Special thanks to Aimee Cirucci for helping to put the event together and to Julie Duffy, Mary Barczak the incredible Palm staff and the Palm's amazing Arleen Weitz for making it happen.
Carole's Very Special Birthday was a Very Special Event!
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What is the story behind this Waldo Lydecker’s Journal nutcase at www.waldolydeckersjournal.blogspot.com?
I’ve been reading his blog for months, and he’s a veritable catalog of personality disorders. For a long time, I thought his blog was some kind of a joke, portraying the fictional life of a true loser, but I do not think that anymore. I think he’s a real person.
He hates his mother, he hated his father, he lost all his friends, he’s unemployed, he stopped working as a lawyer, his life is in the toilet, his male lover dumped him by email, and he spends his whole life blogging, posting news stories from the Drudge Report on his blog all day from South Carolina and complaining about this and that, mostly the failure of the rest of mankind to think exactly as he does. I’m not surprised everyone abandoned him.
His hobby horse is gay marriage, and anyone who is not in favor of it is living in the dark ages according to his warped view of the world.
The guy’s in his mid-fifties, and he believes there is something wrong with everyone else on the planet but him. He hasn’t figured out that yet that the problem is not the rest of the planet—the problem is him.
He is full of hatred for everything and everyone. I have never seen anyone so filled with hatred. He’s a cauldron of hate.
You must know him, because he described you on his blog this morning as a former good friend who became an “unreflective hack”. He does this sort of thing to people all the time.
What’s the story with this psychotic? I’m dying to know.
He’s a mental case.
Or was my initial reaction to his blog correct: it is the fictional account of an imaginary loser.
Amy: Thanks for tipping me off to this. I've seen Waldo's blog and I'm quite sure that he IS a real person and I may actually know who he is.
If he is who I think he is, he is someone who I knew only as a professional acquaitance, a very long time ago.
His blog reflects his own unique style. And I'm almost always flattered when others link to my blog, for whatever reason.
Thank you for your response, Mr. Cirucci.
I don’t know if it’s comforting or frightening to know that there are real persons like him out there.
At bottom, it is sad, most of all.
What kind of life must he lead, spending his whole day blogging?
He claims to have had visitors last weekend. If so, he left them to their own devices, because he continued to blog all day. There were 21 entries on Sunday alone.
I suspect he is an alcoholic. By nighttime, all sorts of spelling and typographical errors appear in his posts.
He is bizarre.
The saddest part is he thinks he is super-intelligent, but he’s not. He has above-average intelligence, but nothing more than that. But he thinks he’s at the top of the intelligence chain, yet another reflection how out of touch he is with reality.
I hope he sees a psychiatrist.
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