If you haven't yet purchased The Soprano State rush out and get this NYT bestseller which details the true story of corruption that has pervaded New Jersey's politics, government and business for the past 30 years. Everything in the book is [sadly] true but it reads like fiction. The Associated Press called it a "page turner" and noted: "You start out laughing and end up pounding he table for reform."
Well, as you may have noticed we are among those pounding the table for reform. And we couldn't think of finer people than Bob and Sandy to lead the way - and more inventive rascals than The Jersey Boys to share the journey. If Jersey is to have any chance at all to climb out of this mess, we need more people like these folks.
After we dined on Irish stew and shepherd's pie at the Irish Pub we relaxed and enjoyed the balmy weather in Rittenhouse Square for awhile before heading over to Marathon-On-The-Square for dessert. There we walked into Philadelphia Museum of Art Director and CEO Anne d'Harnoncourt (looking regal as usual) and her husband, senior museum curator Joe Rishel. You can listen to my podcast interview with Anne d"Harnoncourt by clicking here.
We told the folks at Marathon how much we were longing for waffles and ice cream and even though it wasn't on the menu they quickly obliged with a heavenly version that sent us home ready for sweet dreams.
It was a truly wonderful evening!
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