Sunday, February 28, 2021

Murphy (And Others!) Are Totally Out-Of-Control!

Video: Entire Trump Speech At CPAC!

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Biden In Texas: 'What Am I Doing Here?'

This is truly painful. He can't even carry out the simplest, daily, essentail functions of his office. And this is WITH a teleprompter. America, what have you wrought? This is serious. And it's scary!

'Sweeping Aside The Judgement Of Parents' In NJ

It's About Time Someone Confronted Acosta

CNN's Jim Acosta gets an earful at CPAC and he has no answer -- none!

It Depends On Who's President, Doesn't It?

How big legacy media interprets things. H/T: 

Stop Murphy From 'Handcuffing' Law Enforcement!

 From our friends at Save Jersey, reprinted with permission:

The Assembly’s GOP minority leader says he’s drafting a bill which, if adopted, would restore the ability of New Jersey police to notify parents if their minor child is arrested for possessing or consuming pot or alcohol. 

“Handcuffing law enforcement from notifying parents if they find a child using drugs or alcohol is irresponsible and dangerous,” said Jon Bramnick (R-Union) on Wednesday. “Parents should know if their children break the law. Leaving parents out of the equation has nothing to do with social justice.”

It’s still technically unlawful for New Jersey kids to use or possess booze or weed, but the marijuana legalization “clean up” bill (A5342) signed into law by Governor Murphy on Monday bars law enforcement from notifying parents for a first encounter. The police can only issue a warning. Upon issuing a second warning, the police can finally notify the parents. There are no more criminal penalties attached to minor marijuana and alcohol use like fines or even community service.

One Full Year Of Murphy Emergency Madness!


VIDEO: Preparing For Second Trump Term NOW?


Hope For NJ's Business Climate? Find Out Tuesday!


 Join us Tuesday morning for a complimentary virtual event bringing together business and policy leaders for an interactive discussion on improving New Jersey's business climate 


John Boyd, Jr., is a Principal of The Boyd Company, a Princeton-based corporate site selection firm. He has worked on a wide range of site selection projects that have resulted in billions of dollars of capital investment and tens of thousands of new jobs in the U.S., Canada, and offshore. Mr. Boyd is a popular keynote speaker at conferences around the U.S. and Canada on corporate relocation, economic development, commercial real estate development and politics/legislation impacting corporate site selection. He has been a featured speaker and contributor at numerous forums and his expert perspectives are routinely featured in the global news media.

In 2019, Mr. Boyd was invited by Gov. Phil Murphy's Incentive Task Force to deliver expert testimony on the use of tax incentives to attract new industry.

Assemblyman John Burzichelli is the Chair of the General Assembly’s Appropriations Committee, Vice Chair of the Budget Committee and serves on the Joint Budget Committee. A lifelong resident of Paulsboro, he represents the 3rd legislative district, which includes Salem County and portions of Cumberland and Gloucester counties, since 2002. He has served as Deputy Speaker since 2006 and was the mayor of the Borough of Paulsboro from 1996-2011.

In addition to his public service, Assemblyman Burzichelli is the owner of Hill Studio & Scenic, a production company.

Joe Colangelo is the founder and CEO of Boxcar, a suburban super-app with offices in Cranford, Chatham, and Newark, New Jersey.

Mr. Colangelo was born and raised in Cranford, New Jersey. He attended UC Berkeley on a Naval ROTC scholarship, served four years in the Navy out of San Diego with tours in the Western Pacific, Arabian Gulf, and Afghanistan.

Jeremy Farrell, Esq. currently serves as Managing Director for Development and Community Relations at the LeFrak Organization. He previously served as Corporation Counsel for the City of Jersey City. Mr. Farrell currently serves on the Board of Trustees of the New Jersey State Bar Association.

Mr. Farrell is a graduate of McGill University with a B.A. in Political Science and International Development and the Seton Hall University School of Law.

Christina Renna is a native of Southern New Jersey and has served as the President & CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of Southern New Jersey since January 2020. A veteran of the Chamber, prior to being named President & CEO, Ms. Renna most recently served as the organization’s Senior Vice President and Vice President.

Previously she has served as the Chamber’s Director of Governmental Affairs, a position she departed in 2010 to join the administration of Gov. Chris Christie, where she served for nearly four years. As a member of the Christie Administration she held a number of positions including Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Director of Departmental Relations. 

Ms. Renna is a graduate of St. Joseph’s University with a B.A. in Political Science and an M.A. in Public Administration from Villanova University.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Hmmm . . .He Certainly DID Hit The Target!

The Day Rush Limbaugh Mentioned THIS Blog!

Yes, Rush Limbaugh took note of the Dan Cirucci Blog.
In fact, he even mentioned us by name. It was in the context of a story we ran about our esteemed friend, Governor Chris Christie. At the time Christie was busy reforming New Jersey's pension system for state employees. It was a Big Job -- the type of real action in the interests of the citizens of NJ that Christie routinely launched.
Well, shortly after Rush mentioned us, we had so many visitors that this blog actually crashed. And we LOVED every minute of it. We miss you Rush -- and always will!

Ya Gotta Get Up Pretty Early To Fool Me


No, He Doesn't Feel Oppressed; Here's Why . . .

Keep This In Mind While Shopping . . .


COVERUP: An Alarming State Of Cognitive Decline?

Which Ones Do You Identify With?


Thursday, February 25, 2021

DOCTOR Rand Paul Questions; Dr. Levine Evades!

Rand Paul questions Assistant Health Secretary nominee (and trans person) Dr. Rachel Levine. As you watch this (and as Levine refuses to answer Senator Paul) remember that Rand Paul is a physician and doctor of ophthalmology.

Needed: Your Info On Covid Nursing Home Mess


Ciattarelli To Murphy: Release Nursing Home Records Now!

New Jersey Republican gubernatorial frontrunner Jack Ciattarelli announced this morning that he was filing multiple Open Public Records Act (OPRA) requests demanding that Governor Phil Murphy and Commissioner of Health Judith Persichilli release for public review all records of their internal communications related to Murphy’s March 31, 2020 directive that resulted in the deaths of thousands of seniors and veterans at New Jersey nursing homes and long term care centers, plus any and all communications between Governor Murphy and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and their respective administrations and staffs.

“Governor Murphy has touted  his ‘partnership’ and ‘teamwork’ with Governor Cuomo and proclaimed that they were  ‘synchronizing plans’ throughout the pandemic.  Given what we now know about Governor Cuomo’s reprehensible and potentially illegal conduct, it’s critical that New Jerseyans – especially the loved ones of those who died in our nursing homes – know each and every detail about the conversations and communications between the two Governors and their Administrations related to this growing scandal,” said Ciattarelli.

Ciattarelli harshly criticized NJ Attorney Grewal for failing to investigate Murphy with the same vigor that NY Attorney General Letitia James is investigating Cuomo; and said his decision to file today’s public records requests was due to Grewal’s failure to do his job at Attorney General. 

“Instead of living up to his constitutional responsibilities as the chief law enforcement officer and chief legal officer in New Jersey, Attorney General Grewal is acting like a partisan political operative whose primary focus is protecting his boss in an election year,” said Ciattarelli, the presumptive GOP nominee.  “The people of New Jersey deserve better, especially the thousands of seniors who died as a direct result of Governor Murphy’s ill-fated directive and the suffering families they left behind.”

Ciattarelli predicted Murphy and his Administration would do everything in their power to conceal their communications surrounding the nursing home deaths scandal.

“By repeatedly extending the state of emergency and using executive orders to govern by fiat, Phil Murphy has arrogantly exploited a constitutional imbalance to exert far too much authority over the lives of everyday New Jerseyans. To him, we are on a purely need-to-know basis,” said Ciattarelli. 

He continued: “Governor Murphy’s arrogance is offensive, but more importantly, it’s an insult to the innocent seniors and veterans who suffered and died, and the families who are grieving them. It’s time someone held him accountable.”

Read the OPRA requests HERE .

She Was Always One Of Our Favorites . . .

Here's a cartoon character who hasn't been seen in quite some time. She was always a favorite of ours. And we're delighted to share this vintage (and very clever) piece with you. Enjoy!

Poll: Most Say Biden Worse Than Trump On China

A week after President Joe Biden stirred controversy by saying China has “different norms” toward human rights, half of voters view Biden’s China policy as worse than former President Trump’s.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters say Biden’s policy toward China is worse than Trump’s China policy. Thirty-one percent (31%) say Biden’s China policy is better than Trump’s, while 11% rate China policy about the same between the two administrations. (To see survey question wording, click here.) 

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it’s in the news, it’s in Rasmussen polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on February 22-23, 2021 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

A Great American Brand Bows To PC Nonsense

The Coca-Cola Company is reportedly training employees in a racial sensitivity program that urges Caucasian workers to "be less white."


Dems Elevate 'Jew-hating Israel-basher'

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein, ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq., ZOA Director of Government Relations Dan Pollak and ZOA Director of Special Projects Elizabeth Berney, Esq. released the following statement:

The ZOA strongly condemns the frightening selection of notorious Israel-hater Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) to be the Chair for of the House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Defense. This appointment places a rabid Jew-hating Israel-basher in a position to severely damage vital U.S. and Israeli security.

Throughout her entire congressional career, McCollum has been one of the most vicious opponents and haters of Israel imaginable; a prime sponsor of anti-Israel legislation; and a basher and boycotter of pro-Israel American organizations. For instance:

  • McCollum repeatedly sponsored the diabolical, Orwellian-named “Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act,” in multiple years. Fortunately, McCollum’s bill has never even come close to being passed. McCollum’s bill libels and seeks to financially penalize Israel for arresting brutal Arab teenagers who are terrorist-murderers of innocent Jews – such as the 17-year-old Arab terrorist who broke into the home of an American-Israeli Jewish family and deliberately, brutally stabbed to death a sweet young innocent 13-year-old Jewish-American-Israeli girl who was sleeping in her bed, Hallel Yaffa Ariel.

Every civilized country in the world arrests and incarcerates such violent offenders. Israel moreover has special rules in place to protect children in its legal system. (See ZOA: J St Funded Cong. McCollum Should Withdraw Bill Penalizing Israel for Questioning/Arresting Young Palestinian Terrorists,” Nov. 28, 2017.)  

Moreover, when Hamas and Fatah give young children (such as 8-year-olds) knives and tell the children to go stab Israelis, Israeli soldiers simply takes the knives away, give the children water, and return the children to their parents (at significant risk to the Israeli soldiers). (See “WATCH: Israeli Soldiers Safely Return 8-YEAR-OLD Palestinian Boys Sent Across Border With Knives,” CUFI,Apr 5, 2019.) 

  • In a display of extraordinary insensitivity and hatred to Jews, McCollum introduced her 2019-2020 version of the foregoing defamatory bill, on Holocaust Remembrance Day. The “Squad” of antisemites Ilhan Omar (D-MN), AOC (D-NY), Hank Johnson (D-GA), Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) signed on as co-sponsors to McCollum’s bill.

McCollum also repeats her false defamation about Israel’s arrests of terrorists at Amnesty International events, the House floor, and at other events.
McCollum is a major promoter of the antisemitic anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) – and has been nicknamed “BDS Betty.” In October 2018, McCollum received a “leadership award” from the main BDS group in the United States – the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), at their annual conference. During her acceptance speech, McCollum falsely accused Israel of “apartheid.” (“U.S. Representative Accuses Israel of ‘Apartheid’,” Jerusalem Post, Oct. 15, 2018.)

The USCPR oversees and coordinates hundreds of BDS organizations and reportedly fiscally sponsors and funnels tax-exempt donations to the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), which is tied to terror organizations Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). (“American BDS Umbrella Organization has Financial Ties to Terror Groups — Report,” Times of Israel, June 2, 2018.)

  • McCollum also boycotts AIPAC, and demonized an AIPAC member in her community (who politely objected to one of McCollum’s anti-Israel legislative actions as “vile” and “hateful”). (See “Minnesota Legislator Boycotts AIPAC,” Jerusalem Post, May 20, 2006.)

Rep. McCollum’s appointment as Chair of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee places her in a position to do enormous damage to Israel, U.S. foreign policy, and vital Israeli-U.S. cooperation on developing defense systems that benefit both countries. Every military spending measure must be approved by her committee before being passed by the House. McCollum will no doubt block and/or insert onerous requirements for Israel to ‘prove’ herself to be innocent of spurious charges, in order to thwart aid to, and military cooperation, with Israel. McCollum’s new position is thus a major threat to U.S. and Israeli security. Congress needs to remove McCollum from this position.

The selection of McCollum to chair the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee is the second shocking example this month of the House Democratic Caucus elevating radical anti-Israel lawmakers to key positions. Earlier this month, antisemite and BDS-promoter Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was promoted to be Vice Chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights. (See ZOA Opposes and Urges Retraction of Appt. of Israel-Hater, Antisemite Ilhan Omar to “Human Rights” Leadership Post,” Feb. 12, 2021.)

Radical left wing and Islamist Jew-hatred is being rewarded and enabled in Congress, instead of censured. (See “ZOA & Rabbis: Ilhan Omar’s Promotion Shows ‘Antisemitism Now Accepted in Congress’,” Breitbart, Feb. 22, 2021.)

McCollum’s (and Omar’s) irrational bigoted hatred of and actions against America’s greatest and most reliable ally must have consequences. ZOA urges every Democratic politician, and others as well, to condemn Rep. McCollum and her appointment. ZOA urges all organizations of good will who care about the common defense of the U.S. and Israel to join with ZOA in speaking out about this frightening and dangerous appointment.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Can New Jersey Be Fixed? If So, How?

The plethora of problems facing New Jersey would lead any sensible person to conclude that the state is broken -- terribly broken. 

Is the situation as hopeless as it seems? 

Is it too late? 

Or can we launch initiatives -- real, practical, common sense programs and strategies -- that will turn the state around? I joined Save Jersey's Matt Rooney and More Monmouth Musing's Art Gallagher to talk with someone who can answer these questions, Garden State Initiative's Regina Egea, former Chief of Staff in the Governor's office and an accomplished business executive and former pubic official. 

A very eye-opening discussion surrounding the future of a state we care deeply about.

Murphy Rejects Fixing NJ Unemployment System

New Jersey State Senator Anthony M. Bucco expressed shock at Governor Phil Murphy’s suggestion at his press briefing today that investing funds to fix the State’s broken unemployment system would be “throwing good money after bad.”

Sen. Tony Bucco expressed shock at Gov. Phil Murphy’s suggestion at his press briefing today that investing funds to fix the State’s broken unemployment system would be ‘throwing good money after bad.’ (Pixabay)

The governor then suggested that he believed New Jersey should wait for the federal government to rebuild the unemployment system on their end, saying, “I don’t want to waste money in the meantime.”

“It defies belief that Governor Murphy would say it’s a ‘waste’ of money to fix our unemployment system for those who need quick access to the benefits they earned to survive,” said Bucco (R-25). “It’s shocking that the governor is willing to sit back and wait while people are suffering when there’s no indication that federal action is on the horizon.”

Governor Murphy proposed appropriating just $7.75 million in his FY 2022 budget for unemployment system fixes. According to published reports, the New Jersey Department of Labor believes it needs $200 million for a full upgrade of the system.

“Governor Murphy has a multi-billion dollar surplus already banked and is likely to get another $6 billion in federal aid in the coming weeks,” added Bucco. “He’s proposing to increase spending by nearly 10%, but investing in unemployment system upgrades is where he suddenly draws the line. It’s an insult to every New Jerseyan.”

Bucco discussed the importance of funding a modernization of the unemployment computer system in an editorialpublished on Saturday.

The Lessons Of Moose - Inimitable To The End!

Having never owned a dog, it's hard for me to know exactly what the loss of a treasured pet must feel like.
I say this because our beloved granddog, Moose, has passed away just shy of 12 years-old.
Moose was an invaluable and devoted companion to Adam Cirucci. He came along at an important time in Adam's life and became Adam's best friend -- a pet who saw Adam through new chapters in his life during a very productive dozen years.
Irrepressible and high-spirited, Moose exuded personality and refused to become laconic or indifferent even as he grew older and assumed the role of the family dog. He lived his energetic life on his own terms and we all loved him for it. 
If Moose was in the room he made sure you knew he was around. He rarely sat still or remained quiet and he defied all efforts to rein him in. Even as he aged, he refused to live a "settled" life. 
He must have known that the end was near as he chose to leave us suddenly of heart failure. To the end, he would not linger: he would not struggle; he would not be a burden The long, slow fade was not for him.
This is the lesson he leaves us: be who you are: stay active: keep moving: raise hell if you must and retain, always, that untamed part of yourself that affirms life and brings joy to others. 
Au revoir, Moose. You did it your way!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tiger Woods Accident Scene: Dramatic Footage!

VIDEO: Trump On Tiger Woods: 'He Will Be Back!'

Listen To Dispatch Audio From Tiger Woods Crash!

Tiger Woods In Serious LA Car Crash; Multiple Injuries!

Tiger Woods' vehicle sustained major damage in a serious auto accident this morning in the Los Angeles neighborhood near Rolling Hills Estates and Rancho Palos Verdes.

Woods was reportedly the only passenger in the vehicle at the time of the crash. 

The cause of the accident is not known. Police are investigating. Woods reportedly had to be removed from the car by the "jaws of life" mechanism. 

Woods' agent Mark Steinberg released a statement following the crash.

"Tiger Woods was in a single-car accident this morning in California where he suffered multiple leg injuries. He is currently in surgery and we thank you for your privacy and support," Steinberg said.

NJ Prisoners Prioritized Over Cancer Patients!

New jersey State Senator Kristin Corrado says Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center sites in New Jersey have not received COVID-19 vaccines from the Department of Health and have been unable to vaccinate patients.

Sen. Corrado says Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center sites in New Jersey have not received COVID-19 vaccines from the Department of Health and have been unable to vaccinate patients. (

“The Murphy Administration’s abysmal COVID-19 vaccine rollout is now putting prisoners ahead of cancer patients,” said Corrado (R-40). “First, in December, the administration missed a federal deadline that delayed the beginning of vaccinations in our nursing homes. Then, in January, we learned that the vaccine was being offered to all New Jersey state prisoners ahead of long-term care residents. And now, in February, we are finding out that many cancer patients have been unable to receive the vaccine, particularly at Memorial Sloan Kettering—the most prominent cancer treatment center in the United States.”

Corrado’s office has heard from numerous constituents who worry that their loved ones undergoing treatment for cancer are being left behind in the State’s vaccination rollout.

Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) operates three cancer centers in the Garden State, including sites in Basking Ridge, Montvale, and Middletown. According to a statement from MSK, patients who reside in New Jersey, and receive care at an MSK facility in New Jersey, are not eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine due to a lack of supply.

MSK has requested vaccine supply from the New Jersey Department of Health, but to date, the request has not yet been granted.

While cancer patients wait for the Department of Health’s response, the Murphy Administration continues to distribute the vaccine to all state prisons, and as of mid-February, more than 1,750 New Jersey state prison staffers and 1,630 inmates received the vaccine.

“Everyone in New Jersey should have the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine—including prisoners. There are older inmates, and those with severe preexisting health conditions, that really do need to be vaccinated. However, no individual who is perfectly healthy should be prioritized over a person with cancer,” added Corrado. “It is truly outrageous that Memorial Sloan Kettering is being prevented from distributing the vaccine while, at the same time, state prisons are given thousands of doses with no questions asked. I am calling on the Murphy Administration to end this injustice by putting cancer patients first.”

Ciattarelli: Murphy's Budget An Insult!

MBA/CPA, small business man, and presumptive Republican nominee for Governor, Jack Ciattarelli today issued the following statement in response to New Jersey Governor Murphy's annual Budget Address: 

"The Governor says he wants to 'get our economy moving forward.' One out of three new Jersey businesses have closed forever. Our schools aren’t open, preventing parents from getting back to work. You can’t get vaccinated, unless you’re an inmate or a smoker. Unemployment benefits are painfully delayed for months. 

And yet, Governor Murphy casts himself as the state's savior today. 

It’s an insult.
An insult to working families fighting to keep their business afloat. An insult to the parents watching their children suffer through another lost school year. An insult to the millions of New Jerseyans struggling to pay their bills and hold onto their jobs. Governor Murphy isn't going to save New Jersey. What will save New Jersey is a new Governor come January 2022."

Monday, February 22, 2021

Hey, Have You Gotten Your Biden Cap Yet?

OMG! He Can't Even Manage A Simple Tribute!

Jow Biden trying to pay tribute to the half million who've died of COVID -- one out of every five on his watch, already. And he completely BOTCHES it!

Trump: 'I Will Fight On; We Will Win!'

Statement on the Continuing Political Persecution 

of President Donald J. Trump 

This investigation is a continuation of the greatest political Witch Hunt in the history of our Country, whether it was the never ending $32 million Mueller hoax, which already investigated everything that could possibly be investigated, “Russia Russia Russia,” where there was a finding of “No Collusion,” or two ridiculous “Crazy Nancy” inspired impeachment attempts where I was found NOT GUILTY. It just never ends!


So now, for more than two years, New York City has been looking at almost every transaction I’ve ever done, including seeking tax returns which were done by among the biggest and most prestigious law and accounting firms in the U.S. The Tea Party was treated far better by the IRS than Donald Trump. The Supreme Court never should have let this “fishing expedition” happen, but they did. This is something which has never happened to a President before, it is all Democrat-inspired in a totally Democrat location, New York City and State, completely controlled and dominated by a heavily reported enemy of mine, Governor Andrew Cuomo. These are attacks by Democrats willing to do anything to stop the almost 75 million people (the most votes, by far, ever gotten by a sitting president) who voted for me in the election—an election which many people, and experts, feel that I won. I agree!


The new phenomenon of “headhunting” prosecutors and AGs—who try to take down their political opponents using the law as a weapon—is a threat to the very foundation of our liberty. That’s what is done in third world countries. Even worse are those who run for prosecutorial or attorney general offices in far-left states and jurisdictions pledging to take out a political opponent. That’s fascism, not justice—and that is exactly what they are trying to do with respect to me, except that the people of our Country won’t stand for it. 


In the meantime, murders and violent crime are up in New York City by record numbers, and nothing is done about it. Our elected officials don’t care. All they focus on is the persecution of President Donald J. Trump. 


I will fight on, just as I have, for the last five years (even before I was successfully elected), despite all of the election crimes that were committed against me. We will win!

Opposition To Tanden Nomination Grows

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement:

The ZOA strongly opposes confirmation of nominee Neera Tanden for Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The OMB prepares budget proposals and evaluates the effectiveness of executive agency programs. This agency should not be led by someone with the sorts of biases and absurd judgement that Ms. Tanden has displayed as president and CEO of the radical “Center for American Progress” (CAP). For instance:

Tanden’s Absurd Anti-Israel Golan Heights Statement: Ms. Tanden displayed her bias and ignorance about the Middle East by condemning President Trump’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty over a portion of the Golan Heights. Tanden falsely and absurdly claimed that President Trump’s recognition of Israel’s longstanding sovereignty was a “blatant political move” that “could actually destabilize the region, isolate the United States, and diminish the chances of Arab-Israeli peace even further.”

In fact, in light of Syria’s bloody internal warfare, Iran’s and Iranian terror proxy Hezbollah’s growing presence in Syria, the history of Syria using the Golan Heights to attack and invade Israel, and Iran’s recent missile attacks from Syrian territory into Israel, President Trump’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty actually stabilizes and strengthens the entire region against terror and warfare. Trump’s decision also stabilized the lives of the tens of thousands of Jewish and Druze Israeli citizens living in the Golan. Trump’s decision was also just and reflected the long Jewish history in the Golan that dates back to Biblical times. The remains of dozens of synagogues through 800 C.E. have been found in the Golan. Jewish farmers had farms in the Golan in the 1800s. Moreover, the Golan was part of the original legal Mandate for establishing the Jewish nation. (Read Morton Klein’s Written Congressional Testimony on the Recognition of Israeli Sovereignty Over the Golan Heights,” July 17, 2018.)

Tanden’s Golan statement also bizarrely claimed that President Trump’s stabilizing, pro-Israel move somehow “weaponized” antisemitism. It is a nonsensical reversal of the truth to claim that pro-Israel moves have anything to do with antisemitism.

CAP’s Condemnation of the Killing of Leading IRGC Terrorist: The CAP organization led by Ms. Tanden issued an absurd statement condemning the killing of Iranian terrorism leader Qasem Soleimani, the head of designated foreign terror organization Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). CAP falsely claimed that killing Soleimani harmed U.S. ally Iraq. In fact, Soleimani was responsible for orchestrating numerous terror attacks in Iraq, Israel, and the United States, including killing over 600 American soldiers in Iraq and Lebanon, helping to plan and facilitate 9/11, and planning a (thwarted) bombing at a Georgetown, Washington, D.C. restaurant. Soleimani was planning another major attack at the time he was killed. Experts noted that killing Soleimani saved numerous American lives. (See, e.g. JNS: Trump Deserves Praise for Protecting Americans and Israelis by Killing Terror Leader,” by Morton Klein and Elizabeth Berney, Jan. 9, 2020; “Trump ‘Saved American Lives’ by Ordering Killing of Iranian General Soleimani, Expert Says,” by Charles Creitz, Fox News, Jan. 2, 2020.)

Tanden’s Interview of Israeli PM Netanyahu: Tanden again displayed her biases and ignorance during her 2015 interview of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a 2015 CAP event. Tanden’s questions repeatedly contained embedded anti-Israel falsehoods, including falsehoods about “settlements” and “settlers” (Jewish communities and Jewish citizens). PM Netanyahu had to spend his response time politely and diplomatically correcting Tanden’s false premises. (“A Conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,” Nov. 10, 2015, video)

Ms. Tanden’s 1,000 Deleted Tweets: Unfortunately, ZOA is unable to examine Ms. Tanden’s 1,000-plus, reportedly partisan insulting tweets that Ms. Tanden recently deleted. Ms. Tanden’s lack of transparency leaves us wondering what else Ms. Tanden may have tweeted.

It is gratifying to see that there is bipartisan disapproval of Ms. Tanden’s nomination, including the announced decisions by Senators Joe Manchin, Susan Collins, and Mitt Romney, to vote against Ms. Tanden’s confirmation. Senator Susan Collins noted today: “Neera Tanden has neither the experience nor the temperament to lead this critical agency.”

Note: Democrat Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has announced his opposition to the Tanden nomination and independent-minded Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine today announced her opposition, along with other GOP senators. Tanden would now need at least one GOP senate vote to be confirmed and that now seems unlikely.