Ask Luke and Nina.
Luke and Nina help to coordinate visual merchan-
dising for Hugo Boss. And that means they keep a steadfast eye on the look, the sound and the feel of every Hugo Bass store from the outward appearance of the store to the sound environment inside, the placement of the clothes, the colors, the lighting and everything else that you see and/or hear. We chatted with Luke and Nina and they told us that it all comes under visual merchandising. Nothing is left to chance and everything is geared toward eye appeal.
Last night the visual merchandising at the Hugo Bass store in the mammoth King of Prussia Mall included Phillies star pitcher Cole Hamels (pictured) and beautifully prepared treats from the Mall's California Cafe. It was a lovely evening that also featured wine selections and drinks prepared with Bluecoat gin.
A word about Cole: he is one of the most articulate, polished, and gracious athletes I've ever met. This San Diego native is not just The Pitcher From Central Casting, he's also an appealing ambassador for his team and for major league baseball. I watched him interact with some of the youngsters who came out to see him last night and he was attentively kind and natural.
A winning night for Hugo Boss and (we hope) a winning season for our Fightin Phils!
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