her in the same league with the giants of the West End.
So, what was it about Elaine Stritch? Why did she prove to be such a compelling presence, so sought after, such an indomitable star?
Here's the way Jacobs explains it (with a bit of help from Stritch's collaborator John Lahr) in Still Here:
John Lahr: “She was actually the most panic-struck person I ever knew . . . . . her real great acting talent was convincing the world that she was loosey-goosey — that was a complete act. And the world bought it!”
And Jacobs adds: "What [Lahr] recognized was someone of the old guard, someone who knew how to stop a show. Someone with no 'Plan B' . . . someone who’s very survival, psychological and economic, depended on her performance, and the audience liking her performance.Throughout her life, sometimes in spite of herself and sometimes against the most overwhelming odds, from the very start right up till the end, Elaine Stritch held it together!
" . . for Stritch home was no place, except when she alighted on the stage. 'Honset to God, when I get into a play — even a musical,' she said, 'that was where I lived.'
"What was Stritch’s talent exactly? . . . It really was entertaining, the root of which means 'to hold together.' In a drawing room or on a stage, Stritch could command the entire space."
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