A wide ranging commentary and dialogue on the media, politics, today's headlines and the popular culture. Always fresh and new every day! Now celebrating our second decade and more than seven million page views. Nationally recognized, widely quoted, newsworthy, noteworthy.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thank You!
Thank you for coming back again and again, for telling your friends and for getting the word out about this ongoing dialogue. This success is as much yours as it is ours. And, we continue to welcome your comments and your input.
We are now experiencing our fastest growth ever. Thanks!
Take The Survey
You can take the entire survey online by clicking here.
Just remember: If you view or take the survey, please don't comment here. You can direct your questions and comments to the survey sponsors.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
'Dysfunction' Premiere Apr. 9

This film examines the growing "science" of electioneering and stacks it up against the public's disillusionment with the whole process. Mary's wide-ranging analysis and commentary feature an impressive array of local and national politicos. But the film also includes up close and personals with average voters and the local foot shoulders who toil away on behalf of political candidates. Leave it to Mary to cover all the bases and tell a story in-depth but with a shrewd and entertaining eye as well.
Mary Patel's Political Notebook in the City Paper is one of the most widely-read columns of its type in the region and Mary also appears on Inside Story on Philadelphia's 6 ABC-TV.
Order tickets to the premiere of Electile Dysfunction by clicking here.
Altoona Geek Bowl

Saturday, March 29, 2008
No April Foolin!

This is the real deal: George Strait hits stores April 1 with his 37th album, Troubadour.
Bravo, Bridget Foy's!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Better At Brasserie
Casey To The Left
One can't help but wonder if Casey's late father, Governor Bob Casey, would have followed this course. Governor Casey was, after all, the man who attempted to challenge the Democrat party from the right and nudge the party toward more reasonable positions on a whole range of issues. Casey The Elder was an old-line labor Democrat who seemed more attuned to the more centrist views of the Clintons.
The son's movement away from the more centrist views of his father also represents a movement away from those all-important "Casey Democrats" who one would figure would be more kindly disposed toward Hillary Clinton. These old-line, labor-oriented working class Dems are not always quick to endorse the social reconstructionist view of Obamaniacs.
But Casey The Younger has cast his lot. He's placed his bet.
Now, let the chips fall where they may.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Garlic Noses?
Wright, who is now "pastor emeritus" of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago included the slur in a piece published in the most recent issue of his Trumpet Newsmagazine.
"(Jesus') enemies had their opinion about Him," Wright wrote in a eulogy of the late scholar Asa Hilliard in the November/December 2007 issue. "The Italians for the most part looked down their garlic noses at the Galileans." Wright continued, "From the circumstances surrounding Jesus' birth . . . up to and including the circumstances surrounding Jesus' death on a cross, a Roman cross, public lynching Italian style. . ."
"He (Jesus) refused to be defined by others and Dr. Asa Hilliard also refused to be defined by others. The government runs everything from the White House to the schoolhouse, from the Capitol to the Klan, white supremacy is clearly in charge, but Asa, like Jesus, refused to be defined by an oppressive government because Asa got his identity from an Omnipotent God."
Put Wright's aside the hateful anit-American rhetoric for the moment and focus on his ethnic slurs.
Over the course of many years I've heard my share of slurs and guttural language used against Italians and Italian-Americans. But this is surely a new low - and couched in religious terms, to boot.
Rev. Wright is a man who apparently harbors deep and lasting hatreds and resentments.
In failing to clearly and completely disown Rev. Wright, Obama has committed a grievous error.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Clinton On Wright
He would not have been my pastor. You don’t choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend. You know, I spoke out against Don Imus, saying that hate speech was unacceptable in any setting, and I believe that. I just think you have to speak out against that. You certainly have to do that, if not explicitly, then implicitly by getting up and moving.
Clinton made her comments during a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review interview. For a video clip of Clinton's comments on Wright click here.
Gerry: 'I Won't Forget'
Ferraro made her comments on the Laura Ingraham talkfest and expressed her gratitude to Laura for giving her the chance to tell her side of the story. Ferraro says she's upset at the way she's been treated by Obama and other some other Democrats and adds: "I won't forget this. I can't forget this."
BTW: Obama ends his Virgin Islands vacation today to return to campaigning. Obama says he observed Easter at an impromptu private ceremony with his wife and two children.
At last report Rev. Wright was hiding out at the Ritz Carlton in Puerto Rico.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Cat Facts

Wright Stuff

2. Jay Wright doesn't own a mirror. He can see it in your face that he looks good.
3. Jay Wright has a suit for every day of the year. When the year is over, he throws them away and buys new ones.
4. When Jay Wright was in prep school, all the students wore uniforms. Jay Wright was still voted best dressed.
5. A bum asked Jay Wright for some change, but he gave him one of his old sport jackets instead. Now that bum is known as Donald Trump.
6. It's been predicted that if Jay Wright ever spilled anything on one of his suits, stains would be "in" for 200 years.
7. At least 12 photographers have been institutionalized from trying to find Jay Wright's best side.
8. When Jay Wright showers, the soap gets cleaned.
9. Jay Wright has been voted People's Sexiest Man Alive every year since he was five. He refuses to accept until the magazine bans St. Joe's fans from subscribing.
10. The Hawk will never die... that is until Jay Wright wants him to.
11. Four years ago Jay Wright decided an NCAA championship ring would go well with his suit. The rest is history.
12. Villanova games don't have to be in High Definition, Jay Wright makes the TV look better.
13. When Brad Pitt looks at a mirror he says, "Damn I almost look as good as Jay Wright's shadow."
14. Jason Fraser had to learn how to block shots by himself because Jay Wright doesn't know the meaning of the word rejection.
15. Every year the alumni association spends thousands of dollars to buy Jay Wright the best ties they can find. Jay uses them as his "work out ties."
16. The term birthday suit was invented when Jay Wright was born wearing a tuxedo.
History's Great Phrases, II
"I did not have sex with that woman." -Bill Clinton
"This isn't some crackpot church." - Barack Obama
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Crawford TCM Alert
This extraordinary 24-hour movie retrospective will begin with the original TCM documentary, Joan Crawford, the Ultimate Movie Star, narrated by Angelica Huston.
Then the program moves into Crawford's Oscar-winning 1945 performance as Mildred Pierce (9:30 PM). This is followed by Torch Song (1953), a 1962 Crawford biographical short, Spring Fever (a 1927 silent film), Grand Hotel (1932), Wild and Woolly (a 1931 short), Dancing Lady (1933), Dancing On The Ceiling (a 1937 short), Sadie McKee (1934), The Last of Mrs. Cheyney (1937), A Woman's Face (1941), They All Kissed The Bride (1942), Humoresque (1946), Harriet Craig (1950) and finally at 7:44 PM on Monday, Trader Hound (a 1931 short).
You may want to keep one or more video recorders going to capture this all night/all day Crawford festival. Certainly, Mildred Pierce, Grand Hotel, The Woman, A Woman's Face, Humoresque and Harriet Craig are not-to-be-missed. And certainly Dancing Lady is noteworthy because it is one of those Very Special Films that teams Crawford with one of her favorite costars, Clark Gable.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Honoring Larry Frankel
We saw many dear friends at the reception including former Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellors Abe Reich, Alan Feldman, Andy Chirls and Jane Leslie Dalton. Also on hand were Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission Chair Stephen Alan Glassman, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts Executive Director Lynn Marks, Philadelphia Bar Association Communications Director Mark Tarasiewicz, University of Pennsylvania Law School Professor Lou Rulli, Blank Rome Human Resources Specialist Cory Watson, Support Center for Child Advocates Director Frank Cervone and David M. Rosenblum who now works as an attorney for the State of New Jersey.
Check Out Clog
We always find helpful tips, interesting news and bristling commentary at City Paper
We're happy to be added to The Clog's blogroll and we're delighted to add The Clog to our roll. Check out The Clog.
Forget Lincoln, King

Thursday, March 20, 2008
But hey, what the hell do I know?
Now I've been looking at a site called Stuff White People Like and it turns out I may be quite typical - or as typical as any unique white person can be.
This site says TWPs enjoy dinner parties (I do), have gay friends (I do), view tee shirts as an item of expression (I do, sometimes), like modern furniture in their "dream home" (I do). Now of course, there are some areas where I don't seem to match up: I don't wear outdoor performance gear. I don't like singing comedians. I don't have bad memories of high school. And, I don't hate big corporations.
So, am I a TWP or not?
This is important to me. I need to know.
Maybe I'll have to ask Barack Obama.
'Typical White Person'
We thought we heard this, but we wanted to go back and listen to the clip of Sen. Barack Obama on 610 WIP this morning to be sure.610 WIP host Angelo Cataldi asked Obama about his Tuesday morning speech on race at the National Constitution Center in which he referenced his own white grandmother and her prejudice. Obama told Cataldi that "The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity, but that she is a typical white person."
Exactly what is a "typical white person?"
Is a typical white person someone who has a "fear of black men who pass by" him or her on the street? That's what Obama said about his grandmother the other day.
Is a typical white person someone "who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes?" That's another characterization that Obama made of his grandmother.
What eaxctly is a typical white person?
Dan Gross takes this a step further and dares to ask: "If Hillary Clinton referred to a 'typical black person,' would we ever hear the end of it?"
It's a damned good question, Dan - one that we sense we know the answer to.
Buck Naked?
So, we're delighted that Buck Naked has linked to us. And we're happy to link to Buck Naked here at our blog.
May the blogosphere continue to be the source of an endless array of views, comments and observations!
We Said It First
But we already said that here and here - and we said it on this blog before Frank Luntz. In fact, we said much of it moments after the speech ended.
So, maybe Frank's been reading our blog. If so, we don't mind him borrowing from us. Just give us credit, Frank!
wRight Answer Is . . .
Once again, R-A-C-E has emerged as the thorniest rose in American life and politics. Barack Obama's powerful speech on Tuesday may have laid it to rest (for now). Before we wave bye-bye to the trapped-in-the-'50s (1950s? 1850s? 1750s?), attic-crazy Rev. Jeremiah Wright, let's salute him with a multiple-choice quiz.
To take the quiz click here.
Great Scott!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Check Out Meghan
It's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole and it makes Meghan think of her mother's affinity for fishes, scuba diving and the ocean.
You can discover this and lots more on Meghan's blog which is called mccainblogette.com.
Meghan is 23 and her blog features musings and pop culture on the campaign trail.
On the prospect of Huckabee being the veep choice: “That’s not going to happen,” Meghan says firmly. “I don’t think they’d be a good match for a lot of reasons and am not even sure if that’s what Huckabee’s going for, anyway. I think he wants to be the head of the evangelical movement.”
And on her 96-year-old grandmother:
“Nana drives fast,” Meghan says. “She got pulled over for doing 112 in Flagstaff about a year ago.”
La Festa di San Giuseppe

Great Phrases In History
"Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from
the Earth." -Abraham Lincoln
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." -John F, Kennedy
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan
"Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice
will be done." -George W. Bush
"I can no more disown him than I can my
white grandmother." -Obama
Obama walked onto a bare stage adorned only with American flags - eight behind him; four on each side.
So, the man who refuses to wear the flag on his lapel is only to happy to share the stage with eight big, bright flags - especially when he finds himself in a jam.
Check It Out
What about those trips and junkets that Washington pols enjoy?
Would you like to see your representatives' financial disclosure statements?
You can do it all at LegiStorm, a site is dedicated to providing a variety of important information about the US Congress. While some parts of the site require password access much of it (including salary information) is password-free.
You might be surprised at what you find in LegiStorm. For example, I learned that New Jersey's Senator Frank Lautenberg and his staff cost us more than $1.5 million in salaries alone over the course of just six months. Extend that out over a year and it comes to more than three million dollars!
BTW: Some Senators, Reps and members of their staffs don't really like LegiStorm. But you're really not shocked to learn that, are you?
Drive One, Buy One!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Speech
1) The bulk of the speech was well crafted but (like most Obama oratorical efforts) it could have been much shorter. After Obama addressed the Wright controversy (the real reason for the speech) the remarks could have ended. Instead, Obama careened off into a rather typical campaign speech.
2) It occurs to me that it's hard to have it both ways. One can't say we must get beyond race and then, in effect, play the race card. On the significance of race the great actor Morgan Freeman has said "I don't downplay it. I just don't play it." And when asked how we might end racism, Freeman responded: “Stop talking about it. I’m going to stop calling you a white man, and I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man.” Today, Obama talked and talked and talked about it.
3) I think it was a mistake for Obama to allow himself to be introduced by former Pennsylvania Senator Harris Wofford. Not because I do or don't like Wofford but because I think that Obama should have just walked to the podium and made his statement. No introduction. No buildup. No cheeleading. Let the speech speak for itself.
4) It's standard for Obama to use a teleprompter (he seems ill at ease without one) but today he seemed to pay particular attention to the teleprompter screens on either side of him to the point where he rarely looked straight ahead to the camera, the TV audience. This detracted from the power of the remarks.
5) In the quest for the presidency, your own personal story will only take you so far. Once we know your story, we want to get beyond it and discover what your plans are, what your real philosophy is. We want not just your narrative but the essence of you and what it will mean to the future of our country if we choose you. The story and the philosophy must make sense together. Today, Obama went back to the story. And that's OK, I suppose. But this alone will only will only take him so far. We're still asking: "Is this all that defines you? Where's the rest of you? What do you really believe?"
Friends Write
This exposure should make Obama unelectable…The anti-American ethnic and racial slurs that infect Wright's oratory, in conjunction with Barack's continued support (that include 20K+ donations to his church) continued membership, and references to this man as an "Uncle..." If, given proper presentation, this should end Obama's candidacy. I am not an Obama hater… but he needs to receive equal treatment, and this association cannot be justified.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Comeback Tales
Are you thinking John McCain?
Think again.
We're talking about Silvio Berlusconi the once (and apparently future) Prime Minister of Italy. Read the story of Berlusconi's remarkable comback in the Wall Street Journal.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
'Good Time' Had By All

"Good Time" will debut at #1 on the Billboard 200 and the Billboard Top Country Albums charts this week, with first-week SoundScan sales of 119,151, marking his fourth album to hit the top spots simultaneously on week of release. You’d think that Jackson was a closet numerologist since God Time is his 17th album and contains 17 songs, all written by Jackson (a first) over the course of 71 satisfying minutes. The first single from the album, “Small Town Southern Man,” is Jackson’s 51st single, and has been steadily climbing the charts – it’s #2 this week.
Is anybody really surprised that Alan Jackson continues to top country and pop charts with his laid-back sweet southern way with a song? Jackson makes it all seem effortless. And yet, to maintain a place as part of country music royalty year-after-year is no mean feat. And in addition to writing may of his own songs The Big Guy from Newnan, Georgia continues to tour month after month playing to packed houses wherever he goes.
USA Today has called Alan Jackson "one of country music’s true masters, the kind who can make life’s most mundane circumstances carry emotional heft and make it look easy.”
Keep on keepin on, Alan. You make country music resonate with the heart and soul, the hopes, dreams and wishes of the everyday folk who make America great!
Push For Merit In Pa.
On Tuesday, March 18, 2008, a new Merit Selection initiative for the Pennsylvania appellate courts will be announced by Senators Jane Earll and Anthony Williams and Representatives David Steil and Josh Shapiro , prime sponsors of the legislation. The Philadelphia Inquirer, in a front page article, describes this as a “major push” for Merit Selection.
PMC and PMCAction are very excited about this opportunity to change the way Pennsylvania chooses appellate court judges. Merit Selection will eliminate the influence of money in the selection of judges; give more people the chance to serve as judges, including those without great financial resources or political connections; and make sure that qualifications and experience determine who becomes a judge. This will increase public confidence that our courts are fair and impartial and serve all Pennsylvanians, regardless of financial standing or political affiliation.
In future posts, Judges On Merit will describe the Merit Selection proposal and how it will benefit all Pennsylvanians.
We are happy to link to this new blog and will update you from time to time on the progress of this exciting new effort.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
One Million United
Everyone is invited to join in this unprecedented national effort by going to www.unitemccain.com. Simply add your name to the list and invte friends to join.
Fishy Fun

Friday, March 14, 2008
Color It Rouge

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Bravo Drexel Law!
Passive Aggressive
Obama won't say. He will imply, of course. But he won't say.
"I'll leave that to the Clinton campaign," Obama says. But then he adds that when people associated with his campaign have made objectionable comments, they were fired.
Ferraro says the whole thing was cooked up by Obama's guru David Axelrod and she's probably right. She notes that hers was an offhand comment first offered in an interview with an obscure publication. "They have people who troll the internet overnight for stuff like this and then they feed what they found to the broader media if they thing it will advance their cause," Ferraro says.
But surely Obama wouldn't know about any of that.
He's far too busy trying to Bring Us Together. And when stuff like this happens it's totally on the perpetrators. Get it?
There seems to be something disturbingly passive-aggressive about Barack Obama. I suspect it's a learned behavior; something that goes back a long way. And it's tiresome, and ultimately cowardly. There, I've said it.
As for Ferraro, she refuses to apologize because she feels she has nothing to apologize for. She compares Obama to herself in 1984 and freely acknowledges she would never have been nominated to run for the Vice Presidency had she been a man.
In fact, Ferraro likes Obama and suggested she was trying to pay him a compliment. But, as things turn out, that may be a very risky business these days.
Read ferraro's complete letter of resignation here.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
In case you missed it....while waiting in front of the White House for Big Mac to arrive President Bush decided to do a soft shoe. The President is relentlessly punctual. And that's something McCain should have known. But on this occasion "W" chose to be jovial about the whole thing. You can think whatever you wish about this incident but it seems to me that it's reassuring to have someone in the White House who has a sense of spontaneity and the willingness to have some fun and laugh at himself a bit. The President is a well-grounded guy who realizes that the world doesn't revolve around him. He was willing to wait to meet the man who he hopes will be his successor and it certainly seems that he won't hesitate to move on and turn the country over to McCain when the time comes. George W. Bush understands the difference between politics and life.
Opportunity Awaits

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It's a noun and it means "a malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others." It's pronounced SHOD-n-froy-duh. It comes from the German, from Schaden, "damage" + Freude, "joy." It is often capitalized, as it is in German.
The word is hot right now because of the Spitzer Scandal. It describes both Spitzer's feeling when he took on his Wall Street enemies and others with self-righteous indignation and also the feeling of Spitzer's enemies and others now as they watch Spizer's fall from grace.
Delighting in the misfortunes of others seems to be epidemic these days.
Schadenfreude. It's all schadenfreude, darlings.
On The Main Line

Monday, March 10, 2008
Radio Alert!
I will be on the Dom Giordano Show (1210 AM on the radio) tonight (Monday 3/10) during the 11:30 PM segment to talk about Charisma: what it is; what it isn't; who has it and who doesn't. I will follow my old friend Lynne Abraham on the program. Lynne will guest during the previous hour.
Please be sure to tune in! And thanks for your continued support and encouragement.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Inspiring Kickoff!
As an attorney, Wally practices construction litigation and construction law. His clients include general contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers, who have helped build many of the City’s landmarks.
Wally resides in South Philadelphia just off 9th Street in the heart of the Italian Market area with Bubba, his black Labrador retriever.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Great Resource

Let's face it: Lawyers (and many of the rest of us) need PR help. As incredible as this may seem, many good lawyers aren't very good communicators. And many aren't very good writers. When Gina moved from lawyering to PR I honestly wondered if any lawyer could pull this off. I was skeptical because I know how difficult (and specialized) PR can be. But in addition to her legal training Gina did have PR experience. And when she went into the PR business for herself she started with a real passion for the profession. Now, she's a savvy businesswoman, author, lecturer and a consummate pro. She's a high energy person who delivers for her clients.
So Gina has combined the training and good judgment of an attorney with the experience and creativity of a seasoned public relations professional. And she's produced a valuable guide loaded with practical and insightful tips for every lawyer. She's a treasured colleague.
And Everyday Public Relations For Lawyers is a wonderful guide to the nuts and bolts of PR.
Meet Paddy!

Catnip To Masses
It sort of rolls off the tongue like "abracadabra" or "Allakhazam."
It's "charisma." And it seems to be the word of the moment.
The Greek origins of the word charisma conjure up various meanings, including favor, divine gift, yearning and even grace, beauty and rejoicing.
What is it that makes a person charismatic? We say we know it when we see it - or when we've seen it, since charisma can be fleeting. So much of it is "of the moment." . . .
To read the rest of my column from today's Philadelphia Daily News click here.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Big Name Lineup
The Republican National Committee tomorrow will announce the appointment of three top John McCain loyalists to help coordinate the party's effort with McCain's campaign and to lead the joint voter contact program, according to GOP sources. Also involved in the effort will be Rudy Giuliani's former campaign manager. Frank Donatelli will serve as the new deputy chairman of the RNC and will serve as the chief liaison between the committee and the campaign. A veteran Republican strategist, Donatelli has worked on numerous GOP presidential campaigns and in the Reagan White House. He's currently a lobbyist at McGuire Woods but will take a leave to join the committee. His wife, Becki, works for McCain, handling his online presence. Leading the so-called Victory organization will be Carly Fiorina. The former CEO of Hewlett-Packard got behind McCain early on and has been a frequent surrogate. She also traveled with him in Michigan and helped carry his economic message there. The Victory effort serves as the party's primary voter contact organization and is aimed at helping Republicans from McCain on down the ballot. Fiorina will serve as chairwoman in a spokeswoman and public advocate capacity. Leading the fundraising effort for the Victory operation will be Lew Eisenberg, a former partner at Goldman Sachs and longtime Republican donor. Like Fiorina, Eisenberg got behind McCain early on. He was named one of McCain's first national finance co-chairmen in 2006. He'll serve as finance chairman for Victory. And helping the RNC and Victory effort will be former Giuliani campaign manager Mike DuHaime. He may not be rolled out tomorrow, but DuHaime will play a key role in working on the political side, advising on voter contact and GOTV strategy. Before running Giuliani's bid, DuHaime served as political director at the RNC.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
When Ironic IS Ironic
I almost never use it because I think it's dreadfully misused and overused.
But I do think it's ironic that the Democrat Party is now clearly split along lines of race, class, gender and age. Think about it: Liberal Dems enacted (and still enact) government policies, programs, mandates and incentives that attempt to apportion rights and privileges according to race, class, gender and age. And Democrat-backed activist judges are the first ones to legislate similar moves from the bench or uphold such divisive policies under the guise of fairness.
So now Democrats should not be surprised that their own party is split along these same lines. For generations they've been so busy labelling people and groups that this was the inevitable outcome. In the name of "equality" they Balkanized their own party and have nearly Balkanized the whole country. Among Democrats, women are voting for Clinton, men like Obama; younger people prefer Obama, older people like Clinton; lower income people lean to Clinton, upper income people like Obama and African-Americans are voting in huge numbers for Obama while whites seem to lean toward Clinton.
Now, all this leads me to ask: Is this the true fulfillment of the Democrat dream of equality? If so, it's one helluva mess.
Not The Girl Next Door

Better Without Him
Yes, Hillary is better without Bubba.
She looks better without him - more in command, more responsible, more independent.
She acts better without him. She seems more herself, more at ease, more poised, less edgy.
She sounds better without him - especially since she's not talking about him anymore and she no longer has to try to explain what he did or said.
When you finally come through the fire on your own, what you've learned and what you've achieved is all yours. Nobody can take it away from you.
The only question now is: Does Bubba really understand that Hillary is in a different place now? Does he realize what's happened? And will he finally shut up and get the hell out of the way?
Don't bet on it.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008
5,000 Here We Come!
We thank you again for contributing to our rapid growth and encourage you to return and bring your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers along with you.
You don't have to agree with us to enjoy the site. Simply stop by and cogitate on our musings.
Whether you agree or disagree, please feel free to comment. You can always comment anonymously and all comments are invited.
Now -- 5,000 here we come!
Clock Capers
It also means you have to reset all of those pesky digital clocks on various devices all over your house. And, you lose an hour of sleep. Hey, I love DST and wish we could have it all year round - which makes this ritual even more of a nuisance.
I have a solution for this twice-a-year time madness: On Saturday we should set the clocks ahead one-half-hour and leave them there. It's a permanent compromise. In the fall, leave the clocks where they are. Next spring, no change. That oughta do it, right?
Sunday, March 2, 2008
OH!bama Exclusive

Power Tables
This week the Journal looks at the chic Cafe Boulud in Manhattan where Barbara Walters, Mike Nichols, Dan Aykroyd and Bill Cosby are frequent guests. The most coveted tables at this pricey cafe owned by chef Daniel Boulud are along the windows: tables 10, 20, 30 and 40.
And guess who prefers (and is usally seated at) table 10, 20 or 30? Why it's Joisey Governor Jon Corzine, the same guy who professes to care so deeply about those who are just getting by economically. When he stops by Cafe Boulud this jovial man of the people enjoys Italian wines such as Brunello.
No domestic wines for this guy. And forget those de classe Joisey restaurants as well. For him, it's strictly the upper east side of Manhattan all the way.